ESO - 5 PvP Secrets High Level Players Won't Tell You...

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what is going on guys in this video we're gonna go over five secret tips that pvpers won't tell you that will definitely make you better in pvp these are tips that really only high level players know and utilize to their advantage the most while some may seem rather trivial they have a lot more depth and impact than you may think these five tips with enough practice will take your gameplay from average to above average in pvp but before we get started i just wanted to give a big shout out to all my patreon supporters you guys are so very generous and i'm thankful for your support for your new guys here if you guys have been enjoying my content and want to give back patreon is by far the best way for my highest tiers we have some amazing perks like personalized build help for me but i also do giveaways every so often the next giveaway i'm doing is 5 000 crowns on the launch day of the waking flame dlc on console the link is down in the description below any support is greatly appreciated but honestly just you guys watching my videos supports me more than you guys realize without further ado let's get right into it so to start this video off we're going to look at the most trivial and then we're going to go more complex later on into the video but for the first tip we have is tab targeting now i have to give a little bit of backstory on this so me nice and pink we're doing dragon star arena and we were talking about tips that new players may not know or even realize even exist and this is the first one that really came up and i don't use live utilize this the most that i should but only really high level players will use this or even know about it i would assume i don't think any newer players there's no really guides on this i don't think but it's very simple you just hold r3 on the controller the right analog stick down i don't know what this button is on pc so don't roast me uh definitely just let me know what the default key is on pc i think that theirs looks a little bit different they can have add-ons or whatever for theirs so what are some uses to this well firstly i can mark this guy and see him through trees three see him through the ground okay it's very big because you can keep on somebody and know exactly where they're going as long as you stay with when as long as you stay within a relatively decent range um see i can still see that man from up here um so i mean that's quite a long ways i mean that's a very long ways it's kind of like a vampire ultimate um but it's you know cars an ultimate and they don't even know that they're marked either so that's a very big thing um so besides seeing through walls i think another big thing is this helps arrange magic classes out quite a bit because i can mark this guy and i can see where he's going like before i can only see like his chest now i can see his feet obviously i know this guy is an ad but in pvp this makes a difference you know seeing people where they're going and kind of where they're going to be kiting a lot of siding to it definitely just helps me keep uh my my analog stick my thumbs on their on their forehead so i can you know damage them and keep on on the target the only really counter to this is cloak um if this guy were to you know do the invisibility morph on the nineblade or if he was to use an invisibility potion then i would not be able to see him after he comes out of cloak so that's kind of annoying but you know you got you have to assume that that's going to be a reality um again they don't know if they're marked so you know they don't they're not going to counter it on purpose but this will definitely help you if you're trying to you know see where somebody's going whether they're cutting a line of sliding behind rocks and trees and and outpost and stuff like that uh definitely will help you stay in close quarters and see what they're doing and kind of see their in their movement and finally i think one of the biggest that any class can really utilize this is to focus focus people out so if i mark this guy and i can see him you know obviously behind the rocks and i can focus this guy out uh i can see where he's going see if he you know daughter rolls and goes behind a tree uh typically what that's going to do is you can focus a healer or focus a squishy player in a 1vx those are the two main uses that i use that i would use for this personally it's going to help you to really line up a burst combo because you can see exactly where they are you know whether they real dodge got out of the way or or whatever and you can really follow them and they really can't get out of your line of sight so this is again very trivial um but it's very complex and it can really help you improve your overall gameplay because you can actually see where they're going uh and can aim accordingly but for the second tip here this one's a little bit more complex but not by too much so this one's gonna be medium weaving now this is a lot of scalability for a lot of sets and gear that i really proc off this we're gonna go into that here in a minute but let's talk about the basics so what is a medium weave a medium weave is like 1 1000 and then let go of a heavy attack that's kind of what a medium weave is so a light attack you just tap the light attack button for a heavy attack you hold it down and for me to weave that's somewhere in between that's what a medium weave is so the damage difference between the light attack is less than a medium weave and the damage difference between a meteor even a heavy attack is just a little bit so if you want to deal more damage the heavy tack is by far the best but the medium weave is a little bit faster than the heavy and deals a little bit less damage but there are some properties to the medium weave that the heavy tack has there's also some properties that the light attack has that the medium attack has so basically the medium weave is faster than heavy but the medium weave can cc the only way that this can cc though is with off balance so there's several skills to give off balance the easiest one to explain is dizzy swing because these ads get stunned whenever i hit them with surprise attacks so it's a little bit more complex so let me show you real quick so if i park this guy with dizzy swinging like i did and if i go a medium weave he gets knocked on the ground which is a stun this affects players if i will dizzy swing and then hit this guy with a light attack oh this timmy guy just sniped him um if i hit this this guy right here with a dizzy swing and then i light attack he does not get stunned as you guys see there okay so if i pluck this guy off balance like i did there with the block and i heavy attack he gets stunned okay like that that's his son so medium weaves if they are off balance can proc a stun which helps you with burst combos um and there's also sets as well that proc like the vatron 2h we'll proc with this there's also the devlin's assassin set that procs with uh medium weaves so adds a lot of burst combos and a lot of burst potential uh with a medium weave so let me talk about the burst combo so we hit our dizzy swing and then we'll like medium weave ultimate and what this does is they'll be cc'ed knocked on the ground and they're going to get hit with an ultimate now you can cc with encap obviously i know but if you're using dawnbreaker if you're using any ultimate you know that's kind of semi-bursty like even soul tether could work here obviously but it's just a simple yet effective burst combo that catches people slipping especially people who are a little bit newer they get caught by this and can get bursted very very quickly so now let me talk a little bit about the vape shrink now you guys know that if you hit five five attacks five stamina abilities while in combat and you will proc um the vase shrink okay so what this does is let me let me get five stacks real quick so as you guys will see here this ad i'm just gonna medium weave invasion procs very very big for pvp because if you get five stacks that quickly and you're in combat just like this and then you immediately and you're in your combo you can park that matron with like a medium weave surprise attack so this is why medium weave is so deadly in pvp the only really classes that can utilize this are 2h do wheeled type of specs stabs are a little bit more difficult um but you still can medium weave do i have a staff i do not let me get one from the bank real fast so a big thing here lighting stabs can proc off balance with their um whatever you call it their blockade of storm but they do not have a medium weave well lighting heavy attacks do not have a medium weave they only have a light attack and a heavy attack and the heavy attack has to fully charge in order to stun a target so that's a good thing to note but if we grab a inferno staff real quick put it on so let me proc off balance here so off balance now i'm gonna medium weave so how he got stunned but again there's not as many access to um like good burst combos with a staff because you don't really have access to off balance as easy other than using like you can see a weapon on a mag blade that is the attack so let me do a heavy attack really quickly on the lightning so i can show you guys very quickly dizzy swing now the only way to stun is to do a fully charged heavy attack as you've seen there he was off balance uh now there's no medium weave so it's only heavy tax and that's it that's the only way you can proc off balance is to hold the heavy attack and and then do the whole animation you can't just medium weave with a lighting staff all right so for the third tip this one's kind of two tips into one but the first one is going to be bar swap cancelling and this next one is going to be roll dodge canceling now these have a lot of benefits especially for magic classes so bar swap canceling basically is i hit a skill and i bar swap it's very very simple um what this does is if i'm spamming like my spammable okay i can't hit another skill until my light attack lands but what i can do is if i hit a light attack swallow soul and then bar swap i can immediately get to my back bar and i can hit another light attack and a skill pretty quickly compared to before and this will allow me to go defensive also what this allows for us to do is if we proc our five stacks of merciless we can you know mark and then go live attack merciless and then we can you know go a little bit defensive there we can always be hitting our hots and uh we can you know bar swap hit hit the heel bar back to offense now the the constant moving back and forth will help you uh to you know bar swap cancel and get your attacks out just a hair faster and keeps your momentum going as you're weaving and kind of gets you in a rhythm and a float um the next one is going to be roll dodge canceling now let me get five sacks of merciless and typically um in pvp you're gonna get the most benefit from this once you have a high burst potential skill up so what would that be obviously merciless is a very good one because it hits a very very hard single target and it has a lot of burst potential but there's other skills like cfrag for the uh sork there's i guess molten whip for a dk you can use even a melee range but basically what this is is you light attack skill and roll dodge so merciless you can light attack skill roll dodge wall of soul and basically all i'm doing is i'm light attack skill roll dodging and i'm roll dodging in the forward direction so it's a little bit to get used to you don't want to use this all the time what this really does is it masks animations so if you're fighting somebody that's a little bit higher to your player and you're using your merchless and they've been keeping you know roll dodging it constantly and you get them low what you can do is you can roll dodge and shoot that merciless and they won't even see it as you guys can see the regular animation versus that animation is a lot different so we're going to get the merciless up here this is a regular merciless you can see that coming from a mile away they've made it a lot slower and a lot more clunky so we have to be a little bit more uh i guess professional with our kind of animations i don't know the exact word that i'm looking for there but lot of tech role dodge cancel you don't even see that merciless come out and this is where a lot of burst potential comes also whenever you roll dodge you are immune to basically any direct damage that's coming your way if you road lodge cancel with with snipe and you can basically mitigate damage and burst your target in return rather than taking damage this is how this is utilized effectively effectively with max work because you can hit curse endless fury uh dodge rule c frag and all that's going to go off at once if they get low enough so that's the main thing here uh that you can really get a lot of burst potential with very little risk because you're roll dodging not taking damage this is an advanced tip that i think a lot of newer players don't realize or don't know and i think it can really help you out in pvp quite a bit but the next tip this one's a little bit class dependent though but we're going to go through a few classes so the first one is going to be a little bit like movement so it's kind of complicated i know i'm not in pvp right now but we all know some great movement skills or skills like streak shadow image for the night blade you also have gap closers like toppling charging crit rush that can definitely help you get into a little bit out of sticky situations and kind of save your life if used correctly but we're going to talk about here in this first little little section is streak now if i was to be on any other class there is no way i can get in this thing but using streak i can streak over and use the for momentum to be able to hop in this little tube here and you can't get in here anywhere else and streak is the only way um without having to gap close somebody else that you that you're in a duel with but regardless street can help you get into some crazy spots and it can help you stay alive and play a little bit defensive you can get in spots you typically wouldn't be able to you can like for example streak over areas like if for example this rock was a little bit higher you may be able to streak on top of of that i mean maybe not as close as that but regardless you guys kind of get the point streak is very versatile like i can skip areas here and i can you know take a little shortcut um i can streak over things like this and can get closer to well i guess if i could streak but you guys get the point like you're gonna have to swim over that if i streak i don't have to swim it's just a great utility uh and streak is is such a great skill it's probably one of the best movement skills in the game because it can get you in places that you normally couldn't get all right so now we're on the night blade then we'll be talking about shadow image now you most of you guys know this skill is really amazing but for those who don't know um basically what this skill does is we put the shade down and if we you know are within range of the shadow image we can teleport back to it so if we drop down here we're fighting people da da da da da shadow woman's back up boom we are out of the fight out from up there or out from down there i should say and we're up here healing buffing back up you know doing our doing our thing up here healing and whatnot so this skill is very good for pvp it gets you out of sticky situations an up teeth million number of times you can use this to kite people around you can drop down from this rock hit it again and you can go back down here you can shadow image almost as you're about to hit the ground and if they all jump off then you can get back up and they'll all be down there and they can't get back up the only downside to this is if you've got a zerg on you and they just camp this bad boy because they're going to be sitting here aovs down trapped beasts spamming talons waiting for you to pop out and you're probably going to die but regardless if you're fighting people that really don't know how to fight this skill uh you can have a lot of fun with them and you can kite them around you can also drop off of like i guess the bridges and pvp and jump and have people honestly jump into the water as they're falling because if you were to shadow image up and then jump off the bridge you can still shadow image from a decent ways down not all the way but uh you can definitely juke some people out and be really really funny all right so now we're going to talk about a gap closer and toppling charge now it doesn't have quite the valuable movement that shadow image does or streak does but what this has is this can go vertically up and down crit rush is a little bit finicky it's supposed to have the same properties but it doesn't um for the most part sometimes it does but other times it's kind of weird but anyways as you guys can see here these guys are vertically below me and if i'm on top of this thing i can still top and charge them so what this can do is if you're fighting some people on the bottom floor and there's somebody up here you can top and charge them literally from uh from the bottom up to here it can get out of the way so if you're fighting people down here you can top and charge from where i just came from and you'll be able to survive and if you're fighting people down here and you're taking a lot of pressure and you see some random person up there you can always top and charge them and get out of a sticky situation this is that like a an advanced pro tip for templars that have some crappy movement you know the only movement we have is race against time but uh this will definitely help you out in pvp uh especially if people are like not super duper high like not in a castle or a or a keep like that but if they're just vertically just a little bit higher than you you can always top and charge them you know spam a little bit and kind of act up but for the most part it'll let you traverse the environment and for the last and final tip we have light attack weave with your offensive skills but also your defensive skills again this is what high players do the most this is similar to bar swap cancelling in a way but not exactly so if you're playing the game and if you're not light attack weaving between every skill you're doing this game wrong but especially in pvp damage is king so if i was to just hit my heels okay and just hit my blast bone here and just hit this like it's an inherent habit i can't not hit light attack okay so i'm sorry i can't act like i don't know how to play the games but here's here's the thing if i just hit my offensive skills uh like clench here like degeneration like i've only done 20 i guess 40 damage but if i was to light attack clinch that's a lot more damage okay light attacks are the most insane slept on thing you can do in the game high level players perfect this because they're always loud attack weaving like when i say offensive and defensive skills i mean it like literally i would hit a lot of tech blasts like rapid region light attack blast bones light attack this thought attack that a lot of attack heal light attack elemental weapon light attack this lot attack that like i'm not joking you need a light attack weave between everything because it helps increase your dps so much also there's a few minor things like shot glyphs that'll proc vulnerabilities this will proc your enchants this will proc your poisons all the whole nine yards light attack weaving is the best most important tip i can recommend for newer players uh it's just gonna help you kill people but also don't forget about your defensive rotations as well like if i'm light attack rapid reaching if i'm playing a little bit defensive here i can still deal damage while on my back bar i mean it's not it's not that much but if you're in a duel and you're you know kind of paying a little bit defensive here you can still do some damage while playing defensive you don't have to always bring your front bar to be able to kill people i mean i guess you're not going to kill them with the rest of their light attack if they're if they're any decent but it's a little bit of damage that makes them have to heal so it's a little bit less damage you have to deal if you're doing a wombo combo with an ultimate and stuff like that so that is all for the five secrets that peeve appears won't tell you now if you guys have been playing this game for a few years you guys already know most of these but hopefully if you guys are newer you know you guys just got the game a few you know months ago these can really help you increase your overall gameplay these are some huge things that will make you a lot better player and make you look less like a scrub and that's kind of my goal for this video is to just make you better step by step you're going to get better regardless but i think these types of videos can really help you guys get a lot better quicker and faster and that's my goal uh to help you guys out and get better at pvp so hope you guys enjoyed if you guys like this video and it helps you anyway be sure to smash that like button and i'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music] [Music] the
Channel: The Real Godzilla
Views: 47,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragonknight, Templar, Warden, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Nightblade, Magic, Stamina, Elder, Scrolls, Online, PvP, Build, ESO, The, Real, Godzilla, Light, Medium, Heavy, 1vX, 2vX, Outnumbered, Best, Cp, Non, Blackwood, Secrets, High, Level, Players, Won't, Tell, You...
Id: j6Yf0XhsMpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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