Don't Get CAUGHT By The Light In Roblox!

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[Music] hey I was looking at that [Music] guys what were we buying here again bananas chips but everyone brought all the chips oh wait it's closed oh the clothes is closed I told you we should have got here earlier why is there blackout it's not my fault what what is she talking about you don't own this grocery store I don't think so do you even work here gold my name's Sheriff gold and I watch this grocery store today guys and tonight dinner time breakfast time you better see me Sheriff gold protecting breakfast time well this place is open 24 7 gold I don't know why it's closed sorry it's a deal it would be a deal if the bananas were usually eight dollars right that's how it works guys I think if we hide in the 699 sign she won't find us with that oh we'll just pretend to be fruit is that you rainbow yeah it's me Rainbow's Noob Rainbow's a noob no I feel like down there I see light down there run wow it's fresh produce down here no no no no OB oh sorry rainbow everyone in here huh okay she's a noob you should be nice to her sorry yeah no I'm a Noob I don't know what happened solve three puzzles we're supposed to be doing this fine puzzles I totally all right help me no no no she can't find us funny no it goes funny funny the light is coming um I'll buy the groceries next time at full price I won't even wake them to go on the discount okay just just leave us alone okay why are you playing such obnoxious look at me I need help friends she's mimicking me with you say no no no Draco just solve the puzzle she's camping oh no no no no no no no no hey hey let's split New Brains oh my gosh keep playing keep playing oh we lost that easily for once gold is the true security Shopper stopper security guard goals I'm a sheriff oh wow the school is such calm peaceful music yeah yeah it makes me want to go to school and totally not skip class it makes me feel come on shut off light I'm gonna say it like I want to leave you shouldn't even be here what oh it's it's uh find a match okay rainbow why do I hear some groovy person coming for us nope nope just run just run just right rainbow hide where are we supposed to hide I have the hall monitor in these parts well sooner okay we're your best friends so you should let us like you know wander the whole what a best friend how did she find me so fast ow no camping what how did you already I legit wasn't even Kevin I was hiding girl that's the point of hiding well that's why I'm called the Hallmark you shouldn't even be in the Halls okay I'm leaving um okay I'm going I'm going home she got me no oh I see another one kidding me please she's really good whatever there's a puzzle right there a little bit of Draco watch this she said let me escape you know why what because I want to see you I will help you lunar I will help you win quite quiet come on come on go solve the puzzles no one cheat no no no cheese no cheats [Music] stop falling for lunar guys why do you keep coming to me get out oh my gosh replay has fallen that's her own fault I can't even final puzzles yeah she's really fast I scared him I need to find something three puzzles and Luna knows where the third puzzle is the one that we were working on I do oh my gosh all these classrooms are empty funny um it's just you and gold now funny seriously yeah you guys are both injured bows down come out come out wherever you are um or what yeah what happens if we don't come out and we just leave hurry hurry to the puzzle shut up we what wait could you say joke Luna hi you say a joke no oh now you don't want to say a joke yeah wait what happened to this lock I saw it before it's top left okay you know that's fine it changed anyone in here I think it's top right brown or black one guys oh okay oh my gosh Brown is two three there oh this one come on red no no this was brown there you go okay I almost got it just two more rainbow what did she do to you she should make a lightning I need it all pass okay um gold and rainbow didn't happen where's our Rendezvous Point Luna cover your ears cover your ears making jazz music are you playing jazz music lunar what's wrong with you you never like jazz no jazz is jazz is good but I don't like you um what did you do to Draco he just went hiding behind the glass she shined it on the glass and the glass made the light stronger if you're evil it's really bad guys I don't think I'm gonna make it out of here oh my God you gotta believe just survive for a minute her [Music] I can it was your hair your blueberry buns gave you away I'm crying this game's hard guys you know what since this game is so challenging I think it's time to head over to the shop and get some power-ups a banana peel heck yeah let's get one of these funny use your Roblox top play more to level up you can't you're only level five level zero oh any of this so we we gotta get back into the game Mansion Manor dual Tigers there's no way you can't even handle one dagger how are we gonna handle two well I hope I'm the tiger we can't even beat wine wealthy house for wealthy families oh this is like a very gigantic manner well don't get caught anyone bye me make me a Hider please please I want to win for once I'm sick of losing again I'm the tiger me too what are we gonna call ourselves gold [Music] I don't like this don't call them anything the names the nagging what rhymes with tagging nagging that sounds awful guys Draco we shouldn't gang up in a room okay Luna funny stand here stand here stand here right here they won't see stand still here why just come here and stand still for what yes just don't move don't move don't move track are you cheating no if we don't move our lights will turn off oh gold let's be UB go go the spot man hey let me in let's go don't move oh Spotlight sister you know this is why robbers or you know Froggers shouldn't go into Mansions well we are frogging for information because we see everything behind you there's security are you gonna go to your fridge and eat your Frozen nuggets how dare you touch our Frozen those are my favorite yeah Draco you're such a baby um goal did you find something literally taunting that was me oh my gosh where are these Froggers hiding they bring their heads out to me oh my gosh GoGo we might be taking a bad one wait nice guys nice I brought the battery reader and gold batteries almost dead wait good job good job it's at least 20 battery life and rainbow only has 30 bucks you scared yeah you're a funny Frogger you thought you could eat that you can eat on the frozen chicken nuggets like I didn't know the batteries ran out good oh I have something to say to you you're bad rainbow rainbow turn off your flashlight wow you're not gonna get the Frog race yeah I'm behind you what noob oh the flashlights are gone guys I'm being a clown oh I know we should put like clown faces on us buddy stop dying you're giving her more battery life oh is that how it works why are you shining on me rainbow go away if they tag you they don't come tomorrow thank you I didn't go front door thanks you're welcome thank you you're welcome I'm gonna get your friend hello guys she's trying to climb the windows and try solving the puzzles inside he only has 20 battery life I'm gonna win does anyone see a puzzle by the way I don't see any anywhere you know what honey I'm gonna go get your friends they're annoying okay you can go do that um where's Gold by the way battery life uh yeah you know they fired me from the job when I broke myself oh my gosh this is your final Luna watch I just gave her more battery I'm sorry that was me that was me okay rainbow has 23 I'm not gonna die where are you camping you'll never find me I'm actually playing this game how it's meant to be played I'm hiding you have to work harder oh my gosh don't you know you're not supposed to Camp it's Draco refuses to work I'll give you a hint way he's where he usually usually goes all the all of us were literally chilling oh my gosh I shouldn't have time to die bro oh my gosh you're so crazy bye no fogging in your house okay I wanted the money surviving is challenging guys it's challenging guys row row is the best hunter more like bro nope please give me something good oh Diamond flashlight I mean I'll take this what did you see that it turned red and now I'm a Hider huh ready or not here we come stole my line you stole my line that was supposed to be for me I heard there are aliens hiding in this aliens really they're pretending to look like us but they're aliens I think the trick is we have to be more still okay okay like hide like Draco like that turned out well oh yeah I'm gonna find you aliens I was sent by special get on here foreign [Music] I think I saw that hello [Music] an alien die now where are your buddies I don't know in the same room I needed to know I hate this game this is too challenging it's impossible ah finally I am a tagger hello partner funny hello Draco no I know the secret alien finder said there's aliens in this Bank okay Draco isn't his alien era and if track was in his alien era I will be his partner in crime to get them aliens let's go they're trying to take our Robux what's up a robot that's why they infiltrated this Bank of robloxia oh okay we're alien hunters all right Draco where you at I am at the sign in front of Bank of Roblox I got a memory puzzle outside that's right you aliens if you want a memory puzzle it's outside wait where am I supposed to go I'm not saying a word find the aliens lunae yeah that's how you could respond lunae what I have Pringles yep and that's why you should get your butt out here don't be a dummy alien lunar don't let them fish you out any out of here get me out of here please no that's what you get oh agent funny thank you the rain Balian what species Planet are you from I'm from the land of rainbows wait don't have her don't cap her it's making our flashlights die oh oh oh okay I'm from the land of rainbow and gum drops uh-huh yep now and do you think your friends will save you she's following me Draco she's trying to make my flashlight run out yeah anyone in here gold perhaps you're not hiding in the vault nope don't you love gold you sure about that rainbow something's wrong with this alien stop I see you it actually looks kind of scary I mean my battery is gonna die good riddance why are you wasting your battery already hello I can't turn it off I need to find an alien oh and rainbow has fallen no one even saved her you guys I think you're gonna go oh yes what's up right now win School's Out School's Out hurry find the puzzles I hate detention I don't know Rainbow's the hall monitor this time oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh funny funny I have great memory follow me I think I know where the puzzles are okay okay let's go here it's too dark why would you do that lunar I don't think you should taunt her oh that was me um funny I have great memory just follow me just follow everyone in circles there's no Puzzles out here no I have to be a baby I have to be a baby no you can't be a baby funny we need to find the puzzles to escape since I feel nice today I'm just going to roam oh my gosh slowly oh my gosh this was a great rainbow I always knew you were the best students in the whole world I'm not the student actually I'm the principal oh and I don't like it when there's nosy little students in my school gold gold in here cult but I'm not no yeah I'm not nosy either then why are you still here cause I'm nosy because I'm bored I got nothing else to do you know I got detention wait cracker where are you you got detention look at these doors open there's so many times doors left already he left he left he left it's okay I don't think rainbow could find us I'll keep a watch I'll keep a watch gold you better keep your eye out um okay I'll just stop I saw a student running by but they lost them who was it are you guys in the gym it was lunar oh my gosh I got the wrong one I remember where puzzles are puzzles are in the hallway it's just it's goldfish I know it's goldfish any of you guys here hi rainbow hi rainbow one rainbow rainbow rainbow what I I know you love jokes I cheat I do look cute so I have a joke stop trying to get it who's there [Music] I'm just I'm pressing everything wrong okay guys this principle has follow my joke [Music] you're a joke I did okay rainbow rainbow again again knock knock who's there under under who who no rainbow I'm not oh man I ain't playing with you anymore I'm leaving you suck she doesn't want to play with you um how many puzzles we got we got one we only got one gold goodbye I swear I haven't seen any I found another possible uh-huh and now that's why she's gone you've been that's good lunar solve it oh who would I see another one is that you where are you guys good job okay I don't think rainbow knows about this one you do this I'm bad okay I think the easiest way is to do this and we just gotta memories you know why you went everywhere and you can't find them why because they're under like they're acting oh my gosh Here We Go Again girls they're literally under yeah you really want me to say this is a good name that is a good hint yeah they are funny oh oh where are they trying I'm trying I saw someone's arms you saw my hand I saw an arm hurry up I know you're in here actually he ran under is everyone under gold gold thinks she's so slick thing trying to make me say when she wants me to say something's so slick gold so slick go so slick she's so Sly gold so Sly gold so slow bye [Music] now he's stuck in the bleachers is anyone gonna help him no you stay there in the bleach he has too much battery life you have to do the puzzles okay one more puzzle no one more puzzle I'm so good at this game I see somebody over there [Music] hey I was looking at that [Music] Draco you dummy it's open thanks it's open ready the auditorium is literally a dead end oh it's a dead zone it's a tattoo I'm here oh you have a tube oh my God where are you hiding funny friend you ain't got nothing on me I'm getting on out of here I want to be so sure funny I wouldn't be underwear oh yeah I didn't get you on this thing you thought you were Draco the gym the gym you know Draco Luna I die already you thought you really did something I did I did do something I did something wait did Luna Escape already [Music] [Applause] for nothing doors can I afford anything here fine I'll just have to throw some credits you know why because I want shiny things for my outfit let me buy this color box a new flashlight I think the blue one is cursed orange no thank you one more Spin and we got oh red I don't want this either Ready or Not Froggies [Music] not Froggers yeah very entities haunting your manner that's right and why I did a picture of Heisenberg in your house that's kind of weird scary entities you know that I don't like the Draco let's just sit here and watch a news artificial electricity we're gonna play the movie 24 7. don't drain my electricity it's a mansion it's expensive Japanese [Applause] oh no we're all so bad your utility bill is gonna be through the room [Music] if you don't get away from them I will raise your property taxes no don't I'll not pay for the government for my property taxes because it's my property why do I have to pay for it uh then you should leave and find me upstairs okay I'm going upstairs you're the ghosts of taxes oh pay your taxes we should survive I think we're gonna get do this I think so what you want to pull in this Mansion I like this place I'll stay here forever a mansion okay cool I'm gonna chill here then I found a puzzle yeah a puzzle this place and I'm also not frogging it either out of it it's mine okay Draco you found the puzzle yep new secret code to tell me where it is it is outside somewhere outside oh wait oh you guys aren't allowed outside okay well we're trying to find your generator box so we can like just break it I don't know what your generator is can you put like since this is a millionaire mansion why is there no lights I can't see this millionaire Place guys it's not easy to find the generator the generator her battery is almost dead no did you see all my expensive cars you should what come uh I'll go the garage when her battery dies we can attack yeah it's over you know what flashlight tag is too easy now it is [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,805,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox obby, roblox story, roblox flashlight tag, roblox tag, roblox flashlight, roblox flashlight tag itsfunneh, roblox flashlight tag funneh, roblox flashlight tag funny, roblox flashlight tag krew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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