Ethan & Hasan Talks About The Alpha Male Debate

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I don't know what it is but I need to take a I don't know what it is if it's the coffee or what breaking news breaking news I'm so sorry to do this guys this is there is the the plus and minus okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna go through I'm gonna go through some of these things go ahead I'll be in the bathroom okay any activity happens at Mar-A-Lago uh just shout okay go pick in the door immediately thank you guys I'll be right back all right well I was watching I was watching Ethan's uh uh conversation yesterday with the tick tock guy who is like uh who I've actually covered on my YouTube as well uh in my Andrew Tay wannabes their hilarious series uh Sebastian uh you know Romania's proudest Soldier right and I remember him I recall him saying something along the lines of in one of his tick tocks like I could change Ethan's life like just give me give me a moment with him and and it was wonderful to see Ethan's life change yeah let me think on camera alone that was that was truly truly brilliant I feel like for all of uh for all of Ethan's like faults and there are many of them be real for all of his uh you know for his inability to control his uh worse urges of uh you know blurting out whatever random nonsensical thing that's going to land him in trouble uh by uh a a designated hate Watcher audience that's like waiting to clip [ __ ] um he is in his element whenever he's doing whenever he's doing these kinds of uh interviews he's very good at like uh slowly but surely you know releasing more and more of the pressure Until It ultimately comes to a boiling point where uh you know he just leaves his interlocutors befuddled and it's always it's always a treat to watch I would say yeah it was a lot of fun I thought he did an excellent job and like you said by the end of it that he could not wait to get out of here um yeah and I was before he even realized it was live which was an interesting little twist on all of it I don't know how he didn't know it was live all you had to do was look up anything about the show okay I have questions though I have questions because I don't know if you guys address this maybe you addressed it in the earlier part of the interview that I missed but did we ever find out he has a real podcast because my speculation was that they do a fake podcast like they make it seem like they're doing a podcast just so they can get clip uh tiktok Clips out of it that is really interesting because I looked for his podcast and all I could find oh my God I'm right oh my God I'm right then maybe partially because I could not find what that clip of him talking [ __ ] about Ethan was wrong they don't have it okay that's my but even if it's not like sort of podcast like content on his main Channel but it didn't look like the same set or anything even if it's not real even if it's not real even if it does have a podcast I don't want to believe it okay let's just go I think it's way funnier to think that he just doesn't have a real podcast and he just does like a fake podcast to just get Tick-Tock Clips out of it because they saw that like you know on Tick Tock it pops off when you when you have like podcast Clips so they decided like yeah [ __ ] having like a full-blown podcast let's just do a let's do tick lock Clips um he has these long form videos like struggles of growing up poor featuring my mom let me think about it that you know is an hour long it looks fairly podcasty but it's not like an official it's just content on his YouTube channel how the [ __ ] does he have 890 000 subscribers wait what he has 890 000 subscribers and my man's getting like 30 000 views that's crazy pretty wild that he uh tried to bring up like Ethan falling off when yeah I know what's going on that's the funniest part about it is that like you know obviously fat man bad yeah everybody knows that well that was his first point out of the game clearly no you just gotta you and you gotta the more you say it the the more real it gets yeah like I I've noticed that like the more you repeat that like well you're a fat person and therefore you're like uh immoral um the the more the more valid it became for me at least um but the one thing that I always find funny I briefly alluded to this last week when I was talking about like Ethan being more Trad than like 98 of the conservative commentary circuit having like multiple children and a wife you know what I mean been in a steady relationship for years yeah dedicated monogamous relationship yeah yeah like actually actually real Trad [ __ ] right um the other part of it is like for all these Alpha Bros for the shrigma grind set you know wake up get my cake up uh dudes out there he also has like a successful like a profoundly successful business like multiple at this point so right I was thinking about that a lot when I was watching the the conversation take place and it in my mind I was thinking like dude you don't have a real podcast this guy does you're trying to make it on like you know uh on social media this dude has for many many years now right okay not to like glaze up Ethan all that much I'll when it comes uh back from the [ __ ] I'll start making fun of him yeah no like we said so many flaws May interrupt real quick he's in chat right now and he's saying someone tell Dan I'm typing under the podcast account uh oh I see I'm a Trad King yes uh oh I see that he said uh this is a spicy one okay he might not be back for a while from whenever there's a show from the bathroom yeah add that to the list yeah his his this is what happens when you [ __ ] eat frozen pizza all the time Jesus Christ okay so but as I was saying he's a successful uh you know he's a successful podcasting business right uh he's a successful content business these guys want to make that happen for themselves he also has uh like like an actual uh with Ela like an actual [ __ ] fashion merchandising brand right no they just drop ship their clothes but but like but like you can't you're doing all this same [ __ ] that like you're trying to do the watered-down shittier version of what this dude is doing simultaneously being like you're a [ __ ] loser it just like doesn't why would anybody look up to you while he's like trying to uh yeah obtain everything that Ethan has like that's I don't know I mean a lot of a lot of uh people like that a lot of their fan base is like super young so they only see like shapes and sizes you know what I mean they can't like they can't comprehend anything beyond that which is why I feel like I'm a very effective counter to all of that because I'm like well I'm bigger than you like I can you know what I mean I I yeah it helps I work out I promote a a positive healthy lifestyle of physical fitness improving Your Mind Body Soul you know uh all the time so what's up what do you got and at that point it just basically is reduced to well you also like defend uh you know marginalized groups and I don't like that right because that's always what it is it doesn't matter what uh Ethan is uh saying or doing clearly it's just like you have a difference in opinion you're toxic because you're defending the rights of marginalized people so you're a bad guy for that Ethan says I don't eat frozen pizza [ __ ] ass classes I can't even read that how about how about he say that to my face oh wait he can't because he's stuck on the [ __ ] because his [ __ ] [ __ ] is just pouring lava right now apparently he said uh just a moment ago that uh he said uh this is bad this just sent that message in the chat so good stuff it's gonna close it's going well it's going well in there it sounds like yeah yeah wiping is optional yeah [Music] I don't know about that I guess there was a brief stutter we know chat uh don't worry uh yeah it's just like everything's all good I was just looking at that but yeah it was uh it was it was fun it was fun to watch uh I especially appreciated the moment where at the end like the final culmination where uh you know you did the the left-handed thing oh yeah like you hit him with the so what's up like uh you know you know that there's like you've seen the graph of like left-handed people skyrocketing all of a sudden when we no longer were forcing people to be right-handed and he was just like uh like I loved I loved that moment where you have that clip you can you pull that clip it's on the subreddit uh of the of the tick tock that a fan made yeah we'll pull that up right now I'm all right personally because um like he was like oh I haven't investigated this matter like oh I haven't looked into this and I was thinking to myself like [ __ ] you looked into nothing like what do you mean you're talking uh you're talking about a whole lot of other [ __ ] that you don't know anything about either like this isn't new let me think about it hold on well we're pretty sure uh I mean he basically said right that his the extent of his research was watching a handful of like YouTube shorts uh yeah um from Ethan Klein hater account you sent I don't know how to pull it up I I don't have like uh oh I can pull it up yeah that's what I was saying like yeah you want to pull it up and show it yeah I'm getting comfortable here it's just like I'm I'm asking you guys to pull [ __ ] up and yeah yeah go ahead I'll pull out I'll happily Jamie for you all right here we go I tweeted that because people think they're born gay and I don't think they're born gay the amount of left-handed people back in the day was really low because people with left-handed were seen as inferior and they were forced to use their right hand more often but as it became more acceptable then the amount of left-handed people increased and it became steady at what like 12 percent would you say people choose to be left-handed I don't know anything about it anything like you don't know anything about anything you're talking about the other [ __ ] that you don't know anything about why don't you talk about this too right all right let's keep going to be attracted to women yes no I wouldn't say so right yeah I don't think I I I'm just naturally attracted to women right so do I need to connect it oh this music is [ __ ] copyright unfortunately oh no really yeah that's crazy it's because it's like on all of these videos and someone needs to make Funk like the the this uh style this genre but the copyright free version so we can use that on all of our tick tocks we have a lot of talented uh musicians in the audience yeah if anybody wants to someone needs to get on there we need some Sigma grind set music that we can use on the show but basically like yeah the the idea it doesn't even click yeah you can even click for him he just like doesn't get it trying to think but nothing happens all right breaking news area man caught stuck in the toilet folks [Music] we have more updates from wait Ethan Klein business owner stuck in the bathroom having a hard time wiping folks this is on the street this is what the this is what the podcast and the broadcast has turned into oh wait a minute wait a minute oh big news breaking news wait a minute in a live feed of the toilet I'm hearing reports that Ethan Klein has finally made it outside of the bathroom and it's back in the studio it's great to be back I was of course watching the live feed from the bathroom I appreciate all the kind words you guys said about me uh anyway uh thank you guys yeah I saw you guys were talking about my boy Sebastian and since we're on the topic should we show some of his coping tweets all right Ethan sure let's do it um I mean we already you guys already touched so well on the topic he's went straight to Twitter to cope and seeth for example look at some of the ones he retweeted David you're a lazy [ __ ] with the American flag Emoji watching this attempted hit pace of a podcast at C bass g16 should be called Attack Of The Nerds oh [ __ ] you handled yourself very very well while deflecting personal attacks from the fatty oh he came away tweeted that dog attacked this is what he this is what he was in a rush to go do remember how he he had a lot to do it was to run if you don't like to see past g16 you're genuinely only playing yourself or one of the best young men I know that's fine I mean at least he didn't call me a fatty and a nerd which is the worst thing you could just call someone dude dude I mean fat man bad I just want to be like Batman bad man bad yeah absolutely after that whole conversation he's like no he's right fatty this fatty nerd got no place to talk to me about anything God bless sea bass G the man paved the way dude what oh he went on a [ __ ] oh he did one of those things where he just like retweeted everyone praising him like all yeah 12 people yes that he could find yes right he paved the way he handed himself so but then let's go down to what he said about it himself my favorite being wait there was 43 000 people watching I mean he loved that that that's the first time he said like Real views and not like that Tai Lopez botted [ __ ] you know what I mean like AdSense paid views says here comes Ethan's fan base to clown on me I was actually trying to find common ground with him but he wasn't trying to have it I thought he was doing a great job when he said like you're fat and a loser and your podcast is in Decline I thought that that was like really good for for common ground he's like he goes okay being gay is a choice let's discuss that was on the ground I was I was thinking preach king that's what I thought right thank you yeah my my favorite ones under the Buzz Lightyear one Buzz Lightyear right Buzz Lightyear right at the bottom of this one the very bottom yeah oh here under that one under this one yes right here every single one of these times where is there one that you like in relation to the buzz yeah if there's any other ones in relation to Buzz Lightyear let me think about like three above come on that was a good marker yeah no you're right you're right you're right Ethan I gain weight because I'm on antidepressants there's barely any calories in the tablets law he [ __ ] got you you got it this must be an eight-year-old he he [ __ ] got you no that's right genuinely that is a Twitter blue user clearly okay fair enough there are clearly 48 years old and trying to make it in the crypto World okay right this man this man in the Drop Shipping Empire but I've never actually heard that take that people you're gaining weights from anti-person because the calories and the pills or so that's brilliant I've never heard that no that's actually that's brilliant it's novel to be honest I like antidepressants I think more people should try it I'm on them right now Seb are you depressed right now no what the [ __ ] is this guy even saying wait but oh he's cut off he's confused yeah no they're working dude that's why it's great are you depressed right now no they're working great yeah but he I think he's basically saying like if you're fat there's no way you can't be depressed like that's what he's saying I think which is what I don't understand because like like the likelihood that every single person is calling you a fat and therefore a loser like statistically speaking if they're in America like there's a very high likelihood that they're fat oh yeah like so I don't really understand where that's coming from either he was liking this tweet as well which I love personally yeah go hit the gym and on yeah anyone that says Anon anyone that says Anon uh should you know I'm not gonna say what I truly feel I'm just gonna say say it in a parable in Minecraft you should no you can't say it in a Minecraft anymore in a story and I probably shouldn't say in a story no no I wasn't even going to say anything that bad I was just like I mean you should go to jail honestly you should go to jail you're you're [ __ ] your entire PC should be seized by the federal government and thoroughly okay like it's just you're immediately signaling to everyone that you are a pathetic [ __ ] loser is this one edited I can never tell because people started [ __ ] with these photos so much I don't think so because like it's like man that is bro that is a crazy [ __ ] picture of me dude I mean it became a huge meme on the show because I know I know but I got to tell me dirty like that I can't tell which one is edited and which one isn't uh yeah there it is though I look comfortable okay so but but finally I think this is where I hope you realize that like you should take my advice and and get on T immediately and start doing steroids okay yeah yeah yeah and and get shredded oh because it would shut them up because like it would be really good because like here's the thing for a lot of these [ __ ] losers like it doesn't really matter what you look like obviously snico's been calling me a [ __ ] snow soy boy like Non-Stop and it's like dude like I I would eat you for breakfast and I wouldn't get enough protein out of that you know what I mean like you are it looks like you know number 50 pounds you're a twink and there's nothing wrong with that you're gonna make a couple you're a very pretty twink but let's be real like come on um but even then they still do that like mine's like yeah yeah but my point is like when he says [ __ ] like that even his fan base is like you know they're like oh is this is this real is this is this working I don't know if it works so because they look at like shapes and colors I would love it man they're lizard brain if you got shredded it would be great do it out of do it out of spite so should I get on steroids before and then start lifting what does that let's link you up with Bradley I just wanted to start I just want to get on the tee baby the T Train no I mean I don't know if you oh God you be that button crazy no that button would never disappear no that button would never work like oh God you would get banned if you were on if you were on steroids you would definitely get banned oh I see you get angry and say some unhinged [ __ ] yeah yeah I don't need it I got the button now I don't know anymore do you feel like your life changed yesterday of my life yeah was it a life-changing experience for you yeah it was I went home I had dinner but my kids I hung out with the kids I mean if I think about the impact on my life you had a life-changing [ __ ] earlier I did just yeah does that count is that what he meant I think so I think this dude's gonna have probably need some recovery time to be honest his life might have changed if anyone's life has changed these glasses have changed my life hopefully he's on a different path now I said that after yesterday's episode he's going to wind up on antidepressants when there's nothing wrong with that you know there's nothing wrong with it in fact [Music] I love I love the notion of being like I want to come on your podcast and then you know spending the second half of the podcast saying I just want to be left alone that was one of the funniest things I was like wait what does that mean I just want to be left alone yeah just leave me alone man how it started I'm Gonna Change Your Life how's it going I just want to be left alone I just want to be left alone yeah I just don't understand what's wrong with your brain that you are so good in like the most awkward scenarios but if there's nothing awkward going on you have to [ __ ] pop off and say some [ __ ] like it's like you're like I guess I needed to be awkward one way or the other so if it's not them but you're such a Smooth Operator when like you're just eviscerating the person in front of you in like but but then when there is no such situation you're like I gotta say some onion [ __ ] I gotta be the awkward one yeah it's a different um that's a suited up Ethan oh that's your favorite Ethan okay yeah dude it's awesome you just uh thank you you know you're just very effectively uh dismantle your interlocutor to be fair he's not like the sharpest debate uh no but no but but like it's not like the the conversation is supposed to be like one that is educational you know what I mean it's it's I'm saying like it's fun and you do a good job thank you so much the other guy I mean the cult guy the Nexium uh called guy he was he was at least like somewhat intelligent yeah that guy got it bad though he was he was he was good on rhetoric at least that was a bit of a gotcha I think maybe was that a god trip because he didn't know I had Tourette's I don't know oh that was definitely a God yeah we got you I mean the pool first of it he thought you were sympathetic to him for half of the interview yeah that was okay it was like another hour after the reveal that you were arguing with him and uh you still did well when you're in that mode as well so I mean all all I like to do it's almost like the Socratic method when I talk to someone like Sebastian I just when I hear something that sounds funny to me you want to just dig down as far as possible and get to the root of like what does it mean and why do you believe that and you know when you get down to Brazil the surface because guys like that they'll say something like um um you know being gay is a choice you know something like that and you can just have a question which is true I mean yeah 100 what I believe in after yesterday I didn't believe it before but now I believe it I'm deciding today to suck dick exclusively throw up the breaking news breaking news but it's a question that uh everyone should ask others if that's the case like okay let's say being gay is a choice what now why is that a problem well if they think being right the only it's not but let's say it is why is that an issue if people believe being gay is a choice that implies that they have some inherent understanding of that they are having to choose to be attracted to women they could choose they like the option of being gay right they would choose that but it's not the right thing to do so they choose to be women because that's because that's virtuous to be straight yeah like Rick Perry no it is a little gay in a sense to say being gay is a choice yeah Rick Perry Rick Perry he once famously said um you know dicks are like uh alcohol to an alcoholic you know when you're when you've gone sober I mean he didn't say it like that I'm paraphrasing but he basically he basically said something along the lines of like you know an alcoholic who's uh you know who who went sober will see alcohol in The Temptations of alcohol but we'll avoid it and that's what homosexuals should do and I was thinking like yep God damn Rick Perry like every time he sees like a [ __ ] twink staff member he's probably like he's like an alcoholic he's like white knuckling oh yeah oh god oh one of yeah one of the good examples is he says I don't want my woman to dress with her cleavage out and so it's a you know you gotta dig deep and understand okay if he's in a circle where he's talking to people and friends and peers they're just going to take that at face value if you say why do you feel that way why do you feel that way how does that make you feel like explain to me why and you know he'll he'll finally come to the conclusion that she's his right and so you come to a Moment of Truth there by digging to the is also deeply insecure too like it's it's it's paired up with like uh obviously uh hyper misogyny uh hyper misogyny meets uh deep insecurity yes deep deep you know what I mean like oh this is my property and also on top of that I am terrified of other men looking at her and uh her getting some gratification out of that because ultimately I think what if she finds someone that's better than me she's yeah exactly exactly yeah uh can you [Music] thank you
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 142,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: L7LCk_hOwXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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