Etika's Mental Breakdown and Arrest on Instagram Live

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Rest In Peace, dude killed himself right after getting out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xclusive420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn't knew him before this post... it's a sad story.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ruico πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was never a fan of him but its really sad what happened

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pipeweedjr_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
why are you doing this to me just let me be happy in my apartment don't break in if you break into my apartment you will be breaking the law if you break into my apartment you will be breaking the law officer do not step foot into my apartment you do not have permission now leave the premises before I call my lawyer and have him sue you all I want to do is make my pornos all I like is porn the revolution will not be televised it will only be felt but revolution pull out your cell phones record on Instagram the revolution will not be televised yeah get them out of the way you're trying to take me to the mental ward they're gonna kill me so why are you still here okay well you're not allowed in my apartment what no go home I don't want to open the door they got rid of all you moved all the people recording with their cell phones off the block why did you remove all the people all right yeah go ahead and break my door down prove to the world that you're trying to get in go ahead and break it down break the door down keemstar keemstar this is my property these officers see that I'm safe they have no reason to have this many cars here why are they sending that many cars here the revolution will not be televised just felt baby f r FX f r FX they got the team oh my god that's the SWAT look at them why do you have these guys here yo they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me hey why do you have that shield oh wait the revolution they got SWAT isn't they said the shield him he said they said [ __ ] from Resident Evil Rainbow six they said the Tom Clancy [ __ ] in here for me they sent the Tom Clancy [ __ ] in here hey are you ready to break my door down go ahead and give it a nice whack there we go give it a nice whack doesn't comply with them I'm complying why are they trying to enter my property we don't want you to get hurt well they have no reason to answer my apartment he's doing something to the door he's trying to break it down I'm not talking to you I'm going to work I'm going to work yeah I'm not doing anything oh I got to plug my Instagram Hey go look at my Instagram you can watch me live on instagram my instagram is e t i hey hey my name is anneka II T I hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I'm not opening the door hello sir nothing I'm fine why'd you block the how you think I try to kill me bro ah you trying to break my door down I'm fine you can watch me on Instagram hello I'm fine well you're trying to break my door down I was comfortable having fun in my apartment you tell me I didn't say anything on social media so let's talk why do you feel hurt you feel hurt you feel hurt yes you do why are you trying to attack me yes you are look at you then look at the guy behind you man everybody's still confused why why are you using so much aggression why using so much force you didn't have to hit my door like that while I'm talking to you right now sir yeah I'm not going open the door sir there's no reason there's no way I'm leaving either I live here and why are you covering the people again okay so why are you putting the shield on the door ah what are you doing yeah you hit my door yeah I do I feel everything yeah why did you just bang my door with a hammer huh but I thought you wanted to be here all day with me look what they did they really knocked it up they knocked the peephole out I don't know why they need to use such aggression well let's show the world the revolution will not be televised only [ __ ] oh I'm feel very threatened right now don't do look at the window there's snipers what snipers what what snipers no way no way snipers I can't open the door you can what's the agreement okay I'm gonna go on Instagram go on Instagram I have nothing in my hands no weapons nothing no I mean I'm confirming on Instagram I have nothing in my hands it's just my phone but it seems like the phone is way more dangerous than a weapon nowadays not snipers who listen don't scare me like that hey can you confirm that one more time please say it loud for the audience so they can hear you it's my safety guaranteed okay great I'm not gonna hurt you I'm in my apartment having fun okay well there's 20,000 people watching you live right now you know it yeah they're saying I'm safe but I feel most safe in my apartment by myself I'm gonna watch some news let's turn on drama alert you aren't weak bro open the door it's not about being weak Philly I feel threatened open the door and they'll leave I don't know about that why would you send dudes with the fields in here I don't feel comfortable hello no I won't I have no reason to I have food I have I have water I have sustenance I'm fine just go play some smash okay I'll put some smash all right I don't know if I can do that officer this is my property and I don't why I don't you have no consent to come in you see I have no weapons you see I'm safe you see everything sound I'm fine go home why would it harm them all I told them is that the revolution won't be televised why would I harm myself I have no weapons right yeah I can tell you a way to harm myself some some Jack Daniels you know what I'm saying but now I'm fine huh you know it I will only feel safe if all the people that you have in front of my place leave except for you and the EMS worker why can't you do that you told me that you needed to protect the EMS worker and I said okay so what you just you and him and now you tell me you can't do it I think they're making excuses I think you're scared why aren't you opening the door because they're not giving me logical explanations as to why they want to enter my premises nothing that they're saying makes any sense nothing that they're doing makes any sense they look like they're here to collect a criminal who who murdered somebody and all I'm doing is having fun of my apartment playing Smash Brothers and masturbating they knock the handle off my door that's how aggressive they are now I can't even leave my apartment if I wanted to I might be locked in here forever now you feel unsafe I feel unsafe okay you wanna see my hands okay okay okay look all I have is the phone look see look see see come to the corner of the door where the doors open okay a little scared right now can you understand what I'm a little scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared all right I'm really scared I'm really really scared I'm really really scared right now look can you see me okay okay okay okay hey hey guys okay so there okay guys let's let you know they take Wow Erica Attica what the [ __ ] that's what let's [ __ ] attic oh yeah what the [ __ ] what's up
Channel: Bowblax Beta
Views: 5,125,235
Rating: 4.8450117 out of 5
Keywords: good, video, bowblax, drama, great, best, new, vlog, instagram, arrest, joycon, boyz, boys, mental, breakdown, police, fbi, nypd, lapd, swat, swatted, swat team, dox, crazy, insane, twitter, insta, world, network, live, ewn, alert, keem, keemstar, interview, hosptial, ward, hospitalized, pysch, meltdown, god, Etika ( INTERVIEW ) after being ARRESTED by Police! #DramaAlert ( SHOCKING ), I'm sorry., missing, jump, bridge, tr1iceman, stream, youtube news, etika interview, etika arrested, found
Id: CFYZAkaCkrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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