Change Your Life: Max Fallout New Vegas Skills in 5 Mins

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you can increase every single one of your skills to 100 within just five minutes of starting a brand new game in Fallout New Vegas and in this video I will show you how hi I'm Mo and I'm trapped in Fallout so as you can see I haven't left the doctor's house yet this is a brand new game so go ahead speak to the doctor and just make your way outside the house so go ahead and leave the house once you've left his house what you want to do to activate this glitch is to go to the edge of this whole good Springs area and Trigger the rebuild character dialog box and when that happens we're going to try and force the rebuild character dialog box to basically appear in an infinite Loop and while it's looping every time we select the skilled trait from the traits select screen it will increase every single one of our skills by by five points and it's basically as simple as that but we need to do something for that to actually happen so what we're doing is as we left the doctor's house we're going to basically travel North East and get to a very specific point in this area where we're going to quickly create a save file and I'll tell you the steps steps straight after that so when we get to around here what we will do is go ahead and quickly save the game and from here what we're going to do is continue to walk North East right next to That Rock And as we're walking what we want to do is open and close the pit boil the state we want to get to is a state where the pit bull is sort of open on the screen whilst the dialog box appears for the rebuild character so as you can see here the rebuild character dialog box has appeared but the PIP boy is not visible on the screen so the glitch won't work so what we need to do is load up our save file and basically try again so as you can see that didn't work so what I'm going to do is try again until I have the pit boy open on the screen whilst the dialog box is also open on the screen so again just open and close your Pip-Boy until you manage to get it anything and there you go so you would have noticed that it took me a fair amount of time but I did manage to do it so before we go any further let's quickly talk about what's actually happened so as I was sort of walking out of that game the good Springs area I was opening and closing the PIP boy in the background and I was hoping that I would basically get to this state here where the PIP boy is pretty much fully open on the screen and yet I can rebuild my character now something to note when I select this rebuild character you will notice that the pit boy in the background will actually move down by a couple of centimeters not by a lot it's very subtle so keep an eye on it so I don't know if you noticed but the Pip-Boy moved down a little bit the reason I'm mentioning this is as long as the PIP boy is actually visible on the background you will be able to continuously Loop this rebuild character dialogue selection of screens so each time we rebuild the PIP boy will move slightly down now putting that to a side we are now on the select your special points so just go ahead and select any it doesn't matter and when we're on the skilled page what we will do just to make things easy is that we will just set the bottom three just so that we can keep a track of the top numbers here so as you notice all the top numbers here are 20 20 and so on some are 30 and so on skip a track of these numbers on the trades screen this is the most important bit really go ahead and make sure you select the skilled trade with any other trade that you want I usually just go for wild wasteland now you will notice that we are back on the rebuild character screen now usually when we are on this screen you also have another section to this whole dialog system and that is to change the appearance of your character but notice that isn't actually an option we are only on the rebuild character I.E being able to distribute our special points and traits and skills and so forth so again go ahead and select the rebuild character and again notice as we selected the big boy in the background will move down by a little bit now notice that your special course have now all been reset to five again just go ahead and put them in anything and this time notice that every single one of your skills has actually increased by a total of five and that's pretty good that's what we're trying to do so again select the done button and this time when it comes to trades again select skilled and some other trick again I'm just going to go with wild wasteland and now notice we are back on the rebuilt character so we've basically gone through this Loop twice now so again we'll go through this Loop one more time and again notice that the pit bull in the background will go down by a little bit when we select the rebuild character option again go ahead and distribute your points in any special it doesn't matter and now notice that again all of our skills have gone up by five again when we're on the trade screen go ahead and select skilled and while Wasteland and move on so we're going to repeat this about three or four times and you will get an idea of exactly what's happening so rebuild character the people is moved down a bit every single skill has gone up by five we're going to select skilled and wild Wasteland again we're going to repeat notice that the paper will go down again put your special points again notice every single point has gone up by five and again select scaled and Y Wasteland so the reason I'm mentioning this old Pip Boy thing is pretty important is as soon as the Pip-Boy moves off screen so every time you rebuild your character at some point your pit boy will fully move away from your screen when that happens you will not be able to go through this mechanism anymore you will not be able to trigger the infinite Loop of rebuilding your character so what we'll do is we will just carry on all the way until I basically take every single skill up to a hundred so I'm just going to go ahead and go through this loop on my own and we'll just skip to that part of the video so now notice I have gone through the loop a number of times now and now I am at 95 but also notice in the background that the people is just about to disappear but I think I should be able to do this one more time so again I'm just going to go ahead and select white Wasteland and scaled go back into rebuild character and this time given that everything is going to be at 100 this time I won't just randomly distribute my specials I'll put them into something that is a little bit more meaningful to me so I'm just going to just do this and keep it at that and now notice that everything has now changed so what so this is actually pretty important so what we need to do is go and select everything again and again just go ahead select wild Wasteland and scaled select done and now select finish and now if we have a look at our stats you will notice that we are at level one we have been able to distribute our special points however we want it and every single skill is at a hundred so this is basically the steps that you need to take to get every single skill at 100 to be able to distribute your special points however you wish and to do all of this at a sum total of level one and this is all achievable within practically five minutes of starting a brand new game now before I close off the video a quick announcement this glitch was actually suggested by Tana Strickland so Tana thank you very much this is a glitch that I have known about for a while but I was just taking my time because I'm sort of covering three different Fallout games but uh Tana suggested why not cover it now and I think that's a pretty good shout so I decided to cover it but really if you think about it this is a almost a user submission glitch by Tana Strickland so Tana thank you very much buddy for submitting this glitch this is definitely a worthwhile one doing and this is definitely one of probably the most broken glitch in Fallout New Vegas by by my standards anyway I think anyway as shown in this video you can set all your skills to 100 very easily and very quickly literally as soon as you leave the Doctor's house but did you know that you can use a different glitch to practically be able to select a perk every time you level up as opposed to selecting one perk every two levels yep there's another glitch in the game that will allow you to basically select a perk at every level instead of every two levels the find out more on how to perform this particular glitch click on the video you see on the screen now
Channel: Trapped In Fallout
Views: 233,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout new vegas 100 all skills, fallout new vegas skilled glitch, trapped in fallout, trapped in fallout mo, trapped in fallout new vegas, fallout new vegas glitches, fnv skilled exploit, fallout new vegas exploits, fallout new vegas cheats, fallout new vegas level 1, fallout new vegas 100 all skills glitch, fallout new vegas pip boy glitch, 100 in all skills fallout new vegas, fallout new vegas, fnv, fallout nv, fallout nv exploits, fallout nv glitches, fnv 100 all skills
Id: DbsRNP9sZwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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