Diving into the Latest GIS Capabilities for Infrastructure Management

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well hi everybody and welcome to the latest installment of esri state and local connect this is a esri webinar series that's dedicated to state and local government gis professionals who uh you know want to use gis to improve operations and service delivery make smarter data-driven decisions and enhance the engagement with the citizens that you serve my name is mike dyer and i'm coming to you from charlotte north carolina i'm joined by my colleagues jay fowler and anthony puzzo uh jay you wanna say hello hey everybody uh my name's jay fowler i'm solution engineer out of charlotte i love hearing about our customers goals and challenges and linking it up to esri technology thanks jay and anthony hey good afternoon everybody thank you for joining us today my name is anthony puzzo i'm our state government team lead based out of our charlotte regional office covering the southeast and uh excited to be with you today thanks anthony so jay anthony and me were all from the esri state and local government team uh we're glad to have you here for uh this month's webinar which is called diving into the latest capabilities uh for infrastructure management uh so the previous webinars in this series have focused on specific capabilities of arcgis such as field mobility spatial analytics or ai and machine learning for the next few months the series is going to shift to a focus on solutions and and resources available to specific operational areas of state and local government so in the coming months there will be presentations on land records management planning and community development and environment natural resources management but today our focus is on those organizations that manage infrastructure which is a broad topic it spans water utilities public works transportation facilities management parks and grounds so we're going to share with you some some existing gis solutions to help meet your organization meet your organization's operational needs and we'll explore some emerging gis capabilities that can help you prepare for challenges that your organization might be facing going forward i do want to mention up front that we are recording this session uh and that everybody attending will receive an email um later with a link to the recording in case you'd like to uh share it with uh with with your colleagues or or watch it again we do invite you to submit questions we'll have time at the end of the webinar to answer a few of them if you want to submit a question um there's a there's a question pane right there uh in in in the in the go to meeting pane uh you can submit them there and we'll try to answer as many as we can um if we don't get to it we'll try to follow up with you afterwards so public works departments dots utilities they all face a number of challenges today an ongoing challenge for for everybody is containing operational costs uh and that comes at the the same time of of many of you having to respond to various unfunded mandates a lot of organizations are seeing an increased demand for services as their population and development grows many organizations are seeking to be more transparent and accountable about their operations and about how funding is is allocated uh i think everybody is having to deal with the issue of of managing and maintaining aging assets and increasingly there's a need to support disaster preparedness and recovery efforts so many of you are using arcgis to respond to these challenges and address operational needs some of you are managing networks so water or transportation networks you're modeling the network's behavior providing situational awareness into operations uh as well as supporting design and engineering uh you're integrating gis with work and asset management systems and erp systems some of you are doing advanced special modeling and analytics in transportation for example conducting origin and destination modeling or or analyzing traffic accidents even using artificial intelligence and machine learning to try to predict accidents many of you are supporting field operations so enhancing the field workflows you know everything from inspections and repair workflows to managing solid waste collection the need for real-time situational awareness is driving the adoption of dashboards and the need to consume real-time sensor data whether it's you know iot avl feeds traffic data or weather feeds in facilities management gis is moving into detailed spaces modeling buildings and facilities with arcgis indoors platform creating digital twins and and integrating with them and then finally you're implementing hubs to better manage and enhance communication both within your organization and with the broader community so very quickly there you've seen some of the gis solutions that organizations are implementing to support various aspects of infrastructure management now we want to explore some of the solutions and resources available from esri that support the needs of our infrastructure community there's there's a lot of areas that we could touch on but we're going to focus on a few areas or of common interest to to both large and small organizations we'll touch on industry solutions that support specific infrastructure management workflows uh as well as touch on field maps to support those field operations then we'll take a look at some emerging capabilities so uh the ability to support real-time situational awareness and we'll look at some of the advanced analytics of analytical capabilities of arcgis with ai and machine learning and finally we'll demonstrate a modern approach for collaborating and coordinating within your organization and for engaging with your citizens so a good place to start is with arcgis solutions in addition to the core products and capabilities of the arcgis platform esri has developed a large collection of configurable solutions that support many different operational areas of state and local government including apps for managing infrastructure arcgis solutions allow you to get started and build applications easily this is an ecosystem of more than 400 focused applications that are easy to deploy and then modify to fit your organization's needs whether that's communicating with the public an operations dashboard an editing workflow or or apps that support damage assessment so looking specifically at the solution offerings for public works for example you'll see that there are apps that support workflows for planning and engineering operations and maintenance and environmental services these solutions have been developed in partnership with our user community meaning your input drives development and helps us to prioritize the capabilities that we build out we're consistently updating these offerings as well as adding new apps to this collection so looking at this in more detail there's currently dozens of public works solutions that perform specific operations and these solutions can be paired to support specific workflows capital project planning and tracking for example is a collection of maps and apps that are used to define capital projects coordinate project schedules track performance and share project status with key stakeholders and the general public there are solutions here that support vision zero initiatives or public parking which we'll see in a minute there's field apps to support inventory and right-of-way assets public engagement apps like citizen problem reporter which is one of our most popular apps that's downloaded or my trash services some of these capabilities get deployed independently but they're designed to be implemented together to support a complete workflow these solutions they reduce the cost and the time it takes to deploy mapping applications in a public works department these solutions are freely available to download and can be easily configured to your organization you can access these solutions through esri state local government website there are links to public works water utilities and transportation pages where you'll find other resources case studies and links to business partners that specialize in infrastructure and in public works now let's go out into the field managing infrastructure is a field intensive business the deployment of mobility solutions is one of the fastest growing areas of needs organizations both large and small are realizing the opportunity to improve efficiency data capture and coordination of field operations some of you may already be using field solutions like collector or workforce as a result of user feedback esri has combined multiple capabilities into one common application called field maps field maps is inten intended to simplify mobile workflows this single app will provide a solution for exploring maps high accuracy data collection location tracking work management navigation now i'm going to turn it over to jay who's going to show us a demonstration uh that inventory's public parking assets using field maps all right jay thanks mike so let's take a look at the arcgis public parking solution powered by arcgis field maps we're going to focus on field operations component and we're going to collect update and maintain a public parking data inventory while we're street side here so you can see we're on the field right now we have a blue line that's tracking our location behind us as we go um it's gonna let us know where we've been and when we arrive at a spot uh that we need to add to our inventory it's really easy to do this using field maps then go ahead and add some on-street parking here take a photo of my parking spot and i can start to submit other attributes about this parking spot as well for example the space id put in a location a space name an install date and who owns and manages this parking spot we're using smart forms and field maps that really make it easy to have a comprehensive easy to use workflow in our form so we can start to fill out other pieces of information about the space parking restrictions as well we'll go ahead and finish that we can minimize that section of the smart form and maximize a different section of the smart form now we can start to fill out other information about payment types for this parking space we can add a couple notes in this case we are considering putting in a pay station on this block and when we're done we'll just hit submit we're now going to continue around the block to an area where we need to add a parking garage into our parking inventory we'll go ahead and look at this on a tablet so you can see what it looks like to use field maps on a tablet i'll add this garage take a photo of it i'm going to go ahead and flip into portrait mode you can really see the smart form shining in field maps which is great once again we'll punch in a space id can add space name and because i'm using my ipad i'm actually going to use an apple pencil would make which makes it really easy to enter this information it's kind of similar to using like a pen and paper so it's great workflow for folks who are more comfortable with the pen and paper workflow so i'll go ahead and jot this name in we now have a location added we can add some other information as well after we correct these capitalization issues we have in this location description add an install date who owns it who manages it and then you're going to notice on the smart form that we have a quantity section that didn't actually show up when we were looking at the parking space because it's not as important for parking spaces where a parking garage you really need to enter this information this is part of the conditional visibility inside of field maps that allows us to hide certain areas or show certain areas based on arcade expression when we're done we can minimize this section move on and start to put in some details about this parking space you'll notice here as well we have a section for maximum height we did not have maximum height for parking spot it's not important for garage super important if you've ever seen a truck get stuck in a garage so we'll show that there and ask that question we'll then go ahead and fill out some payment information about this parking garage as well and when we're done with that i'll go back to using my apple pencil to put in some notes in this case the garage is thinking about implementing some charging stations i can edit this text with my apple pencil if i need to delete i just scribble through in this case they're actually concerned going in 2022 not 2021 i can remove a space or add a space with a strike down i can hold the pencil down and add some text in this case it's an ev charging station and finally i can hold my pencil down as well to paste text as well apple pencil makes it really easy to punch in some data in field maps using an ipad when i'm done i'll submit this i'll continue walking around the corner where we've installed a new pay station that we need to add to our data inventory when i get there i'll go ahead and add this pay station once again i can take a photo of it and i'm going to move on to entering a facility id in this case i'm going to use the barcode scanner it's really easy to take a picture of asset id tag and it just features it in the smart form fill out some other information as well and when i'm done with this i can submit this data in now because we've implemented a pay station we need to update all the parking spots on the clock i could do this one by one that would be not the most efficient workflow right so i can use the edit multiple functionality and field maps to edit all seven parking spots at the same time go ahead and select them one by one make sure we get up to seven selected items we can continue and start to edit the information this case i want to change the payment type to have mobile payment as well we're going to change it to a pay station and we can edit other attributes such as the time limit when i'm done hit submit i just edited seven attributes all on those parking spots at the same time now i can zoom out you can see where i've been my location tracks i can use some markup to draw a rectangle over this area and shade it in makes it really easy to show where i've worked today and i'm going to go ahead and use a screenshot and a text message to tell my boss that i'm done for the day and show them the work i've done all right now this is part of a larger solution we focus on the field operations but there's much more in this solution so you can see here we have the field map component that's what we just looked at we also have a parking inventory component for editing this data on a desktop and a web browser and we have a hub component with lots of great applications so let's start out in field maps you can see our smart form here this is where we control how various things look like a text box or a text area this is where we have our groupings for the smart form so we can minimize and maximize areas and this is where we have our conditional visibility so the maximum height we only want to show that question when our data type is of garage otherwise we don't need to see it this is our parking inventory so that we can edit this data on our desktop in a browser do heads up digitizing or we can control whether this is visible to the public or not all right this is our parking locator i can type in the name of a restaurant i'm interested in and see all the parking spots near that restaurant i can see information about the parking spots their rates their hours and other restrictions as well here's our parking satisfaction survey so i can provide feedback about my parking experience in the city or the county or the state finally we have a hub page to communicate this information we have dynamic parking by the numbers we have that parking space locator we saw you can pay parking tickets or apply for permits with your existing systems you can fill out that satisfaction survey you can look at faq and you can engage with this initiative by following it for updates this has been a look at esri's public parking solution and how field maps can help you collect the data that supports the solution from the field this solution makes parking in our community and data collection updating and management easy and convenient thanks mike jay thank you appreciate that nice job um let's let's pin it now and talk a little bit about about working with real-time data so you know whether it's a scada system sensors on valves sensors and vehicles such as snow plows or assets like smart trash cans the need for infrastructure organizations to integrate sensor networks and iot systems is is quickly emerging there's a need for real-time visualization to provide up-to-date situational awareness but also to support analytics on that real-time data so arcgis consumes real-time sensor data whether it's iot avl feeds you know traffic data weather feeds whatever the real time feed arcgis can ingest that information and make sense of it we still use geoevent server and geoanalytics server in enterprise to handle that big data processing in real time that's not going anywhere but we've also introduced a brand new sas solution called arcgis velocity and velocity combines the use of geo event geoanalytics into one place so that you can bring data together in real time and do analytics on the fly on the web leveraging a sas model so we're going to go back to j now to talk about some of these real-time capabilities thanks mike so let's take a look at a proof of concept around closing out street sweeping work orders and using location tracking and field maps i'm using workforce for assignments but you could easily use another enterprise business system for work orders i'm going to go ahead and add this worker order around street sweeping add an id and a description when i'm ready i'll create the assignment looking at my dashboard you can see 4th street doesn't have a geofence but now it does right so we've processed that assignment real time and buffered it and created a geofence let's take a look at how we did that in velocity so we can see in velocity our subscription utilization but we can also look at other components like feeds where we can pull in information from arcgis in this case i'm actually using a last known location of our location tracking from field maps see our track viewer layer here we can move to a real time analytic in this case i'm taking that history of last known location and i'm putting in a historical feature layer and then i'm processing things in big data analytics so let's talk about the geofence first we use that assignment from workforce uh and you can see it here in our analytic with a streets layers so we're going to join those and then create a buffer of 100 feet around our streets based on the assignment we added we're going to add the workers in from workforce so that we have a really nice name to work with we wonder jay fowler is doing the work so we have the ability to do that and add the name user id here and we're going to finally create this geofence that you saw pop up on the dashboard really cool stuff we can then schedule this to run periodically in this case every five minutes we can look at our logs make sure everything's happy and healthy inside of velocity finally we're going to use a big data analytic to actually detect incidents so looking at this we have that last known location we have our geo fences and we're going to look at a spatial relationship for when they intersect and detect those incidents and we're going to focus on when it's ended right we want to know when the work ends not while it's in process at that point we're then going to create a line using reconstruct tracks join it back in with a spatial relationship of an intersect we're going to look at a temporal component to make sure that geofence existed before the breadcrumbs and we're also going to make sure that jay fowler is doing jay fowler's work and not somebody else's right finally we're going to shoot off an email and we're going to change the status of that geofence once again we can schedule this to run periodically every five minutes so you can see our street sweeper entering the geofence i have sped this up to keep you all uh focused and entertained our street sweeper is going to move through this geofence after they do we're going to change that color based on a status field so now that the work's complete we're going to go ahead and make that green you see our work order has moved on the right to the close work order area and we can see information uh the work order id who was assigned to the street name forestry took me about 11 minutes to street sweep here and we're also going to fire off an email to the street sweeper manager so they know that this work is completed we could easily close out a work order in another enterprise business system at this stage as well so this proof of concept has really illustrated how you can consume arcgis layers as well as other data sources to build real time near real time and analytical end-to-end workflows in arcgis velocity back to you mike great jay thank you so another emerging area that we want to touch on is is artificial intelligence and machine learning so the field of ai has been progressing rapidly in recent years it's used everywhere today from autonomous vehicles to facial recognition to to chat bots to advanced video analytics the intersection of gis with ai is is known as go ai and go ai is up opening up new opportunities for state and local government to automate those workflows that that consume a lot of operations and to get out in front of real world problems governments are collecting so much data today that the ability to analyze it is more challenging guai helps to helps to turn this data into intelligence that offers new insight into your community esri is investing heavily in in the field of gui and has tools to support every step of the workflow state and local governments well they're beginning to use these capabilities today some are using imagery or video to find objects and detect change their inventory inventorying right-of-way assets they're identifying blight and graffiti vehicles from closed-circuit tv they're collecting data faster and during this pandemic more safely others are making predictions so predicting spatial events such as traffic accidents or where we're likely to experience infrastructure failure um and so others are focused on pattern detection finding statistically significant patterns and clusters looking for example at mobility and patterns of movement within a city so these organizations are implementing practical solutions to better understand their communities and get in front of challenges one such city is the city of raleigh north carolina now jay i know you work with the city of raleigh so why don't you talk to us about how they're they're using geo ai absolutely so let's talk about how raleigh is applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to some real world problems all cities counties and states are seeing massive instrumentation all over the place trash cans are reporting their fullness parking meters share transactions bikes and scooters share the trips around the city or the county or the state um other vehicles are sharing location and speed and direction and with all these instruments it's definitely a challenge but an opportunity looking at all the data and analytics you can run next slide please so there's lots of data right and you know raleigh is right now using an esri platform in geoevent to process this data and make sense of it part of raleigh's enterprise platform is to bring this data in and then make it shareable for operational and strategic decisions throughout the city the platform has a bunch of tools on top that allows for analysis and visualization to make this data more consumable next slide please so we can talk about gis as kind of an integration platform right so um one data set to focus on is cameras like traffic cameras and rally they have i think 160 cameras throughout the city in the past you had to be sitting in the traffic management center to actually get access to this um if you weren't in that area you did not have access to the feeds um but you know using this enterprise platform um raleigh was able to integrate these camera feeds with their gis system stand up secure applications and provide access to staff across the organization where appropriate next slide please so you see this video and you've probably seen something like it before it's effectively like a marking video for object detection but the difference for raleigh is that this is their streets uh that you're seeing here it's their intersections and it's their cameras so they talk to their transportation and business folks um and this really helped change a conversation around machine learning from an abstract idea to a very relevant high value idea possibly a game changer so partnering with transportation um they're really focused on learning how people are moving around the city of raleigh next slide please so they started off doing a pilot with ezra to take video and quantify apply analytics and present this back using a dashboard the feedback they received was this is great um could you package it up in a way that was really targeting some business goals next slide please so um their transportation department routinely does turning movement counts um not just the objects at an intersection but what are they doing are they turning right are they going straight um traditionally they hired consultants to sit at an intersection and count vehicles um making turns in various directions they then created reports made a static pdf and shared it with the city um they saw opportunity with machine learning to get more granular with particular intersections and do it not just when the consultant's there but 24 7 365 days a year they could analyze trends with this they can look at deviations from normal activity and because it's all on their enterprise platform we can take action alerting folks messaging other business systems etc next slide please another example is around license plate recognition so parking inspection staff has vehicles with cameras in onboard ai they read license plates and match it against the database of folks who have paid for parking in the city um sometimes data like this gets siloed but because they're able to consume it in this enterprise platform they can consume it across the organization they use geoevent to do this again and then they use dashboards to look at individual events but also look at trends across the city so they can pull in other data sets relationships to signage maybe there's opportunity for education because of certain violations they're seeing they can look at permitting and construction and see if maybe people are parking um violations because of certain construction problems next slide please so all these machine learning projects definitely can be game changers um it really changes the conversation and opens opportunities exponentially um there's so much info when we talk about this all the data city a county a state could potentially have um that can be gathered analyzed and presented and ai and ml make it much more consumable so you know some takeaways artificial intelligence machine learning definitely the next frontier in many ways in this case for raleigh it's helped to maximize the data that they have this can help you integrate the data into an enterprise platform so that you can make it shareable and give the appropriate people in your organizations access and finally machine learning and artificial intelligence really eliminates areas that humans do not really need to be touching right so mike mentioned increasing safety during covet things like that let the ai machine learning do some of the data collection and data processing let humans really do what they do best at the end of the process summarizing data and making decisions back to you mike jay thank you that's really interesting and and nice job kudos to the city of raleigh for the work that they're doing so lastly we want to talk to you about arcgis hub so arcgis hub provides an effective way to communicate both within the organization and with the broader public hub is a central destination that provides a tailored view for everyone in the organization so that they can see information and apps that are relevant to them arcgis hub is is all about collaboration and engagement it extends arches online to connect organizations with the communities they serve you can reach out to stakeholders to provide them updates and status but it's not just one-way communication hub enables collaboration with the community community users can share feedback concerns and provide insights from the field so now anthony is going to show us how the state of maryland and and maryland dot specifically are using hud to manage and monitor capital projects across the state anthony all right thank you mike thank you jay uh appreciate everybody joining today my name is anthony puzzo um i will be showing a little bit deep dive on how the state of maryland is using arcgis hub but i want to give you a little context first and i think mike set this up really nicely um arcgisa hub one of my favorite apps in the arcgis platform it's a way that you can uh really provide context around the content that you're delivering so what arcgis hub allows you to do is share open data so if you really just if you just need to share data to the public here's a great way of you organizing that data whether that's tabular data or gis data um and sharing that and organizing that and sharing that out to the public through a hub site where somebody can download that information or write an api to it or filter it so really really easy way of doing that a really a great way of building out websites so if you're familiar with something like squarespace or wix or something like that that just builds out websites this is built in to every arcgis online uh subscription out there so if you have access to arctis online you have access to arcgis hub basic um to to build out these websites and share that data and then you can really organize that data around the initiatives that you have whether it's a homeless initiative or an economic development initiative or today i'm going to talk about uh capital improvement projects uh whatever that initiative is you can make that your own and provide the context and the apps and the data that all support that you can really provide a collaborative environment to do that two-way conversation that mike mentioned and really inspire action how do you get the community involved in these things this is a great way of just building that out you have control of building up these websites really nice modern uh website that's mobile enabled that you can share out to the public and one say that i've been working with a long time is the state of maryland they're an early adopter of arches hub when it was called just open data sharing out now over 1400 data sets of all kinds of things tabular data gis data uh boundary information imagery all kinds of stuff into that open data catalog and they organize this in a couple different ways one they have some featured interests of emergency management environment uh economic development and transportation and then they also provide the data categories here so if you're looking just for data this is a great way of starting it starting to look for that data and then they also have a nice freshness dashboard to show you uh how up-to-date their data is so some really nice information here and a great way of taking your data and also federating that with other folks data so i've seen that as a trend in large cities and state governments where they're going to share their data but they also want to make a clearinghouse for other people's data they can federate that because it's all done through web services one thing i'm going to i'm going to showcase today is their transportation effort and they call it transportation not just d.o.t because there's a lot of efforts going on in the state that is transportation focused but not necessarily from d.o.t uh like their uh transit oriented development dashboard this is actually built by a department of planning so this is a collaboration of planning and dot and state highway and transit authority all these folks in involved in this in this kind of program so the state of maryland has an open data site like i just showed you but also uh maryland dot has their own so this is uh this is a great way of building out uh the state's brand but also maybe your own department so if you have your own public works group or or a transportation agency or utility group and you want to share that data and organize that this is a great way of starting to to share out that data and what's nice about this is that they share this out for their internal purposes but also public they have some key applications that they're showing here they have some of their key featured open data sets uh some of their featured printed maps and some of their story map applications and some of their other applications that they're they're sharing out and they also have a really nice story map here of their newsletter that goes out uh every quarter so really nice way of kind of keeping their community up to up to date they also have uh an internal focus of this so you get a login and password and you can see now applications that are tailored to you specifically for internal applications these are mostly like editing type of applications so they can edit those those apps and data sets it's a really nice way of kind of serving the public needs and their internal needs in turn so some of these applications are posted right on their home page of their their website this is uh maryland state highways website roads.maryland.gov and they have a couple of really nice initiatives here uh one is their context driving this is this is how they're doing their safe and effective multimodal transportation their vision zero effort here this is actually a nice experience builder application you can go check out i'm gonna i'm gonna focus today on their project portal and this has been an effort to really enhance uh their their communication about how their how and what they're doing in the state as far as capital improvement projects before we started on this initiative uh they were they were sharing out either not enough information so you get just the bare minimum of the project or you'd get the 3 000 page pdf so you get too much information i call this the executive overview of their capital improvement projects it started out with this nice web app builder application of just mapping their projects so this is all their projects what phase they're in the annual traffic and different and different uh pieces of information around that project and that was the simple start of this and then they realized they need more context with uh with this data for each one of these projects they're spending millions and millions of dollars on these projects people who are driving past these around the beltways here they want to know what's going on when is this going to be completed how much money we're spending who to contact so so they came up with this project portal and what the nice part about this is is that you can actually go in here and see by district uh how many projects are in each district so you can go on and each one of these are hyperlinked to a specific project page so you can see all of these in district 3 montgomery and prince george there's a there's a lot going on there's a lot of population a lot of uh highway area there so each one of these projects has its own hub site and what's nice about this is that this was built off a template and that the the gis team and the it team put together and uh this temple is now being owned by the pios and communication teams to go and kind of uh i called like the mad libs for uh for for hub sites so this just had part project template and they put in the project name here the location of it this little follow button is very important because this follow button when you click on it on the public site uh it asks you for uh to log in so you can log in with your facebook or google credentials here and on the back end it catalogs that that person on who's interested in that this was one of the main drivers of them looking at this uh using hub for this because they want to know who specifically was interested in uh their projects so now they have a way of engaging with them so if they have a community meeting or a webcast or something about that project now they have a list of folks that they can go engage with and that's a really great way of doing that but at the minimum they wanted to have this executive overview so a nice little uh header here um some basic information the follow button uh where this project is the overview of it and this is kind of nice that they you know 72 percent complete uh you know where this project is uh in the state with a nice pop-up just like you saw on the previous one so different updates on it where they are in the project phase uh planning design construction and then a lot of uh different graphics and media here uh with hub you can put in all kinds of different pictures and videos uh i've seen drone footage in these in these in these sites uh you can link to other documents in arcgis hub you can not only link to your you know shape files and other data and gis data sets you can also link to tabular data sets flat files pdfs documents um all those different types of pieces that you want to put in there and then you can link those into here or you can reference them from other systems uh you can have little events in here and then phases and then one of their favorite pieces is their uh the contact information for each one of these projects so really nice way of doing this uh capital improvement projects uh once they got started with it they got them all done in a quick amount of time they built out this uh project template so this is the project template that pio's team sees they have different kind of this is like the mad libs type of environment here where you can uh see all these and then this has a really nice user interface where you can drag and drop little videos here and it's a what you see is what you get uh builder uh just like some of our other applications so you can do this and you hit save and you hit share and uh and now you got a hub site shared to the public so that was a custom template and that's uh that's most of the common ways people build templates but we also have just like mike showed some uh solution templates earlier those solution templates that are apps for collecting information in the field also have uh hub sites that go along with that so we will have a really nice capital project tracking application some coronavirus sites some equitable property ones which are really popular some mosquito applications but these are really nice starter templates that give you the foundation so you don't have to start from scratch every time so you can go in here you can rename the capital expenditures you can add in your data pieces these are all these these pieces here are widgets that are connected to the actual data set so as you update the data these widgets will update as well and uh and all kinds of different information on here multimedia type applications so there's a lot of different templates here resources for you to do we also have if you're not familiar with the learn.arcgis.com this is like a little secret sauce here where you can learn um it's all free learning sessions some are you know three minutes long some are three hours long but you can find all different kinds of content here for training sessions and we have a whole hub uh category here to build your own template to share your own uh uh templates and uh get started with with hub premium and try it out so there's a lot of different training sessions here for you to get started with it so that's what i have mike fantastic thank you very much and uh again great job just great job with the state of maryland what they what they've done there that's fantastic um so so we've we've focused on some of the resources and some new capabilities uh that are available to professionals who are managing infrastructure um to leave you with a few takeaways uh you you know one um just know that arcgis includes a collection of dozens of solutions uh that that that support um you know common common workflows that are specific that are specific to public works and and utilities and infrastructure management um and then field maps jej demonstrated field maps that's that single app solution that supports a variety of the common field operation or operational workflows we talked about some new capabilities such as the ability to integrate and perform analytics against real time data and also touched on the the intersection of gis with ai and machine learning to create new opportunities to improve planning and operations within your organization and then finally anthony demonstrated arcgis hub as a tool to support coordination and collaboration within the organization and with the citizens that you're supporting it's an easy to configure platform and hub organizes that information and apps to support different audiences around different different initiatives so we included in this presentation some links to resources on the topics that we've touched on today so that you can explore them um more on your own i'd also like to also encourage you to visit the esri state and local government connect site to access all the previous recordings in this series and again you'll be sent an email with a link to this specific recording i'd also like to encourage you to reach out to the esri state and local government team for support anthony and jay and i we're part of a large team of gis professionals esri that focus on state and local government community we've got a wealth of state and local government experience many of us came from from different state or local governments prior to joining esri and we're here to support your efforts you know we're still not able to be with you in person but please know that we're still very much here for you so whether it's helping you to uh develop a strategic roadmap for your organization's gis to for providing training or professional development or connecting you with our large network of partners that provide solutions for infrastructure management you know we're committing to committed to helping your organization uh to achieve its goals we'll take a um we'll take a few questions in a moment but let me first mention that our next state local connect webinar will be um on may 19th uh 10 o'clock pacific time one o'clock uh uh on the eastern eastern time and that'll be diving into the latest gis capabilities for for land records uh and you can register for that on the state um and local connect uh website so maybe just uh time for uh for a couple of questions and uh uh jay i'll direct this to you so going back to that that that parking um that parking solution uh did did you build that solution from scratch that that's a great question so i i actually deployed the solution in arcgis online um as mike as you discussed we we have these great solutions we've worked with uh cities counties and state governments uh we've heard about what they're trying to do their needs their requirements and we've developed a set of solutions that we try to accomplish as many of those as we possibly can you can then take those solutions and configure them a little bit further but um that group worked with a lot of cities and counties state governments to develop a public parking solution i found in arcgis online if you go under the app launcher in the top right corner there's a solutions chiclet and you just click on that you type in parking and you hit deploy now it deploys all of the layers the maps the applications the groups needed to use that solution so you can get going like in 10 minutes after this call that's awesome thanks jay and it may be a question about velocity so there was a question around um you know how hard is it to install velocity that's a really great question and um we have a really great answer it's it's software as a service so there's no hardware needed there's no installation needed all you need is a subscription access and you can start building your real time near real-time analytical and big data analytical workflows very quickly awesome thanks jay and do you have to have avl data to use velocity you don't um so you know we actually didn't look at any avl data today you could if if you have a consumable api feed you can certainly tap into avl data um i was using a layer out of arcgis so it works great with those layers but there's a lot of other options as well your standardized options for dealing with various data sources http feeds things like that so um you do not need avl data there's lots of other data from sensors um out nature you know river sensors stream gages rain gauges wind sensors all sorts of stuff that you could tap in and derive valuable information okay going back to that parking scenario for for a moment and we get asked a lot about field maps which which you demonstrated there um you know what what's the process for from migrating field maps that's a really good question so um it's it's a very easy process um if you've been using rts collector in the past um you know those maps with editable layers will just show up when you install the the field maps native app on your phone um and then um you know you can start building out some smart forms a capability that didn't exist in collectors so you can start making use of that i would encourage you if you're interested to get going immediately if you're looking at using a solution like the public parking solution it's deployed for field maps so you know just it's change gears start using field maps you'll really enjoy the experience um in the the migration path is not very hard great great thank you jay uh and and anthony thank you as well and and and thank you all for uh uh for spending this time with us today and uh i appreciate your time thanks thanks and have a great rest of the day yeah thank you appreciate everybody joining thank you you
Channel: Esri Industries
Views: 989
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, ArcGIS Pro, Infrastructure, Public Works, Water, Transportation, government, state and local, ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS Velocity, ArcGIS Hub
Id: N018PaL94h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 52sec (3172 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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