Escape the Babysitter Granny in Real Life! Escape Rooms & Locking Granny in Giant Box Fort!!!

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to our channel if you guys haven't subscribed yet but that's a Skype button it's free you guys today mom and dad are leaving us house do you think we need this many rooms going out for a night on the town but all we know is that we have to stay here alone not quite we're not leaving these girls home alone you guys we are responsible parents we're gonna get them an awesome babysitter they really need care calm future babysitter you go to care calm you find the baby are you wanna make now has a picture of their face you click you click checkmark and then the baby sir you get and then it's your babysitter it's alright girls it's a babysitter that you know it's granny she's coming over to babysit you guys we'll meet him on go out okay [Music] well someone's at the door are you ready um I got here myself okay let's go hey come on in girls babysitter's here oh [Music] hey no girls me and mom are expecting you to be good for granny and make sure you clean up while we're gone okay all right girl see you later [Music] all right guys hopefully they can survive babysitting with granny we'll see you guys later bye [Music] guys granny just locked us in here but Ronettes sr lost our chore toy let's get a key in openness okay massive but I don't think that's gonna be too easy to find a key in this world it's a disaster seriously you guys look at this room guys this is a disaster we have to clean this whole room that is a big mess for us to look at this Shiva blocked the bathroom door out guys locked we can't find a key for it seriously Danny this is a Fiat desk perfect your leg would work yeah yeah that's like the push to put in there unlock the locket all right guys let's use Bambi's legs to open it up [Music] perfect look these things are so hard to find looks like we have to find a lock Starkey now yeah yeah that's one way smaller let's find a lock start here great idea [Music] well looks clean to me but it's not working here let me try it little sis it doesn't belong to this one let's go try together one versus I'm so hungry let's go get a snack yeah nursing Shh bring is out here he's gonna humor us it's creamy we're gonna have to go around the other way team Anderson are you serious another lock educator [Music] you need to push it in Hannah's not turning guys I don't think it's the right key again let's go clean something else and find another key let's go clean some more stuff it is if there's a mess right here let's clean it Masum this is a really easy mess it's just game boxes all right guys I'm yourself a camera right here so I can clean it up all right that looks good I'll start cleaning well guys we didn't find anything here Madison I don't think this is how dad likes I'm getting weak and dry and stuck on the right way yeah okay let's do it good job that's all of them I think there's some more stuff over here that's just that's for tonight stuff what's he like key this belong to I hope it's snack time all right guys let's go try the key [Applause] [Music] not go in person [Music] [Music] if you don't know I am locked up in my room right now Oh Ronnie is our babysitter and we have to escape the babysitter and yesterday on the last episode my mom and dad left us to go out I don't know why they were going out but they got us a babysitter and it's granny don't worst babysitter ever she has the worst bag ever she after my mom and dad luck she just said go get some toys and then she tricked us in to getting our toys she just slapped us in here with no food no water no TV nothing to do but clean and we have to find keys we cleaned the bathroom we found a key which I got at that one decide I have a room we got into the pantry but that did not work out for us and then if you saw that video comment down below that was horrible so this is from yesterday we can knock it out she locked it from the outside you guys and this is terrible come with me into the bathroom she locked her from the inside now I have to find a key for the song star this is our only way out now Madison let's start cleaning okay best as we can okay we have got to find another lock star key Madison [Music] [Music] well there's that now should we do Madison what Stewart up where they go okay you'll clean over there and I'll come out clean over here okay okay turn these go on your side [Music] let's follow us to me mm-hmm looks pretty good now stirs my bed we still haven't been Rocky [Music] looks like a robot key let's sit go take it to the rock star your mouse and you hold it okay I got the key now let's get out of this room I did was that so hard no it was not Oh all right guys we're out of there right now so watch out for granny looks like she's sleeping let's go get the door [Music] [Music] what in the world was he doing right now our problem is over there she's old we have to get rid of granny okay but how I have an idea hold the camera alright guys follow me so massive my plan is we're gonna put one two three four five leading to the buck four and then to the six and seven are giving inside good idea but Trent Raab what do we do now first thing max ooh is open this door now we have to trap granny your ass and go put this one inside the box for job completed all right guys now let's go get granny we're hiding behind this thing so granny doesn't find us messes are you ready yeah let's do it okay guys granny we're playing hide and seek granny you guys it's working [Music] [Music] ah let's go let's go let's go you only camera we have to do this now we don't have to worry about escaping her she has to escape us and now we don't have to worry about the babysitter anymore yeah three hours little why are you using my camera trained why aren't you guys in bed well Madison is come look and I have some other stuff to tell you okay well this room looks different okay what why aren't you in bed was terrible granny was the worst babysitter ever she locked us in a room without any snacks no way to get out what do you mean she was a horrible babysitter what did she do wrong she locked us in her room to begin with that no parental know I could get out we got out she caught us we're in here again and that's us we talk to you in the room yes with no food oh well the door is open I thought you said you were locked in no it was like this okay okay don't be locking me in here okay so what do you so then how'd you get out if it was long I'll be there you cleaned up well yeah we had to do it to find the key okay so you're saying that this room is sparkly clean because granny got you in here to clean your room no Angela this door in the bathroom okay broken lock well it was so hard the thing was too hard to get off so somehow I broke it and then we clean the bathroom to find another key door okay well this room looks clean too and so this you clean this room because of brandy as well this place was a mess it was bad this was a mess so we had to do it the only thing I'm hearing is that you're cleaning up because the granny so so far granny got you to clean the bathroom and granny got you to clean your bedroom the floor all looks clean other than what's this mess well dad hey the game's not put away do that know it was us dad look we made a mess trail cuz granny's on like toys and we put four out here and two in there put seven one two three four five and six and seven okay why cuz she was the worst babysitter ever we had to lock her in you locked granny in our box for go look for yourself trim I just looked in here nothing is in there I don't know what you're talking about [Music] that's crazy you guys granny is creepy oh my gosh granny I'm so sorry let me get you out No she's creepy well granny thanks for babysitting no okay at least come over here to tell granny goodbye good night granny thanks for watching us fire all right thanks again granny young need to get to bed it started today mom dad are getting ready for the gender reveal yeah they're gonna drop us off at the babysitter's house yeah that's right guys run gonna see if we have a boy or a girl that's right guys we got him a really cool babysitter this time you guys gonna be so excited all right let's go up to the door here it's your babysitter our girls granny's gonna watch you okay okay but girls granny's babysitting a lot of kids since then right granny haven't aren't you babysitting now yeah see girls is gonna be fun all right girls keep going in go honey and girls Kate hey girls you'd be good for granny okay okay love you okay bye-bye [Music] nothin no one over there what's going this way [Music] but granny where are all the kids yeah looked everywhere follow me and here girl guys there's no one higher and look at the door it's locked we need to find a key yeah this one doesn't work there must be more cheese let's go find him let's check the other blue ha ha ha the key maybe this is the one maybe the other kids are locked up too so we have to find all the keys that are in here first yeah Madison let's go find some more cues yes real keys not the lock starchie's let's go oh we need to find more keys oh my gosh oh hi then a fatty one oh this is so cool we're fighting so money let's get out of here tread okay now I'm gonna work try the robot well he and the robot nos get out of here okay guys this one's open let's go ahead and check another door this one doesn't have a lock on it Trinity I don't know if anybody else is down here because Youngblood or doors are locked that's right Matson let's go look upstairs genius we don't have a key this size we gotta go find something to pick the lock I hear someone upstairs that doesn't sound good let's go downstairs we need to find a thing I can pick the lock either we can try this cold come on turn you can do it we're back in the home we started in we need to go back out there mm-hmm let's go granny better not catch up to the bad guys let's get out of here okay seriously okay shut up hope like this one [Music] Oh what go or lock it okay Madison what's right miss one years oh it worked how's it double bunny Oh appendage someone saves me were you in there the whole time he didn't let me come hurry you light you out side can you save now bye all right guys we said one can now we need to save the rest of our okay look-alike Fisher to get away from ready okay I got one more key you left you guys oh thank goodness for saving you guys from all this pink girly stuff yeah hella thoughts will thank you okay hey let's go let go [Music] wow he wanted out of here bad baby just ready guys she's actually adorable all right guys we need to get this girl out of here she's so small we need to get her to her family oh we gotta get out of here - so let's go yeah we've got to get away from granny let's go little girl granny's sure is crazy hot oh my gosh she sounds just like her [Music] today we're getting a babysitter because that's not feeling good and mom's gonna take him to the doctors to check me to the doctor we're also gonna go out eat some food because we're gonna get a babysitter anyway so might as well go have a good time so when the babysitter gets here you make sure you listen to her and you be good okay all right the girls said they'll be good for you this time okay girls we'll see you later okay just you and me again granny don't forget me I never forget you Madison hey granny do you like auntie our Lego dollhouse yeah I love doll houses let's go okay we got like a little desk here a chair and then downstairs this wall I think oh they're just in that room well let's go to you then okay here they are Oh your room that reminds me girls why do you look granny it's time for bed turn this on there right I know messin I don't think we can escape her this time granny it would kind of be funny if we had a big belly like my mom Oh guys I really can't just fall asleep Madison but I just can't get to sleep though Madison me heater tread well grace here why don't we play hide-and-seek but instead of her funny us we can find her yeah and that's a great idea let's go yeah all I see is a book a couple others yeah that's all I see pantry going on in my pantry don't see anything it's awesome Rishi oh gosh it granny turns like when you look so fat I think she's pregnant Aston like a mom let's go check it out please can't get back in there too old then you explain it let's go Masson yep rameshan how many shut the door okay guys we left during Holi going Annie oh nothing I'll see you in the morning bye tonight [Music] nothing because your momma got about granny what is it girls what do you need um dad we have to show you about granula yeah what now girls would you guys do this time dad well remember my timely and locked her in the box for this time we kind of locked her in the lake oh yeah please sorry dad I don't think you guys look granny in the lake before it I talked to her last night and she says she put you guys to bed really early and you guys went to Bandung a standard metal name so we woke up and then that's when we'd locked her in the label for dad yeah you just gotta see for yourself yeah look my girls if you think she's locked up in the Lego fart show me girl granny's not in there but Dad where she go yeah dad we locked her in your last night next door there was shut she should have thought out girls there's no way granny could have gone out because she was never in there yeah she was dad we're not lying all right well girls maybe you're not lying but maybe you were dreaming because this sounds weird where she at not in here yep none in here all idea sure digit not in there I told you there's no brainy well you know what what we were dreaming see girls I told you there's no granny and now there's no Lego for it we have to build something new you guys well guys thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Trinity and Beyond
Views: 597,548
Rating: 4.8030872 out of 5
Keywords: trinity, kids videos, videos for kids, challenge, funny kids, family friendly, madison, dad, last to, last to escape, last to escape the babysitter, granny in real life, granny escape room, escape room, granny babysitter, last one to, in real life, lock stars, escape the babysitter, granny horror, game, hidden clues, scavenger hunt, hello neighbor, box fort, box fort prison, pg, lego fort, pregnant granny, granny's house, giant lego house, escape, box fort escape room, mom, fun
Id: lMeaYmDbAvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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