Ellie and Alex Funny Story about New Hairstyle

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yeah yeah yeah yeah next uh-huh [Music] perfect my hairstyle is the best right yeah yeah I'm so proud of my hairstyle time to make another hairstyle [Music] you haven't done your homework yet I'll do it later and no you should do it right now okay thank you [Music] hmm maybe I'll do homework later [Music] [Music] I'm sleepy two away [Music] time to go to school [Music] sorry Mr Roy I'm late that's okay but you know what we have a pop quiz today I can do this oh I didn't study okay quiz [Music] I got this I don't know what to do one more minute good job good job Kaden [Music] time's up Ellie Ellie didn't you do your homework you failed Ellie yeah oh [Music] what's wrong Ellie I have an F Auntie you didn't do your homework last night no I didn't sorry yeah you have been spending too much time on your hair Ellie you should not spend so much time on your hair and on your free time go play some sport okay Auntie hello yeah [Music] sure let's play basketball here Ellie [Music] good job belly another one [Music] now I'm gonna do my homework [Music] sure I could be the goalie [Music] whoa yeah good job belly yes time to do homework good job Ellie you have three A's yay yes [Music] Holly let's use this [Music] welcome to the hair styling competition today we have Kaden Ellie and Andy hello and our judges first we have Cadence [Music] and next is Ellie [Music] and next is Andy I'm gonna win for sure awesome [Music] oh impressive now it's time for the judges to decide who's the winner [Music] I think we made a decision [Music] and the winner is congratulations [Music] which hairstyle do you want Emma can I have the most colorful one Uncle colorful all right you got it a little bit more wow and that's why I'm the best hair stylist around thank you Uncle now it's time to go to school school I can't see this is Stars versus cats uh um oh I can't read one more minute and then teacher oh no oh no are you gonna have to go faster um [Music] hmm Emma why didn't you do your test see because my hair is blocking my eyes and I can't see clearly you should have a haircut Emma to do your test properly I guess I have to go back to Uncle Jason come on put Jason's clothes ah I'll just go home then [Music] Jason's hair salon but he closed [Applause] say here Emma okay I'm ready wow I hope everything's gonna be okay all done take a look of your hair Emma the hair blocks my eyes too oopsie I'll fix them [Music] my hair still blocks my eyes I can't do homework that's all I can do sorry I guess I have to go back to Uncle Jason's hair salon again pieces wow so lucky Uncle Jason's store is open how can I help you huh who are you do you know Uncle Jason he's my student well he's the master sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] voila [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I'm the teacher that's my student Uncle Jason can you make my hair back to normal oh yeah that's easy let me do it for you Emma let's get started and you pay attention Okay okay this is exactly what I did oh scissors wow thank you Uncle now I could do homework properly problem Emma Andrew help me your hair's so messy Danny you need to go to the hair salon no I don't want it it ah it hurts you have to do it Jenny come on no I don't want to come on hi hi do you want a haircut yeah it's for Jenny yeah okay please sit down what no I'm scared what you just care about me I'm very friendly come here Jenny I show you something you have a dog for you what happened with her hair I misplay to you Jenny this happened because you didn't wash her hair those are lice huh yeah you didn't wash your hair it's gonna be like this oh washing the hair is scary right what you're funny wash your hair doesn't hurt [Music] Eric you show Jenny how we wash her hair yes sir [Music] show you okay okay Jamie first we have to take off the lights out of her hair first huh all done what's next Eric we need to put shampoo in her hair now we will wash your hands [Music] washing their hair is not that scary now we just have to dry your hair and then we're done okay washing her hair is fun right yeah so do you want to go wash your hair now okay thank you Eric shampoo please yes sir [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] how you feel Jenny it's so relaxing it looks like Jenny's enjoying it it's all done right not yet daddy hello I thought my hair was clean now it is clean but you still need a haircut [Applause] laughs it's so scary hey come back no I don't want to it's not scary I want a haircut okay Jenny watch okay come right over here [Music] yeah soon thank you voila wow your hair is so cool Ellie thank you okay Jenny it's not scary right yeah yeah so do you want a haircut uh yeah [Music] assistant please yes sir thank you [Music] wow gorgeous so professional yeah he's the best he is really yes [Music] one one all done wow you look like a rock star Jenny welcome told you doing your hair wasn't scary right yes so relax I love it Alex Alex wake up it's time to go to school I don't want to study Uncle George huh all children must study no Uncle George I don't want to study anymore then you have to work hmm hello yeah I need this this and this [Music] [Music] who's first [Music] [Music] thank you oh no ready huh do you like it no fix it okay ready you like it huh no next there you go thank you hmm cool ready oh no what happened now nobody likes my haircut I need a haircut 20 bucks here you go thank you [Music] ready what is this do you like it no did you even get a license for this job oh no [Music] he also cut your hair too yeah hmm ah come on okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Alex what was your first day of work I'm tired it's better if I study hmm very good remember all children must study bye
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 4,435,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellie, alex, pretend play, toys and colors, kids pretend play, kids hairstyles, hairstyles for kids, hair toys, beauty salon toys, toys for kids, kids toys, made for kids, cute hairstyles
Id: CyKUPqvbYM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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