Eunice Leaves Her Husband | The Carol Burnett Show Clip

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[Music] oh Ernie what am I to do that could be my child on that snow covered Mountain toop please Bonnie don't FR who is it it's me Mama open up I can't you what the hell you doing here at this house I know I should have called first but I just couldn't stay in that house another minute well now don't Fred about it what's the matter something wrong well yes Mama I would say something was wrong I have left deed forever oh don't be ridiculous Unice you two just had another little fight you got yourself a little bit more upset than usual that's all uh uh uh uh oh no this time it is for good you see what happened was Mary Beth Pickins called me a few weeks ago to tell me that she had seen Ed in a certain locality well I didn't believe her I thought she was just making it up cuz you know how spiteful Mary Beth Pickins can be well then this morning she called again and she brought it up again and I said to her okay may Beth pickings you just put your money where your mouth is and you prove it so she comes by my house and I get in her car and we drive down to ant's hardware store it's open till 9:00 tonight you know we parked across the street well first thing you know out comes in around 6 o00 leaving the store and charge that stupid Mickey harp so I followed ined and you are are you listening to me are you watching that damn TV well I am sorry unit but it's right at the finish all three of these women have got a illegitimate baby that they've given up for adoption and one of them is the mother of that baby stranded up there on that snow covered mountain top and I'm just about to find out which one it is it's Ruth Roman oh well thank you very much I have been sitting here for two and a half solid hours suffering through all kinds of damn commercials just so I find out which one of them women was the baby's real mother just so you can come in at the very end and ruin it for me ruin it ruin it for you what about my life my life is ruined I have left my husband don't you have anything to say about that at all don't be ridiculous Unice where you going to live well right here with you where else now Unice there is no need to make a hasty or rash decision just like that let's sit down and talk about it come here darling sit down talk to Mama tell me what Ed could possibly have done that it's so terrible he went to a massage parlor so I just left him a goodbye and farewell note and high tail it over here in a taxi oh that's it I don't want to see him I don't want to see [Music] him just stand right there excuse me ma'am uh oh hi there I just thought I'd mentioned to you about the fair if you didn't know oh I'm sorry I forgot all about you uh mama I left my purse at home would you lend me $3 and some odd change what do you think I made a money I don't even know if I've got any money around here I happen to be on a very type budget budget budget budget that's her middle name budget it's kind of catchy fine to think you got a little pieace and quiet and somebody comes barging through the door screaming for money somebody I am not somebody I am your daughter oh when am I ever going to make a dent in you all right just how much is it you want exactly uh $3.75 375 from her house over here how did you two come by way of Kentucky no man we come down Third Street there and turned on M I think I got $3 worth of change here five 10 20 Unice if you do leave Ed just what do you plan on doing for a living you ain't only had but one job in your whole life over at Woolworth weighing up peanuts well I don't know I figured I can think about that while I'm living here just give me a chance will you all I know if I is I have taken the first positive step forward in a new life that's why my daddy used to say take one step at a time I want your daddy's advice I'll ask for it and that's another thing Unice I don't know if it's such a good idea the two of us living here together I mean we're both very set in our ways you know what you mean is you don't want me here n it you left off counting at 25 cents you know that you are more than welcome to stay for a night or two well no thank you ma'am you can just forget it oh Ma'am I could be out picking up some other fairs if you I appr gra it grab it grab the money grab the money that job is get everywhere you go these days grab the Money and Run no how do you do may I help you nice day turn green just grab the Money and Run yes D wait just a minute I am going with you you're going to take me over to Mary Beth Pickins house well this Mary Beth pickings would she be able to pay you fair oh yeah she'll give it to you with an open heart here mama take your money I won't stay in this house where I'm not welcome another 10 seconds I'm you're glad I found out what you're about even though it took me a lifetime oh that's it that's it I got to see you we're going out the back way not going out the you moving here before you break the door down un will you kind of explain to me what meaning if Annie is in this note I hope you had a pleasant afternoon at the quote store unquote you will never see me again e you I take it r e will you please go away was I supposed to be someplace other than the store this evening this evening ho ho ho not this evening maybe for weeks maybe for months while your devoted wife and two babies were at home thinking you was working at the store oh brother I must be driving the getaway car for the mafia gang and here all didn't even know about it does the name Roman pleasure Palace strike a cord with you is that what you think that I was in some kind kind of did you deny it well what would be the good you wouldn't believe me anyway would you you never believe me that's why this time I came prepared Mickey get in here you quit Hing out my front door like that the neighbors are going to think I'm running the massage parlor hey if you don't mind I think I'd rather have that money your mama promised me that tell me that you you brought that Mickey Hart here at a time like this oh hi Miss sigin nice to see you again hi Mother Harbor even at this hour you're looking bright as a button don't you mother Harper me and quit hollering at me I'm not the one that is death You Squirrel head say I I don't believe I met you yet well how you do I'm Harold ver Camp nice to meet you Mr squirrel hey did you lose something here yeah I need about $2.85 more oh there a dime over here here's D see I asked Mickey to come home with me Unice cuz I thought you'd join us in a Carefree game of Hearts and what did we find this note well I don't know what kind of be got in your bondit Unice but I thought I'd just better bring Mickey along here tonight to tell you exactly where I was this evening go ahead tell her Mickey right uh the chief and I was in the store until closing time which was at nine o'clock um he did not go nowhere at no time or duck out oh he did not say duck out around 6:00 for an hour or [Music] so um no around that time he was busy as a beaver he was stacking sorting and sweeping I saw him go into the massage parlor jigs up excuse me could you move your foot oh I know what you mean Unice yeah I did go out about 6:00 to get a newspaper remember Mick yeah went out and then I took a little stroll to kind of uncramp my legs I my leg got all cramped up and I was kneeling down rearranging those light dimmers on the bottom shelf by the way Mick we got to get those light dimmers on the upper shelf now I mean they're a hot little item now I'll making note to that Chief light dimmer on the upper shelf well any old who I did go by this guardy looking place and I thought I'd stop in there and ask him where the nearest news stand was and is that what you went in there for is that what you said oh really then how come that painted up huzzy looked at you and said why Ed you little rascal this is the second time you've been in here this week where were you anyhow right behind me what businesses of years if I did go into a massage parlor I mean what what's wrong with it it is a sin you have lost your Immortal soul and you're going to fry in Hell a man has to have some emotional life Unice oh he was trying them single bars for a while but then thank you Mickey I don't need your help no more well let me tell you something Ed Higgins you have lost me well good RI boy this is almost too good to be true maybe it' be a good idea if we went our separate ways Unice yes sir I can hardly imagine the thrill of walking into my own house without cringing oh oh you get out of my way you s look at that Buffalo Head Nickel you know you can't hardly find them anymore don't you dare let Ed keep the house you're going to need for you and the boys she can have the house I hate it besides if I'm going to be a single man on the loose I just need a furnish room like Mickey's got well I'll tell you something don't take your clothes over to that ultra clean laundry they lose the buttons on them and everything here's button I am not going to be a slave to that house neither Mama a cute little furnished apartment would suit me and my boys just fine don't be a jerk Unice take the house Ain an apartment building in this town's going to take you with them two monsters besides apartment apartment buildings are expensive and you ain't never going to get a job can't you for once ever see something in your life that's hopeful you know miracles do happen you know I was cruising around southeast part of town the other night and I was going to turn there at 6th Street and I did turn at 6th Street when I really should have turned at 8th Street cuz I was on way down there to the Donut Hut you know T night well anyway I got there at 6 and somehow another some little old voice right inside me said turn left here on six Unice trust me on this one don't listen to this [Music] jackass I mean Miracles might happen to some of them Shepherds over there in them foreign countries that ain't got nothing but time on their hands but they do not occur in this neck of the woods and if you're nuts enough to run out on your meal ticket you get everything you can out of it don't you forget about child Sport and alimony neither yeah well Unis and the boys can have half everything I make well hell that's nothing you can barely make ends meet now un you're getting it all except for the $10 now and then that Ed throws away at that massage parlor it's only 750 he was getting a all right you that just come on I think it's time we cut out all this nonsense now Ed if you take a furnished run you're going to get as buggy as your stoe there you ain't going to be able to be you're not going to be able to for eaten out and you ain't never going to find another girl dumb enough to marry you and Unice if you try living on your own you're going to die starvation with an open movie magazine sitting in your lap so why the hell don't the two of you go on home and let me watch my TV I guess that little spat s say you two love words want to be alone I I can get a taxi or something no don't be silly Mickey I'll be glad to drop you off home ed the man said he would take a taxi why should we go all the way across town just drop him home man happens to be my friend you don't turn your back on your friends well you turn your back on your wife L mother Harbor [Applause] soon I find 50 more s out of [Music] [Applause] [Music] here
Channel: The Carol Burnett Show Official
Views: 77,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the carol burnett show, carol burnett, vicki lawrence, tim conway, dick van dyke, harvey korman, lyle waggoner, ernie anderson, variety show, comedy show, vintage tv, hilarious, legendary, tv show, laugh out loud, classic comedy, television history, nostalgia, classic entertainment, classic television, legendary actors, hilarious sketches, best of carol burnett, classic entertainers, sketch comedy, The Family, Eunice, Ed, Eunice Higgins, Ed Higgins, Season 9, Episode 6
Id: NTYB7TA0ur4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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