Pranking Baldi's Basics in Real Life!! Fortnite Battle Royale Toy Scavenger Hunt!

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welcome back to our channel before we get started - kitchen thumbs up I don't know trace your channel exactly mom you know what we're going today girls I have no idea all I know is you said you wanted to start the video guys will need dad's help yeah he always tells us where we're going let's go upstairs dad we don't know what to open today what will we open today we shared a video but we don't know what to open so go grab that go grab the little box bring it up these girls are more excited about this fortnight toys than I thought wait why is it opened I did not do that I didn't not my dad's right alright well let's get him out why are you I think it's don't tour no its skull trooper this gold trooper okay what else is in here bigger bigger stickers okay mommy mmm okay so there's gold trooper and some stickers but I know that were way more in here yeah because yeah instead of just one you guys we got this box for tonight toys sent to us for moose and I know it was packed full of toys so there's more than just one in there was more than just went in here Trin did you guys open them up and put them somewhere no you're sure yeah Madison did you it wasn't me I can detect John are you sure it wasn't you because I know you really like those groans no okay Trin let's go find them oh now I know how many we're supposed to find now calm down below if you know we'll see who can get it right in the Kombi all right Baldy why don't you take my dad's toys you said math is your favorite you're weird all right ladies let's go find some for tonight - you found one wait oh cool this one is drift drift I love it Oh should we go Oh God look who I got it's the unicorn girl so we have to find the you decor girl you think you have roster we have to get right there oh yes'm thanks Bonnie so I got the perfect place okay let's take this and when we collect them we can just keep them in the box okay dude the one bad no let's do that for now you know what happens when wheel their doors cool maybe we could be smart what if we go upstairs what do you think well I have a pretty good idea what if we see the lights on that means we should go in okay [Music] wait girls stop dad's up here work in his computer and we can't let him find out that all his fortnight tweezer garment so Moroccan tongue we need to get them all back first okay he'll be various okay so okay go ahead oh boy okay okay I heard him slap me gentlemen okay wait is a 2-pack what it says sergeant choung Jonesy and carbon get behind wait girls they don't have to hide from Baldy he's slow we gotta just be smarter than him she's upstairs mom hold my hand girls it sounds like the loser is getting a little quieter he's probably gone so I think we're safe to go out and we gotta go mom we gotta go framework' [Music] okay okay girls it looks like he caught us we are aware we are late we caught a clubhouse because it's smaller than okay okay we didn't get a chance to look at these we've got a four pack rather rest Lord Rex and Raven Trin take it and let's go put it in our box let's count and see how many more we still have to go four three three okay where we going next ladies girls why is he coming after us I think he's stuck stuck Oh like in the game and stuff when they they get in a corner and they can't get themselves out huh yeah [Music] we use that to our advantage timeout okay highway yeah what do we get another one of those this one is carbide till we get to seven okay where we looking next he's still going which are you sure you want to open those doors right let's go through the back we could try that away from me okay that's a good idea that is a good idea [Music] this one is ragnerok I hope I said that right it's out which other door from the bathroom so it looks like leaflet no [Music] nothing [Music] [Music] girls what happens when we find the last one no you is what [Music] the last one don't touch it girls what happens in our body videos when we find the last item run and escape while you still can it gets all red and crazy and Bali comes crazy after that we have to hurry an escaped crime and then we'll be outside in the cold rain so I think we should just tell Dad that we've hacked all his toys and he'll at least be fine if we do not touch this foot at all now soon how's that sounds okay [Music] guys we gotta hurry yeah yeah girls right on his shoulder [Music] [Music] what do you mean the oscillate or nice here the mole looking but we didn't get the last one we'll go grab it when you touch the last one everything goes red we eat scream we have to go outside and the club green and we don't want to do that okay so what are we gonna do to get my for tonight Seth moose toys sent those to us so I could show everybody to cool it for night toys well apparently for tonight is baldies favorite game haha so we have to scare him out of house can you help us find something so he can't get out all right guys I've been wanting to get these out for a while got an idea that we can trap Baldy okay all right we close this thing hold on turn [Music] mom need your help so first thing I do is open these them up now okay we got to get old popping balls you turn the scared up here let me know where we're at it's right near some shhh okay alright guys so here's the plan we're gonna get the bumper balls we're gonna grab a few of them throw them down over here which if you guys have seen it's like the very end of the hall right before my room we're like the box with like the nerf guns are or and some other side so we're gonna throw down their bombs gonna do he's gonna over there and we're gonna run down that we're gonna grab big ol cargo box thing off the roof of the fork we're gonna shut it in there so he can't get out and then we're gonna run back up here where you grab all the boxes ten thousand ball pit balls on both thousand ready [Music] which is the first box get it goes I just need you to grab just a few okay just have a couple till one day check okay just a like two works that works okay let's go let's go okay wait don't throw them yet okay we're throwing these down there to make noise for ball okay once we throw them down there we have to run back down because volleys through over there we have to run down there and hurry and shut that cardboard door oh okay [Music] [Music] same time Sonia Bobby okay you ready let me see the Google okay I guess so we got Bobby step back here now where is mom okay once the search let's go let's go come on Betsy go go go go go freak bombs already up there what's she doing oh that's awesome she's all about but she's getting on levels okay she must mean they're getting all of them out here hold this [Music] like that Bali yeah okay [Music] alright guys I think that's everything Nelson answers and check out Molly wait he needs if you want any more babies are okay I guess let's go yeah okay let's go let's go come on handsome [Music] okay good wait right buddy verbally crazy I don't know I see his ruler that's it okay what okay you guys this is crazy Bali was just there we came downstairs we cannot see anything except for his measuring stick yeah join sick yeah is yardstick tennis crazy we're gonna have two walks on the security footage you guys we got the camera there you fine we probably already put it on the video to show the ball is coming down but we're gonna have to watch that back and see what actually happened was Baldy because this is crazy alright guys the only way we can know if Bali is truly out of here is to go inside that ball pit and see if we can find him Trin hold the camera Trin okay we're gonna open this up tray make sure you fell down here okay okay alright guys we're gonna open this up ready three two one here's this ruler mash thanks a lot yes yeah okay it's unlikely oh no okay nothing nothing you guys this is crazy all right guys let's go grab all the rest of our point night toys okay I want to see where they're at girls where is my toys wait oh man did you guys get them all yeah I've even seen it we haven't even opened a loot crate let's go see him okay let's see hey always awesome oh we got the big set all sets you guys for tonight's awesome but I don't really need all these toys cuz I'm a grown adult whoever wants these things comment down below and tell me who your favorite four-night character is or what your favorite four night dance is and I'm going to pick one winner and announce it on our next video that we do for ninth step in what is your favorite night dance let's see it for night dancing dance thing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trinity and Beyond
Views: 4,067,189
Rating: 4.72893 out of 5
Keywords: trinity, kids, videos for kids, challenge, madison, dad, for kids, fun, family fun, youtube family, in real life, irl, baldi, baldi's basics, baldi basics in real life, toys, toy scavenger hunt, real life baldi basics, scavenger hunt, fortnite, battle royale, fortnite battle royale, moose toys, fortnite toys, caught on camera, ball pit, baldi's basics ball pit, cardboard box ball pit, baldi's basics in real life, baldi in real life, pranks, pranking baldi, last one wins, kid videos
Id: tyqkU-sKkfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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