Equipment for African Elephant Hunting | 2

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[Music] now many African countries have minimum caliber requirements for dangerous game and hey if they do the elephant is always considered dangerous game both the legal minimum and common sense say that a 375 is is the minimum caliber for elephant now in many countries this is not stated as 375 it's stated as the European equivalent the 9.3 millimeter 366 caliber which is very very minimal for elephant use of handguns and archery tackle is much more restrictive specifically illegal in many areas but allowed in some now whether you prefer the european 9.3 mo meter the more common 375 or a larger and more powerful cartridge or big hand gunner archery tackle keep in mind that whether enacted into law or not minimum standards exist because of conventional wisdom developed over time and based on experience which is both good and bad an elephant bull can be 10 times larger than the average Buffalo so you know 375 is a good sound sensible minimum and if the law allows and you choose to deviate from that and use a handgun or archery tackle or or black powder yeah make sure it's legal in the area where you're hunting and discuss it with your pH the 375 H&H introduced clear back in 1912 is probably the baseline for hunting elephant it's going to be within the legal minimum and in all countries and it's a cartridge of relatively low recoil that most people can learn to handle but keep in mind with elephants shot placement is always more important than raw power now faster 375 s are going to give you a little bit more penetration and certainly deliver more energy but keep in mind that as you go up the velocity scale in with the 375s recoil goes up now the 9.3 Tsar the European equivalent cartridges like the 370 Saco Magnum also called 93 by 66 and the old nine point three by sixty-four brenneke are essentially the equal of the 375 if a nine point three is legal where you're hunting you're going to do just fine with them low recoil options are actually relatively limited the old nine point three by sixty two and nine point three by seventy four are and double rifles is very very minimally adequate for elephant it may be legal in areas where 9.3 s are allowed but you're pushing the limit and that's really as low as you should ever consider going for elephant hunting today the several 416 s and cartridges like the 450 400 and 404 Jeffrey are extremely effective on elephant in fact with higher velocity many of them will actually penetrate better than the big boars they're going to be a lot more effective than the 375 for elephant but you have to keep in mind that they're not as versatile for other game and they do produce more recoil the true big boars are the traditional choices for hunting elephant now with their higher velocity the 40s may penetrate better but the big boars are going to deliver a heavier blow obviously as you increase in power then recoil goes up so it's really important to not use more gun than then you can handle comfortably but there is no such thing as too much gun for elephant your professional hunter will almost certainly be armed with a big boar to back you up if necessary the boat action is by far the most common choice for visiting hunters and there's both actions in suitable calibers a wide variety of price ranges this is certainly the least expensive option and it's going to be effective however if you choose a bolt-action you have to make absolutely certain that all aspects of feeding and functioning are totally reliable and in your practice sessions make sure that you practice working that bolt so that you can get off follow-up shots quickly if you need to the double rifle is the preference of many professional hunters because of the instantaneous availability of that second shot and a that applies of visiting hunters as well elephant hunting is probably the only situation where the double rifle really is superior to the bolt-action simply because of that instantaneous and reliable second shot the drawbacks to the double rifle are greatly increased cost and reduced versatility hate but in this most specialized of all hunts versatility shouldn't be a major consideration several modern single shots are chambered for cartridges that are absolutely adequate for elephant but a single shot isn't recommended simply because of the frequent requirement for a quick backup shot now as a visiting hunter you're not going to be hunting alone so if you choose a single shot that's fine your professional hunter is going to be there but he may well have to back you up simply because no human being can load a single shot fast enough when things go wrong with elephant no other action types whether side actions semi-auto or lever action have been factory chambered for cartridges adequate for elephant custom work is possible but you don't see these in elephant hunting very often hey this is easy solids only non expanding or solid bullets are designed for deepest penetration on the largest game and these are the bullets you absolutely have to use elephant hunting is purely a game of shot placement and then penetration of the bullet okay there's no way any form of soft point even a premium softwood into the brain it's just so much burden to travel through that a soft point would slow down and not make the brain the two primary choices today or the homogeneous alloy or all copper bullet the solid solid and then the traditional jacketed bullet that has a LED core but it's jacketed with a coating of mild steel what we call steel-jacketed solids hey both are extremely good there really aren't any bad solids on the market today it's obviously a very small market and these are bullets that you trust your life to and really all the solids on the market today are very good you should use the one that gives you the most confidence the only limitation is that the homogenous alloy bullets have a slightly different pressure curve may not be a good idea to use them in older double rifles with thin barrel walls but again just a matter of confidence there aren't any bad solids but for elephant hunting you've got to choose a solid
Channel: Craig Boddington Hunter
Views: 472,420
Rating: 3.9446332 out of 5
Keywords: Hunt african elephants, how to hunt elephants, elephant ammo load, elephant gun
Id: iYS2PAlXmls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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