Erdnase Colour Change Improvement Tips

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hi guys today in this video I'm going to give you some improvement tips on how to improve your earnings color change and perform it better now one of the biggest problems I've seen so far is that people tend to push the card out either a lot and Ford very visibly or just forward very visibly and then they like to push it back very visibly right before the change is done and when the spectators see that at that point it's not magical anymore because they know something happened something sneaky happened if not they would already figure out how that works because they know that the card to push forward may imply this kind of motion now if I were to try to imitate that in our performance they would look something like this as you can see that's not very pretty at all as a change because you can clearly see something sneaky is going on and so you'd ideally want your games color change to look something like this okay and if you seem right there that pushing out motion is almost invisible and the reason is I only push out around that much now all the times people are not able to achieve the pulling up motion with only this much because of the way they pull back let me first start off with how I pull or rather push forward because I think this is really important some people like to use our pinky finger as they turn their hand over to push the card forward and the reason I don't use this method instead I like to just use the bottom of my fingers right here where the bones pop up I like to push with that part because sometimes this action of covering or rather turn your hand over doesn't really cover the pushing forward motion sometimes especially from the side it's not really well covered and you don't want that to be seen that's one of the reasons why I don't use this now let me start off with how I do it I'm not going to go through the full tutorial I'm just going to give you a brief overview of how it works for me now instead of having the hand flap down like this and pushing in for I like to kind of talk to hand forward a bit so the back of my hand that not touch the back of the card so like this that is a little exaggerated normally would be like this much so it barely lifts up but as you can see only the fat part of my hand right here right below the fingers touch the cards and I'm going to as I push forward I'll have to push back a little bit with my left stop left hand so as you can see instead of me just simply doing this I'll do something like this so then my hand moves back if I exaggerated like this so my right hand moves forward my left hand was back now this really reduces unwanted distance your right hand has to push for and so that makes your push out very much invisible and almost cuz it's so minimal now first you wanted to have to practice a little bit with a bigger space but what you have to have of you want to be able to do it with just as much so once you push out now from this point on a lot of times people are not able to get this pull out with only this small space because they take your entire hand they put it back down and then they try to push it back as you can see that's not very good it doesn't really push back now the reason I'm able to do it is because I do this as you can see I do a little tilting motion up and down first I taught it downwards so at this part of the hand push this forward and as I pull back I taught this hand up back so I need the bottom part of my hand right here touches the cards and I can easily pull the card back and that is very important to make this work and so if I do this in slow motion it would look something like this just like that and then I can simply come over and then do this now so that is very I think one of the most important things or the Ernie's color change if you want to make it invisible now the other thing about the pushing back motion you want to do this not here not when the card when your happen hand is holding onto the card but rather when your hand comes over and your fingers are covering it that's when you push it back in and that is one of the biggest mistakes that people do as soon as they push the card back they push it right back in and then they use a change you must push forward push the card right back on and then use your index finger to retract the card back and so that's it those are the most important things I think that should be addressed when performing there's nice color change to make it better for you one more time performance speed it would look something like this and it looks really pretty like this because you see almost no motion in the entire hand as it moves or back and forth and in the cards and so I hope this was helpful and as I've said before many times in my past tutorials you have to practice in order to get this and so don't just come back and say hey it's not working because without practice it's not going to work so you have to try many times and you have to keep that in mind so I guess as to you guys next time
Channel: TricksterAP
Views: 19,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TricksterAP, Albert, Victoria, Improvement, Tips, Video, Erdnase, Colour, Change, Card, Magic, Trick
Id: 4p5TrWhImhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2012
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