The Grinch Stole Our Christmas!! Real Life Grinch Hide and Seek for Presents!

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before we get started click discover transition game here here's bonza today you guys today we've got to apologize for you I know we said we were gonna do it 12 days of Christmas but unfortunately we can't do that anymore because all of our presents we had sitting over here for you guys we had to retrieve for you guys they all got taken from us and we don't know where they're at so we unfortunately cannot do any more of our giveaways you guys what train hee hoo oh my gosh you guys I think they're right I think hello neighbors might be back cuz we have it had him around very much these girls say that they've been hearing stuff and seeing stuff and they think that it might be the neighbor that's been lurking around our house again so I don't know why he would come in here and try to steal Christmas from us but we've gotta go find all of our presents for you guys oh my goodness ok are you ready to find him guys let's do Statue neighbor what ok we'll do stats your neighbors like theirs back my son brought new statues I don't know what they're doing but let's go find our stuff ok watch out for the knees no Mira touch nothing nothing damn let's go upstairs ever luck okay let's go girls we're never we're doing statue me okay I'll follow you guys All Right girls we gotta go find our stuff but she see something Hey that doors open do you think there's something in there let's go see [Music] nothing now still nothing nothing okay here let's go look out the balcony see if we can see him all right this is usually how we it's going echoed those French you are a gruff train you go down there and pretend to be a statue and we'll see what happens [Music] he's the Grinch okay but look he had one of our big presents we've got to get them for your fans that watch goes you've gotta get down there and get our presents okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] translator Madison you're scared you've never seen the Grinch I mean I saw him on TV Shh guys stop there by your let's go get him gotta get him we gotta get me get her presence back patrons yet [Music] all right so we got rid of her we don't get spec you guys I know buddy had six of these one of them is the hoverboard which is really heavy and then we've got this one here something's we got five more to go for sure sure where we're gonna keep all these we'll sneak it into my room okay here just push it right in and push it right in whoa okay girls we gotta find him we gotta get all of our presents back we got one of them's we saw five more to go okay okay she's brains okay what wait what there is someone over there look do that eat your cereal that's a speech it was is hiding entry you girls go around that side I'm gonna go on this okay [Music] girls get him he got away where's Kiki thank you okay we got what upstairs yeah okay okay we gotta put this verse Kate can you hold it you can't let's go put it in my room okay we're getting your stuff back all right we just gotta bury I never did one of these videos this is creepy oh and you know pretty creepy yeah all right so girls we got to go upstairs and get it hopefully hopefully if we find him enough we can get all of our stuff yeah [Music] maybe maybe airs ours [Music] let's see over there no no bitch okay in radiance massive you lead the way this NK you leave the way boys that's the need the way make sure that goes up there probably because he eats on like Garvin in glass you're up I got one of them entering that one of them it's your turn ready for this okay we'll stay back here and watch ready go yeah you can do it I'll walk with you okay ready [Music] [Music] that's what we gotta go get okay come on okay terms you want to carry that peasant if you will fend them off okay all right you hold on to it Madison you were you good hey he's having his Daisy guys I don't think Grinch is a good hider don't think so well I guess baby Trin sissies [Music] go get the present into the room why I think it that come on you take the present because you got the present and you will go get them okay ready go best boy are you scared of their girl yeah [Music] this is him here's something wait seriously for reals is that his anus but I didn't even cover himself up it's his feet because there's hands [Music] a present right let's go put that present back all right someone's got a real dream okay put on he's probably gonna try to steal it from you because we're stealing his present okay let's go hi girls how many presidents have we found one two three four four okay so we found four of them we still got two left I know one of them is the hoverboard because we haven't had anything that big yet so we gotta find that one and then something else left all right so you guys we have to go find these things and then somehow we have to get the Grinch out of our house let's go get out you breach no let's do that okay I don't know what to think of something okay I heard it's a range let's go put that peasant back okay let's go it's like a madison size [Music] he's like sitting there looking for us over at the stairs right girls King so let's go put us on the president packet and when we go upstairs he's watching for us over there so we got a sneak up around the stairs really low okay okay yeah we got scared okay okay hurry go put that in the memory [Music] all right he's not here yet Nick Mattson ready okay okay you guys have to be stay low when you're on the stairs [Music] [Applause] [Applause] but I don't think we're safe to go over I think we are I think Manson's are special my opinion as their two secret weapon I think the Grinch is scared of babies you can come out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that said what are you doing all right we're supposed to like Jason Grinch you get the president and math and first thing she does is hides are you sure he is rich so this last one now they need one more hoverboard guys this is a really easy a hiding place to find the pantry Masen is always hungry alright so Trin says he's apparently in the pantry with the hoverboard so let's go check we could probably use the Hat nothing well get back to the Tel Aviv sometimes I know like hold on baby babe [Music] put it away okay apparently even the beragon um usable scientist can wait we've gotta open the door so he can go out okay we've got unlucky punch go upside no he's gotta go outside oh I see she's behind a tree again [Music] cutters in the pantry so you like trying to get inside the tree or something ah she's your little tree we're gonna get back there before [Music] Grinch get out of here chase them outside girls go chasing we did it good did it now I have to fix it our star alright come here let's get all of our stuff okay look at this you guys the cringe ruin her tree these snowflakes are not supposed to be over here they are supposed to be up there but you made this thing sang right at us here ruiner star you can fight the breach [Music] meet you alright you guys so looks like we do have all the presents for you so we will keep going with our 12 days of Christmas which is actually gonna be 13 gifts and like 15 or 16 days because we keep adding other stuff in but we'll be back tomorrow with more Elf on the Shelf and more prizes to give away so we will see you guys there [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Trinity and Beyond
Views: 3,305,418
Rating: 4.6871314 out of 5
Keywords: trinity, kids videos, kids, videos for kids, challenge, family friendly, madison, dad, for kids, funny, fun, grinch, grinch stole christmas, grinch stole our christmas, chirstmas presents, grinch stole our presents, escape the grinch, the grinch stole christmas, elf on the shelf, caught on camera, family fun, youtube family, christmas, stole christmas, the grinch that stole christmas, how the grinch stole christmas, the grinch, hide and seek, in real life, hello neighbor, hide, seek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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