Combined Japan Cup 2021 - Bouldering Finals
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Channel: Bouldering TV
Views: 45,746
Rating: 4.9043827 out of 5
Keywords: climbing, bouldering, boulder, competition, boulderingTV, hightlights, replay, recap, final, finals, rock, sport, climb, battl, mendaki, batu, 抱石, 攀登, クライミング, ボルダリング, bloc, escalade, क्लाइम्बिंग, Cup, comp, Olympic, games, live, stream, livestream, asian, скалолазание, боулдеринг, masters, broadcast, खेल, スポーツ, 運動, 岩石, boulderfest, ifsc, olympic, japan, klettern, JMSCA, sport climbing, rock climbing, Kokoro Fujii, Miho Nonaka, 野中 生萌, 2021, akiyo noguchi, futaba ito, tomoa narasaki, Yoshiyuki ogata, Iwate, Morioka, Mitake, Stadium
Id: us85kQrGZ5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 35sec (11975 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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