Eric Jannie and Charlotte Plays on the Stair Slide for Kids

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who's next me me let me check your height okay I can't wait to slide oh oh sorry Eric you can't ride the slide what do you mean you have to be at this red line I'm sorry Eric you can't ride oh perfect here you go cute try again please uh okay how about now wow that's incredible all right sorry again Eric you can't go [Music] hey there Eric what seems to be the problem I'm too short for this ride too short aha behold [Music] whoa shoes that's right I have shoes that make you taller which one hmm um try these on there [Music] whoa well I don't know do I look tall well let's test it out well looks like you make the requirements oh yeah yeah go get America [Music] hi Auntie Beth hey Gary wow no tippy toes okay here's your helmet [Music] did you make the slime the shoes are loud yeah I love it give it back [Music] hey there did it work no shoes allowed oh no so much fun I'm having so much fun that my hair is a mess but I don't care [Music] whoa [Music] what you gonna do I'm gonna make you taller [Music] [Music] perfect how do I look so tall thank you so much good luck Eric well shoe now oh wow [Music] please leave I knew something was off it didn't work did it no it didn't well maybe you just needed healthy healthy healthy [Music] Perfection this has all the nutrients you need protein and vegetables thank you [Music] well I feel kind of taller thank you so much but hello again Eric I got taller let's check it out Eric you were so close [Music] sorry it didn't work it's okay I'll just wait hey you'll eventually get taller all right Uncle I'll just have to wait [Music] I got it [Music] wait a minute [Music] Jenny can you fit it let me try [Music] it doesn't fit let me try it Eric [Music] it fits perfectly Eric [Music] [Music] I'm done Eric you're welcome she really appreciate it surprise we got your own slide thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so cool okay Emma sorry Alex no more sliding oh what happened Uncle Sam sorry the slide is under maintenance now oh we can't pull up the slide anymore Emma um let's go ask him to play okay check it out that's very cheap guys at a hundred dollar per person huh that's so expensive I only have fifty dollars cool so you guys have a hundred dollars so one person can play okay here are their money Emma you can play okay thank you Alex okay let's go play Down [Music] yeah but I cannot play oh no my slime who's more is it I think it's Michael's Uncle John huh Michael but where is he guys I have to hide I broke Uncle John's slide we cannot find Michael and my slide broken what should I do don't worry Uncle John we have the pumpkin yeah let me do it wow he's done thank you guys I'm so sorry because I took a lot of money from you guys now you can play for free wow thank you Uncle John Let's Play guys go yeah this is so much fun I know okay I'm coming I want to play with the slide too [Music] I'm sorry Uncle John I was hiding because I hit your slide that's okay Michael but when you do something wrong you don't hide it you have to say sorry okay okay Uncle John now you can play but you have to put the live match on okay okay [Music] guys that was so fun guys you guys can play on the slide we're all good yeah okay whoa did you like it yeah wow yeah yeah come on Eric let's play yay we need to check your height first thank you good to go Jenny yes [Music] sorry Eric maybe next time I never got to play [Music] I can help you okay first again oh good daddy Eric let's check your height [Music] that bike's made for Jenny's height it could be dangerous maybe next time Eric um which costume should I wear to the costume party this one [Music] pick a school out with this [Music] I'm ready whoa it looks too big no it's fine kids come on let's go [Music] thank you wait you're breaking the rules let's check your height Safety First that's good okay [Music] that's not good I forgot this the seat belt won't fit properly without a booster seat okay that's better oh it's over here Eric [Music] stop your costume is too big see huh this is fine it's not safe to dance in those try a costume that fits it's safer the party is so fun right but I didn't get to go oh yeah that's right I'm sorry I can't do anything you do [Music] make sure you finish this okay okay I'm thirsty oh water [Music] I wanna water too [Music] Danny can you help I'm busy sorry oh it's too high [Music] stop Safety First mom what happened let's check your height good job Eric your turn [Music] uh oh what happened ask for help when something's up high but I'm thirsty I got it Eric oh thank you Uncle kids shouldn't climb ask an adult for help instead it's bedtime okay okay [Music] this is so uncomfortable [Music] not too big for this bed this bed is a little small for you hi chick [Music] oh I should switch beds what I like my airplane bed but it's perfect for Eric and it's a little small for you well okay what do you say Eric that's fine oh this is comfy [Music] that is perfect good night Eric good night Jenny remember to ask an adult for help and try not to compare yourself to others I'll go first Emma [Music] okay okay [Music] wow they look they're having so much fun [Music] whoa they turned the pool into a ball pit awesome guys [Music] huh that's mine you have to pay okay that's one one dollar that's so cheap here's your money no no no 100 so expensive we don't have enough money Ellie sorry no more plane wow so cool yeah I want to win it how much what it's too expensive I can't afford that all right Ellie bye oh that slide was so cool Auntie yeah I really want to play with that but we don't have enough money Emma sorry what's this what are we gonna do with it Auntie we're gonna play with it this isn't cool like the Slime auntie I know but we can go fishing on it Emma huh yeah are you ready Emma yeah okay let's do it okay let's see if we can catch some fish okay let's catch more for dinner okay foreign you're hungry I have food right here here you go Ellie thank you wow the crab is so yummy thank you guys you're welcome Auntie Emma what happened though hey guys you can play with my slime [Music] you're welcome thank you your favorite food monster yeah did you have fun yes auntie
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 63,703,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric, jannie, charlotte, toys and colors, slide, stair slide, for kids, kids play, stair slide for kids, kids playing, play, fun, playing
Id: rjnk3wPRmwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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