Ellie and Alex Try Fruit Drinks | Healthy Eating for Children

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Apple I don't like it how about this one okay Uncle Sam orange I don't like it Cadence why are you so strong I eat bananas and I will go you want some bananas it's very healthy uh no thanks I don't like fruit have some fruit Ellie they're all healthy no thank you why does everybody like fruit I just don't like it hi morning class we have a pop quiz today I studied I'm not scared I got this this is not gonna be easy okay [Music] [Applause] good job Alex you got an A plus next [Music] Kaden here one plus two equality [Music] good job Caden you get an A2 [Music] okay your turn Nelly [Music] five plus five is six seven minus six is equal three uh oh Ellie that's not right five plus five is ten seven minus six is one sorry you got an F [Music] don't be sad Ellie you can try again next time now is the time for PE class an apple before PE here you go Ellie [Music] I don't like apple thank you okay okay Kaden Ready set go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] thank you [Music] good job Kaden Alex it is now your turn let's go I finished three rounds no 10 push-ups wow good job Alex very impressive hey Ellie it's your turn now [Music] just one around for me Mr Roy I'm so tired okay Ellie we'll try next time it will make you strong and healthy but I don't like fruit thank you sure [Music] I'm getting tired is everyone tired no no no I'm not tired keep going we can play Forever [Music] foreign candy I'm still tired fruit candy that's just candy come on let's get real fruit I got some refreshing watermelon juice [Music] here you go thank you thank you that's yummy [Music] food is Yum I want some fruits yay [Music] time for a rematch let's go Ellie [Music] yes this room may be stronger and healthier more room more healthy can I get the blue one please [Music] here's your ice cream thank you can I have some fruit toppings please here I have some fruit for you here no this is my customer but she wanted fruit [Music] oh oh I don't want ice cream or a few anymore [Music] it's joyful I lost the customer what I'm gonna move to a different place good me too [Music] oh [Music] this place looks good I can't sell here [Music] boots for sale [Music] hi come over here I have some fruits have a nice Primo hot day oh thank you that sounds good [Music] crashing fruits ooh customer but I want both huh oh no my fruit oh I feel so bad oh I can fix it I fixed it this would not happen if you two worked together yesterday you're right you know it's not too late to start over can you help me okay [Music] so cool [Music] let's start [Music] tada [Music] [Music] wow for me yeah we're really sorry about earlier that's okay Charlotte let's work together really that's a great idea yeah but but I have no more fruit you're right your Foods were this boy I know where we can get fresh fruit come with me thank you we're here feel free to take some fruits awesome [Music] ice cream fruit cup come and get your ice cream fruit cups can I get the yellow ice cream with some fruit happy please okay coming right up I'll take the blue ice cream with watermelon topping please I'll take the bread one with the strawberries please I'll take the yellow one with blueberries please pass it to Charlotte please with strawberries oh thank you some blueberries we're gonna get some pineapple and this strawberry right here on the talking thanks [Music] thank you good job team no no oh two roads can you help me okay yay huh [Music] come on huh who are you we're windy I don't know what do you hate yourself cause it's these and teeth I told you she did not look yeah it did no no no no no no no [Music] no no no eat veggie no eating put it on your face okay [Music] let me put more [Music] hey Wendy come here over there too foreign [Music] what happened to your eye this is what happened [Music] I'm sending you to another world no I lost huh so I took the Cucumber to see if it helped you shouldn't play game all night you should not take things without asking it's really bad not good at all oh sorry all right we forgive you are we gonna get rid of these pimples thank you can you help ah you need fruit find some food can you get me some oranges sure here you go thank you bye [Music] wow whoa [Music] here you go [Music] yucky huh try this no no no I'll have some [Music] your purple disappear thanks to the fruit try Wendy try it try it try it okay [Music] oh no more pimples well I'll eat more fruit Yeah Wendy too much junk food is bad for you but I'm hungry follow me okay Michael we're hungry just in time vegetables I don't like them but Wendy vegetables are good for you follow me here we are wow food store welcome come in take a look thank you oh mango you know mangoes are good for your skin well I'll help with my skin absolutely [Music] wow here we go thank you yummy wow it's working Mango's so good and my skin is back to normal can we get more mangoes Uncle Sam yeah whoa avocados you're good for your eyes Uncle my stomach doesn't feel good that's because you ate too much junk food earlier don't worry Wendy this is good for your digestive system wow really Uncle yeah here thank you Uncle yummy how do you feel now Wendy feels better now uncle can we get more avocados yeah avocados [Music] another awesome fruit but there's our uncle they are sour but they do have benefits what kind of benefit Uncle well if you take lemon while you're sick it actually makes you feel much better you mean he has to eat the whole lemon no Wendy check it out all done huh uncle's so strong here you go Michael thank you Uncle yeah I feel much better now uncle wow benefit now also blueberries can boost your immune system what does that mean Uncle well it gets your body really strong it gets bad bacteria whoa that means you won't get sick as often you're right Michael wow I learned so much Uncle what about this food that's an orange Wendy and it has lots of vitamin C that's right Michael also is good for your bones and your teeth wow that's cool but what about bananas bananas help you sustain energy sustain energy what does that mean here check it out tired yeah have a banana yeah mmm so good I feel [Music] more wow Wendy's so strong yeah here have an apple it keeps you hydrated and it's good for your heart thank [Music] you ready to go yeah are you guys ready yeah let's go it's so heavy Uncle let me try Okay oh it's really heavy step aside wow when did Winnie get so strong it's probably old appreciate remember to eat food and stay healthy bye
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 27,846,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys and colors, ellie, alex, fruit, fruit drinks, healthy eating for kids, healthy eating for children, for kids, play, kids play, playing, fun, pretend play, kids pretend play
Id: geEkvLlfNe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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