4 Scary & Strange Park Ranger Stories (Vol. 10)

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ever since I was a little kid I wanted to be a park ranger I'm not entirely sure what enticed me when I was so young about state and national parks but I've always been fond of them and loved visiting them even to this day these Park Rangers though have some stories and might just keep you out of those state and national parks in your local area if you have a story you would like to share in a future video be sure to submit it a swamp dweller dotnet or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp it's stories like yours and keep this channel going now without further ado let's get into these creepy and downright strange Park Ranger stories [Music] I've been with the Park Rangers in Alaska for about thirty years I'm getting ready to retire in a few months time Alaska is an amazingly beautiful state in many ways it is far different from the rest of the United States there is a lot more wilderness and things that are still quite wild nature is much more prevalent things are a lot more rural if you've ever wanted to live in a place without a lot of neighbors Alaska has plenty of places just for you anyway my story starts in 1996 we got a call about a missing person now we get the occasional missing person and that's not unusual by any means especially out in the wilds of Alaska but this was a bit more pressing as the missing person was in Alaskan residence the person was a woman who was supposed to have come to visit some family they were due out a week prior to return but the family hadn't heard from her I reassured the woman that there was a strong chance she was probably already back but she hadn't checked in considering this was a younger woman I thought maybe she was just enjoying her freedom so to speak as that wasn't very uncommon still I told her we'd take things into consideration and we will look into things and let her know what we found the first thing I did was head over and check in with the family this woman was supposed to be visiting I was quite of the belief that the missing woman had already headed out of Alaska and gone back to New York where she lived but I figured I should just check anyway as if it were my kid I want to know where their whereabouts were as well it took some time to get where I was headed as travel isn't always the most convenient now here in Alaska upon my arrival I knocked on the door of this girl's aunt and explained the situation I had some simple questions and it was then I grew a little bit more worried than I had initially been this girl's aunt was very welcoming gracious and while I was appreciative of this she informed me quickly that she hadn't seen her niece since she left a week ago to go back home I had a cup of coffee and thanked the woman before reassuring her I check in with the pilot who flew her out and I'd get back to her it wasn't long before I headed that way while I was a bit more worried I fully expected to hear from the pilot and they'd flown her out to the nearest airport outside of Alaska it was all ok this theory was great in all except for one thing upon heading to where this pilot lived I found something quite suspicious a door covered in red I'm not talking painted red I'm talking a blood spray sort of red I pounded on the door and announced myself several times but I got no answer I peeked around the residence and found what looked like to be more blood I began following the trail and there were points where I saw claw marks dug into the side of the cabin as pilot lived in eventually I happened upon a broken window around the back I took my flashlight and looked inside a bit and noticed there was blood absolutely everywhere it was at this point I called the nearest authorities I explained everything to them and was here the real investigation began inside the cabin was a horrid smell the authorities had found bits and pieces of this pilot throughout the cabin ahead there an arm here blood and entrails just about everywhere it was sickening to say the least it was possible the girl had been in the area but it been too long to know for sure I decided to head back to the airstrip the pilot would have flown out from it found almost nothing - I had to negate what had happened or if the girl had ever even been there my initial thought she had to have been there still there wasn't much to go on and the trail was fairly non-existent having nothing much to go on I headed back to my own station and informed all the family members of the goings ons mostly we've continued searching and that it appeared that she was indeed missing I obviously didn't let them know the details of the pilot or anything they didn't need to know a day turned to a week which was a month later and we hadn't really found anything there was nothing on what had happened to the girl or why the pilot had been mauled or by what most of the law enforcement seemed to assume it was a wild animal but I didn't think as much I'd never seen a wild animal force its way into someone's home and then just proceed to have Visser rate them completely sure sometimes you'll get a wild animal that gets a little too wild but I loved all of which the person has been massacred didn't make much sense also it didn't seem like whatever multiple it ate anything the person was in pieces sure but if it weren't animal you think it would have feasted on some of it if not all of it also the claw marks were deep and none of them seemed to match any kind of animal we had here in Alaska the area's part of all this was that whatever attacked the pilot seemed to have done so with intelligence and almost cold calculation there are plenty of smart animals out there but the pilot was able to get their gun out for fire several shots in the process somehow whatever attacked him had somehow avoided these things you'd have to be pretty fast to do something like that I don't know a human or an animal that could avoid being shot at that close of range and get close enough to rip someone to pieces while that person is firing a shotgun right in front of them not a single part of this sat well with me but that wasn't much I was able to do because I had little to nothing to go on looking back now I wish they would have I wish just wanted to spend the end honestly I mean no disrespect to the family or the girl or the pilot but what happened next was more than I could have ever bargained for if you catch my drift I was home one night about a couple of months after the investigation when I heard a faint call for help I was in my chair fire going and doors locked because of the nature of the snow that was falling I initially thought the wind was playing tricks on my mind as it was storming pretty hard out there this quickly changed upon the sound of a loud pounding on my door I jumped nearly spilling my hot cocoa all over myself and I quickly shouted a few obscenities before grabbing my gun and asking it was there I heard nothing in response and I decided to check what what could be out on the other side that people it was then I was shocked to see a blonde girl in her 20s covered in blood crying outside my door I quickly unlocked my door swung it open looking to help this girl but upon opening the door I saw no one I was thrown off by this especially when I shut the door and locked it again took two steps before the pounding started again I looked at the people again but as I did my power died for a moment I fell shaky I couldn't see the best I swore for a moment I heard the sound of faint sniffling and crying but it was only for a second when the power came back on the this was normal the blizzard being what it was the thing that wasn't normal however was what happened next I heard persistent knocking like something was blowing in the wind at my door this was quite different from the pounding I had heard initially looking through the peephole I saw a rope inside this rope well inside this Rope was a bloody trash bag I flipped out and called the police the entire time I waited I could hear the bag hitting the door when law enforcement arrived they found remains of a woman and masked the idea of that missing woman that we were investigating this poor girl had been torn to pieces it looked like someone had ripped her spine out of her body and had a grand old time turned the rest of her body piece by piece this wasn't natural and it wasn't normal I was she was shaken to say the least something was out there and it left me this girl which meant and knew where I lived and that I had looked into the disappearances the next few nights I had worse sleepless part of this was from the guilt of the way this girl was found and part of this was from the horror of that that same thing what little sleep I did get came with nightmares and disturbing chantings inside my mind I'd hear several minutes upon waking and time this slowly stopped it was a year later before things got really strange again and someone moved on from the previous year's events as much as anyone could after something like that when I got a call to the station it was something crying and trying to speak but it was breaking out quite a bit after several attempts to calm this person down the line died abruptly I decided to check around at the phone stations around the park and see if I could find anything it was around the time I hit one of our most remote stations that I knew something was up I found a blood-soaked handprint that seemed to streak the phone line of it ripped out in the phone and there was a trail of blood that led deeper into the woods I called law enforcement and gave them my location before slowly making my way got an and then the blood-soaked snow trail it wasn't long before I found myself face-to-face with a fresh body or half one that is a man was pinned to a tree by a branch that was driven through its mouth his top half was I was there but where his bottom half should have been there was only blood and some of his insights which were steaming in the snow it was here I stopped and waited for the authorities to arrive I wasn't even slightly comfortable at this point and I quite honestly wanted nothing to do with the continuing of this investigation I didn't exactly have a choice however has this happened at my Park and I was beginning to think it was done intentionally afraid for my life I didn't dare move an inch - the police arrived I told them everything I had found and what little I knew and they eventually found the rest of the man a mile away I went home and tried to sleep but I didn't get much at all I called in and took some time off which was easy to do since I was duly at the station during my time off I'd get strange nightly phone calls the first time it was the voice of the man who'd called me right before his death I still get chills thinking about the voice sounded exactly like the man I swore it was his dying moments we played again the thing is though an audio recording back then would have been obvious this was no audio recording it was either the dead man's ghost or something that mimicked his last moments perfectly the second night I got a call and it was just snickering on the other line I threatened to call law enforcement and told whoever was on the other end of this line exactly what they could do to themselves if they catch my drift 93 was several varying phone calls from 2:00 to 4:00 in the morning they were all different and all on the hour one was a woman crying the 3:00 a.m. call was a child asking for his mother over and over again and the final call for the night was a repeat of the man who'd been mauled at her Park I called the authorities but they can do much about it the fourth night was an almost demonic or extremely warped voice I couldn't understand it at all at night five some whispering I see yeah before hanging up this call really unnerved me the reason being was the strange wailing that came from outside my window after it happened I peeked out the curtains and saw nothing but I was uncomfortable the remainder of the night I'd even taken to recording the call so I could share them with law enforcement again there was nothing they could really do about it night six his call was an older woman begging for help and screaming at what sounded like her slowly being murdered and night seven was just heavy breathing as turned as I was I wanted to get back to somewhat of a normal routine after this and went back to work the next morning I was convinced at this point that something was stalking me I thought it'd be the best to take advantage of this knowledge to set up traps of sorts assuming I could catch whatever it was I clocked out at the end of the work day and locked up I then proceeded to wait at my station I wasn't going to go home I figured if something was stalking me I needed here and my work so I loaded on my shotgun in my Magnum and proceeded to wait it was about 11 ish where I hurt allow pounding at my station door I asked who was there and it was then I heard laughter from behind me I looked and saw blood on the window the shape looked like a three fingered hand this was followed by a large thud on the roof above me I cautiously sat down and waited I wasn't looking to be baited out I wouldn't need to be however as I heard a loud smack hit the station window I my god it was a plenty trash bag as sat outside the window this was followed by another which would slam the window again and then another and then another and then another and then on the other side of the bloody handprints yeah I saw something that I'll never forget then a final smack on the window I saw a crack in the glass before hearing the loudest and most disturbing screaming I've ever heard in my life I wish I had the word to describe it but there's no way to describe what it was I heard I tried my phone keeping a close eye on the windows as I heard a slow scratching behind me on the outside of the station unfortunately for me whatever was doing this killed the phone lines the slow clawing made its way around the station and soon hit the window on the glass high I couldn't tell what it was in the darkness but I could see the marks it was making in the glass I raised my shotgun and the moment I did it it stopped everything fell silent except for the snow and the wind that blew it her a crashing sound behind me and spun around firing off shots but finding nothing it was as I was reloading that I heard the glass shatter behind me burst would be a better description as it flew inwards if pieces of glass cut my skin I fell to the ground and got it before firing a few more shots into the darkness I heard nothing and my adrenaline had me on edge as I was shaking and I wasn't shaking from the cold I was shaking from pure fear I heard a woman's laughter and then immense crying these sounds circled me and I kept an eye out whatever was there remained in the shadows I was even more afraid now as I wasn't sure where this thing was where the voices the crying all of it real or is something inside my mind I knew whatever it was this thing was creating it I heard that same inhuman scream behind me at which point I spun around and fired off every round I had left in my shotgun before I immediately pulled my Magnum out there was a burst of disturbingly terrifying laughter that followed all of this I've never heard anything so horrific in my entire lifetime things fell silent before a loud scream rang out ahead of me I fired off a few shots and ran out the destroyed window in the direction of the screams I didn't care if I died at this point I just wanted it all to be over I'll sick of the sleepless nights and this thing toying with me and so I fired as I ran until I heard clicking I then reloaded as fast as my fingers would let me and shakily spun around the snow positive I was going to die at any moment it was there I stood shaking and crying until the Sun came up one of my co-workers arrived early for their shift and stood in shock at what they saw they came to me and consoled me before driving out and finding a working phone they called the police and I remember being in shambles my mom was broken and I was afraid for my life the worst part of it all was I had never saw this thing I gave the authorities my information it immediately took what I had in savings and moved away my co-workers were able to help me find a transfer and I now reside in California I'm getting ready to retire it completely never found out what was going on or what that thing was or anything else in relation to it I left a second I was able to and I haven't been bothered by the thing since or whatever it was I imagine it as native to Alaska I have no clue what this thing was or how anyone is supposed to kill it but I'm positive it is still out there somewhere killing [Music] my name is Eric can I've been working with the State Park Rangers out of Wisconsin for just about five years now my story begins in the summer of 2016 with some odd happenings around my area it started simply enough i was working one lovely july morning when i found a dog sitting on the bench at one of our parks I approached the dog slowly and realized it didn't appear to have a collar it was a friendly enough one let me pet it I checked with the local animal shelter and they didn't appear to have any missing animals like the Husky who sat in my lap and licked me as I spoke with them seeing as he had no owner and now wanting to leave him to the uncertain fate of putting him in a shelter I decided to keep him I named the dog Oreo due to his fur worio was a sweet animal and he was friendly enough that my bosses allowed him around the parks I worked Oreo was a sweet dog and he really seemed to love people old young shy outgoing it didn't matter Oreo loved everyone equally this is a trade at love about dogs that unfortunately isn't as prevalent among most humans anyway fast forward a month or so and I head out in the morning for work the closer we got to work the more Restless Oreo begins to get when we finally arrive at the park he's jumping all over and seems to be begging to get out of the truck I stepped out of the truck and Oreo launches out my door and off into the woods I shut my door lock it and quickly shout out after Oreo I've lost him but he keeps barking so I have a general sense of where he went after some time I finally reached a howling Wario and to my shock an unconscious order woman I called the paramedics and they get there quickly now something you should know is I was at work earlier than usual by about an hour because warrior woke me up howling and leading me toward my truck he insisted on nagging me until I headed to work the paramedics were able to save this woman who had a heart attack because we found for what we did I found this whole thing very odd but I also realized animals have a sense for things we humans usually can't pick up so I chalked it up to something like that a year later I'm awoken again by Wario I'm not supposed to be in on this particular Saturday but Oreo was very persistent once again we head to the park and once again he rushes off I started to get that feeling of deja vu but I followed him as he saved a life at last time it wasn't until we reached a clearing that he stops I see nothing and ask him what's wrong that's when we hear some odd noises Wario quickly runs for cover behind a bush and lays down I followed him wait it is then I see a couple of men with guns and a woman they had bound and gagged I don't have a weapon but I do have my cell phone and I called 9-1-1 immediately we are far enough away that this call isn't noticeable but I keep my voice down as I explain what I am seeing soon after the authorities arrive and bust these guys if Oreo hadn't had me at that exact spot I'm quite sure we would have had a dead body in the park the woman was okay in the end and the men were sent to prison this was the second time Oreo had led me to an intervention and save someone's life the third and final time he did something as strange as this he saved my life I was out working the park as per usual doing cleanup when I started to feel funny Oreo seemed to pick up on this and immediately ran off that's the last thing I remember though as the next time I was conscious I was in a hospital an Oreo was in a chair with some of my co-workers just watching me happy as can be I was confused and wasn't sure what had happened upon waking up and while checking me out the doctor informed me that I had a brain aneurysm and it had ruptured the odds are rather against you and your survived it but I did somehow I have some neurological issue as a result of the aneurysm but nothing that prevents me from working if Oreo hadn't been with me that day I would have been dead for sure I'm told he ran off and got my coworkers the moment I started acting off my co-workers knowing Oreos with me at all times knew something was wrong and when he showed up a loan they followed him right back to me the rest is history I'm alive today because of the strange and lovable friend I found a few years back he's not only saved my life but he's saved two others lives as well I never imagined that when I found Oreo that he'd saved mine or anyone elses lies I'm grateful I found him in the park that day and he is still my best friend to this day anyway thank you for sharing my story I know it wasn't the longest but if you take something from all this it's that you should pay attention to your animal's behavior as I could save your life someday or someone else's also animals are awesome thank you again [Music] I've been with the Louisiana Park Service for longer than I can honestly remember I'm older now and practically retired my name is William but you can call me Willie a story starts in December of 1985 it was during this time that I found a body in the park I was working at now this isn't something you happen across every day and initially I thought maybe this person was a junkie or something I thought this because they appeared to have needle marks in their arm five of them to be exact the troubling thing was after this individual was taken by law enforcement she was found to have no drugs in her system and her cause of death was completely unknown I know you're thinking I had to be whatever was injected into her but apparently nothing was in her system no poison no anything if it wasn't strange enough her body went missing shortly after that I don't think she was a zombie her anything crazy like that but I think someone stole her body there was something rather strange going on that entire time that this was going on it was only a month after this all happened that another body was found again in our Park again five odd and distinct needle marks left into her arm and again no real cause of death so the deceased was a very fit healthy young man his death made no sense and shortly after taking him his body went missing one night as well I'm not sure who believes in coincidence in fact if there's a pattern of events that keep reoccurring I'm inclined to believe there's something there after all where there's smoke there's usually fire anyway it was a rather hush-hush incident after the fact and life went on three months later though someone reported something strange in the park the claimed to see some sort of group of strange people wandering about they were wearing odd clothing and vanish in front of the witnesses very eyes I took the report and then after they left I didn't think much of it I was convinced that the person who reported this was on drugs their eyes were bloodshot in the way they said and looked just kind of said it all they even reaped of weed when they came in to report this incident again this was the outlandish nature of their story that made me drop it from my mind completely this lasted all week before the same witness's body was found in the park five needle marks in the left arm and dead I knew the kid at least had been smoking weed as where he was found he had his stash laying near him outside of the weed though there was nothing else to pair in a system I know as I made a point to do some digging if you're thinking the kids body conveniently went missing you'd be right now I'm no Sherlock but it doesn't make a brilliant detective to realize something is strange wrong with the whole situation here there was another six months before another body turned up with the same situation surrounding it now this one was a bit stranger than the rest at this point the FBI was involved or at least claiming to be such they immediately removed those of us within Park Service's from the scene and I could never dig the thing up on this after the fact there was no news about it and you can't find anything anywhere also any traces of what happened with the previous cases mysteriously were no more things fell silent for about another five years there were no longer any mysterious bodies or anything strange happening at all this would change of course is one morning I would find one of my very own dead in the part with five Neil walks in the arm yes one of our Rangers had passed under the same mysterious circumstances and we never got a word about it after the family wasn't even notified after the fact men in black claiming to be FBI showed up at the scene took the body and that was that I've tried to get the police to look into things but today in fact won't in fact they seem to be interested in doing anything but that I believe something was being covered up this idea was further substantiated when I said to do some late night research of my own it was in 1998 that I couldn't shake the strange happenings and decided I'd spend the night at the park myself I figured I get to the bottom of things well I think I just made things more confusing for myself the night in question was a cool fall night I was camping out and waiting rows to the night eating jerky and drinking some coffee it was probably around 10:00 or 10:30 at night when I saw something strange there was a bright light in the distance I was far enough on the horizon that I had to run quite a ways the light was long gone by the time I made it to the spot in question it was there I found another body I called the police for all the good it was gonna do and reported where I was at and when I had found they got there rather quickly it took my story I was then told should go home and take some time off work I was hesitant to do so and instead showed up my next day but I quickly found when my boss is waiting in my office the man had formed me I was going to take a mandatory two-week vacation to clear my head I was an objectionable mode at first he made it clear I needed the break and I wasn't being given a choice it was a week and a half of my vacation but I got a knock on my door a couple of men claiming to be FBI showed up on my doorstep and said they wished to ask me a few questions I hesitantly looked them in at which point I was asked if I knew anything about the mysterious happenings in my Park I informed them I knew nothing as no one seemed to say much about it and it was all covered up after the fact it was at this point the men seemed to stare at me they never took off their glasses but I could feel their piercing gaze through those glasses the thought gives me chills to this day and I'm not really sure what else to say about that I was told that there was nothing to look into and to have a nice day this was told to me quite sternly and when I asked why they said this pushing my luck I know they informed me that they visited me to see if I knew anything that would help in their investigation but I knew nothing there was nothing to know they were just the way they said it you know it was their demeanor about all of it the way they worded it all of this was just odd it kind of made me think someone who wasn't quite familiar with the phrasing and terminology they used this guy even stranger when I caught up the FBI and asked if they had sent anyone to my address now I wasn't expecting an honest answer if they had but I wanted to see what answer I would get told they told me they never sent anyone to my address and weren't insisted on this fact I asked him if they heard anything about the strange goings-on around my neck of the woods and the young lady on the other end insisted she knew nothing about the case and even if she did she would be unable to discuss them with me I understood and told her to have a nice day at which point we hung up still having a half week in my vacation and still feeling really off about everything that had happened I couldn't help but go further on another camping trip at the park unfortunately nothing happened that night I camped out again in the remainder of my vacation was pretty uneventful finally I went back to work and it was then I found two FBI agents leaving my office as I headed in they merely nodded at me as they passed and that was that inside my office was my boss he informed me that they would be transferring me to another park and that would be the park I'd worked for the rest of my career the park was in a different city on the other side of the state I wasn't given a choice and loving my job as a park ranger I guess I decided to start the argue I was transferred in that's where I work today all that said this wasn't the end of the strange happenings in 2001 I went on a vacation at my old park it was on my final night of camping during said vacation that I saw another light it's weird because I never heard an aircraft or anything but there was definitely a light beaming down into the woods I know for sure that's what I saw because I had seen it before and I had recognized it was a deja vu all over again I was able to make it to the light this time because I was much closer than before I knew for sure that I was gonna see something this time but what I saw shattered my perception of life and reality entirely I saw a body being lowered to the ground I looked up as I did but when it just went dark immediately something vanished into the light I realized how crazy this all sounds but it gets even crazier I peeked around and seeing no one there I went over to the body five needle marks in the left arm and the person was dead it called the police and tried to explain everything I saw and again I realised I was pushing my luck they took my statement and had me wait around for five minutes before men in suits showed up and asked me to come with them I'll admit I was terrified at this point I thought I was going to disappear and never be seen again I really didn't have much of a choice and so I went with the men in the black SUVs I was taken to a place of which I have no clue where it was as I was blindfolded when I finally was able to see again I was in a blank room there was a man in a chair sitting across from me and he asked what I had experienced I told them all I knew and it seen the man gave no response other than nodding his head in writing when the interview was over I was once again blindfolded and taken back to the park I was let go and not a word was said about it after that shaken and a tab worried I would disappear if I stuck around I left the park and made the trip back to where I'm currently working I received a thank-you visit as it was turned by two FBI agents a few months later during this visit they simply knocked on my door and handed me a card they said this was a thank-you visit their exact terminology and they appreciate my cooperation during their investigation I told them they're welcome at which point they smirked and said they don't do think he's often they then went back to their vehicles and drove away I got the hint that the message was quite clear they were settling the terminology but the way they said they don't do think use often gives me chills to this day thinking about it and quite confident that the thank-you was a final warning to stay at the park and the town and to just drop things I took that warning and followed it completely I have not since looked into this and I dropped it after that I'm old enough in years now that I'm no longer afraid for my life and figured most people will take me as some kooky old-timer with crazy stories so I'm not afraid to share this with you now I believe there was some strange happening out there and I think the FBI or whoever those men actually were had something to cover up or hide I know how crazy the story sounds but I also know what I saw I'm not worried about your belief in me or my story I just wanted to share this and get this off my chest there are plenty of strange things going on there's plenty we don't know about the universe in my case I think it's best we leave well enough alone one wort [Music] [Music] there isn't a lot that scares me but whatever is lurking in the skies and North Dakota most certainly does my name is Doug and I'm no longer with the Park Rangers but I was for seven years previously it was in my final year there that I encountered something menacing in the skies it's turned it off with the dead animals I interview my co-workers started finding animals laying in random areas of the park further investigation appeared to show that these incidents were from the animals falling from great heights this wasn't unheard of as there were plenty of birds who pick up their prey and drop in the kill them but it started to get truly strange when larger animals were turning up dead than the same thing I'm talking about cows bears and the like we were all a little spooked thinking of what could possibly pick up a cow or a bear and drop it from such a large height all that said we figured it must be something massive in size so we were a bit perplexed that no one had seen whatever mysterious flying creature was doing this it was then I got the bright idea to hang around the park at night my thought process was if no one had seen it then likely it was a nocturnal creature as genius an idea I knew this sounded it would be the idea that led me to departure from the park ranger lifestyle ultimately the night in question was rather warm and for the most part uneventful well that was until 3 in the morning when I was awoken to the sound of a loud screech it sounded like a bird and it was so loud I was shocked at the fact that no one had reported it I know it's rather rule out here but still that sort of thing should have gotten a town talking in my opinion anyway I looked up at the sky and I didn't see anything that wasn't sure if the thing had passed or maybe its feathers were black or something because I saw nothing that's when I heard a loud mooing and washes a cow fell thousands of feet to its death I was horrified and being where I was camping was out in the open I quickly hightailed it back to my truck and got the heck out of there and next morning I returned and cleaned up my gear and explained to my co-workers what I had witnessed now I know they probably meant well and I get how funny it might sound to someone who didn't witness it but they all laughed none of the fact that the cow died or at my story but the thought of hearing moon and seeing a cow falling I guess in a morbid way that's kind of funny but I wasn't amused at all that time fast forward a couple of weeks and I finally have to redevelop the nerve to go camping again well partially redevelop the nerve as one of my co-workers Brent decided to come with me this time I camped out near the truck just in case I also made sure there were some trees around it was about midnight when we heard a grizzly bears growl and then heard a giant flying creature screech this was fine and all but what happened next definitely wasn't I her close roaring nearby and then a slam the bear was dropped on top of my truck completely caving in the roof freaked out Brent and I rushed to the nearest wooded area we could find as he rode with me on this trip it was there we waited and listened as the things seemed to be circling the woods where we were hiding in to say I was scared is definitely an understatement brent was hard with me attempting to hide but judging by the circling this creature was doing it was clear and knew where where we were an hour goes by and I hear it fly off now Brent and I weren't stupid enough to believe it was gone for good and weren't about to dash out and see what was happening outside the trees we waited at least another hour before we were so much as even hinting at pinking outside the tree line it was from the trees we could we could see my truck was absolutely wrecked we could see the Bears insides hanging from the darkness and something clearly chewing on them i called 9-1-1 and by the time they arrived this thing had flown off we were questioned several times before being forced to submit drug tests everything was clean obviously but the police were having a hard time believing what we were telling them if it weren't for the damage to my truck we'd have seemed completely crazy I'm sure a day later Brent quit I shoulda left then myself but I didn't Brent and I still keep touch and he kept touch after quitting he said he wanted to get as far away from North Dakota as possible when eventually he wound up in Florida back in school where he would wind up becoming a realtor which I found hilarious as he went to school for something completely unrelated I however lasted another month before trying to get a glimpse of this thing one final time I got a new car but I always parked it way far away this time just to be safe sure the thing could probably still smash it but my thoughts were silly and I figured it would have to work to get where I parked my car I mean it was a giant unseen flying creature I'm sure in reality I wouldn't have to work that hard to destroy my vehicle again if it needed to be anyway I stalked the area out and even set up cameras around the park I know what I was doing probably wasn't legal but I wanted to get this creature on camera unfortunately that's not how it all would go I heard the screech and what sounded like a cat falling to its death unfortunately it wasn't in an area with cameras and as I rushed it with my handheld it flew up and hit me with a giant flow of wind possibly from its wings it threw me right on my butt and sent my camera into the dirt I tried to grab it but this thing landed in front of me and took the camera before spinning and flying into the air vanishing soon after I realized at that moment that I should have left this became extremely obvious when I started pulling away and heard the all-too-familiar screech followed by something flying by so quickly it nearly blew me off the road I slammed the gas pedal and peeled out leaving the park and getting into the main road toward my home it was then that I heard this thing screeched once more and then I felt it whizzed by shaking my vehicle in the process I maintained control when I suddenly heard a mooing sound I heard this the same moment I saw the cow coming crashing in front of my car the cow died my car flipped and flew into a ditch and after that I was in the hospital I spent the next month racking up a medical bill that thankfully my insurance company covered most of it was at that moment I thought I would tell my co-workers that I was done with being a park ranger I loved them the job was fun but there was no way I was ever going near that park again I since moved and now live in Oklahoma where I work with computers I love that my job is inside and I loved there no longer work will live anywhere near North Dakota all that said trading tornadoes for a mysterious winged beast may not seem like a great trade but honestly I'll take my chances with the weather [Music] thanks for listening to these creepy and downright strange Park Ranger stories if you enjoyed these stories please hit that like button as it helps me out a ton if you're new to the swamp why not join us hit the subscribe button turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural these stories were pretty creepy they had me definitely in goosebumps as I was reading this if you guys have any stories you would like to share in a future video whether it's a park ranger story or something completely different be sure to submit those as swamp dwellers net or the email you can find in the description down below it's stories like yours that keep this channel going and I would love to share them with everyone here in the swamp if you aren't aware and you're always on the go and you can't listen to your favorite swamp cooler scary stories you can now download them from iTunes Spotify Google podcasts and pretty much everywhere else you can find your favorite podcast online I'll see you guys soon with another creepy video and oh don't forget to comment down below white rabbit if you watched all the way to the end let's see if we can confuse everybody in the comments and let's just see how many people will actually comment white rabbit you [Music]
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 52,883
Rating: 4.8697286 out of 5
Keywords: Park Ranger Stories, State Park Stories, Search & Rescue, Missing 411, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration
Id: gt70kS940Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
Reddit Comments

Love your videos Swamp Dweller 💕 always look forward to your uploads!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bebe-B 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
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