Emma and Jannie Wants to Be Good Sisters for Ellie | Funny Stories About Brothers and Sisters

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huh huh jenny you have to help ellie when she's eating okay [Music] good job now it's the fruit [Music] good job [Music] all done auntie good job here's the good sister to-do list jenny [Music] i'm drawing the sun [Music] danny you have to show ellie how to paint with you okay auntie but first wash your hands [Music] a clean i'll leave you have to do this okay let me drive jenny here you go thank you right here [Music] yeah you did it ellie good job jenny now for some sports [Music] sports is supposed to be fun not winning or losing okay ellie i'll show you how to play hey ellie [Music] good job ellie jenny now it's time for math okay auntie easy easy 100 easy huh this is so hard hey jenny can you help me uh i have to do another homework oh danny what happened auntie i'm doing my homework you need to help ellie too that's what good sisters do okay auntie let me show you ellie so i have three frogs here and one frog here so how many frogs do i need to make both of these equal so i need two good job now put two bugs on the scale one plus two equals three you got it now ellie good job no you just gotta brush your teeth before bed okay auntie daddy daddy can you help me no i'm ready time to go to bed time to go to bed huh hmm did you brush your teeth ellie i don't know how to do it then he didn't show me how uh oh danny you need to show ellie how to brush your teeth okay auntie okay so you rub it yep just like that cool you're doing good okay ellie try start your first teeth good job jenny you completed the list how does it feel to be a good sister being a good sister is hard but fun thank you jenny ellie please let me go ellie i want to go to the ball [Music] oh oh ellie's making a mess bye candy huh ellie wait let me help you ellie you're making a mess i'll clean it up for you i'm so hungry then let me get you a new one thank you emma you're welcome [Music] ellie you should wear this before eating [Music] a milk okay eli let me feed you thank you emma emma's a really good sister hi jenny yeah i'm coming huh ellie cleaning up by herself hey emma yes auntie you should help ellie clean up she's too little to do it by herself okay ellie let me help you ellie can you clean up the table good job ellie let me help sally i'll show you guys how to play really yeah emma can play backwards yeah auntie you just need to focus emma you're so awesome yeah can you teach us sure basketball is easy to play you just need to focus and do it wow amazing just remember to focus [Music] looks like ellie's happy now remember focus good job hi oh no i forgot danny sorry ellie oh ellie's sad again [Music] princess carriage is broken candy can you pick me huh [Music] no ellie no that's a mess ellie yeah you shouldn't make a mess on the table and your t-shirt's so dirty i'm drawing emma can you help ellie wash your hands and change t-shirts yes auntie come on ellie let's go clean up i'm gonna help clean up yes but you're sure it's not oh okay okay ellie you can draw here okay emma can you help ellie she got an f she needs to study more okay auntie i am going to show you how to draw let's draw an apple first first you want to take the red paint and make a circle so after you make your circle you want to color it in here ellie try it color [Music] yeah huh hi katie oh you're here already okay i'm coming outside right now emma amber huh look emma what's this you and me together huh you and me yeah because you're a good sister oh ellie really loves me hi jenny sorry i can't make it i'm too busy today okay bye wow emma's a really good sister hey ellie why strawberry i'm not going to the ball anymore brilliant yeah ellie let's stop being a good sister isn't easy need some help ellie yes please don't worry huh let me pour your cereal ellie it's okay emma i can do it since i'm the best sister no jenny i'm the best sister can i please have my turtle now sorry ellie i got it [Applause] [Laughter] enjoy huh what's wrong ellie don't you like your cereal i bought you ellie cause i'm the best [Music] i need more practice good effort ellie i heard you need more help why don't both of you ladies train ellie fine watch this [Music] wow can you show me again of course it's the best cake in the world and no one can block it [Music] that was easy you're so good thanks ellie i can teach you the best technique yes please yes please [Music] nice technique jenny try again okay okay all right bring it i'm bringing it i'm waiting [Music] i got some homework bye bye oh no my pencil is broken i'll fix it here ellie here ellie i got you a brand new pencil thank you ah oops i messed up here you go ellie thank you huh huh look at this dinosaur can you circle the dinosaur ellie here's some milk it makes you smart and strong thank you jenny [Music] hi harry here ellie all set up thank you thank you [Music] okay thank you i'm done [Music] bye thank you auntie so ellie how was your day [Music] what are you doing with that book i'm gonna read ellie's story to help her sleep sorry i'm gonna do that because i'm the best sister no yes no yes no yeah no i have two great sisters oh really why so they help me with the raw things oh they do don't they they help me with the biggest things and the small thing i just want to be just like them you are a great sister emma you too danny we make a great tea yes we do are you ready for bed ellie can you read this story [Music] you're so messy let me help you yay oh no man it's so dirty let me help you wear this no maddie don't eat it with your hands see you need to eat with the spoon maddie let me feed you wow daddy's a good sister all done maddie do you want to play [Music] let me push you buddy oh this is such a mess jenny maddie go clean your room okay uncle come on maddie let's go wow jenny's helping maddie to clean up good job i'm gonna make some donuts for you kids okay numbers colors hmm daddy come here [Music] ready look choo choo no it's not true maddie it's two two okay maddie i'll teach you how to count now one two three four five you got it maddie yes one one two two three three four five five you can't say five maddie it's okay oh james has a sweet sister the donuts are done kids have some donuts maddie let's go it's donut time oh wait wait wait wait wait huh what happened uncle sam wash your hands before you eat remember that oh i forgot come on buddy first now rub it yeah keep doing it put it in the water grab it washington my hands are clean good job daddy how about maddie yeah koreans are also clean wow good job here have some donuts yay donut time and milk time yay is it good jenny yeah yeah only one jenny that's enough jenny and it's nap time okay uncle but go brush your teeth okay uncle bye let's go brush your teeth okay time to brush the teeth [Music] let me help you see [Music] huh you don't want to sleep let me read you a book bravo excuse anything from good job jenny chase is ready for action marshall the fire dog has double spray firehouse be a good sister is hard but jenny made it look easy bye [Music] emma you should teach eric how to eat correctly but but he doesn't want to i'm growing up i don't need help just do it okay here you go hmm good job all done time for some sports let me show you how to play soccer thank you but i already know how to play it okay here's the ball i'm gonna score emma uh okay [Music] eric that's not how you play soccer what but i played it correctly oh i'm bored i'm gonna go play basketball okay eric let me show you how to play basketball no emma that's not the correct ball this is no eric this one no emma i'm correct okay [Music] but that's not the correct spot it's this one i don't care this is my way [Music] ball is this wait guys whose ball is this sorry it was my ball i was playing basketball basketball yeah uh-huh emma you should teach eric how to play correctly i don't need an explanation just do it emma okay i'm cool okay come on come on eric you got it i'm good at soccer now yeah time for basketball [Music] good job time to do homework this is so easy this one's really easy eric do you need help no thank you emma i could do it [Music] yeah um here it is here's my homework oh i guess it's not right eric i can help you eric no no no no i'm gonna i could do it now eric sometimes you need help there's nothing wrong with that okay plus two now let's see how many pigs equals three plus two [Music] i got it now three plus two equals five good job now it's time to brush your teeth before going to bed okay [Music] eric you're doing it wrong you're doing like this not this okay all done thank you emma you're always my good sister
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 66,303,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma, jannie, emma and jannie, eric, ellie, Maddie, pretend play, kids pretend play, kids video, funny stories, family content, for kids, good sisters, good sister, sisters, sister, kids videos, wants to be a good sister, children, toddler, playing, toys and colors
Id: Q42G6zG9Aes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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