Everything You Need to Know About The Warden in Minecraft 1.20

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the warden added in minecraft 1.19 is now the most powerful and difficult mob in the entire game so learn in this video everything you need to know about it so where are wardens in minecraft can you find them literally anywhere or only in certain places well they generally tend to spawn only in one area and that is where there is a skulk shrieker you may be wondering where do skulk shriekers tend to spawn and they'll only spawn in two places and that is in the deep dark biome and the ancient cities these generate in a small percentage maybe 25 of minecraft's underground so you definitely run into it quite a bit but it's certainly not something you'll find every single time you go mining so they do not spawn naturally like any other mob in fact you can avoid them all together but the way that they generate in is of course with these shriekers now the shriekers can be alerted three times every time a shrieker is alerted and i'll do that right here you can see here it lets out sort of like a scream we actually got the advancement there because we were shifting there which avoids that from sensing us but anyway it'll shriek one time and now it's at warning level one now it can decrease down a warning level in ten minutes of course ten minutes is quite a while so it's basically just gonna stay at warning level one if we trigger it again which happens by either triggering one of these or by walking right on top of it then we get another warning beam come out and now it's probably at warning level too we can jump on top of it this time maybe just bother it a bit you can see there now one more beam and it should now be at warning level three and you can hear that there and when this one is alerted one more time it should probably summon in a warden we can hear right there yep there is a warden generating right in it basically digs out of the ground comes right out of it and appears right here you can see an appearance here of course we have this interesting face no eyes just this large almost creeper-like mouth with the sort of corners going down it has a beating chest like this with what looks to me like soul sand particles here it looks like the soul sand texture with three like souls in its chest there and these may be like teeth or rib cage-like things holding it in these sort of strange bony arms and i think this is supposed to be a spine on the back and of course its head looks quite a bit like the skulk sensor does here with the little tendrils i think those are called and of course the texture on the side they're matching with its head so obviously this creature is somehow made out of skulk and this creature will try and find where you are by an interesting method it'll sniff for you that's right this creature has a big sense of smell that's how it'll often try and find a mob but also finds them through vibrations it'll do both so vibrations are things like let's say if we go into survival here we walk around a little bit there'll be vibrations that are sent to it you notice it just sent some vibrations there so that's going to go see where those vibrations went but let's say you just heard it sniff there let's say i was just you know being very still up here or something just like this that thing may not get any vibrations from me no this is going after that bat now but generally it would come and try and get me now you notice it just turned dark so of course the added thing that makes this even scarier is that it will give you the blindness effect so it's very hard to see where things are so more or less you'd assume you can of course just be next to it and just shift away like this it won't get any vibrations from you that way that's true then it'll try and smell you out and basically if it gets super mad it can run incredibly quickly at about the exact same speed as the player can actually a little bit slower but about the exact same speed here so in fact if we anger it right here it'll then basically run after us very very quickly you can see it's very scary it's also incredibly quick here with the darkness effect there it's incredibly dangerous you'll notice here because it's angry at us the effect there it's very very loud now just sonically charged us which is another attack that'll explain that right now i guess probably an opportune moment for that so more or less the sonic charge is what really makes this one level up so basically the warden has two attacks the first one is similar to an iron golem which i find interesting because a warden is something like an iron golem in the way it works sort of like a protector of something you'll notice here this warden is very angry it's not angry at us though because we're in creative it's angry at the bat you'll saw it just hit it there now the bat is dead we can actually kind of see its sonic charge in motion did you see it when it was chasing me now here is a zombie that we can get the warden to get angry at see that's an interesting thing about the warden it is angry at every single mob in the entire game but another warden you'll notice this warden just got very angry at the zombie here for whatever reason i can't really see it it'll probably shoot a sonic charge at it and you'll see a sonic blast right here there just did that shooting that there if i can't get to a mob it'll basically do a sonic charge and finish it off with the standard attack now the warden has a heartbeat sound and the heartbeat sound goes quicker the angrier it is also something really good to know if you're trying to not die by the warden here its main attack has about the same range as an iron golem does maybe a little bit longer but the sonic beam attack has a range of 20 blocks so you have to be at least 21 blocks away from the warden to be out of range of that so for instance in the ancient city here that would mean very very high up in it and you couldn't let's say just go up on top of one of these towers and expect to be fine it could shoot you from very far away definitely important get as far away from the warden as possible when it is angry at you because it has that devastating long-range attack as well as the short-range attack now if a warden doesn't receive any vibrations from any mob for 60 seconds then it will basically dig back into the ground as you're seeing it do right here you can see it just dug down it's basically crawling back in and even saw on the side there sort of disappear and so all you have to do to basically defeat the warden is just to let it do that and the idea behind that would be that you just want to get super far away from it let it despawn after those 60 seconds and you can go back on to raiding the ancient city here which by the way i will cover rating in ancient city in a future video but something i'll show you right now is how to defeat the warden and to do this you're gonna want to have some decent tools definitely does not have to be this good but just as good as you can get although you could technically do this with something as simple as iron tools now when you scare one of these shriekers and get them to shriek we'll basically do is when the warden first spawns in let's see what spawns in you will dig beneath it yes right here in survival just to get so it's in a two block deep hole and then just walk away and basically because it's trapped in that hole there and it cannot hit you when it's first summoning in you are completely safe and also because the sonic beam attack can only get you within 20 blocks of range you can simply walk or crouch away and you're completely fine if you even let's say get an additional warden to try summoning in later on you can probably just dig down a hole for that as well this doesn't work in every single scenario as you can see like right here it's basically impossible but you can always attempt it you just want to be quick as after of course a certain stage it can very easily hit and kill the player like it did right there however in most scenarios i'd actually say it's a super viable method especially if you have some good armor you can at least withstand at least one hit from the warden and by the way this is what the ancient city looks like without the night vision effect so definitely something you want to explore with night vision although if you aren't killed by the warden as you see here and dug it down into a hole you can do it even with iron tools just to be really quick at it this warden here will just despawn after 60 seconds here so i'm assuming a common trend might be seeing ancient cities with lots of little two by two block wide holes in them that were previously there to capture wardens also it kind of goes without saying but they're just never a good reason to try and kill the warden straight on it basically will never be successful no matter what so there's no way to just be a pro at the game and do that you definitely have to use a bit more strategy or at least some long range weapons now of course the best way of defeating the warden in a sense is just to break the skull shriekers although of course that's often very difficult to do and actually something good to note on the topic of skulk shriekers is that the ones placed in by the player as you can of course touch these and replace them somewhere else and also the ones generated in by a catalyst neither of those can summon in the wardens and so let's say of an ancient city and you fully cleared out of skulk catalysts that area can never spawn in wardens ever again so each skull catalyst can sort of be thought of as an individual warden spawner but let's say you want to defeat a warden the way that mojing intended here's what you want to do you want to have a bow with power 5 and some spectral arrows you want some projectiles maybe some eggs i find those work well because if the baby chicken spawns in it distracts the warden more and you also want some building blocks but it is very hard to do we'll try it right now so we're going to start by angering the shrieker here and after angering at the last time here we will have our warden summon in and i will show you what to do now basically when the warden first summons and everything's going to be dark so you want to be really careful the first thing you want to do is throw an egg away from yourself so the warden is distracted by that the warden will go after those eggs but something to be careful of is the fact that if you throw too many eggs around at the exact same time so basically throwing two projectiles within the five seconds the warden will figure out what you're doing and then it'll follow the thing that's throwing the projectiles instead of the projectiles themselves so let's see we just threw a whole bunch of projectiles here like this then the ward would come after us not even the chicken there now ideally to actually kill it you want a bow with the spectral effect on it but generally that's not going to help you too much i'm just going to go into creative here for a second so i can show this off because ideally you do not want to hit it until you have to and so basically we'll go back into survival here and also it does sense the player above any other mob we're just going to throw an egg all the way over there and hope that distracts the warden something like this so hopefully it'll go over there and once we think the warden is distracted enough we basically want to pile up as much as possible maybe even throw another egg just to try and distract it and see if you can get 20 blocks above the ground now make sure to look above you before you do this maybe before you even get to the deep dark area because if you cannot go 20 blocks above then you cannot be protected from the warden there as like i said its sonic beam effect does have a range of about 20 blocks so something like up here is probably fine and once you're at that distance from it then all you have to do is just hit it with a bow if you cancel where the warden is simply fire an arrow or two at a certain area then because of the skulk sensors alerting it it will just go to where those arrows landed so it's kind of easy to direct the warden where you want it to go if you're super far away but from close of course it's incredibly dangerous and once it goes to where you want it to be just shoot it with the power for arrows until it dies however the problem is once you've hit it it will know where you are so you can see it's chasing us over here let's see if we have the 20 blocks away needed to have that not be deadly because if we're at a large distance from it'll definitely try that one out and i'm not actually sure if we're 20 blocks away or not so we'll keep shooting it like this we must not be within range because it's not trying the sonically charged effect there and so we'll simply hit it here with these power five arrows until it dies now the reason for the spectral arrows is because when it gives you the darkness effect the spectral effect can be seen through that so it makes it a lot more visible and easy to see but overall that's about all there is to it and we just killed the warden right there and now we can go back down there we can get the amazing loot that it drops except for the fact that unfortunately it just does not drop amazing loot it drops a singular skulk catalyst as you can see right down here but that is how you defeat the warden and so if you're careful let it be distracted pile up very very high then you can be safe from it however again sometimes it'll be smart it'll go around somewhere it'll try and get really close to you so if you do not have a high ceiling in the ancient city or a high ceiling where you are that method simply does not work i would definitely say with the warden that prevention is the best cure something like lytra is also really good if it comes after you you can just simply fly away and then for maybe really far away you can shoot it from a distance as of course bows have a very large range and when you're sneaking away from the warden something that often helps is the swift sneak enchantment which goes on leggings this can actually be found only in the ancient cities and you can notice here if i just sneak without it or crouch you can see of course i'm going very slow because that's what happens but if i put these on my legging slot right here and go forward it's almost the same speed as walking in fact maybe a little bit quicker so here is walking and here is the swift sneak so it's more or less about the same speed there and it's rather interesting to have basically no noticeable difference between walking speed and crouching speed but definitely an important enchantment to have and i definitely say having swift sneak on your leggings is perfect for any place especially in the deep dark when you're escaping from the warden now the warden's a rather interesting mob because of course it's just come into the game recently however was actually announced in september of 2020 and so it was meant to come out in 1.17 then it was delayed to 1.18 and then to 1.19 where it finally released and of course having in the game now it's sort of weird to think that this mob was meant to arrive about a full year earlier but definitely interesting to have it in the game now also the sonic attack that it does from a distance there as we saw was only added in later because originally you could literally just pile up three blocks like this and sort of like with an iron golem it just simply could not get to us as it would try to just stay down there and so now you have to be really really far away from it for it to get you with that attack and also something you may want to know of is the fact of two things number one if you just do not want to deal with the ward no matter what and you're in single player what you can do is you can do one of two things either switch to peaceful mode when you raid the ancient city so i wouldn't really suggest that or what you could do is you could simply change a game rule so game rule do warden spawning set to false now you can try and anger these all you want to but when you anger them they just simply will not spawn in any wardens sort of like the skulk shriekers that you may place down yourself however overall i would suggest trying out this challenge in the game at least a couple times it takes some getting used to i've died many times trying to defeat the warden just because the way that it's defeated is very different to anything else in the game but i think overall it's a really cool addition to the game and definitely adds a sort of horror element to the game that wasn't really there before as one other last bit of easter egg trivia disc 11 which is of course a very dangerous and scary sounding disc in the game the sounds in that were actually what inspired the developers to add the wharton into the game anyway that's enough watching the warden goodbye you
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 507,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solving the Minecraft Warden, It's Finally Here.. (Minecraft Warden Update), Tons of Ways To Defeat The Warden, Minecraft Warden Update is a NIGHTMARE!, How Can You Beat The Warden In Minecraft, They added the Warden into Minecraft..., How to Defeat the Warden in Minecraft 1.19, Minecraft 1.19 Warden Guide, Secrets of the Warden in Minecraft 1.19, How to Find a Warden in Minecraft 1.19, Tons of Ways to Kill the warden, Minecraft 1.19 Warden, How to Kill The Warden in Minecraft 1.19
Id: nTl98uwTgCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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