ESRI Survey123 Customize for Local Data Collection

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go over how to start with setting up survey one two three using ESRI so the first thing you have to have a paid maintained license and there's a couple different licenses you have to have so get with me offline afterwards if you don't have that already and then you should have done this probably when when you saw my my calendar invite but you do have to have this is very confusing but you do have to have all three of these things you have to have an ArcGIS online account okay and and I recommend that you sign into it and just so you can see this is what this is what it looks like for here at the Colorado Department of Ag so as long as you're signed in and then you can click over in content so you might want to go through that now if you have the ability to watch me and click at the same time otherwise you can just watch and refer to my video later I'll show share it with you guys online um so anyway I'm logged into ArcGIS online and I'm just clicking on my account under content because I'm going to refer to that area later then also we're getting weird feedback okay yeah just make sure your mute your phone or mute your your screen and you do that by using your mouse and hovering down and clicking on the microphone okay so anyway you need survey one-two-three-four ArcGIS and this is a website and if you are signed into ArcGIS online then this survey one two three four ArcGIS should open already and this is what it should look like it should default to Ezra count already and then the third thing that you need is something that you'll have to download onto your machines and that's survey one two three connects and I'll go over what each one of these does but for now let me show you what survey one two three connected looks like let me minimize this so you don't get confused here this is what it looks like right here okay so alright let me get rid of that okay so our Chasse online basically is how it's kind of like the the holder ER or the cloud for where all your data goes its what stores your surveys and on and on it's where you also make maps and you connect and you connect to other people and it's also where you create groups and creating groups is a is kind of an important feature that you'll want to be sure to do survey one two three four ArcGIS is really it provides two things one it allows you to drag and drop let me just click on that so you know this is it right here it allows you to create new surveys and you do that right here and then you can just drag and drop or you can use survey one two three connect the drag-and-drop is very easy but there's an extra step at the end that if you don't do you could really kind of mess up your data so I think it's better even though it's a little bit more technically challenging to use survey one two three connects so that's what I'm going to show you today and then also in this survey one two three for ArcGIS this is also where you set permissions for who can submit data and who can view the data and we'll go over these all these steps really quickly with one demo and then the next thing is you need survey one-two-three Connect as I also met already mentioning that's what you download and this is where you actually really build the survey and I'll go through those steps really quick with you and then also um of course you're gonna want to have on your device like a cell phone or a tablet the actual survey app the survey wants you three app on your device so you can access it and also so you can test it so you can fill out data in the field or you can test it before you push it to someone else so the first thing you really want to do is start using survey 1-2-3 connect and either use a template that ESRI provides or one that we have and I'll just show you one that I've already created um if you want to use one from ESRI you just click on new surveys and then I recommend I think it's going to the community let's see is that the community or the samples yeah the samples is really the better one it provides you a lot of different forms you can use especially if you want to do something really special um you know like to calculate a location or on and on they got a million different examples and if you follow their template it'll really help you figure out okay how do I do this thing it's fancy thing in here so we're not going to use their form but that's how you would do that so I'm just going to use a former I've already created it this is a kind of a test one and so you just click on it and so when I send you the noxious weed surveys this is what you're gonna want to do you'll save it somewhere on your C Drive and then you'll connect to it this way so you just hit yes and up pops up so form okay and so this is what the actual mobile app looks like on your device but to edit it or to modify it or to create a brand new form using this template you just click this XLS at the top and it opens Excel and then the things that you're gonna want to know are column a column B and column C that's the Bay the very basics that you need to do and then also that's on the survey tab and then you also want to pay attention to the choices tab over here and again you're gonna want to pay attention to call them a call and B and column C now I'll go over what those are so on the survey tab column a is what we call the data type so this basically tells the database what kind of data are you trying to collect and ESRI has this form already set up so you just click I don't know if you saw that you just click on the cell and then click on the down drop down arrow and these are all the choices that we have so if you want to collect a picture you would select the image if you want to click collect a date and a time stamp stamp you would click on date and time if you want to draw like a shape then you would click on geo shape so for instance if you wanted to digitize or draw in the field a polygon around an infestation or around Hempfield or something of that nature that's how you would do it okay and on and on so this is column age or data type column B is the name of the field in the database or in other words it's the name of the call um in the database so if you can imagine the database is like an oh sorry all right bad timing I'm back that's my dog anyway so if you can imagine database is like a table and the column header for instance like in this situation the column header is name that's what this is now the thing about databases is you cannot have spaces between the words and if you're trying to use this information this data in ArcGIS you really kind of want to limit the length of all of the characters to ten or less so sometimes you might have to abbreviate like this you know or squish them or I'm sorry that's not a brief meeting but put all the the words together or abbreviate like psy name that sort of thing so it's not really readable over here in column C that is the human readable so you can make this however long you want to say whatever you want it doesn't matter you can have spaces between the words and so forth so those are super important key characteristics of data so again data type the column header or the field name and then what the person sees on the app when they're filling the form out on the phone or on the tablet so this is what the human sees the human readable now you'll notice right here this is select from multiple you can also do select one and so if I wanted to create a drop-down option where hey I want you to tell me that it's um this plants plant you know Tree of Heaven or Russian olive then you would and not both but just one or the other then you would have them fill out a that's one option and then under list name you would put like for instance tree and it's okay to have a space after one and then of course you need to fill this out so tree species and then over here would be what kind of tree is it and now she can put on punctuation in there okay so now I'm giving them an option to pick one or the other so now I have to go to my choices tab and I have to remember that I called this question tree and so I go over here to the choices tab and I put tree down and I want to give them three choices so choice one is Elan or Russian I'll live and oh dear I don't know Tree of Heaven Tree of Heaven I don't know what the shortcut is free of heaven and let's see tamarisk it's not really a tree camera it's spa could be any of those three choices there so now I've given my the person that's filling out my form three choices to answer this question right here tree and the same thing you would do if you wanted to give them how to have them give them the ability to select two or more from the choices then you would just do select multiple and you would do the same thing so that's kind of like it in a nutshell as far as what you absolutely have to have in your form over here to the right let me see if I can blow this up a little bit make it a little bit bigger so you can see what's going on Oh here to the right all these two other columns are options that Azeri gives you for instance you can provide a hint so that when someone goes to fill out this question you can give them a hint pick trees that are only in Colorado you know if you want to limit their ability you would put a constraint in for instance if you wanted to do like percent cover you could say percent cover has to be between 0 and 100 and right here that's the example they give and that's how you would type it in so it would be point greater than 0 and point less than 100 that's exactly how you would do it and that doesn't make sense for my questions I'm going to delete it on and on over here you can provide a message that pops up to kind of give them a hint about the constraint that you're requiring required is basically do you want the question to be required or not and then you can give them a message to remind them hey you have to fill out this question before you move on don't forget appearance is kind of a neat tool this allows you to customize how the question looks to the user so you can imagine if they had to fill out pick a County well we have 64 counties in Colorado and so if you didn't want them to have to scroll Scroll scroll down a huge long list of 64 counties you can make the list compact so that you know they just toggle a carrot for instance multi-line means you know that'll be across different lines you can experiment with some of these things to see how you like how they look like ER is like a it's kind of like a high medium low kind of index and on and on um default is basically if you want it to default to um okay so if they don't be my option if they don't pick one of these trees it's gonna default to Siberian Elm and on there's a bunch of other stuff if you want to do Auto populate a calculation that's how you would do that here relevant is if you want it to default or have the answer fill-in for instance based on the response to another answer so do you live in Colorado yes okay and then if they select yes then the relevant answer would be okay what county do you live in sort of something like that a lot of these other ones are kind of just other options I haven't really used that much but you can field length is important this kind of tells you how many characters the answer is limited to and so if you don't put a limit on your field then it's gonna default to 255 characters which is really huge and it's kind of also makes the table kind of unworkable or unmanageable so if you have a comment folks about the site and this is gonna be text cuz they're just gonna be typing an answer in then you know it's going to default like they're gonna be able to provide a comment or notes about the site and they have up to 255 characters to do so but if I want them to do it in 20 words or less or 20 characters or less including spaces and punctuation then you would just fill out the number there that you want to limit them to okay so all that's done my choices are done here so I'm just gonna go ahead I'm gonna save this really quick so you can see this and I'm just gonna place on my desktop for now and I'm gonna call it form test okay so that's there on my desktop right here okay now I'm gonna go ahead and just X out of my it's so document now to open this or to publish I'm going to let C be on the spot here yep let's see file and then it navigates where it is I'm gonna load it okay and then I'm going to publish it and did it go No okay let's try that again oh that's what I need to do sorry okay you need to click on new survey and then you need to navigate to where it is this way so I goofed here's my form now I'm gonna create it and I can minimize this mess okay so here's my form that I provided there's my questions about my trees and here's my their ability to provide notes so that's kind of it in a nutshell once you set up your form that's what you do now after you have your form published then the next step that you need to do is you go to a survey one two three connects I'm sorry we already did that go to setup the group on rjs online so let me show you that really quick so this is I'm going to arch is online right here okay and I'm gonna click on groups hopefully you have this option in your ArcGIS online accounts to create a new group you just click here and you just have to fill out the Asterix fields with Asterix so testing survey one two three forums and I'm just gonna say test and then you can on this is where you narrow down who you want to have the ability to see this app and so I'm gonna just share it with you in case you want to check it out but then I'm after we're done with the training I'm going to take it offline so it's only gonna be up temporarily but right now I'm going to share it with everyone so that you all can download it onto your phones or your mobile device if you want you can see what it looks like on your end on it on the mobile device you can join this group I'm gonna say anyone temporarily same thing with group member so you this is how you narrow down the permissions so I'm going to create this group so if you wanted to become part of this group you could okay so I set up my group and let's say my group is a noxious weed managers in Colorado or my groups is all people in the state working on invasive species so anyone that has an ArcGIS online account can be part of my group ok so after I do that then the next thing I set up my groups now I want to set this permissions or who can submit the data on my new form and who can view the data on my new form and I do that using survey one two three four ArcGIS so again that is this website that you already have open that you're logged in to you now I should be able to see my form that I just created I'm gonna hit refresh hopefully you'll pop up and I don't see it why is that hey let me log out I'm just gonna fail miserably cuz I'm demoing live ah you don't see it okay anyway you do set it set your permissions here it should pop up automatically I'll have to troubleshoot to figure out why it's not pushing but let's say this is the one that I publish so then I just click on it to set the permissions okay now do not hit delete here that would be disastrous you'll still have it with the Excel form so you could start over but notice in here like I said before you can design right from here I don't want to design but this kind of is nice you can customize pictures and backgrounds or whatever but more importantly what we want to go to is collaborate so again this is how I set the permissions for who can submit data and who can view the data so right now I'm on the submitter tab which is over here on the left and I'm gonna just scroll down a little bit so you can kind of see so this part right here tells tells you when you want to share the mobile app with someone how do you want them to be able to view the mobile app if you choose this top option that means they have to have internet connectivity and that's not very useful if you're in the field and so I always choose this middle one which basically allows the person to open up the survey either on their phone using the cell tower or wireless connectivity or in a web browser if they have internet connectivity so that's kind of about the best one and so they would either do it it'll prompt them to or ask them if they want to view it within the survey 1 2 3 app or on the web and I always encourage everyone to use the survey 1 2 3 app I think it's more secure than using the web browser but that is an option and if you really want to or sit you could make them always open it in in the survey 1 2 3 app only so I do like to give people the choice and then this is the link that you share with the person that you want to have access to your app if you make it open to the public and if you want to give that out to whoever now in my case I have made this app open to the public and so I would submit I would click this option here but if this was a survey that I wanted only people within my agency to access then the steps that I did earlier which made the group opened to everyone I would just put those people in the group that I want to have access and then I would pick down here just people in the group that I have set up um so let's see if my group yep here's my group right here that I made so I'm gonna uncheck this one because I only want to share this with people that are in this group and so that's how I would narrow down that access and so I'm gonna want to hit save and if you want to check this out I'll put this in the invite here so you can click on that link if you want to check it out you saw it the forum looks like nothing fancy but just in case hey now I'm gonna go back to this ok so that's who can submit data um and I better do that cuz you guys aren't in my group yet ok so now I have it set up so that anyone with the link and anyone that's in my group can access the data so now who can view my data well I don't want everyone to view my data I want to have that lock down just to me so I'm gonna make sure that this is what's selected or that I share only with certain people in my organization for instance that are in this tight group right here so that's a way to kind of lock down who can have access to view the data so you're definitely going to want to go through these steps again you use survey 1 2 3 ArcGIS for that step hit save and then of course if you need the link again you can just click up here and I'll give you this and of course you can use a QR code as well if you want ok so that's on the middle step actually that's the last step and then you can go ahead and test it or deploy it and so basically now if you had a survey 1 2 3 app already on your device but you can't see what I'm doing now because um I don't have a way to share my phone with you but um if you do happen to go to the calendar invite and grab the link you should be able to open up survey 1 2 3 log into your account and then download the survey from there and you could even fill it out if you wanted and depending on what kind of device you have the way to download the survey on the cell phone usually is in the top right hand corner there'll be a little round link for your profile and then you can go to download and you can do it from there now of course you can't actually it was wrong you can't actually get the app that I originally built you can only get this this report biological control releases it's still kind of a test app so I was wrong that you can get the other one but in essence that's how you work with survey once you three how you set up a survey really quickly now to view the data you go back to ArcGIS online you click content and I know I'm going through this really fast I'm going to share this video with you guys so you can refer to it later um my app should show up over here under content and then click here on content my app should show up over here now here it is right here so let me see where here it is this one right here okay and yep I can see so here's my form right here okay and I can see this is who I'm sharing it with you just hover I'm sharing it with everyone I'm also sharing it with just program managers and I'm sharing it with my group that I made which is test survey one two three forms and no need to click on this if I click on this it's just gonna take me right back to the you know the content here so I don't need to do that um but you'll notice there's a bunch of other things here and these are the data this is the data and the layers and I think this one right here feature layer is the actual data there's probably no data in there but if you click on that let me just do that one more time so you can see if you click on that right here then it'll give you an option for how to access the data so you can open it up in their map view and I would recommend that you do that but if you need to export the data right off and send it to someone that doesn't have an ArcGIS online account you can do that here but to open the map data there's not gonna be any data in here this is you know give you a map here's the data right here you can see the table by clicking on the table if there was any information it would be right here that was collected you can also change the symbology if you want by clicking here and on and on and on so real quick before I go into the other details do you guys have any questions about any of that I know I went through that really fast okay that is just to set up a survey one two three okay a mobile app and so if you for instance have an app that someone else is already built you would just go through those same steps to edit it or whatever you don't need to do that right now but let me show you the apps that I do have that are specific to noxious weeds um I'm gonna go to survey one two three connect I'm gonna hit the back arrow and so here are the forms that I've built for noxious weeds for instance there's one for a reporting list a species only and this is what it looks like on someone's phone or tablet okay so here's an example of how I have the drop down arrows you can map multiple species here if you want um I give them an option because I want to control the language for how they report abundance I give them a calculator if they want to add and subtract to count the number of plants and this is a Likert so they can choose one of the other same thing here they can choose one of these options County they can choose a county with the drop down arrow so this is all can be customized like I showed you in the form of the Excel form you don't need to remember all this but I do want to share a couple things with you so this is in particular for us la Plata County Castilla County and Longmont who are on the phone right now so I'm going to open this forum up and I'm just gonna show you this really quick so this is that form that I just shared with you is how what it looks like the details of that form so again you need to pay attention out a B and C a is the data type B is the data column header name C is what it looks like to the person that's filling out the device on the phone or the bore the tablet okay now there's a lot you can customize in here and you're gonna want to do that because these ones in particular I have set up to default to certain things so for instance let's go down here to see County okay so if you are this is all gonna populate in the background it's hidden okay so if you want to make this just one County then you need to change the data type and you need to change the list right and the default so you're just gonna have to look over here and figure out this is what the default is this column and change it to what what you think it needs to be and I can work with you one on one to do that but just know you can have some things Auto populating in the background that the person on the front end that has the form doesn't need to fill out um okay let me look at another one really quick so let's look at pesticide sprayers okay so this is a form that if they are going to I worked with the pesticide folks at CDA to help design this form so this is what it looks like when the person pulls up the form on their mobile device so for instance if you had a tank mix you could fill out this is all the required information that's needed for pesticide spray records so this is Rick M achill one same thing for chemical two and chemical three ok there's and in addition to all that there's also the information about the infestation right so you know how how bad is the infestation so if you want to customize this form for instance like applicators information if you want this to default so that it always fills out your name as the supervisor and they always they have a choice the temporary employees have a choice of who who is the applicator so let's say it's applicator person number one person number two person number three you can make this so that you can it can drop down to just their name and so they can choose between you know their name or their there are other people's name that you have employed other temp employees so to do that again you to customize this you click on Excel and opens up the form and again you're gonna want to go the survey tab and again you have data type the column header and how it looks to the person who's reading the app and you're gonna want to scroll down to that section so let's say we're doing the applicator section so here's survey supervisors full name and I don't know if you can see that supervisors full name and so you're gonna want to go to the default and then you would type in your name here if you wanted the default to you right and if you wanted it to default to your agency you would do that here now if you wanted to have a choice of two temporary employees then you would change this from a fill in the blank text to like a select one and then you would have to build your choices over here you know give them the choice of you know Fred or Martha okay what whatever their names are okay so let's seam delete that um let's go to another one so revisits so this is if you have an existing infestation that's already reported in ED maps it's a very simple form not very many questions again you can make some of these defaults to your name your address always and then she you know you're gonna need the record ID so notice the star the red star means that the person has to fill it out it's required so if I want to tweak this and let's say I want to make this optional then I would go to the Excel form it opens up and again the first column a whoops I'm on the wrong town surveys column a is the data type column B is the column field header name and column C is the human readable how it looks on the device okay so if I wanted to make let's see where is it Ed Maps record optional ok so right now you can see it's required and so then I would just change it to blank right and now suddenly it's not required anymore so you can customize this however you want there are some questions in the noxious suite forms that you should not customize and so if you have questions about that just let me know but I'll go ahead and share that information with you and again I know I went over all of this really quickly I'm going to post the video online of course you can always or email me with questions um so for now that's all I have to share so if you have a question feel free to unmute yourself and/or to send a chat hey Lauren is June knees together is a3 a question one is so we could use at the list a watch list in the BNC reporting as an alternative to admits or do you prefer Ed Maps or Howie's yeah that's a good question so the list a the watch list the BNC the pesticide sprayers and the revisits are all there for you to use for collecting data in the field and then what you would do is you would take the data and you would go to your ArcGIS online account uh to content right and then once you've got that data from your future layer then you would download that data export it as a shapefile and send that shapefile to Ed Maps as a bulk upload so really what these apps are doing for noxious weeds is it's allowing you collect the exact information that you need in the format that's needed and then you just push it or download it or do a data dump to someone else so for instance there's folks on on the call right now that have to push data to to USDA like the Cape's folks and so they would go through the same thing they would after the data is filled out by folks in the field they would go to content and like here's their survey right here their caps are this is their form they don't need to open that up but they would go to feature layer and then they would export the data and they can put a send it directly to USDA now in the case of both USDA and Ed Maps and maybe other entities like maybe the city of Longmont or the boulders County or city of Boulder or someplace else where we have infestations where we need to share data across jurisdictional boundaries if they have an ArcGIS online account now what you just do is you go and you work with them you know you would call them up or you could just do it all within ArcGIS online you would create a group right and you and then your group would be hey I'm in a shared data so this is an example I'm sharing data on toadflax with Grant Mesa County and so this group right here is just with me in Mesa County and then they can access my data on the fly in real time the same that I can and that's because we've called each other and we've agreed to do that Ed Maps is I think going to be setting up this capability so it's not quite there within ArcGIS online yet but that would be one way and again if there if you don't have a group or they're not online then a way to do that is to download the data here under content and then export it right here okay did that answer your question yeah so basically we're actually hosting the data on our server and then we're either downloading that or sharing it that's exactly right it's hosted in your our chats online account yep yep okay great thank you yeah hello uh this is Cheryl hi Cheryl hi can you show me how to access Japanese beetle yes absolutely okay so right now so right now your data well we don't have a form set up specifically for you yet but we're I think we're working on that um I think Neil is working on that but anyway so when you're in your ArcGIS online account you should be able to go to content and then click over here on CAPS right or it will say ideally Japanese beetle okay and then you would click on feature layer and at that point you know cuz we don't have any data in here yet you you could open it up in the map viewer and create your Maps and you can add a ton of data right here using add or base change your base map here but if you wanted just to download it like to send it to someone or to get you know something else you would just do export right here right and then you could do it that way but one of the reasons we're saying you episode you can use the map viewer right here and look at your data and you can also analyze your data there's a ton you can do right here if you click on analysis you have all kinds of options right here on the left that shows you how to analyze the data so you could find hotspots or outliers you know find the nearest you know to something else and on and on lots of things yeah so when the technician is out there and like they're setting up the traps what do they do oh okay so when so what the technician is gonna be doing is I'll show you an example so what they're gonna do is they're gonna see this right here they're gonna open up their device oh it doesn't look like this I'm not sure why I think Neal made it private they're gonna open up on their device and they're gonna see the questions and they're just gonna fill out the questions and then the questions when they the answers to the questions who is doing it is gonna automatically get pushed to your your data right here under content it's gonna get pushed to this right here and it's gonna be automated okay then or do you have a question I don't think Ben can are you on the phone hey Steven how about you do you have a question no all right I don't like you say it was a little fast but I think just a matter of getting in there and messing around yeah yeah it is fast and what I have what I'm doing is I also for everyone I'm gonna kind of do some quick screen captures and fill out this form that kind of just walk you through some basic steps to remind you you know like for instance which which which of the three survey esri things do you use to do what so so I'll kind of like set that up for you and share that with you guys as well as posting this video okay well um unless anyone else has a question um you know this is kind of just meant to give you overall so um for the Christie County La Plata County and the city of Longmont I'm gonna be sending you emailing you zip files I'll show you what they look like really quick zip files and you know it's just gonna be of the forms that I just sent and it'll just be the Excel spreadsheet itself okay and so then when you get those forms you're gonna want to just save them somewhere on your computer where you remember and then you're gonna go into survey once you three connect and you're gonna add them right here by going clicking on new clicking on file and navigating to where they are and then they should it should appear and you'll do those one at a time okay and as far as Kristin and Cheryl goes you guys already have your forms set up you are already in our chance online here's your forms right here I've already created groups for you so here's a group for caps specifically so right now the people that are in this are basically Neil Kristin Laura and me and and there's another one for Japanese surveyors and right now because we don't have a form in there yet whoa right now it's just Cheryl myself and Laura Potter so pretty soon as Sue's depending on if Neil gets a new form we'll create that and then allow us to share data with each other as well and then you can add as many people as you want to that group they're the groups are there for you guys to use and manage so alright okay well I think that's it for now so yeah feel free to reach out if you have questions the video will probably get posted online I'm saying thinking probably at the end of the end of the week if everything goes well all right you know these forms okay great thank you okay thank you okay bye thanks Laura no problem thanks Laura thank you bye bye and you have any questions
Channel: Colorado Department of Agriculture
Views: 56
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: io5v7gOv_DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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