Prayers For the Plans & Purposes of God In Your Life | Dag Heward-Mills

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[Music] [Music] let us pray what Jesus pray Lord we're gonna ask you great and mighty things and the great and mighty thing that we want you to do we want to ask you is that your will let your will be done let all enemies of our lives Jesus discover that God is greater than anybody at anything yes no matter how long be around and what they do let the will of God bethe lift your hands and : God well put your hands together for Jesus everyone [Music] Jeremiah 33 amen verse 3 call unto me callin to me and I will answer thee amen do you believe that and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not amen now turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 do you believe that God can show you great and mighty things amen how be at space Corinthians chapter 2 best eighteen which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual things amen and best 14 is the verse we are looking for and it says the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God the natural man for they are foolishness unto Him amen neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so the natural man cannot receive lot of things not the evil man not the evil man the natural man any with me all right so what am I trying to say I'm saying that when it comes to God answering our prayers you must not be natural you must not think in a natural way otherwise you not you don't even received a promise the promise that is coming is too fantastic like Jeremiah 33 and verse 3 : to me our answer you and show you great and mighty things what can you show us in our ordinary lives you get what I'm saying and you to reject supernatural things and please take note supernatural that is above natural or beyond natural so when you come to the house of God and whenever you approach the Lord in prayer you must put away your natural mind and trust in the Lord so that you can relate with the things that are in the Bible the things of prayer are with me because prayer is to draw in a supernatural element into your life amen and whenever you mix Devils Devils in human beings the most difficult to deal with when they possess a person to a large degree why is that because everybody has a right to live including the demon-possessed person he's been given a period of time to be around so you see some people killing so many people in their prayers let this one die let this one end tomorrow this one should be gone this one shall be gone in six months we must see the funeral yes there are a lot of soulish prayers which come from our desperation when we are desperate dealing with devils opposition resistance conflict fighting what did Jesus do when he met unchangeable things how many applies on things that if you want to be very honest you say that it will not change in my lifetime in your lifetime I'm gonna have made some things like that yeah a lot of things one of the examples of an unchangeable thing which Jesus met was Judas because if you read the book of John you see that Jesus really spoke to him and told him he was advising him turn to what you are doing it should be better if you are not born he said one day I read that passage our surprise jesus said all that during the Last Supper I don't even say anything to him but he said so much it was serious advice but almost every sin and evil has a bit of stubbornness it's like almost every house has a wall in Ghana the wall is to defend the house yes so almost every evil has an element of stubbornness in it to defend the evil so almost stubborn spirit is born of the human spirit because it's an associate to most spirits I with me yeah I fear [Music] I've been coming for the prayer meetings we are in a season of Prayer intensive France yeah if you want a 21-day fasting you have to go to another church we are not doing 21 days here we are doing ceasing yes Basia higher what was I telling you about stubbornness is the water almost every house has a wall this is to defend the thing now there are many things which will not change because I don't know stubbornness if you take the nuclear war when the war ended in July they had a meeting Hitler died on the 30th of April 1945 no I was able to kill him no one was able to kill him so he killed himself stubborn very stubborn he we didn't move he died just a few days after his birthday and on his birthday he came out of the bunker to congratulate children who were fighting stubbornness is Raoul like he could have surrendered longer by him he made them fight all the way from France the border of France see all the way up to Berlin and not just Berlin to where he was you know go forty two attempts on his life none of them succeeded himself decided I'm going stubbornness and when he knew the troops where you get it you know it's like coming from Nigeria to Ghana so that's how France and Germany they are there they share a border so it's the you come from they see they come to France then you come in so came to the border and they were coming coming coming coming and the Russians to a coming from the east oh the way through Poland all the neighbors and then they were oh they came and met at the same time he will never surrender they advise him to surrender and we said no surrender he said Germany deserves to be destroyed because we have been defeated yeah he will deserve it every people and after he died they still did not surrender seven days later before they agreed we lost which is was there was a reason for that they were trying to move they were afraid of the Russians the Russians were more wicked to them so they a lot a lot of the German to come to the British side about two million of them crossed yeah so that they'd rather be captured by the British than to be captured by the Russians or the Russians were Wow yeah they were very what Russians their world America live here like a fierce Russia I'm talking about stubbornness then in August's business me then July they mix all the powers mix Stalin Roosevelt and Churchill they all met and agreed how to share the rest Germany and how what to do Japan they say no the plan was part of the war we are not surrendered at all we are going to continue fighting so in August's they are developed a trombone autonomous away from this chair to just hear a small bomb like this yeah they put in the train the height of this chair and about five chairs yeah yeah there's a small one they took and they they went and they drop it on Hiroshima Hiroshima was a town which they bombed everywhere in Japan except Mishima because they wanted to see the effect of the bomb in a place so they vomit everywhere and left only Hiroshima as an experiment yes to see the effects of the bomb never use it before and when they when they dropped it early in the morning they sent a first plane which was a weather plane to see that the weather is cookie so when they saw the weather plane the Sonata Lam everybody went to hide and when the plane went because it's also by the atomic bomb one was now coming and they were three of them only one was carried about one was taking pictures one was just photographs to watch the whole thing and when they dropped it in 45 seconds from the time they trouble it's a spotter before I hit the ground started to explode yeah every 44 miles was wiped out and they thought that Japan it was the wind and the lights it forms a very bright light like the Sun first the light comes first then the wind and then the fire everybody's people you disappeared [Music] Japan said we will never give up is it every evil is associated with they wipe out the whole city everybody disappeared people escaped though one person was working in the bank and the bank was made of concrete of him for security so she was in the bank and she survived few people stubbornness is associated with almost every evil so most of the things we are dealing with that we don't like have stubborn nest a bonus element in it true or not true if not a setter but if not notice it in yourself in others it's painful to see it in others in it one husband's daughter you are just like your mother Jenny stop on I thought I was gonna say something nice as well just like your mother stop Oh Macey you know why I give their examples I get because I'm not afraid of you yeah oh that's my my my my message it's my message yeah no stop honest huh it's something you are dealing with and you may want somebody to die but the person has also been given time to steal it or you don't get what I'm saying yeah so pray for people to die it's not so wise mm-hmm when you have a problem of a demon in a person so what did Jesus do to deal with Judas and the spirit of stubborn either he will not listen how can you tell somebody is better than you were not born and you are still persisting in that thing [Music] what did Jesus do he prayed his master prayer to deal with the devil that is the prayer that employs demons to work for you yes that prayer is called the will be done [Music] for you without him when they wanted to kill him he look Mach 6 when he went to preach it is some time Jesus suffered attempted murder many times so dying the unless somebody some other way so what you want you just came to you kiss them is it you think that took a sword this man is an agent is working for me yeah I came to die so things are pointing work for Dobell including those demonic powers does seem to be very stubborn and not yielding that is why I believe that train that I will be done I will be done very important yeah all your enemies will become your workers yes they are they will be involuntary helpers yes our office was bought my office I was so proud of my office you know my office was a former a practice room do you know operator when you go to watch a film the one who is operate the owners operator a wonder thing goes off it doesn't the film in the cinema update we just made a little office but one of my president I will be done so the people who came to break the walls in the church the helicopter which came to fly over the church the soldiers who came down on Thursday morning the bulldozers which came with soldiers to come and break down that wall of the church which was made of concrete they were all aid they are being employed by God you believe I lovely so those of you being crying over things I need you to join Jesus in his special prayer thy will be done thy will be done both Judas and Peter will help you Peter wasn't well he doesn't know Jesus it's not my friend is it resist of my friend [Music] [Music] I'm in my life all the people I know have you met all the people I don't know him stupid damn you he was not an agent an agent made me write a book you just made me famous yes yesterday I was invited to Venezuela yeah for what my agents were have helped me the points are all my points are real one day somebody was reading books Etta the book was I don't want this book to finish my post finishing with the end yes madam I was preaching and I was a bishop from America is a famous singer she sang a song wasn't easy yes a song every time so my agent your enemies will become your agents today do you believe that the prophecy so let's turn away our train let us pray what Jesus pray Lord we're gonna ask you great and mighty things and a great and mighty thing that we want you to we want to ask you is that your will let your will be done let all enemies of our lives Jesus discover that God is greater than anybody at anything yes no matter how long be around and what they do let the will of God be done lift your hands and Colin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba let alone he was shot Zakarian AHA seems he Ibaka Borya ah yes Lord yes logic yes let us Lord we go we fall on you know say you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] aha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] III put it up on the screen Jeremiah 33 ms3 come up to me I will answer thee and I will show thee great and mighty things how many believe that the will of God is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mama nice [Music] although we give you thanks and we give you praise in the mighty name of Jesus amen you may be seated Jeremiah 29 Jeremiah 29 beautiful now how many of us Gouda Archer doesn't have any order of service yeah if you want a church with order of service you need to go somewhere else hallelujah Jeremiah 29 now notice beautiful this for thus saith the Lord of hosts and to all that carried away as captives this is what God is saying to all those who are carried away as captives whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem to Babylon amen now I want you I want you to know as we are in this prayer time and season and in this term intensity in the service that God has and will can I say can everyone say a will like something he wants amen something he wants you to do okay do you believe it and I want you to know it in your heart and believe it now God has something that he wants you to do all the time and you said something in what I am NOT a pasta I'm not talking about pastas please I'm talking about humans who are trying to serve God are you a human trying to serve God okay God has something he wants you to do and I think that there is no greater subject than for you to find the will of God for the ones you can find out sometimes you can't know his will and sometimes he just guides you through different means apart from speaking to you so God can speak to you but apart from speaking to you he can guide you without telling saying anything in particular all right yeah lost when Jesus prayed I will be here any thing he just woke up and knew that God had had his prayer and then after that everybody started to flow with the will of God well just palette we didn't listen to his wife not the spite of the dream she told and how nice she had been to him in the morning yes all right so Jeremiah 29 in verse 4 says thus says the Lord to everybody who is carried away captive now in a sense there are things that have captured us we are not so happy with them okay so in our difficulty okay then there is the will of God for you and that will is what I don't want us to lose and be lost on beautiful now look at the will of God verse 5 continue build the houses build the houses and dwell in them Hey you are expecting something a prayer or whatever build houses yes build houses and God has something to say about everything you know one day I was talking to someone trying to counsel the person answer question the person is personal it's personal so you gotta be careful there's nothing personal when it comes to God everything is plane even Devils are watching you sometimes when you are in the house they must watch TV when you are having sex it's in first Corinthians chapter 7 did you know it's a first Corinthians 7 no these are my passions I don't know what I should go into I won't go into it okay that's great yes mm that's fine did not one another talking about sex during fasting before you know when I assert it be with consent for a time that you give yourself to fast and pray come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency so how was it I know when you are having sex its monetary so as soon as he sees your rhythm has changed and he says this is a good time please back to Jeremiah Jeremiah 29 so he has something to say about houses everything Gardens those of us who just cut down trees hmm if you want to get in trouble with me you cut down trees yes I always teach because bush people who cut down trees but clearing everywhere to put some in there [Music] God has something to say so some of us got the same build yeah yes I'm did you say about our house our building yeah best six tit wives wives generosity right those thing one person should take wipes as you as in the whole nation take whites you want to be polygamous or one and beget sons have sons and give your daughters to husbands yes this is thus says the Lord God is saying some people say that we are I'll judge me from marriage we always have him beloved's and so we like it this is in the Bible they don't like such as you go somewhere else hallelujah that you may pass sons and daughters that you may be increased there and not diminished gotta say something even about children got something to say about everything that's what I'm trying to let you see that God has a will about everything that's not it so it's personal it's personal when the trouble comes it will no more be personal verse 7 seek the peace of the city whether I have caused you to be carried away captive and pray unto the Lord for it so is it telling you don't cast the city don't don't fight it in your prayers it'll solve the pole when he was preaching some a number of guys came together I decided to fast until he is killed until he's dead yeah I think about 40 of them came together they say that until this man is dead we shall not stop fasting these are death wishes and and it's important to pray to not to pray wrong prayers pray for Paul tonight you know the letters he has to write there has not yet written first Corinthians and you want him to die yeah so seek the peace so in other words 24 the cut like we haven't Ghana you know God may be telling us pray for callous peace yeah Dada some III be say about politics for in the peace there of you shall have peace Wow God has something to say about everything they say will if you have a will build a house build a house take your wife yes they may say marry now Marina you Marie okay Peter then for you realize you have two children with two different people and you're bringing the third one for engagements verse eight that's it for that says the Lord God don't let your profits or your diviners that be in the mists of your deceive you neither hack into your dreams which you cause to be dreamed is if these are all sources of guidance false prophets and false dreams be careful of your sources of guidance there is only one guidance for you and that is God's true weight for your life amen verse 9 for the prophesy false me in my name and I have not sent them saith the Lord so there are a lot of prophets God has not send them if your life is based on just listening to somebody and you will notice when i prophesy and sometimes when I talk sometimes I'm speaking prophetically and I'll ask you a question because I also respect the reality that you have a mind and you have to make a decision as to whether I am a prophet to you or not and whether your article is just whether I'm speaking the Word of God or not so you may disregard what I'm saying it's up to you but that's a decision you have to take about everybody verse 10 for that says the Lord after seventy years we accomplished then our visit you that means it's not even your lifetime that things will change all the people who listened to the prophecy must have been about twenty thirty forty fifty the 70 year so it's not going to be your letter so they build houses is it I'm trying to explain to you that let's stop fighting the will of God when God has made it this way you know it's like being sent to a school and complaining about the school from day one - you leave the school have you done that before you're sent to a school and you complain about the school from day one to the end and God is saying don't do that lot of flow with my will yeah you know when when I was taking to automotive school I hated it it was a bad thing for me I didn't like it and they bullied me they cheated me we had to me they harmed me wicked people I knew every single one I knew their names to forget these people we have people in church who come in and meet somebody who used to bully them and the heart starts beating as grown-ups that is severe so you see somebody said because of the punishment that the person gave you when you were in school one day I saw one of my tremendous on television I said if you tanco like a Christian I've forgiven you but I have not easily forgotten or forgotten I can't forget that night I was putting the toilet in the bathroom stay here till morning scrubby little boy 12 years old I'm scrubbing alone everybody's sleeping a one wicked person who stay awake to ensure that I suffer the morning [Music] but you see it is in automotive school I found Christ yes as I kept on being persecuted I was now drawn and I found Chris Christ and I felt Christ I found my spiritual mother Betty and all the other Christians that I got to know yeah so is it my suffering it was to bring me to the greatest treasure you get what I'm saying I don't know but I tell you the will of God is a powerful will and I want you to be very excited about this well it says after 70 years so it means that nothing is going to change in relation to where you are living for your lifetime you have to accept now look at another amazing promise and reason that God says verse 11 it says for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected not an unexpected end so this is what God is saying to all of us today that he knows about you and towards you so learn to find his will and pray for his will to happen believe in the will of God is the best place to be not Canada not America not gonna not Nigeria not Congo but the will of God is the best country to live in [Music] because right in the will of God is everything we are ever going to need amen so God has a will about everything and as we are praying in this season of Prayer I want you to be praying just do not pray Jesus preached my frame already like to be predictive watching films but you are tired of praying the senses we know the end of the how many approaches oh man you know who will die in the film who will not die in the film be serious you know even if not you don't know how it to end but there are some people know that this man is going to die and I say how do you know that I can see the way the film is he will die in the film and never dies but you keep watching the same thing as if you don't know how it's going to end and we all know that all these people are acting nothing is true in the film stand to your feet we are praying I believe everything lift your hand and ask our Lord concerning houses wives gardens my country where I stay the politics everything let your will be done in my life let your handle oh yes oh yes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 14:14 everybody there's 26 quickly just put it on the screen everybody can enjoy you can just look at the screen 1 don't forget these beautiful verses amen this is the purpose that is purpose on the earth and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all nations and verse 27 the Lord of Hosts has purposed who shall dicen Alex you see God's will will happen any week yeah did you what I'm saying so why is my complaint rather we should pray that his will be done and the more we pray his will be done anyway anyway he says a lot of stretch out his hand who is going to tell it back so what God has determined hallelujah for your life yes and for my life and for this church and for my mission I cannot change that will of God even the bad things are making the will of God happen practically yes you know it's amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for pepper saying thank you for passing thank you for deciding we give you praise as we gather me your spirit work with I'm sorry you No as we got spirit we got Wow Oh [Music] with me possum [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] his mercies are new for you today and for this year new passes new mercies it's not by works of righteousness by his messy and his kindness and his favor [Music] to you muchos meses a new chapter forgiveness [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] thank you this year the year of good thing one of the good things we are going to see is Lord you may seize your mercy your forgiveness your kindness we lift a heart because we are looking up to you for your messes thank you for blessing everyone here Thank You doc everyone who's Honda slip-up is receiving meses forgiveness and grace thank you for your blessing in Jesus name and everyone said a man you may be seated [Music]
Channel: FaithDigital Network
Views: 26,446
Rating: 4.97193 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, The Will Of God, Jesus, God, Church, Love, Jesus is King, First Love Church, Dag Heward-Mills
Id: dt3GXyEOsRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 36sec (3936 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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