Escaping a Rising Lava Flood in BeamNG Drive?!

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all right Obie you're probably wondering why I brought you here today yeah there's always a catch when I play with a kodo what do you mean there's always a catch going to happen aliens going to come down Zombies going to be running down the hill I don't know what's going on well I can assure you there's no aliens there's no zombies but there is molten lava under the map that's about to rise up so you're in one of your favorite cars correct yes this is one of my favor they here roochi you you see that thing counting uhhuh two one go okay okay okay wait am I faster than you yeah that's fine oh my goodness all right go around the big left side left side all right left side left side oh my goodness LA's coming oh dude too fast I going to look around way too fast am I going to die you were both going to die move out the way dog I'm trying this's coming after me my guy go okay okay I just got to I don't have to beat the lava I just have to beat you I won you know technically you did win the first round how about we slow the lava down a little bit yeah that was way too fast my guy what were you thinking I don't know I just thought it'd be funny hey you know what's hot like the lava me a million likes on this video oh okay yeah that's hot too all right OB I might have uh tripped over the switch and turned it up a little too high but I feel like we wanted to be a challenge so it's going to be fast but not quite as fast okay okay so you go ahead and count us in okay okay uh green light yellow light red light go go go go go go go got it oh oh we get to start oh oh okay yeah we get to start we get a small uh chance to get out a little bit ahead cuz this traffic's pretty chaotic right here yeah right here is a dangerous spot I hate lead by the way you're going to ram me in the back aren't you I'm not going to ram you in the back you act like I'm out here to just murder your face I mean c me there wao that was close my guy there has been time where you have murdered I broke a half shaft I had my car that sucks oh no oh my goodness why are you out ofe why you got to survive though oh I guess I'm just the a gamer here I'm just a better video gam I don't know why I pick something that's like more drift oriented yeah mine doesn't turn very well I feel like I'm lacking the weight grippiness you good come on what's going on I'm not good no you stupid what happened but who are you talking to you talking to yourself oh my goodness there a full on traffic jam here no I want to see look back here he comes well I can't look forward well you know we did better that time right yeah I don't even think this was my fault cuz there was a car in the way I'm just going to techically technically no yeah there you go maybe just fling a couple of these off you know just to feel better about myself yeah yeah keep flinging there you go there we go there could have been a child in that one that you just flung off you believe that yeah yeah oh well okay you ready ready 3 2 1 go okay all right lava countdown pulling out in front of me that's fine all well they're trying to save the children OB this car sucks this car sucks come this car sucks this car sucks down the car sucks it it bumpy it bounced it bumpy it got it got bouncy balls in the tires or something oh oh it has literally zero grip K well there's literally traffic I'm clearing it out we should have just brought a ram plow for this oh that's an idea this car is fast but it has no control yeah I can see you way back there what what's going on back there buddy if I floor it I just start spin it out that's why we don't let OB choose things hey I did good the first two rounds okay I will give you that to be fair I did choose like a drift car that was just not meant for this you should have went with the rally car dude this is perfect I'm so I'm still going I'm still alive don't worry oh my goodness that is uh it's coming in at rapid speed uh oh okay I see the traffic oh I am cutting up through traffic right now oh no I I I tried to floor it on the straight away and I spun out oh I'm dead well yeah let's watch K lesson lesson learn there he goes look at it look at my man go look you know what I think we're going to do I think we're going to start ahead of that corner that's been giving us oh my goodness the uh Corner that's been giving us all issues we're going to start ahead of there and we're going to get a small test to make sure your vehicle is good okay okay I'm going to give you three points for that one wait wait don't confuse the editor I'll take a point okay you get three a points it's what no my editor doesn't like math it's one to one three a points I have one point oh my goodness my editor is going to hate you all right start after the muddy section okay all right Obie so for this round we're going to start a little bit higher up I I feel like you got it right you know can handle well I just need the proper car my last car was not designed for this okay well you ready ready watch out for traffic I see I'm good two one go going oh this is so much better I can already feel the difference there's no bounce really I can open it up a little bit harder this is what I'm talking about get past the traffic that's trying to murder us right now yes sir yes sir look at actually D the car up yeah I know I know there's a car it right careful I'm just trying to I'm watching out for my buddy right now you know oh that car just drove off we are like watching oh my goodness what are you good you good I can't look back I'm good I barely dodged that did you see what he was doing oh he was driving like a mad man dude oh traffic D traffic the cars roll dude this is a that was epic oh yeah don't look down there there's lava coming yeah there there's definitely lava coming to go don't hit the stumps on the left side try not to buddy I'm trying not to oh traffic [Music] jam I'm good you good okay the timing of the skirt skirt I got to give it to you there that was pretty impressive D my skirt skirts are always on point you just skirt skirt all I see is you fly on the outside of those cars all right we're good buddy oh my goodness how many points I think we're in a good spot to start cuz like that we're definitely like ahead of it oh we actually have a good chance of get to the top of the mountain have we ever made it to the tippy top uh no but you I almost uh I made it pretty far in a bicycle oh real wait there's got bicycles in this uh not in this particular server but bicycles I'm about to say if we had a bicycle I'll be all for that I might have broken my left front it's definitely not turning anymore but I got this I can use the handbrake to make this I have to ask you have a you have a life insurance policy sir uh I don't think it covers the running from lava oh my goodness what is wrong with me what's going on Comm I just I'm done I'm done I I hit more traffic and I'm de wait did I win yeah ooh okay how how the how are you winning oh no no I'm not even really trying if I'm being honest I'm just going to chill okay what no no no no cartwheel no no no no no no we we you going to do that I'm still going we going to play that game I'm still going I'm not trying no no I wasy I'm trying my hard I'm actually treding my hardest I'm about say I'm I'm going to make you just run up the thing I'm going to hit you with the ram plow all right I think I'm going to get how many points do I get I think I'm going to get seven Cheeto points here you're going to get two B points on top of three a points and I already have one point yeah what is a Cheeto point we're doing so good I get a I get seven points and seven Cheetos ohz I'm still Aly ones or the crunchy ones they're going to be crunchy and spicy oh okay all right oh no are you still driving yeah I just fell off the mountain I didn't realize you were still going all right you know what pick the next car whatever you want I want an electric car okay uh I think the spr is going to be your best electric so we'll go with those yeah yeah all right so this is your choice of vehicle so I think yes based on the choice of vehicle we might have to move up the hill a little bit if we go with something slower but these are fast oh yeah dude I'm a professional electric car driving too so this is my Jabs okay I will give you props you did make it through the last round but I ain't taking it easy on you you ready to go you're ready to go sir count us in all right Boulders uh watch out for that traffic uh Stones Pebbles was that three was Pebbles three Pebbles was three yeah I'll s that a little bit while you catch up really I was trying to be fair head yo this isn't as stable as I thought it was going to be no this is very stable well maybe CU I my Bumper's gone because you break check why didn't made a break check you I was trying to keep you in my viewing distance so you can watch me drive my my uh door ran what was that sound I merged I'm just going to respawn here I got it I'm trying to turn it around my door randomly exploded it's like something shot through the world and killed me you can you can respawn in the same spot I did respawn I'm coming back okay okay okay okay oh my goodness now I got to catch you this has not gone well for me I'm normally good at these you you're normally the best driver I know but today it looks like OB is the best driver I know it's like I get the server with ob and my talent level goes to zero and maybe I absorbed it all like a vampire maybe is that what happened I think so oh my goodness I got to get moving yeah yeah these things drive like poop well you know oh I just passed a bumper did you skirt again oh come on turn you freaking big heavy battery I'm dead wait what I'm not going to count that one because I randomly started and edited show and my door exploded and like half the car shift it here keep going I'll meet you up there okay uh oh no what was that sound ah that was me trying to slam on the brakes and it not working do you find a tree and or a cliff I found a cliff full of lava no this is what happens when Obie gets to pick the vehicle well you said to pick anything oh that guy drove off the cliff yeah we had to start really oh watch out watch out they're they're having problems that's okay my TOS are very buyy they're very buyy driving K look okay I'm going start in the lava yeah I'm going to start going look at this okay it is going all now don't floor it cuz you'll flip oh my good why would you pick these well I thought it' be a good little challenge you know cuz you wasn't winning because we picked these yeah for sure whatever okay I got man I got a bone to pick like I got to I got to go here you do because right now my points are seven Cheetos plus one point plus three piece of and then you have three a points and one no you have only three a points I don't know what is up with your addition like whatever how hard is it to figure it out seven Cheeto points three Pizza points one nor Point are you running over people oh look they're right the way I can't really turn I'm actually letting you clear the way right now and then right when you're not expecting I just go in for the pass oh yeah big boy you won't Passat me up when I lose expected boy what is happening today what's going on come what happened stupid freaking dumb mother come on fall down I get the traffic is INF furiated wait I'm out of reset you can reset once well I'm a little I'm just trying to straighten out here a little bit well come on come on why would you trying to go around me my guy would you trying to push me off the cliff no you that doesn't count as a reset okay I'll allow it okay you got one reset I got Zer is catching right now yeah editor you put this on screen by the way there's three Pizza Point seven Cheeto points one normal point two skitt points how would you stop at the oh me I'm trying to drive and you're ramming me just drive just around me my gu I can't go around you why did you do this to me I didn't even do it you I was simply my does that count technically you hit the lava first I feel like when I get into a video with you my talent level goes down so we picked little yikes uhhuh we're a little further up the hill because these aren't exactly fast but I feel like we can finally navigate traffic are you ready wait did you call this little ties I said little yikes actually you did there's these are pitches oh you are getting the OB brain oh no yeah I feel stupid now all right lava started go okay going I'm not calling you stupid but I feel stupid well I is that calling you stupid no it's fine bro I think you're doing great by the way you get two resets okay copy that okay okay and I'm not even going to play aggressive I'm not even going to attack you even though you attacked me quite violently last round by the way I didn't even attack you violently oh my goodness I hate the traffic can I do I have to reset here no oh can you get dir do you want I think are we stuck I don't know okay does f8 and F7 count as a reset I'm going say just go ahead and do it I didn't do it but go ahead and do it okay I did it I kept it the damage though I kept the damage that okay okay yeah for sure for sure oh my goodness yeah I feel like we've just matched the vehicles wrong this episode no I think we got the perfect vehicle the Auto Bell monster trucks were I'll admit pretty stupid and my chin chillo whatever it's called was pretty stupid did you call it a chinchilla yeah whatever it's called I don't know and that one of those little like yes those you can have as a pet yeah yeah oh jeez did you see it car I did I'm focused right now I'm actually trying awake on I'm playing for real so if I were to just knock you off the side into the lava what would that how would that I still have two resets I think right lava resets don't count right what do you mean they don't count I don't know what the rules are so if you touch the lava you're dead but if you crash on the road and reset you're fine correct how about that yeah yeah yeah yeah that sounds so no resets if you touch lava and try not to Ram each other off the cliff either I'm trying I'm actually you're doing a good job navig are you playing on a keyboard yes I don't get how you're that fast on keyboard you don't maybe if you played with a remote you wouldn't actually suck I feel like I'm winning though I'm winning the whole video right now so how am I sucking maybe you should play on a keyboard Fair my intelligence level went down quite a bit when you entered the chat but yeah that oh I crashed resetting did you see that little cut I did I did I didn't even know that existed yep that's the thing oh my goodness what are you doing come on I got to win a round for once you did win a round you won last round I think I did yeah I touched the lava first you won you got two M&M two no you got to the round was so bad I just thought okay I'm good come on Obie you can do this that oh okay I'm using my second reset I'm I'm about to resets that lava's getting kind of close can you feel it toasting those buns oh the buns are toasty the the traffics are really bad though like they're really out to get me I just don't think they're intelligent no they're aiming for me I see them flying off cliffs wrecking flipping uh-huh getting out of control am I far ahead yes I want to look back oh dude does oh no I'm in the lava come I'm going in the lava I just crashed wait you you're in the lava yeah yeah yeah you won the round so I think what we're going to do wherever the leader ends we're going to restart the round there that way we get a little further away from the lava that's fair that's fair how you doing bro uh I'm doing pretty good now that I finally all right you got four witty the poos for that round four witty the poos how do you even tell how is a winie the Poo worth more than Cheetos uh it goes with quantity not quality okay I'll take it uh next round oh is this a bad idea nope you sure I'm just going to start driving I don't even think we need the lava we're not going to get far okay all we won't do lava for this round oh my goodness to be fair the top bus is hollow so it's not like it's super heavy yep yeah clear out that traffic for me boy maybe we do need the lava I feel like I'm doing pretty good now uhoh are you trying to tip over what is that s what is that a human sound or is that that was my Donkey Kong sound Donkey Kong makes that sound yeah when he gets hit by like a sounds like you're holding his head underwater maybe I am I think my right front is person my buz is leaning really bad I'm at a tree I'm flipped over do I get a reset I got a reset get a reset remember two resets got one left no snap come on come come what are you doing come on come on sweetie come on sweeti come on sweetie come on come on what what was that how am I supposed to pass in these down contact okay I got zero resets left Al Man Zero are you happy I haven't reset one well oh no talk a little too soon there bud yep okay reset I don't think I need to go fast here I think I just need to wait for you to tip over and lose all your reset so are we both going to go up the hill at 10 I mean if you got to do that might put back on stop stop stop stop okay okay okay we need motivation don't we we need motivation put the lava on I'm about to motivate you all right you might want to start driving now you got to go a little bit faster now oh my goodness that is a long ways down did you look down yeah I did yeah look Downy far carck when I look down honestly we're not that far from the top yeah we're just slowly progressing oh make it I really want to ram you off the side so bad yeah but what if we both go off and you touch lava first huh but the odd it's like a 50/50 I think you might touch the lava first you might touch the lava first your butt cheeks might touch it first don't talk about butt cheeks I can't you help if they're Flappy and big uh okay first of all they're smooth like a turtle shell and they're rock hard like little Boulders my God why would this turn around this corner broken you good what you doing much that white car just I don't think these are designed to go up mountain roads I don't know what these are designed for they're double decker bus moner I for getting around town efficiency and efficiently you is get good MPG no oh s that's my I'm on my final okay all right we're both on our finals then this is it comes out of this OB you want to stop byy and get some Cheetos yeah go ahead pull over yeah yeah I'm going to go and pull over I'm going to let you pass actually yeah I I don't like running into the traffic first I like you clearing the traffic out and I like the option of eating you off a cliff no no no no no it's not going to happen oh my goodness oh this thing will not turn no I'm good I'm good oh no I'm good I'm okay where the lava at the lava's far away so we got some time here I me we got time but it is impending doom like yeah oh is impending yeah stand world as we know it yep so we chose to race up a freaking crater with you pick these you this is worse than the auto batt monster trucks that I picked yeah you know actually I don't think they are because you can hit the gas in these those they would flip over immediately yeah but you could you hit the gas too hard you start to flip you got to hit every turn at a very slow Whimsical Pace I think something's broken in mind cuz I keep leaning and it's like so hard to counter it oh what's going on over there there's trees and cars freezing car oh man looks like you're getting stuck there it would be a shame if I passed you do not touch me with your big filthy double decker that's sounds wait that sounded weird what was that on the road back there uhoh m oh come on I got a car stuck in my axle oh no what a shame what a shame oh I think I'm going to spit it out no qu didn't happen you flipped I'm almost done you won stop dare I won we got to go to Sudden Death final round for all the Cheetos okay I'll reward myself two bubble bees all right you decided for the final round to pick a drag racing car for a non- drag racing event go Ahad we go slow we need to go fast all right canis in 3 2 1 activation oh these things got a little power a little it's a Dr I don't even know if it's going to have enough fuel to make it up at the top typically don't have wait is that a thing these things burn fuel like crazy they normally don't have a ton of it in there okay here's the rule if you run out of fuel you can respawn and that does not count as a a respawn you know to be fair this one doesn't seem to be burning as bad it's actually doing pretty good huh uhoh is this the oh okay okay okay bye loser hold on the cars are still pushing me down to Hill a little bit oh oh no no dude it's slick through here it's water wait what yeah there's water on the road oh no oh my goodness drag slicks and water do not get along excuse me excuse me excuse hey watch yourself excuse me hey we do look bye loser that's one reset that's one weet yep oh we are so screwed when we get up to the uh the sunk Town there's like a town that's like a got like a Mudslide happening I've never been this high before on the mountain so I don't know what's coming up next well I guess I know now it's a suck Town come on come on sweetie come on are you trying to murder me no what oh please I'm not trying to murder you I feel like you want this rock St Comm slow down go pleas this rock let's keep it simple here my guy oh no I don't like where I'm close to the about oh my tire broke I got to reset okay come on you went quiet what happening power through oh my goodness okay reset I got to okay you so I got one reset you got zero left I I think I don't I can't even keep track it's just I'm been keeping track of everything there a yes don't hit the ramp you I'm not going to oh no there's a full- on traffic jam you got to push your way through I'm at the the town trying I'm trying this is not going well for me I can't get lined up straight cars keep barreling into me and knocking me off course oh dude this town sucks okay well hopefully I can catch up to you I'm a th000 f feet away okay okay Cal down you could do this still come back you have one reset left he has zero you shush I I'm at the sucking dirt town uh just I'm just out trying to get out of it oh my goodness this car just flipped the top of me are you kidding me dude oh this does suck can I skip this sure you could skip it for one reset I could do it no uh well I'm out of it so you might want to hurry up cuz uh I see the top of the mountain do you really what's it look like is it pretty it's it looks like a top of a mountain oh my goodness I can't wait to see the view it's going to be so gorgeous I hope the sunset's going down wait what I want to see a beautiful sunset tonight okay here I go I'm almost through it I did not cheat okay you are why would you pick this you're like 3,000 ft away well that's good WR my car I keep spinning out oh that doesn't sound good I hit okay I hit a tree I hit a tree that's your last respawn though you already used it yeah but I I don't think I think I only hit in the door I think I can rip this thing off oh I might be okay back it up back it up where you at I'm uh 1,00 ft behind you D it still drives No well actually it doesn't drive good that's okay I just want you to make it too man it's kind of like a banana it's like team oh I'm voting for you as well my man sound I'm almost there are you yeah there's the pad this is it no way he's going to make it I'm so freaking proud Budd I mean I think I won the actual video because I think he wouldn't way more like way more rounds than I did but Power buddy wait where are you at I'm coming up there slowly uh I had a very large traffic jam at one point it really took yeah it really took the yeah this tree is not go through a bll this tree is not go through a b yeah typically that's not the way trees go my my car just like to spin out to the left very hard you have hit about a million things okay I'm going to reset my last reset I got to make her to the top I mean it's literally just this turn and then just go straight I'm scared to go fast though go fast I'm going I can see the top almost throttle it no way I don't want to die here did I make it is this it yeah you made it bro we made it together let's go baby that's a rock hey look at how colors yellow so hold on you want to give a final uh points tally yes okay so the points are you have one normal point three Cheeto points two Eminem wrappers two Eminem candies and I have wait what did you get for this round you got three draws of honey you also have four wi the poos uhhuh let's put that on the list myself the other hand I have I think it was three Cheetos three pizzas bye I think I also got four clouds at some point won it's fine I what yeah
Channel: Beautiful OB
Views: 29,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng flood, beamng lava, beamng tsunami, beamng escape, beamng survival, beamng lava flood, beamng rising lava, beamng game, beamng gameplay, beamng roleplay, beam gameplay, beam game, beam roleplay, lava, rising lava, lava flood, tsunami, lava tsunami, rising flood, game, gameplay, roleplay, beautiful ob, ob, beautiful ob beamng, beautiful ob beam, ob beamng, ob beam, beamng multiplayer, beamng multiplayer gameplay
Id: haIU7sQaSME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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