Esri ArcGIS and Autodesk Bring New Dimension to Construction Project Planning

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good morning and welcome to mga EC technology partners ESRI ArcGIS and Autodesk bringing new dimensions to construction project planning we're very excited about this this morning and looking forward to presenting for you folks mga ICI is an Autodesk and ESRI partner were based in Denver but we have offices in Chicago Milwaukee Madison and Spokane so we're we cover a good bit of the US and we recently were about a year ago we were asked to join ESRI in their new AEC initiative so we're very pleased to be a part of this today's presenters my name is Stan honey I'm as the partnership manager as well as handling our scanning and specialized services here at mga EC Erich Schaefer is our construction industry specialist and then from ESRI today we have Matt Tora the industry partner an Account Manager and David Rives and the AEC industry technical specialist now what I do want to say is that we've all worked together to create a really good construction workflow for using the GIS and the Autodesk technology and so forth and and this is something that really hasn't been done to any great depth before so hopefully you'll enjoy today's presentation so a little bit about mga see I you can read the screen here we are in Autodesk ESRI and Bluebeam partner those are our primary technologies but our biggest focus is on services we do BIM and GIS management services and related services we do a lot of ESRI ArcGIS implementation services BIM to GIS services forge development so forth and so on and we really try and cover the BIM world from what we like to say the ground up so it's it's an important part of what we do now who is isre the interesting thing that we found in in talking with the construction industry is a lot of people don't know who is Riyaz or who or what necessarily GIS is now I don't want to condescend here it's just it's just been interesting to find that out so you know in a nutshell ESRI is 2 G is what Autodesk is 2 CAD and design technologies as RIA originated the field of geographic information systems or GIS over 50 years ago they are the worldwide GIS market leader in software and technologies and their ArcGIS platform which we will be talking about today is the market leading GIS platform but it also forms the core for thousands of applications in all sorts of industries around the world ESRI has over 3,000 specialized technology partners so that can be everything from first responder technologies to census technologies to now AEC and construction technologies ESRI and autodesk formed a strategic partnership in 2017 and that allowed us to really connect the two industry giants technologies together in in meaningful ways here's some common uses of GIS and and as you might think utility management facilities I won't read them all you can kind of see those on the screen there and then the industry served again you can see those on the screen and but they pretty much cover the spectrum of you know what people do in the world and how they need to manage data and how they need to bring it forward in in meaningful ways so as we mentioned today's workflow of today's webinar is talking about construction management construction project management we'll talk a little bit about data management mapping and visualization field mobility monarch monitoring so IOT tie-ins analytics design and planning decision support constituent engagement sharing in collaboration and on the right here you can see the the typical VDC workflow so there's tie-ins to pre construction construction out work out in the field and then turn over or hand off to the to the owner at that point ArcGIS online is the base platform that everything that we're going to be showing today is based on ArcGIS online is a remarkably intuitive and simple platform to use and yet it is so very powerful in aggregating all manner of data that's important to in this case the typical construction project it also ties in very closely with most of the Autodesk technology Revit civil 3d infor works many of those things AutoCAD in order to really create a dynamic back-and-forth workflow in addition to that we have a number of AEC focused modules that tie in with the ArcGIS online now the arcgis pro is probably the most powerful of those and it's a great companion to the online because it's something that you need to really handle some of the more heavy duty operations it's the desktop version of the online and it allows you to handle some of the things like importing Revit files and doing a number of things along those lines David will talk to talk to that in just a minute so I won't go on too too long some of the others certainly the drone to map tools are very popular and the business analysis tools are also becoming very popular with those in the design and construction profession our GIS will handle an import just about any kind of data you might want to bring in you can see the little icons there and and it's really fascinating how much data you can incorporate kind of overlaid with each other and linked to each other so that you can really do some very complex analysis with these tools again we'll be showing more of this so with that I am going to turn this over to David Rives with ever ESRI excuse me and let him actually show you the stuff rather than me ramble on about it so with that it is all yours all right first rate that hello everybody I'm David Rives I am a solution engineer at ESRI for our AEC team so I really help demonstrate how architecture engineering in particularly in construction firms use GIS in their workflows and for kind of better product delivered to their clients so who start off in our desktop software this is ArcGIS Pro and I'm using it to aggregate all different kinds of data for construction of a commercial building right right here on this site now what's great about arcgis pro is that it's an intuitive software with a ribbon based interface up top it gives you contextual feedback to display the tools that you need to use for your types of data now if you've heard of GS in the past maybe you've heard of arcmap that is still around but arcgis pro is a modern version that supports 2d and 3d visualization with this more modern interface now let me start by gathering existing conditions for development of this of this site and so I can draw features here I can bring in shape files I can bring in CAD data I can bring in locations of existing buildings now engineers spend a lot of time you know just gathering data before they're going to design a structure a building a bridge and rjs probe makes it easy to gather all that data together you know one thing on my benefit from having is some parcel and utility information from the local city now luckily most major cities out there even real small ones use ArcGIS as well as their system of record right for all of their assets so I encourage you to just pick a city search for it plus the term GIS and see what you come up with right most cities have a dedicated GS page where they share out public data many of them have even developed a portal so that the public has really easy access to all of these datasets things like easements parcels trails building footprints and this is public data and they're using ArcGIS to serve it out to you to the public now I could download from here I could download that file and I could bring into our GS Pro but aren't use Pro is a connected desktop I can actually search for that same data here within ArcGIS Pro on the right I can go to the calleb pane to explore all the different data I have in my computer but I can also search online if I search for Redlands parcels I can find that same layer we looked at earlier and she used to add it to my current map and so now I've got all the property boundaries from the city of Redlands live in my map I'm gonna add in some other data as well things like existing utilities so I know where to tie into those for water gas and electric magnet another really really unique data that I've got access to there's something called the living outs or the world over here on the right now the living else the world is something that she has a set of data that you get access to with your license and this instead of curated authoritative data from trusted sources all over the world that's prevents you from having to go out there online and find data for your project alright finding data that you trust finding data that's updated finding data that's accurate whether it's a demographic data infrastructure data environmental data you can browse you can browse it here in your browser but you also can search it through ArcGIS Pro if I need to look at some FEMA flood plains I get I can search that I can add to my map and when I turn it on I can see where that five-pointed your flood plain crosses our properties here so we're using ArcGIS pro to gather together all these different types of data shape files you can bring in CAD drawings DG ends DXF DWG s you can even bring in three-dimensional data if you have a Revit file you can browse to that on your computer and just drag and drop it in to ArcGIS pro you don't have to convert it or anything it can natively read that Revit file because one of the benefits of the astronaut oDesk partnership that was announced about three years ago now if your Revit data wasn't drawn in its real-world location there are tools in arcgis pro so that you can correctly position your Revit models your cad data so that it lines up with the rest of your GIS data and your system of record if you look in the background here I've got some nice imagery this is available to me also with my license - for arcgis pro up here you see you've got access to a variety of base maps so that you don't have to maintain those data sets you don't have to worry about finding roads and buildings and parcels and rivers we've made those base maps and we allow you to use them in all of your maps your maps in arcgis pro and any mats that you share online all these things that you're seeing here these 2d maps these 3d maps even the ability to visualize lidar point clouds all these maps can be shared to ArcGIS online right and that's the real benefit here our arches Pro is a powerful tool for gathering together data of all different types but a lot of organizations have their data in silos maybe even physical silos are on you know one or two people's machines there's a sharing tab up top that allows you to share all these maps you designed let me get there in a huge variety of ways you can share individual datasets you can create PDF maps you can still print maps out it's really easy to share a web map you don't need to be a web designer you don't need to have any sort of programming or development skills from Arch's Pro you can combine all your layers symbolizing the way you want and then easily share it as a web map to work just online now once you share two arcgis online you've made it available to your entire organization so now whereas arcgis pro is for the power users right maybe a heavy GIS user in your organization ArcGIS online is for everybody oops sneak peak I should prefer hi here we go so let's take a look at those maps that I shared to ArcGIS online I'll hide ArcGIS calm I'll sign of my account and after I sign in I met my organization homepage which you get to customize this is where everybody on your project team can go to to access jst and maps for their projects that Revit model that we were looking at earlier we can convert that to two GIS and share it to ArcGIS online so that everybody can explore that BIM model earlier we're using ArcGIS pro to visualize this an architect might use you know Revit to design this but right now I'm just in my browser I'm in a website and navigating around this model now this is great because this allows you know non-technical users to interact with your data this is a much better you know project deliverable than a PDF with some screenshots on it or a few pictures your project team or even your clients could log into ArcGIS online securely and explore your site explore your model there are tools in here to add more GIS data if they like you can switch up the base maps you can do shadow analysis you can even take some 2d and 3d measurements all within your browser here you know BIM beta is produced often but there are even more BIM consumers out there who need to see that BIM beta and make approvals or make suggestions to maguet it's now this model I can even slice through it now these are default tools that are just part of this 3d viewer when you share a model to ArcGIS online this is the default view you get no programming no coding all these tools come built-in now I ain't be this model out so you so it would draw quickly for me but if I offices and cubicles in there I would get to see inside of all of those now whereas this is the default 3d scene viewer you can extend this to make some really impressive maps and apps for your team and for your customers this building has been approved in construction as started and so now I'm in an application where I can browse through all the regular drone flights that have been going around this construction site right since late last year and so on the left you see I can go back to the very beginning to monitor progress from my office without having to actually be on site we can look how its Arden look how preview how looked this past summer there's a really great capabilities in here these all these aerial images were gathered via drone and processed with drone the map or our desktop software but one of the additional products it can make is a 3d mesh so I can use this toggle button at the top to toggle between a 2d view and a 3d view of my site and certainly not without having to be on site I can monitor construction progress I can zoom in and I can see where vehicles are located I can make counts of material and I can even preview what the structure is going to look like when it's finished earlier we saw that propose design an ArcGIS online let's add in that final design at that final BIM model right on top of where it's supposed to be so using the data within that Revit model this site allows me to explore that building floor by floor and compare it to its current progress I can view the full model I can view just the structure of it and see how it compares how it lines up with what's on site let's take a look at what it look like just last week lots of progress here and so this kind of application is a much better way for your teams they updated on progress but also your clients you can you can achieve have a new level of transparency with your clients when you provide them aside that they can go to to view progress your materials and view the status of this construction is impressive but we can still do lots with our 2d maps right earlier I shared my construction logistics web map online now once you share a map from ArcGIS pro to ArcGIS online it becomes available on any device you don't have to program you don't have to code if you open up this up in your browser and your tablet on your mobile device you're gonna see mobile versions of this and so this is allows someone you know from their desktop to interact with this map collect data edit data you can edit features in here again change the base map configure the symbology of this but what's really useful is when you've got someone on site right you can open up this web map on a mobile device and using collective for ArcGIS I can navigate to that same map that we're looking at in our browser I can open it up I would see if I was standing on the construction site I would see a blue dot on my phone of where I was standing on site and so I could use my smart phone my tablet to collect information on site collect photos collect measurements and immediately submit that back to the office so the field the office can really stay in constant communication thanks to mobile apps like collector with the Builder to edit data and submit new features now it uses your phone's location but if you need measurements that that are accurate and centimeters it's possible to use a GPS receiver or a GNSS receiver and bluetooth that to your phone or tablet and so that receiver will pass through those precise X Y and D coordinates to your phone allowing feudal workers to collect accurate measurements in the field and submit those back to the office so taking data from arcgis pro and share it online makes it available to our entire organization on any device so that everybody can stay updated and communicate with each other now just like we extended our default 3d map to make a really impressive jobsite status app we can extend this 2d map to create dashboards driven by the data in that map driven by the data collected in that field now these things you've seen so far require you know programming or coding or even developer skills this is just configuring you choose the map you want you choose the metrics you want to display and how you want to style them and so it's something like this dashboard could be a way for project managers to stay up to date on site conditions that actually be in there or monitor hazards you can edit data you can view collected data stay up to date on permits right view that's a permit when they're expiring and all this could also be used for a customer right again this could be a much better - little deliverable for a customer than just a data dump at the end or maybe regular emails conveying status of construction this can be easily put together configured and shared privately or publicly suddenly the construction projects are to private public partnerships and the public needs to be involved needs to provide input and be notified about changes in meetings to achieve that your license also includes something called RGS hub basic ArcGIS hub allows you to create these interactive sites for your customers or for the general public so that they have all the information they need about a project now although it looks like a website that I designed this is just a template where you choose the photos the text and the maps that are inside of it now if this was a public project this could be a public website right with its own domain so that you so that citizens City Council members could log in view project information view the current status of it alright follow along with that project workflow alright you can even embed your Maps apps and dashboards within this hub so it could be one place where you know customers of the public could go to to see all those relative to related project documents all right view different stages of the planning the designing in the and building you can embed videos galleries and even generate timelines and calendars so that the public can follow and participate in those public meetings if you look back up at the top there's a button here for users to follow these initiatives follow these projects if it was public a citizen could follow this initiative give email updates about changes in in the design in the project notifications of public meetings but you could also gather data from them you can embed surveys on this hub to gather feedback from the public or from your clients about necessary changes to you know to your construction project so what we've done is used ArcGIS Pro to gather data of all different types shape files GIS data CAD data Revit data imagery lidar all that can be combined together and share it out to your organization to your clients so that when you put data at the center of your organization everybody can do their work more efficiently more faster and make better decisions with that access saying I think I'm going to get a pause and share my screen now and turn over to you and maybe start getting into the kind of question and answer portion sure David we've got a couple more quick slides that I want to alright we're work with here and we've got darn many windows open there we go so just want to give you a little bit of a picture of what the pricing and so forth is like this isn't a hard sell but people always ask so the the AEC collections that ESRI has created and put out to to the market include a number of different user types so let's say you're you've got a project going on we're actually working with a customer now who's actively ramping up on this as we speak and they have a couple power users they need that the ArcGIS pro plus the ArcGIS online plus other data access tools so we've got a couple of seats of the power user or module in there the IT person is going to need access but they don't necessarily need everything that the power user has but they need to be able to stand this up and administer it for their organization so they've got see to that they've got a couple people out in the field who superintendent's who work on the site and are able to pull in information use the field applications the collector and survey applications that David was showing you and so they have the field worker modules and then a couple of designers engineer design design engineers back in the office who need to be able to link to the data make edits but don't need or want to have the full access to the the GIS analysis and so forth and so on so there's the the designer aspect of this and then the viewer aspect is for people who in the organization or within your customer organization to just be able to view and spin things around make comments so forth and so on and then there's things like the drone the map application which is a little bit extra so forth and so on so we will go here now this would be a typical typical project so you decide how many users of what type you need within your organization and set that up and then what we do from there is we would look at setting up project portals where all of this information can be sent out to your your clients the the stakeholders so forth and so on now you might say well I thought you said there was a free viewer or a viewer tool there is but if the client really needs to dig in to the the project and analyze data themselves so forth and so on then the project portal is what is needed in order for them to really be able to do this work because that gives them access to the full data sets allows them to send their own field workers out and do things like that to collect data for their needs so forth and so on so that's really how it how it comes about and let's see we're trying to be respectful of your time and keep this fairly fairly short today but please feel free to contact myself Stan Henny here at mg or Erich Schaefer here at mg our construction specialist and we can help you through this mg has done in the short time we've been associated with ESRI we've had the real pleasure of doing a lot of projects with ESRI in the BIM to GIS space already so getting very well worth versed in this as well so with that let's see if there are any questions right now it doesn't look like there are so we'll give it a couple minutes and just here's here's a little bit of information about our company and you can feel free to contact us and we will move forward with you if you have interest so with that oh I'm gonna I'm gonna note this will go out onto YouTube and the recording will be available to you shortly but it will also be on our YouTube channel so youtubers when you hear this YouTube viewers when you hear this in this particular case I noticed that there are a few government base clients on the webinar today the live broadcast what I do want to say is that we can work with you on the service acts aspect the stand-up aspect of this if you would like us to but you will work with your directly with your ESRI state and local government rep or a federal government rep if you do need assistance with the actual software there so we kind of form a partnership around that where we we handle services if it's appropriate and ESRI handles the software directly if you're a private entity a construction company architectural firm whatever the civil engineering from whatever it may be we can work with you directly on both we're in services there so with that David do you have any closing comments otherwise we'll call it a wrap sure I might actually share my screen for one more moment to highlight how bit autodesk users and civil3d users can take advantage of the data that they've shared online okay you should be able to pick that up now there we go all right thanks so so some of our and the viewers might be aware of the as we inaudible partnership and one of the things that's resulted in that partnership is something called the Autodesk connector for ArcGIS now this can be found in civil 3d version 2020 as well as in for works and this allows your civil 3d users to connect to all of that data that you shared to ArcGIS online like all those layers on the planning design construction of this site I can access with this connector right this is a big deal because instead of having to convert files back and forth between jeaious and cad this lets you access that data in your native application we're going to directly connect to our GIS data open up on the screen and add it into our drawing so here you can see I can I'm sign-in with my art online account and I can browse all the data available to me publicly in my organization forgot to my content I can see lots of different data that I've shared including existing conditions around our project site so if I want to bring in for example where the underground water lines are I can select that layer see where they are and choose to bring it in as some featured lines now you go through and choose all different layers that you'd like to bring in and then select add to my design project when you add your project if imports that did if remark just online and draws it right in this real world location this would be beneficial to me you know in this civil engineering role so now I can know how to design and tie in this new building utilities to those existing ones and this whoops go ahead Dave excuse me sure um and in this is the same data that's available to everybody my organization if data gets collected in the field or corrected in a browser I would see those updates here within civil3d this is this is available in civil 3d and infor works as David just mentioned a lot of people are asked well what about the Revit models well at this time there isn't this bi-directional connection to Revit in this particular format but you can bring in native Revit files into the project as we've shown you through the arcgis pro package you can just drag and drop those Revit models in place and they come across as a Revit model all of the properties are there if you need to do if you wanted to look at all the properties that are in the model you can certainly do that you can slice and dice you can do any sort of analysis you might do in the Revit model while it's in native Revit pretty much on in context here so that that's a big feature you can also bring in AutoCAD files as well so just a ton of versatility here and we hope you'll really be interested in this and give us a shout if you're interested in learning more maybe diving a little bit deeper on some of your projects with that I think we'll call it a day and did you fond to do takes everyone will thank you for coming today bye bye
Channel: MG AEC Technology Partners
Views: 1,967
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Esri, ArcGIS
Id: v2sY06_s8Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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