Escape CURSED ANIMATRONICS in Roblox Five Nights At Freddy's!

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through this vent everyone hurry come on yeah look at them they're just like crawling everywhere this must be the place there's nobody here I should look around because I am an NPC you must follow of course there's no one there the code tells you w oh no what is happening right now the door suck I can't get out oh no does this strength go oh wow wow I didn't think you'd actually come here that's that's amazing well it's in our story so yeah don't worry about that door it'll open again once your shift is finished shift well what do you mean since you're here we might as well start working now uh don't worry it's nothing too bad to work is begging to be cleaned up I mean a lot of garbage like what a haunted building would look like dude we can't clean this up this is going to take ages oh yes and it's unhygienic is that for us you'll have to find some because someone thought it was a good idea to move them was it you man now these pizza boxes are scattered all around the pizza show you have to find them yourself I'm sure you can complete the task without any issues after all you're the perfect fit for this kind of job um what are they being sarcastic what a unique laughter got uh the animatronics do get a bit uh quirky at night so quirky fine you don't worry we're pro with animatronics we're kind of best friends with animatronics to be honest M wishing you the best don't get caught and I'll I'll see you y y yada let's go bro got we're not going to get caught we'll be out oh oh my gosh I'm so scared jump not scared cuz we weren't scared now guys say we don't do anything yes and look it's Freddy we could hang out with that's not Freddy that's fruity it's fruity Friberg yes as you said as NPCs do you see on the left side what it says NPCs crew it's our faces Our Fate is we must clean up and why is Gold's face first does that mean she's the employee of the month that means that means I'm the best actually I pr just stay here no lunar come on no no we got to travel together and the pizza oh how's that drop do open me and a locker sh okay I'll be in here go do where Draco don't be lazy come on let's go let's go get those pizzas everyone we'll sneak I don't think there's anything around here anyway yeah I don't see anything fresh pizza on the table oh they just left it on the floor I'm pretty sure this is stale Pizza One Pizza on the table all right everyone look guys I'm a scary animatronic yeah I say we go and peirs that's the only way to finish this I say we go in fairs five pairs I say we don't go at all I okay I this we follow funny because she knows the pizza I'll be the light I'll be the light and then everyone just collect stuff around if we travel like this it's smarter right we're like a magnet and someone watches the back and someone watches the front we're whole circle nobody why are you pretending it's dangerous here we haven't even seen anything dangerous trackco you never know that guy on the announcement literally said is dangerous oh down there very dark and ominous thaty on the announcement is the danger let me get this you trust some guy on an announcement yeah don't you trust he didn't say it was danger he said they were quirky anyone reading that it says Liars on the wall who's liar us you no we ain't no liar I found the Talent stage what are you doing bro straight to your Dome like get them get them get them you can stay there and you guys can be bait for the that's true rainbow let's go get the pizza like it okay guys stand here and watch them that is such a bad idea rainbow I think we should go this way guys we're going to shut this place down walk it's a shut down pizza it's already shut down wait a minute vent wao do you see that rainbow see what um there's a bunch of pizzas over here I think we're going backwards taking so long to collect the P they highlighted them bored my legs hurt everybody I think we should start collecting them because we've been idling way too long that the pizza's literally honey you went backwards you went back to the bathroom then why am I collecting everything look at me they like here these are the pizzas hurry up wo easy There's Scary about this none of these work all right this a new Area 14 anyone got 16 cool NP nope oh 16's on the other side has se animatronic so far no no it's probably honestly it's pretty I want to see it so I don't care wa the electric wiring here is pretty bad it needs work one more pizza I see it's in there go go get it I'm getting it funny where's the entrance I feel like something's in there Lun Lun help me wait the lights turn off the alarm wait lunar there's a switch in there too what are you talking about I'm just dancing now turn it off come on Lun turn it off did you get it I can see the Highlight got it all right um oh gosh we lost rainbow she's gone she's gone forever it's dark we got to stick together I'm right out here oh my gosh where are you guys where I lost them here okay you guys are we need stick together we are getting lost all right we travel in fives there is a switch down here hit it good job okay perfect now where um keep going wo wo do you hear that I just heard like I don't know why are these arcade machines on jackco those are footsteps bro no why do you think my footsteps sounds like ringtones are those those the animatronic go go go go go here through here through this vent everyone hurry come on sneak [Laughter] through gold did you fight in the vent shut up trco what the hell I did not fire you probably did I hear something are we going to something I don't like that sound what's out there guys nothing nothing nothing clear okay where is the generator switch the emergency switch where is it oh come on this is quite oh gosh um I think I saw one earlier when I was walking by oh got one nice keep going keep going two more two more I don't think it's going to be in the washroom guys is it me or I don't see no animatronics around here it might be Mal I told you there is none they didn't have the budget for it oh so they oh they're actually Draco you better not be trolling me yeah we don't have to be scared let's keep moving this highlights now are we going to be able to escape after this already press this one I think so there are more switches that way shouldn't we go that way uh we're on the opposite end of the map great we ran from the place we wanted to go oh my all right I'll go down there you guys go up there in this vent or hold in the vent you can just go through the birthday room guys right here nice we got two hit it there's two good job rainbow rainbow survive what do you mean survive what there's nothing yeah there's literally nothing I could literally Go on stage and dance and I won't die yeah we can dance on stage e job I'm going to join lunar on stage honestly I'm going to dance on stage cuz I literally see nothing where is the animatronic there's no animatronics this person animat I think they were trolling us so we can just pick up the pizza yeah they just wanted us to be a pizza delivery person um that's the end of our shift what wait for real wait we survived sh oh wait it's ugc h a blaster Blaster I'll buy a blaster need any of that stuff no I need one blaster and one bear trap okay I can't afford a blaster thank wait bear trap for guitar you could actually get real ugc I don't care than you like my gun it won't let me buy anything I wasted my gun no I could have used it on the animatronic hello hi scammer oh yeah hi scammer are you done with those pizzas uh perfect bro it was really easy I'm just letting you know that the power was cut off uh yeah you probably noticed cuz you know the lights are off but don't worry though this guy AI I don't like so the probably just you know gave it uhhuh you're just going to have to rest the power you mean you didn't pay the power bill sure I can count on you huh it's nothing too complicated well we already did everything else so I guess with what a wire we got another game of search and find restoring the power is your main priority because uh the exit door the exit door needs uh Power just like every door this is why we shouldn't have electronic doors they should be real doors stating the obvious speaker man thank you man stating the obvious wait what's that noise I think that was chicken oh and it was it was chicken all right my favorite it was chicken you know what I'm going to run around screaming animatronic come here if you dare I'm just going to try fighting the wire guys we shouldn't do that we have to stick together what if chicken comes after us gold there is nothing in here there no chicken tell me no guys what if chicken does come after us there's no chicky there's no chicken and there's no familyy chicken okay I love chicky yes where fun go where F go I told you there's nothing to be scared told stick together what if chicken comes after chicky chiy I haven't even seen anything so far don't tell me there's five more nights of this cuz I swear Gold's got a wire yep not five more night just a dark ominous place where I just walk around in the dark I'm telling you guys it's kind of like you know the boy who cried wolf right now you think there's nothing in next thing you know chick's after you okay so all of us collected enough wires we just need got me I start gold screaming oh I think gold has found chicky oh my gosh guys I hear something where is it I told you I saw chicky I told you I I was walking straight down the hallway chicky got me guys be careful are you guys upstairs I'm trying to find the main entrance oh my gosh I'm trying to find the last wire I see it I see the chicken Oh I thought you me you saw the wire rainbow something got me oh my gosh wait Who's down there with rainbow rainbow revive revive with Robo I kind it won't let me what guys I'm on cams and whoever's in the bathroom bunny chicky is there in the bathroom can't revive I just want to see oh my gosh hey you give rainbow back why'd you break her let me see oh it was because I was trying to find oh my gosh the chicken the chicken watch I'm going to glitch it and ow sorry that's my fault okay you know what let me just another generator let's turn this one on oh nice just two more careful chickies around here I saw them running at me chicky I don't think you should call their name chiy what does that say tragedy is that the name oh my gosh someone should turn these off is that a bad idea um maybe it PS them towards here okay you know what let's try finding the rest of these generators just keep surviving guys I found one nice get it get it one more one more I got the last one okay hit it Draco get it nice good job oh yeah oh really again oh this is going to be tough not really gold yeah is you hear that hide oh my gosh I'm sorry oh my gosh sry it's a bunny oh no no no where's the closet oh my gosh funny I told you find a closet or a vent I found a vent it's okay I'm good where's the monster oh it's running across hi monster hey over here or not uh you guys better run oh it's coming back it's coming back moner I am now in event I am safe you guys the AI is pretty easy to beat you just got to go like this and then [Music] dance why are you Whispering dude we can hear you you know yeah your mic's on you're with the animatronics aren't you yeah this guy's definitely a all right end my misery can we leave yet I don't want to find any more stuff broza around you have to collect them to [Music] um I'm starting to think this guy thinks we his puppets yeah I agree you know what we should get rid of him oh what that ew how can we see that thing I don't know I guess we'll just lose just kidding I got a trap and this laser gun let's go me too okay one gift box who I already know my whole way around this thinks they're going to get caught by that crawler thing I will protect you you think it goes in vents not that's a good question no please it can't go V okay all right all right you go that way I'll go this got it oh no rainbow no give me a second he wants us to carry the gift box back the Las thing didn't even work oh gift box funny did you get it nice in your face foxy I mean your jock see the animatronic everyone I suggest you go upstairs the crawler is down on this level and I ran out of my bear traps go go go go go go go where do I go up here okay all the way up guys let's find these boxes faster don't go there scar there chy Chey ch's there oh no are you serun uh rainbow run I don't know where to go where are we supposed to go I don't see no gift boxes lunar how are you holding that do you actually have to return it yeah yeah you have actually bring it to the table no it got harder before I could just step on the pizza boxes and then be teleported got it I got another one guys we're at six to the table Boop I do feel like we're this guy's puppet though he's just tricking us so we can do all these tedious chores I agree and let me guess we're going to summon a demon rainbow got me no no no no no it's okay I have extra lives but they took all my gift chicky took all my gift boxes oh gosh please tell me that didn't oh it's bun it's just run run run run run run run run run run run run run lunar that thing is camping our Ching us you guys it goes into vents what that thing go into vents I was camping I was camping in a vent and it came to find me okay so now it looks like we have a problem maybe we just hide in the lockers oh Draco I got another one a come on this Bunny's a camper great three more box CH don't worry I got eight bro bunny is in near the bathrooms I repat bunny is near the bathroom it's coming back how am I ever supposed to get those gift boxes left the bathroom I'll just get one gift box Luna where does it go I don't know like a maniac the pizza what just put it down are you coming R dude I don't think we're in the same area just put it down if you have it Boop one more on one more oh I got one more but I don't think I'll there's too many of them follow the arrows the arrows lead the green the green um Bunny's back in the bathrooms okay I'll just follow the arrows and I'll manage to go back we need one more guys oh my gosh no no no no no no no no guys please please please please I can't die I don't want to die camera I'll just put it down just going to find my way back oh my gosh thank uhoh the animatronics Here track I got it I don't got it hurry hurry these animatronics are survive good job now you have to survive honey get in to the um two are on me two are on me on me okay's in my area is there any is there any vent monsters rainbow how dare where's the door oh my God you brought them in spawn are you kidding no I'm closing this guys it's too dangerous no no no no no no no there's a monster outside my door please I am in front of my safety Locker yeah I'm safe too are you guys you kidding oh my gosh oh my gosh they're all coming for me I think I think I'm in a good spot I'll just I'll just be in fetal position I'm scared here is safe are we done playing games now minding our own business like I agree what are you eating chips I I don't even understand what he's saying does anyone know we have a lunch break now tooe he left his mic on again what he's watching okay seriously we have chips okay well time for the real deal what do you mean Real Deal the previous tasks were given to you to prepare you for this one when we find last task please is this the last one man you have to get me those documents okay it is really important you get them and please don't look into them yeah it's confidential we won't my last business partner was a pretty messy guy too messy so his documents are once again scattered around the pizzeria why am I not surprised we won't look want to myself we got to go home not look inside the I'm yeah guys when you pick them up just flip it open and we're just going to take a look to going to look in them I'll leave all right I'll give you a hint if you tell someone not to look inside a document we will look inside and we technically have no choice we have to beat this look inside the documents you have no choice but to Freddy I mean Fruity Fruity frb 4:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. hey there's two more finally I can check the cameras okay so if we're smart we pretend we didn't look at the documents and then we take our phone and take pictures of the documents oh my gosh Fruity's scary I got your back Fruity's coming I'm closing the yo yo rainbow rainbow you got my back right here okay okay I'm here I'm checking cameras that's suspenseful where's gold we're sending gold out I don't know she went to go collect gold for doc I see fruity I see so many gold where did you go Gosh guys fruity made me vanish forever um forever actually forever I can't come back you guys you got to get venance I don't even what can you see the stage rainbow these cameras are useless can you see the stage on the camera who cares I can't see anything on the cameras guys it's serious now I saw an animatronic out that way funny so I wouldn't go that way if I were you I'm door Duty yep that way it's serious guys oh my gosh oh my gosh REO close it all close it re oh my gosh now there's too many of them oh my I told you you can you revive okay don't run don't attempt to run Locker I'm out no don't oh my God are you she didn't close it fast enough I'm going I'm going not standing in I'm the only one doing work in here aren't I maybe yes end um jao I have a really good excuse for that it's because you want to look at the papers right yes oh no two sides jokes on you just saw this thing like camps the bottom of the stairs running I'm running I'm running I'm running I see it I see hordes of documents I'm going for the the monster towards I got it boom you everybody run back to the safe room right now oh my gosh making fun of the not good no this is not good this is not good this is not good it's really not good and I died again oh my gosh there was like two chasing me gray it's crawling through the vent no no no no no no no no no no by why is there so many monsters I am sorry just hide where you are do not come back to the room the safe room I will not be opening any of the door okay rainbow I have the situation it's bad out there there was like three four monsters and Draco I with rainbow if you come back we not open it um well I died so I can just come back like this I hear something I revived oh yeah look at them they're just like crawling everywhere they're everywhere you better leave them here guys are you serious no no no I can't die I can't die I I'm not I'm not playing this game over no no no no no no no no are are you this is so dumb surving own I'm sorry I can't be like gold I can't be like gold they lost me in first person I don't feel so good oh dot dot dot do do do do suspenseful music place what is this [Music] place I have to find a way to break these planks didn't we already find the arcade he hey he hey um what are you doing there other side I remember you're not supposed to be here dude why did you throw us in here you were supposed to leave with the documents I I don't understand I looked at the documents anything to get you out of here as soon as possible oh no this guy there's a problem with the ventilation system we should kick him not yeah if we find first off if you think you don't sound suspicious sir you sound very suspicious you need power for the door oh my gosh not again try your best to do it quickly all right what golden fruy this is it this is the last one okay oh crar and you just lost your um who Wast their ammo their ammo who did it rainbowy how can I pick that up oh there you go I did it guys did you do it hey do you see that look away oh my gosh look away look away oh oh oh you just look away oh you can't walk it's right there golden Freddy just spawned in front of us okay just walk around walk around what's the goal here there's crazy chck uhoh oh we we got to get to those and there's one panel wall panels got it there done oh my gosh the door this goldenen over there golden bear please please you need to move look at Golden Bear okay so how do I get out if Golden Bear literally okay around Golden Bear there you go golden bear I thought a little oh rainbow don't look at Golden gold bear is like Slender you can't look I'm not the no no no rainbow I I like I'm down on my lives oh my gosh this the chicken it's the chicken I just left chicken uhoh k please oh oh my 250 Robux to revive what a rip ah jeez you good [Music] bro we just need two so many quirky animatronics in here who is still alive me but I'm hiding I'm really SC I mean I paid okay I don't know how we're going to finish this gosh we just need two more power panels it's the last one guys it's annoying it's annoying I found the last panel good job oh yeah good job thank you did it what oh no emergency switches turn off the alarm okay no almost just get it just keep finding them and we'll leave this place in no time right as long as this animatronic doesn't keep chasing me I hear them everywhere it's cuz they are everywhere at once no I'm just kidding okay no time for jokes I'm running you know what I'll Circle this animatronic Freddy around this car guys please please please just hit it me and doing a little a little dance around this truck all right I'm out oh my gosh it's the bunny everything is happening they're all going to kill me oh found one there you go I see the last switch I see the last switch oh yeah I did it again is this finally the end I hope it is are you clown I knew I could tell I agree this person is a clown rainbow you have a you have a very Clowny laugh I'll contact you again shortly it was what I'm not coming back no we're not your friends no friend of mine you didn't even give us pizza I think our friend was evil you're [Music] free
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,618,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox scary story, roblox story, roblox fnaf pizza party, roblox five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's roblox, fnaf pizza, pizza, pizza party
Id: rv6vFAixfdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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