European Bouldering Cup Krakow 2021 - Finals

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the presentation of the finalist is just about the stars this is she will be the first to tackle problem number one [Applause] is from austria [Applause] [Music] as well [Applause] [Music] germany [Music] [Applause] from spain lithuania kipros [Applause] max sprint from germany [Applause] followed by young luke posh from austria [Applause] and best score in the semi-finals this morning belongs to matthew turner from france big round of applause [Applause] now all the finalists will have the usual two minutes for each boulder to check it out plan what needs to be done and after these two minutes they'll proceed to the boulder number two then boulder number three and ball number four big round of applause this is ida torres on board number one and alexander aberdeen from germany number one as well they're facing the crowd they will get this signal from the judge when time starts and here we go four minutes guys alexander chose us to rush the holds first all right they're getting ready it seems that idol's going to start first [Music] alexander goes straight away for the front facing position it's actually a good idea i spoke to the researchers that's exactly what they intended on boulder number one this has been said to marcus nimrod it can be tricky but starting like that he would need to at some point twist his body around in order to be able to progress to the left all right torres lamola from spain getting ready for another attempt here on board number one just placing the heel on the starting hold going again higher up this is looking good and there's a dynamic move now to his own hold she almost held it i'm not sure if judges is gonna score that but she did not maintain the stable position perhaps she did not she was not awarded the zone i can see that on the screen on the left here but that was good attempt at least knows how to start boulder so she'll definitely try again there's two and a half minutes left [Music] at the same time alexander taking his time resting a little bit brushed his hold the footsteps and we can see ida trying again [Music] placing the heel no problem with the first move and i'm getting ready for this dynamic shootout to the zone hold and here here we come we have the first scoreboarded turn she's making some great progress here she just needs to stand up now and compose herself enough to progress to top hold but at least she scored the zone this is a i think it was her third attempt that she awarded the zone alexander again starting facing the crowd you can see that it's costing a lot of energy and almost spitting him out very tricky placement of the volume [Music] [Music] [Applause] as you can see four minutes they are deciding to leave the page with current scores unfortunately for alexander he did not secure his own holds spain on the left [Music] the clock kicks off and there's four minutes for them precious couple of seconds to brush the hooks first and here we go alejandro getting ready let me start the boulder starting position there we'll see if that beta starting facing the wall is perhaps more efficient here we don't know that yet as well as alexander and alejandro having some problems in this first section on a ladder no problem with the first move let's see she can do better than ida before i believe so this score is already better than what i did two and a half minutes left alejandro takes some time to rest now the second goal for the zone hold for analector so she's currently taking a provisional lead here very early in this final less than two minutes left forget to try the boulders alejandro decides to change his beta and perhaps start facing crowd we don't know if that's a better way that first ball command remains a puzzle up until now and see how the rest of the competitors couple this session on the left and let me tell you making good progress here again on board another one we've seen her higher up there and she swapped her feet she fell again there's one minute left i'm sure she will try again knowing how close she is [Music] on the boulder [Music] uh [Music] unfortunately for anna the time is running out alejandra is still fighting perhaps at least to get to hold because you won't have enough time to get up both of them finish climbing i'm not taking professional leak here alejandro walking back to the isolation apprehended similarly from germany now we are welcoming furnished birds from france and keep us battling us from lithuania big round of applause [Applause] [Music] two climbers spanish birds well known in the climbing circuit whoever watches on a frequent basis ipcc competitions must have seen her numerous times [Music] in the finals as well very experienced climber long time member of the french climbing team funny decided to go for a dynamic beta trying to hook her toe at the same time moving higher i'm sure it could be done this way although i took the root centers before this final the competition they did indicate that the heal is a better option like let's see if funny sticks to this beta and try to do that again perhaps she will try to play that hill she is going dynamically and that was very close so she may fall into the trap now thinking that this is the only way to do this move but from what i've heard it is a harder way but she's super strong so she might as well succeed in bringing that part of the builder this way left-hand side keepers baltonas lithuania spoke to keepers as well just before the final she is obviously focused on today's fight he did indicate he's not in his top shape at the moment his mind is slightly somewhere else as he's actually getting married in four days so there's a lot of vibrations in that the press is trying to start the folder facing the wall it's not a very comfortable position those holes hardly work but it seems to be working for him for for a moment spike on matt's bird on the right let's see from that camera view what she's trying to do here she went for a hill and exactly what i mentioned this is the better way climber maintains a more stable position doing it this way a minute and a half left for her she's going for the undercut this is looking good [Music] can she top the ball another one and finally great effort from hershey's coming back to isolation already with one top in our bag very early in this final taking a provisional lead here for the time being and kipras is still struggling similarly to the other two that we've seen before so this boulder remains a puzzle let's hope that next three climbers are still keepers because he still has a minute will show us how it needs to be done he changed the idea perhaps facing the crowds it will be slightly easier and it proves to be easier he already realized that this is a better way it is working for him now the 25 seconds left let's see if he can somehow improve this or this way no he can't 15 seconds i'm not sure he will try again knowing how strength and energy consuming that section of bold number one is now he gives up he's coming back to desolation as well so this is the standings for men they have even scores not them managed to secure even a zone hold on boulder number one [Applause] here we go standing for women funny leading the board with one top in the fourth attempt anna lecter second and ida third hey here we go we have another couple here my friends from germany on the left and matthias from austria [Music] [Music] for the crowd-facing position starting position here mateo potsi is just thinking what it to do it in a dynamic way she tried to do it [Music] same as punchy bird at beggining and see if she can change that in her mind perhaps or next ghost and find more static way max doing some progress on building number one i think no one was expecting it's going to be so hard for the climbers but it stops them quite efficiently here this first section on the right mark prince decides to change his beta trying the other way around facing the wall mafia getting ready to go dynamically to the next hold max is still looking for a position here is a bit less than two minutes left for him securing us on here for max would put him straight away on top of the leaderboard matia trying again dynamically [Music] for those of you who are just joining us perhaps miss beginning we are streaming live from croco in poland second round of mao polska bouldering european bouldering cup we had a very long day yesterday more than 100 competitors from 19 different nations came over to poland to take part in this event and yesterday's qualifications were able to select top 20 each category men and women that took part in today's semi-finals in the morning and they were battling for only six spots in today's finals which we are watching just right now so bear in mind they might be already slightly tired they have been climbing this morning on a different set of boulders and they managed to achieve the best scores in the semis which gave them progression to this finals 20 seconds left only for those two [Music] also finishing so no tops in front they're deciding to come back to isolation very efficiently this boat number one is blocking the climbers [Applause] [Music] let's see if he and luca can show us the way here how it needs to be done while julia medici needs to top it out in less than four attempts if she wants to take a lead in this competition currently leading financial birth in women's category having topped out boulder number one in the fourth attempt julia medici's first attempt starting right now she decides to go for a tow hook but that would require a lot of strength to do the next move she almost did that though he unlocked push drawing the position facing the wall [Music] unfortunately she also landed on the mats yellow push is coming back as well trying to figure out if that was the best idea taking a moment to contemplate let's see if he will change the beta for his next goal it's only two minutes left for them in 10 seconds she managed to reach the higher hold now it's all about securing the zone she did secure the zone in her third attempt so she is going now into the upper section of the number two number one this is looking really good for her and she passed it to the top here well done well done [Applause] into her three attempts to get to the telesuit she takes provisional lead now very early in the competition followed by funny gi bird and anna lechner [Music] [Music] one minute left for him well okay he did not find the solution here [Music] [Music] let's welcome last finalists matthew turman from france and near neil minion from france as and we are well off with four minutes for them there you go that was a really good attempt from the el nino she dino to the high hold and she almost stuck it [Music] matthew ternant is going to try out the face crowdfacing position here but that also proves to be difficult so i wonder what is going through his head now [Music] [Music] is trying again [Music] you can guys only imagine how uncomfortable that position must be none of the finalists managed to actually go through that section so now we are rising arriving at this question whether the root sutter is overcooked a little bit marcus nimrod was in charge of setting this boulder perhaps the height of a climber could be key here marcus is slightly shorter than you decided to hook her heel and going more statically this is looking good for matthew this is looking very good for matu [Applause] [Applause] we could hold that in progress but if she would like if you would like to do it again holding the doll hold like that would be visually impossible [Music] i think he needs to find a more stable position there that would allow him to go to the zone in a more controlled way than to jump there [Music] ten seconds left guys we're not going to see a zone in the top of that boulder it's not going to happen in such a short time unfortunately boulder one in this finals does not change anything in the men's category in stage just invited the first climbers that we've seen already [Applause] alexander avedon from germany on the left and aida torres from maine so for men a competition starts here because none of them manage to secure even zone on ball number one so they all fighting to take a professional lead in the competition on the women's side we already have julie medici [Music] leading in this competition at the ball number one followed by funny gibert [Music] alexander tried to reach the zone in his attempt either decides to go dynamically to higher volumes two and a half minutes left on this changeover i just looking for some other solution here and alexander is getting ready for his second attempt on bolt number two and that that is very good attempt from alexander securing his own his second attempt but this is not everything they still need to still need for him to proceed further to hold [Applause] we can see that there's another difficulty in the upper section of the boulder matching tophold proves to be hard as well either still struggling to figure out what needs to be done in boulder number two so she's still yet to improve her score alexander in the meantime takes a provisional lead with a zone hold in his second attempt on ball number two [Music] [Music] and we could see that aydah all almost stick his next move so she [Music] has a chance now to try again she will definitely do the same thing she must have felt that i was very close she's trying to do so alexander also [Applause] unfortunately for her her foot and she's gonna have to finish her timing empty-handed on boulder number two great round of applause we can welcome second competitors [Music] [Applause] and anna lekman from germany on the right [Music] i am alejandra went for a different solution he tried to go with his right hand to his own hold on the center trying to mount the big red volume [Applause] it did not work on the right side anna lechner managed to move herself up in a slightly different way to what ida did before she controlled the slide better and now she is awarded his own hold on the ball number two and there's only a couple of more moves before she can reach the top and there we go great for great effort from amalekster topping out boulder number two we'll double check in the moment if that was the second attempt alejandro on the left side still fighting to improve his score on this boulder he will go again with his now [Music] [Music] yes that was her second attempt so i'm lecture overtaking julia mendichi taking a provisional lead in his final fungibility third at the moment [Music] alejandro still has a minute and 20 seconds left [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] alejandro cryptocurbus on the left boulder number two [Applause] [Music] [Music] and unfortunately he won't be able to improve his score all the number two his time is up we are just about to welcome next competitors spanish lithuania to tackle this first difficulty section here under the number two and request as well they both put their face goes so there'll be no flash attempts flash solutions here on those builders from them there's more than three minutes left so they will be trying again [Music] me that was too close for funny to secure a stable position after the stepping one keeper slightly struggling here [Music] and there we go honey's doing some progress in boulder number two let's see if she can finish it and improve her score that will give her potentially a lead in his competition [Music] as well [Applause] and that's what i said punishable taking a leap in this competition and having talked in her fifth attempt followed by [Music] [Music] was number two making some progress here [Music] this is look okay for him justin's commit to this last big move unfortunately his foot slipped so he's coming back to isolation without the zone here number two [Music] and in a second we'll see max prince from germany and matia potty from austria they're just getting ready mateo matthew already out and max prince from germany on the left so let's see how max tackles this first section of ball number two going for the undercut and exactly what the result is intended it's not as easy as it could look like as soon as you reach the undercut you need to somehow block your body using your body tension and swab feet on the left footstep material still on the mat trying to figure out what needs to be done here whether she wants to go dynamically higher up or perhaps try to place her feet first like funny bird did previously she's trying to do that simultaneously with her left foot and the right hand and that's exactly what the root centers wanted them to do a bit more than two minutes still on the clock for those two trying to a different solution here [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] did it this way she went all the way up there but the time is running out one minute left [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's not looking good for mata only 30 seconds left she hasn't managed to move up on this boulder max prince is also finding this early section of all the number two very demanding [Music] and it's not going to be enough time for them so they need to go back to the isolation and the goal for them [Music] we can see current standings in the women's category [Music] let's come back to the stage as julie medici coming out and young look across from austria to their manager from italy [Music] [Music] if julia mendichi shows us up here she would potentially bump her place up in the leaderboard [Music] young approach on the left a bit less than three minutes left on the clock [Music] [Music] [Music] guys focus on the left [Applause] making progress on all the number two and that was a really good attempt he almost [Music] managed to stop the swing [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] yeah look i was crying again that's the beat that he went for [Music] one minute left a couple of seconds and julian managing dynamically you hired [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] currently taking second place there's still funny birth leading we can't see that here [Applause] [Music] so we have a slight change here in the women's category finally support leading julia mendy ii analyst the third and we're welcoming two french climbers here on stage [Music] on the right and matthew there now on the left [Music] so [Music] [Applause] i was a really good attempt from matthew he did not seem to have any problems in bottom section however the move to the zone was tricky enough to make him fall while meow meow still trying to start ball number two with no success [Music] not destroying again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very good on both of them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a finish guys for the finish both climbers stopping on the rollers having to pull the number two it currently gives her four positions she was not able to secure zone on board number one but there's still another two holders so she can still improve the score and fight for the podium alex and robert duke on the left from germany brushing the starting holds ida doing exactly the same thing [Music] [Music] [Music] and they both shoot off boulder on the left was sent by wukesh nagawa from krakow and both on the right came from the trail of matthew du train the chief center here on this competition ida securing a zohold already similarly to alexander overdue so we're having some action here that was really good effort of alexander i ended up doing awesome progress on balloon number three [Music] [Applause] that will definitely put her up ida is currently ranked third having topped ball number three in her first attempt let's back to alexander aberdeen number three having some rest at the moment [Music] [Music] foreign less than two minutes left for alexander to try problem number three he did manage to secure his own hold already he's going again he's finding no problem in this section [Applause] but he's falling again from the same place in his second attempt so he'll definitely try again in a brief moment [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] unfortunately he's back on the max again he's giving up [Music] so his score on this holder is his own hold so i like under overdone currently ranked second with two zones in three attempts no change in the lead matthew turner having toppled the number water skirt in the lead and the rest of the men are still yet to secure single zone hook we are welcoming alejandro christopher cobus from spain and lechner from germany [Music] [Music] [Applause] analyzer already started to climb here tackling the roof section of ball number three unfortunately there will be no zone for her in this attempt alejandro as well on the wall already went decided to go for a dino to the next hold on the left are currently ranked fourth she needs to improve her score if she wants to think about the podium here she does she cures a zone in her second attempt that zone gave her a third position now so she's currently ranked third but i'm sure she would want to improve her score even further she still will try again for sure a bit less than two minutes before climbing here alejandro crispy cups starting again he's going again for the solution a bit more controlled way but not controlled enough to maintain himself on the wall analyzer again [Applause] in the second row [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alejandra will definitely try again in the moment and anna is taking a professional lead here with two tops and six in five attempts and three zones in six attacks so now this is funny gibra and julia medici that needs to try to catch up with her if they want to in this competition let's come back quickly to alejandro he's having another go on number three [Music] [Applause] oh my [Music] so there will be another transition in the moment we're inviting keepers baltronas from lithuania and punishing birds [Music] here we have live story here matthew tennant still in the lead having top bolt number two and alexa aberdeen from germany already secured two zones let's come back quickly because financial birth isn't wasting time here already climbing same with keepers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and this is looking very good for keepers now as well spanish bird finally burns flashing number three [Applause] [Music] what around guys that was very quick both climbers topping out flashing holders number three and both climbers advancing to first place in their categories so keeper is currently in the lead men's category and punish brett from france leading women's rounds that was really good next want to come max prince from germany and matthias from austria [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] three and a half minutes for them [Music] finding no problem in the first section of boulder number three [Music] i would say he's finding it a very easy figure wow that was impressive that looks like a walk in the park matthew potsi is also doing some progress on ball number three she's passed it on hold already only two so we're dividing before the stockhold and this is this is really good looks like we're gonna see it on the top here and also a flashlight here yeah another very big round for us so we can speed up this final a little bit and focus on the next one to come which is ian luca from austria and julia medici from italy despite the top toe she unfortunately did not score anything on bonus number one and two there's still yet another balder to come so she will definitely try to improve that score [Music] austria [Music] [Music] all the local audience here there's not many people here called regulations obviously are in the way it's only a very limited number watching this event live hands live stream for you guys the unluck approach controlling the first section on the number two and julia medici already picking up the model number [Applause] as well [Applause] [Music] look at flushed the ball the number three so this is good news for him [Music] do you wanna making some progress here [Music] here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there we go performance from her she's coming back to the isolation with the top her back that definitely can improve her score we'll see that in a moment there you go she's pumped in second place after the performance [Music] second round of the european maposka european bouldering cup in krakow [Music] we are just about to finish all the number three there's still one bother to come matthew turner from france on border number three [Music] [Applause] also from france is trying ball number three the women's category we've already seen remarkable performances from the other climbers in this round having flashed boulder in men's and women's category matthew ternan found some problems here in this first section similarly to in women's category [Music] matthew turner already in his second tent [Music] he decided to go using his feet in the top hook there so that helping him out in the next move new el nino again on wall [Music] [Music] if needs to improve the score a little bit she's currently ranked sixth with on top and one zone only in this final so he definitely needs to get some motivation and come back up there there's only two minutes left for her climbing my teeth are not already on the wall [Applause] much is trying to change the data here it seems to be working [Applause] and a very uncomfortable fall for matthew but he will be over the zone for his attempt we have neil minogue from france [Music] less than a minute left for him 45 seconds to be exact maternal trying to get rid of the fatigue before his last attempt he's definitely going for it he's running down the clock now 30 seconds left and he's going for it can you show us the top here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] unfortunately it's not going to happen for both of them they are coming back to desolation without tops on these rounds let's look quickly at the women's before final boulder finished brett leading board followed by julia mediciana lecter from germany and in man's category we should get the results on the screen in every moment matthew ternan's leading the board despite not topping all the number three but extra zone that the other two that topped other three at the top folders number three iranian cup poshmark screens and key press on us gives him still a lead so matthew fernand in provisional lead before boulder number four followed beyond luka posh and max priest from germany there's still some action guys we are moving cameras number four andrzej mohrinsky victor commenting live on stage is just inviting the first climbers that we've seen three times already which is ada torres lamola from speed and alexander aberdeen from germany we can have a glimpse of how boulder number four looks like on the left ball number four [Music] [Applause] it was sent by bill smarron from warsaw and boulder number four for men sent by piot souder from krakow alexander grabs the brush straight away it's now wasting time making sure that the starting position is clean also zone hot and they will start the climbing in the moment idea getting ready for her first attempt [Music] all right that's been really good she's just about to reach the zone hold which is a small under gas hold on the volume she is aware that the zone holds by holding and controlling the position so ida is already improving her score she needs to match that zone hold right now she should have stayed on the zone hold and try to mush it i like under overdunk getting ready for this tricky double jump move on all the number four quick look at the standings for men matthew ternan and elite yeah look at posh second max prince from germany third so alexander arduino needs it up here if he gets a top here he will move all the way up to the first place provisionally before the other try the ball number four so if you want to have a chance for podium here he needs to top it out he's still trying to find a solution what to do with the body perhaps you need to go again before the swing drops him off that was the intent better from the root setters that's exactly what purge suder wanted them to do this is exactly the move that they intended in meantime either doing some really nice progress again on board [Music] [Applause] [Music] some really good action from like something happened to here [Music] that was very close he will be awarded an extra zone on the boulder so we'll see if that improves his score slightly it didn't really he's still in the fifth place so he needs a top here only a top can substantially improve his final results so we'll see if he will have another go he will definitely there's more than 30 seconds left for him guys we get into the very end of this final so the performance on the last boulder will be crucial and key to their final results alexander can still twist everything on his side but he's the top here and there's 20 seconds left this is looking risky for him now [Music] unfortunately looks like it's not gonna happen for him it's only five six five seconds so alexander will not improve his score and more in this competition great round of applause the climber from germany is leaving this age [Music] he can only maintain the fifth position [Music] in this competition and most likely he will maintain the fifth position as alejandro caspar was not able to overtake him anymore even if he'll top out number four no he can of course he can because alexander did not have a top holidays for that too so what we know for sure that alexander alvarez cannot improve his fifth place anymore but he can still be bumped down to place number six if alejandro dropped out bowling number four let's go back alejandro on the right and election from germany on the left and i'll actually currently rank third so she needs a good score here if she wants to maintain that podium please alejandro already made some progress in boulder number four [Music] [Applause] [Applause] both of the climbers are doing some good progress here [Applause] oh [Applause] what a moment guys alejandro stopping boulder topping out about the number four and a great spectacle here guys anna lecter as well on top of boulder number four so let's take a look quickly [Music] lead in the women's category here we go [Applause] talked about them before and we will see the men's category in the moment as well on the left is spanish where people call us all right [Music] position now already on the wall getting ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] funny she prayed going to this crucial place on this on hold on ball number four this is everything for her because she needs she wants to win this competition she needs a top here [Applause] she definitely needs a top here if she wants to overtake on a lechner and take the lead fund is currently ranked second keeper paltron is getting ready for his another another attempt on building number four [Applause] not in this attempt punish your birth taking some rest before yet another attempt on all the number four have a quick look he plus it currently ranks fourth so same with him he wants to think about podium place he needs a top here for sure [Music] [Applause] punishment again on this on hold focus our attention here [Music] that matching pants proves to be difficult [Music] uh [Music] [Music] less than a minute guys less than a minute [Applause] [Music] climbers funny bird in her another team 40 seconds guys [Applause] i want to try to punish your bet here 20 seconds left [Music] [Applause] it's not gonna happen for her that's a really good attempt [Applause] but she won't be able to take a lead here so analector scan is still in the lead with also three tops and four results but analector has better attempts to the zones [Music] [Applause] max prince on the right the men's category mattia potts from austria on the left labels starting from the usual brushing 15 seconds [Music] and only now they start climbing mateo potsi from austria on the left max prince from germany on the right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my screen is going to be ranked third [Music] having flashed pole number three max is in a good spot here to potentially take a lead if he tops that boulder [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is looking very promising [Applause] [Music] and max prince is taking a professional lead to this competition having top two boulders in two attempts so this is a very good score for him jan luka posh can have a similar score if he talks about number four matthew turner he can if he can top both number four he will win with an extra zone so there's still a lot of a lot of things can happen this final let's focus on martial posse now on the left [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mattia potsie is currently ranked fifth so she can improve her score she won't be able to win the competition anymore i'm sure she would want to somehow improve her score at least a little bit it's yet another minute for her to try [Music] in the men's category we'll see jan look at posh in the moment [Music] and the next one to come women's category will be julian madison italy guys i'll take a brief moment to thank the organizers yet again avatar climbing center [Applause] also my postcard region wild country company evolves company all these institutions are involved in the organizing of this event startup lanca ifc as well mountain climbing school club sportiva [Music] great great big thank you we're just about to witness penultimate climbs here in this final [Music] from italy [Music] [Applause] oh so just a quick answer to who commented on facebook i do apologize for pronouncing nylae mino from france her name in a slightly different manner than it should be [Music] i will make you up in her in her attempt i promise apologies for that gianluca posh is doing some really good progress here let's take a look at this camera here julia is back on the maps let's see if we are looking somehow your transition [Applause] here from him and let's take a quick look and yes we can see it here needs to be scrolled up but the onlooker is taking a lead in this competition and max prince was pumped down to the second place we have the same score but the angelica posh had the best score in the semi-finals and hence his leading board at the moment we are focusing our attention to julia meditti on the left she's alone on the wall now [Music] [Applause] so one minute left for julia julius county ranked third we got the results for the men i did mention before januka posh is leading followed by max prince and matthew carnell is currently third but matthew will still be climbing in boulder number four so matthew if he tops out bowl number four he will win this competition now focus on julia medici [Applause] julia is struggling in this session of the boulder [Music] she was trying again it's only 20 seconds left but she's got nothing to lose now [Music] is [Music] [Music] and it will be last four minutes in this final climbers from france closing this round and closing the final [Music] those climbers will close this by now and there's still some action to come because mati theran has everything to win here if he hops this boulder he will win this competition [Music] can only improve her score but unfortunately she cannot win this con anymore i'm sure she will give everything she has for the next three and a half minutes to somehow improve her score and bump up her place [Music] mature now [Music] is making progress here [Music] this is all ornate for him if matthew tops the boulder he's winning guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's trying to find a solution here [Applause] and it's looking good for him it looks like and he does guys we are looking at the winner here mario turdan what a finish it took him a short while to figure out the sequence of the moves at the moment we should see the updated scores [Music] and from what i can see it should be in the first place after this climbing nyla mignon is currently resting sitting on mats contemplating taking her time a bit less than two minutes [Music] we can see that i'll show the screen but i need to wait for the man's results to come out and there we go matthew turner in the first place winning the second round of the mao polska european bouldering cup in krakow second place goes for jan luka posh from oshna and my sprint's ending third in this competition well done for all the guys here fourth place fourth place keepers baltimore's lithuania alejandro christopher coppos fifth from spain and in sixth place is max sprint sorry not much prince alexander aberdeen from germany is slowly getting ready for her last attempt i believe she took a while to rest she wants that attempt to count and perhaps improve her score her final score in this competition [Music] she went for zone hold she tried to match it unfortunately landed on the mats so i yes she's trying again so we'll see another attempt from her although i believe that it won't be she won't have enough time it's only five seconds left it would need to be something remarkable if she managed to top it out and then time is up and she had to come down guys thank you very much this competition this final is over we know the winners there we go there we have the results i'm not lecture first place spanish bird second julia medici from italy third [Music] fourth place goes to agua torres la mola matia potsi place and nylae mignole stays in the sixth place guys thank you very much for this final there will be a short brief moment with a break and we'll start the awards ceremony in approximately 10 minutes stay with us stay tuned [Music] we will send the awards in around 10 minutes [Music] here we go we are going to present the finalists now top three spots we already know but we will present everyone nae lai mino from france sixth place in today's competition guys second round of my posca european bouldering cup [Music] potsie from austria fifth place into this competition great round of applause [Music] the next person to come out in fourth place is aida torres malla from spain [Applause] and top three in a moment [Music] [Applause] in this competition great effort from the young italian climber and the bronze medal lands up on her neck very well done julia [Music] from [Applause] funny was very close on boulder number four the potential could have given her the gold medal here unfortunately she did not make it and she's ending second place in this competition which is a great achievement as well [Music] from germany this is the winner of this competition well done to anna she must be proud of herself great performance on the last boulder is giving her a win here those are three women that were the best in the women's category in this competition climbing from germany alexander avedon [Applause] [Music] these plates represent [Music] [Applause] in fifth place [Music] [Applause] came fourth in this competition [Applause] and top three in a moment [Music] max prince from germany joining us on stage here [Applause] third place in this competition and bronze medal as well [Applause] posh from austria silver medal and now we're just waiting [Music] [Applause] he secured the win in his last line in the final topping out ball number four gave him a win in this event and the gold medal goes to france very well done for matthew he will be proud of himself as in the second we'll listen to your french [Music] you
Channel: Bouldering TV
Views: 20,255
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: climbing, bouldering, boulder, competition, boulderingTV, hightlights, replay, recap, final, finals, rock, sport, climb, battl, 抱石, 攀登, クライミング, ボルダリング, escalade, क्लाइम्बिंग, Cup, comp, Olympic, games, live, stream, livestream, asian, скалолазание, боулдеринг, masters, broadcast, खेल, スポーツ, 運動, 岩石, boulderfest, ifsc, 2021, European Bouldering Cup, European, Krakow, Avatar, Climbing gym, rock climbing, sport climbing, competition climbing, fanny gibert, grip strength, women p, kraków, Polska, wspinaczka, wspinaczka bez liny
Id: zc1uNQldCWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 24sec (6324 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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