ESCAPE The DEMOGORGON In Minecraft! (Manhunt)

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stranger things has come to minecraft and me and jelly are gonna be hunted by the demogorgon and we'll need to make it to star court mall to activate a machine that will trap the demogorgon forever but it's a lot harder than it sounds trust me jelly jelly what's that it's contain it quick what do we do oh we've got it contained jelly but this is not going to last for long we've got it contained for only 180 seconds why don't we just push it back into the park but look it doesn't do anything okay okay listen quick come over here read the casey security breach uh immediately retreat secret facility we have a cup we need a diamond to power the machine jelly are you kidding me a diamond secret base under the mall okay let's get out of here are there any diamonds in here josh no jelly we need to get out come on elevators open get in get in get in okay it's gonna leave without you up to the lobby oh i actually did leave about you okay no you didn't all right uh so we need to find a diamond are we gonna actually have to find that in a cave josh is that how this works well how else would you find a diamond jetty i don't know maybe uh in this expensive laboratory yeah no we had fun diamond also uh okay yeah we have to follow the locator as well to get to the right the star court mall base locator okay okay so it's showing us this direction yep i've got a couple of tools with me by the way a shotgun quite cool yeah i have a shotgun flamethrower look josh look burn oh my god burn the trees everywhere no fire rings on that side not not that oh we're not supposed to be burning i think the fire ring traps the demogorgon oh okay i think so and uh 11 is just 11. hey 11. we're all getting what does eleven do i have why is this locked i don't know should we just break out jelly you break this well i think there's a gate here oh okay that makes more sense we're leaving the lab we're leaving the lab okay let's get out of here as well so we just gotta hurry we probably should actually get some resources while we've got some time for example mutton wait can we just shoot things whoa see you later donkey i actually need some food so this is really useful well i'm actually starting to start i'm gonna head over to the tree oh you're right here i'm gonna head over to these trees jelly oh the demogorgon has been released okay hey josh listen to me this is not good at all yeah we are not even close to getting a diamond yeah well we are a bit closer but not yeah i know what you're where are you i'm on i'm over here following the road i'm assuming there's no road there's no visible are you dumb what do you mean oh at this point you deserve to get eaten eat meat yeah by the way i see iron down here so let's get some resources well i'm killing some sheep for some for some meat first yeah i feel like we should cook it though should we not cook it because we were about to make a furnace anyway sure here you go jelly you take that thank you mate okay and i'll get enough cobblestone i just made one oh what i mean i mean i gave it to you so it's not over by me could you get me some iron as well then uh we should have enough yeah should i make the furnace yep you can make the furnace jelly i'll get some uh coal as well all right now i'm assuming that the demo buddy boy is gonna be oh cole went down well he doesn't know exactly where we i think he probably does jelly i i would imagine yeah he has something for your strong scent yes because i peel myself put the colon in the iron like you said we don't have much time yeah all right i'm coming okay we've got two nice i'm gonna cook my food afterwards how are we doing uh i don't know but i feel like we should get going soon well we have four more ingots here josh yep well we can get the rest cooked it's fine josh i'm ready to go oh my goodness it's here oh my god it's here it is there josh listen to me oh my jelly i'm gonna run out of food a fire ring traps okay jelly i think we need to trap him because i'm going to run out of food otherwise okay just kidding i mean we don't need to kill the rabbits they don't give us food that's just being evil okay it is kind of evil but so is the demogorgon okay jelly honestly if we don't oh if we don't at least get it trapped for a while then we're gonna be in danger oh my god you're right josh look at that a bee's nest maybe we can distract him why are there so many bees nests okay i'm gonna see if i can that is the tallest tree okay i'm going to try and capture it oh it's doing things i miss i mean i don't even see it did you miss i missed yeah but i don't oh is that wait let me distract him let me distract him oh did i get it no he's still going come on we need to trap it oh yeah okay he's chat he's trying jelly the shotgun does nothing i don't think we can damage it the shotgun did nothing to it i don't know so we can only trap it that's all we can do we need to get this done oh i see a village okay get to the village wait what oh i see i see it okay but we got it oh my god who the size oh that's clear we gotta get across this dodge okay we're gonna have to go up and down we're gonna have to go up and down jelly there's no other way yep oh it it's here okay josh are you he's he's shouting he's obviously upset are you almost up i'm trying i don't think you gotta hurry up josh i'm almost there this is actually terrifying let's go let's go getting chased by a fully invincible creature oh i heard him hello yeah i'm killing the piggies because it's dropping me a lot of meat yeah that's yeah i'll do the same okay let's get to the village i think it's gonna take him a little while to get down and up again so we should have some time he can't fly you never know we might even find a diamond in the village it happens oh my god that'd be great that would be really efficient for us yeah look at all those pigs it's hunting season oh yeah look look look oh thanks eleven that's real great but sometimes you know you can't be a shotgun she's not dropping the the meat for us that's just greedy she's taking oh thanks jenny that's so rude yeah i'm not seeing anything too useful here yet jelly are you kidding me josh that denmark gorgon is right behind us yeah we got everything just i'm just eating raw meat at this point okay jelly uh so we've got an iron pickaxe right or we've got enough pickaxe i guess so okay josh there's another river oh my god he's here he's just turning things into the upside down are you kidding me hide where do you see him ah he's right there run oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh what the heck is all this it's all gone black ah jelly jelly jelly we gotta run oh my god he's tracking your location everywhere okay okay um if you touch that you die right that's how this works sure i did i guess i don't actually die okay make sure you don't take fall damage uh about that yeah yeah okay okay let's go let's go can demogorgons get in water i don't actually know that's an interesting question i think we're about to find out um also shotguns don't work on the water he's just standing there he's just sort of standing i don't know maybe oh he's getting angry oh my god he's making so much noise i'm scared josh good thing i'm wearing a diaper right now oh my god he's in a boat wait what huh he's what that looks well okay jack explains it this is just creeping me out okay jelly we need to keep going okay this thing is 20. too many hills yeah it is very hilly we also do need to find a cave to get a diamond at some point oh yeah ideally soon come on come on is that a ravine this is a ravine it looks like it is jelly wait this is a weird looking ravine uh okay well can we get down here i think we're okay by the way i don't see how do we get down mr gordon i'm gonna call him gordon jelly i don't really want to get trapped but i will die jenny you need to have more positive thoughts this is not a ravine this is something else well i think it would be fine oh my god what is this place honestly uh mr ravine am i gonna die why did you what is wrong with you jelly okay josh we're in a giant cave system well this is definitely deep enough for diamonds yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but we should be more oh wait we've got stuff jelly lava 11. kill things go eleven go great mine's on cool down whoa eleven's op yeah it's cause we can't maybe we can only put one eleven down each one eleven so a hundred and eleven ah got him i think i might have seen good ol gordy no gordy yeah i see him he's up there i think he's camping listen to me oh my gosh i need your goodness i just mlg 360 to creeper and gordon's up there waiting i've got an idea by the way what's the idea what the idea is to find if we use the lava to trap gordon how do you do that we pick up lava with what well i'm gonna make a bucket and just uh hold on a second you've you've got a pickaxe right because we'll need that for later okay good because i can use this i'm not sure we have time for this okay all right let me just shoot this pad well that seems unnecessary hey okay all right i've got the lot uh wait what the heck jelly josh you you got rid of the wait jelly what do i just see right there i hang on wait this doc did you not see the diamonds here a few inches later yay we got the diamonds we actually have three of them we only needed one okay now we just need to get out okay okay never mind you got him oh where do we go judy watch this okay trap him trap him run one yes quick eleven is it gonna work is it gonna work oh he's out it did oh it's burning let's go let's go let's go it's not gonna we haven't killed him jelly but i think that we've uh definitely set him back now exactly damn this shotgun is kind of like oh seriously that's amazing i love it um they should add a shotgun to normal minecraft we we might have to dig out or circle round again we'll find a spot we'll find a spot okay if you say say look up here i think we're out this is good yeah we're good yes we're out okay we're out okay so we have a diamond oh no how old is the owl ready i don't know okay he's strong you can break stuff okay well okay the the the compass is this way josh just we've got everything we need now we just need a speed run to the end exactly exactly josh i think it's there yeah in front of us i think you're right jelly i think we've nearly made it oh my god we're going to deactivate him he's going back to work i don't think he's a robot chad i don't think he could deactivate okay all right it's called killing we'll go with it we'll just go with it it's fine okay we're at the mall all right so we need to find exactly where to go at this mall uh i think inside don't seem to see the demogorgon anywhere good old gordon we probably have to go under it's a flamethrower i think wait did you just say yourself okay i think we do have to go under it jelly but i don't know where whoa look at this this is nice wait employees only do that i think okay let's go in let's go in oh my god oh do you hear that we got a hot dog on a stick is that good oh no gordon's here jelly run oh my god oh my god oh my god big old genie oh my god josh where do we go oh follow the yellow big road oh this is a dead end it better be good oh my god totally not elevated to secret oh what take the elevator okay whoa okay yellow big road whoa okay look at the length of this this is good this is good i think we're heading the right way josh yeah yeah um this is flora though look how far we got burn things hurry up josh oh he's here he's literally there okay josh yes do we follow the golden path yes i think that's pretty clear it's not to me how is it not clear okay we're going up the stairs come on josh hurry up i'm going as fast as i can i got the diamonds ready what now um in here oh wait is this diamond needed wait what diamond needed the power gate all right we gotta send him back in no oh no he has to lure the beast into the portal to trap him in the other dimension aha that makes a lot of sense okay where is he i think he's coming come on oh i hear him come and get us little boy how do we get him in the portal well we gotta lure him in josh that's the whole point where is oh he god oh he's here he's here jelly you have to get him in josh what i'll sacrifice myself what i'll do it come over here little boy come over here follow me boy follow me you good oh i'm good oh he's gone did we go did we do it i thought i was gonna die too but apparently i didn't oh well it was very nice of you to try and sacrifice yourself i know right okay well that's done we did it yay you want to go something to eat or something uh yeah how about um some run flight i thought we could go back up to the mall and get like a hot dog or something nah okay thanks for watching head over and click the video on the screen to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 630,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, ESCAPE The DEMOGORGON In Minecraft!, minecraft, hunter vs speedrunner, eleven, demogorgon, stranger things 4, manhunt, mod, jelly
Id: v9YIsthwLoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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