24 Hour Box Fort Prison Escape!!! Game Master Locked Us Up!

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alright guys we are back if you guys didn't see our previous videos the game master has been messing with us we are locked up here for 24 hours it's been over 24 hours and we're still stuck in here we're supposed to get the combination for this lock and be able to get out of here but we don't know it we don't know what we got a lot of different numbers we got 5 of 10 a 1332 a 38 I think that's it well we got all those numbers that combination means three numbers so if you guys know what the combination is please tell us down in comments what the combination is so when we ended off yesterday we had this right here that we found which is a trapdoor behind this there is a cutout we were able to open this door up so we're going to show we just put it back up so we can show you guys again in case you didn't see that video I hope you're gonna like this video it's gonna be really cool time to bust out of this box for prison that teamaster put us hey let's get this up let's get this door open back up okay ready okay bust that thing down Tring to go go get it get it alright okay wait let me see in there man we see what we got guys well okay it is pitch black alright so shrink we've got our little light here oh I'm trained let's go ahead and clip this on alright so this way if anybody goes ahead and calls us we will be able to go ahead and hear them on this while we're inside the tunnel so we got the light it's uh turn that on okay you ready train yeah okay go ahead wait let me see is that is that enough light no let's check this out well go on in there and see what we can find kay I can barely see your light now there okay go to the what what is it there you get end one that lights up right now let me get my vision turned on again okay I can see you wait so that's it this tunnel takes us nowhere alright guys so apparently this tunnel doesn't go anywhere it's just a dead end what do we do now try and just come back out here wait a minute should come crawl out I'm gonna go back in there I'm gonna see if I can bust that wall down okay okay okay only one of us can get in this tunnel no time I'm gonna see if I can crawl through this teeny little thing and bust that wall whoa whoa whoa whoa crazy Scott spiders okay so we have that situation taken care of let's get crawling through this tunnel that was crazy all right this is much smaller if you're not five years old oh it's a lot bigger when you get into so here we are guys Tom doesn't feel too thick Carrie okay here we go ready one Oh trim I busted a hole in it oh okay I got it okay whoa that was crazy yes all right let's see if we can go through all right okay all right okay all right now we're just to another games oh my goodness are you coming all right hey I need your help to find something else look we just have another dead end here you guys everywhere dead end anything you can see turn use your light see if you can find a way out okay oh do you like you did on the trap door one see if you can push it down back up back up okay go ahead Presi other side of the crack oh I think I saw me try it again you see if I can help you [Music] where is that going it's going to packing peanuts packing peanuts okay going in these wall oh you know what [Applause] what's up there what's up their training who's that say hello again hello who's there over this is crazy okay I don't think anyone's on that walkie-talkie guys they're probably a clue in here we should probably go get the walkie-talkie okay let's go all right let's go have to back up all the way around every corner any entrance hold on okay all right get that night-vision camera turn to me don't ya you mind going yourself but way too small for me in there we're going in you want to go in yourself did you take the camera no let's go okay look for clues if you see anything let me know get going in so crazy okay anything curl back up to the top I yellow step you looked everywhere [Music] what is it they're like number that year oversold up I see fighting it Oh one let me try it with okay seven we turn it without the night vision can wait well okay one three three seven wait so light off okay yeah I can't see anything with the light off you're going to turn the light back on oh there it is one three three seven okay guys all right guys one three three seven remember that humming it down below so when you get out we can have that number okay oh my gosh yes tell me that stuff okay [Music] okay one three three seven I guess I don't know what that's gonna be what up one three three seven is not gonna be on that because it's only gonna be a two-digit number for that code um we're gonna go ahead and try some coats a lot of guys put coats down at the bottom we're gonna go ahead and try some of those whoever's gets the right code we're gonna like put their name and everything we're gonna go ahead and pin their comment with the first person to get the code if you get a lot of you guys get the coats we'll probably put a bunch of your names so make sure you guys are telling us the code for that locker for their trends tryin she has been trying this thing like all the time like non-stop like every different code we can think of right so guys I just had thought of what these numbers could be the four-digit numbers we also had two three-digit numbers and a phone number is a three-digit number a three-digit number and a four-digit number all right so I'm gonna go grab those numbers wait what does that ring hello what does projects or go you guys a lot of you guys have been saying projects or go is watching you in the comments like I've seen these all over the place the last couple days I don't know what that is I don't know if that's the hacker or one of his missions I don't know what it is but everyone keeps saying that projects or go is watching us and that is crazy I mean I guess if he's watching our YouTube channel we're good with that but it doesn't sound like he's watching our YouTube it sounds like he's actually watching us in the house like it is crazy I don't know what's going on but we got to get out of here so let's go show you those those numbers okay so trim what was the numbers that we saw wait wait wait so so trim go grab the other three numbers that the three digit numbers go grab those and come back three three-digit numbers can't grab them yeah we got to figure out what these numbers mean you guys okay we're gonna grab those numbers you guys remember with air tell us okay all right she's got the numbers okay so first number three two three okay so an area code is like where the place is from so there's two three-digit numbers and then there's a portage a number so if the first set of numbers says a 3 2 3 if you guys know where 3 2 3 is tell us and blow we don't have Google in here so if you want to Google it for us tell us where 3 2 3 is and we'll see if maybe that's where the hacker or projects or go Game Master will see where if that's where they're at what was the other one train Kol KITT - OH - ok alright guys so here's the second set of numbers is a 2 0 2 so 2 0 2 could also be the area code so also tell us down below where is 2 0 - because this could also be its it's either the 3 2 3 or there - OH - and then the other one what was the other number train 1 3 3 7 was that the right one you guys 1 3 3 7 we switch these around so I believe the hackers phone number is either 3 2 3 2 0 2 1 3 3 7 or or it's this 2 0 2 3 2 3 1 3 3 7 one of those combinations has got to be the game masters phone number once we get out of here and we get our phones back call the numbers let's calm we gotta call these numbers see who it is see who's behind this whole game Esther mess I haven't seen anybody actually called a real game master yet we've got what I think is his phone number or her phone number a lot of you guys have been saying it to her who do you think the game master a string oh boy Trin thinks it's a boy poor boy he's got do you think it's Matt or Steven or Carter for Chad yeah an edgy youtubers yeah but everyone's saying that it's one of them well I guess we'll have to find that you're saying that one of these youtubers is the hacker well that's very weird in I guess we need to find out I'm gonna find out we're gonna call we're gonna call these numbers you guys tell us where these numbers are tell us if you guys think it's 2 o-two first or the three two three first one of these numbers once we get out of here is good all right you guys we're gonna go ahead and check a couple more of those codes for the lock all right train let's go all right okay your train you hold this please all right another one what you guys said was 38 513 that's a no-go okay another one you guys said was 13 532 nothing another one you guys said she was gets at 13 32 five who callin to that down there alright guys whoever it was that gave me that combination I'm gonna pin the comment on there and I'm gonna put your name as a your the one that helped us escape well let's get out of here chin chin I'm gonna let you open the door okay okay all right train you ready yeah pretty good train you ready to get out of this mess yeah okay let's go maybe it's a game see if you can push it over you guys were totally out oh my gosh you guys okay we gotta get on the computer see what's going on grab the phone number we've got a call we will see you guys tomorrow we'll probably call on him then or see what else is going on thanks a ton for watching you guys check out Trinity's victory dance oh my gosh you're stuck in there for like two days two days that was crazy thanks for watching tell them peace out let's go guys thanks for watching make sure you give me a thumbs up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trinity and Beyond
Views: 2,083,818
Rating: 4.796155 out of 5
Keywords: trinity, kids videos, kids, challenge, dad, for kids, game master, gm, game master gm, rebecca zamolo gm, stephen sharer gm, locked up, cardboard box fort, 24 hours, locked up for 24 hours, trap door, youtube hacker, game, escape, game master hacker, game master caught on camera, 24 hour challenge, hacker deleting videos, vy qwaint, hacker, box fort, project zorgo, box fort prison, box fort prison escape, 24 hour box fort prison escape, matt and rebecca, chad wild clay, cwc, spy
Id: 22Xi7O4_74k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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