Escaping Polygamy: Jesse's Escape with His Two Wives (Season 3) | Lifetime

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Are you Jesse? Yeah. My name is Jesse Rayner and I'm 30 years old. And I'm a member of the Apostolic United Brethren, also known as AUB. So tell us more, like, what's your situation? Where do you live? Yeah. We live right in the middle of an AUB community. When you say we live there, do you live with people? Yeah. I'm married to two women and-- So what's your plan? Are you leaving the family, or just-- No. No. I'm taking my whole family, if they'll go with me. What are their thoughts? Their hearts are not necessarily completely in the same place as mine is in regard to the AUB. If I don't measure up to their parents' expectations, they can take my family from me. [suspenseful music] I feel like somewhat of a hypocrite, where I'm like, OK, so should I help this guy get out of an organized polygamy religion to be an independent polygamist? Like, what am I doing here? But then it's like, I see his intentions are true. He's a genuine man, and his kids seem to be the driving force of why he wants to leave polygamy. My name is Amber. I'm 29 years old, and I'm married to Jesse. My name is Shelby. I'm 24 years old, and I'm married to Jesse. (TOGETHER) We're sisters. We talked with Jesse, and he said that you guys were interested in leaving polygamy. AMBER: I don't know. Jesse's told me that he doesn't know what to believe anymore. We've been told by AUB church that if our husband does question things and he is leaving, then we should stick here within the AUB church and not leave ourselves. SHELBY: I just worry about my family being upset with us, and we're going to need to cut off all communications. If I don't communicate at all, that's very hard on me too, so I don't know where to go. Do you guys feel like you're going to continue to live polygamy with Jesse? Well, we just want to figure out what's right. Yeah. Even if we found out that it wasn't right to live this way or whatever, I think that we'd still stick it out and stay together, because we don't want to do that for our children, and we don't want to do that to each other. We're a family still. [music playing] Well, hi, guys. Hey. Do your kids know everything that's going on or-- The two older ones. Hey. Somebody's up in that room, right here. All right, hey, the lights are out. And oh, that's a freaking laser. Does he own a gun? Go inside, go inside. Go, go. We got to go. Jesse, can I talk to you real quick? Yeah. Honest question, is there anybody that wants to hurt you? I don't know. That I couldn't say. The reason why we ask is because the guy outside was pointing a laser pointer at us, and our concern is that that was a gun. Does he have guns in there? I know he owns an AR-15. What is really going on here? You know, the trouble is, is that I used to be a part of a religious militia-type organization. I was a part of the AUB security force. Let's cut to the chase. AUB security, a militia force, and now we got a laser pointer pointed at us outside? I think it's time we get the hell out of here. Let's get the cars loaded. Everybody's clearing out. All right. Jess-- the laser is going again. You guys, with all seriousness, get behind the frickin' truck. We got to get everybody out of here. OK. Go, go. Go right that way. Come on. Get in the car, get in the car. Let's go. Hey, Jess, we're coming up on this parked vehicle. Do not stop. Just go around him. Go. Go. Go, go, go, go, go. JESS: Follow them. Make sure they cross the state lines. Jess, hey, go straight back to the hotel. Watch for anyone tailing you. I'll make sure Jesse and his family get out of here safe. We'll be with them the whole way.
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 686,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, Kingston clan, Salt Lake City, Utah, marriage, the Order, escaping polygamy, watch escaping polygamy, escaping polygamy full episodes, polygamy, polygamist, cult, polygamist cult, flds, escape cult, warren jeffs, Kathy, escaping polygamy season 3, escaping polygamy s4, escaping polygamy season 3 episodes, escaping polygamy season 3 clips, esc, Family Under Fire, escaping polygamy episodes, escaping polygamy clips
Id: 96oA0kORVHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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