"I'm a Guard at a Secret Prison..." Part 1

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and the guard at a secret government prison a few hours ago there was a major breach who's the worst most despicable person you can think of Jeffrey Dahmer Ted Bundy there's Kara Vito Pol Pot of course you could make your arguments for any one of them or anybody else for that matter yet all of these people have one thing in common they're human preposterous people trying to act like monsters either due to their lofty ridiculous ideals or some primal urge to revolt against society as a whole it's quite the bizarre phenomenon yet none of these admittedly sick people have truly fallen into the abyss perhaps they've stared down into it dip their feet in it but none of them have taken the plunge as a whole despite their efforts they weren't able to separate themselves from their inherent humanity but that's a good thing that's why they were relatively easy to take down the bad news is that once in a while special cases will arise in our circles we call these individuals the void people or just void individuals so far gone and it can hardly be considered humans anymore the cause behind these entities well I wouldn't know nobody really does maybe they were born with that latent potential maybe they underwent some obscure supernatural transformation maybe their experiments gone awry aliens from another planet shit maybe they're literal demons from hell brought it by some fool who just had to conduct some fucked-up ritual who the hell knows the only detail that matters is the fact they exist and dealing with them is more than a bitch I'm sure you familiar with the concept of max security prisons places where drug kingpins terrorists and prophetic serial killers etc are sent the place is meant to contain the worst amongst humans what those are a joke compared to what these voids are kept at a pair of underscores coordinates built in the underground of a tiny island somewhere deep in the Atlantic there exists a prison unlike anything you could imagine we simply call it the chasm a penitentiary for pure unbridled evil a collective evil that will surely yield Humanity's extinction in a couple of months if it were allowed to run rampant in the world let me emphasize this a bit further the individuals that require being held there are not merely criminally insane they are criminally absolutely out this universe fucking bonkers and of course you wouldn't know any of this why would you the government would definitely sacrifice 1,000 children before they dead for just single detail above the place to a person without high enough clearance but you know that's just how they are before I came there are exactly 32 beings confined here save for two that was still being actively pursued through the Brazilian underground and Russian tundra respectively that was about all of them in the world at least we assume that was all of them can't be sure about anything these days each holding cell was fortified to hell specifically designed to counter and contain the respected void they were holding if they managed to escape there were eight drones on with Gatling guns blades grenades and rockets waiting for them within a larger chamber if they manage to break through that then 20 guards in mechanized suits would have stepped in however everybody understood the futility of that protocol those guards were getting slaughtered in seconds regardless of the void they went up against maybe minute he they were really skilled honestly I'm not entirely sure why any of us regular guards are stationed at here Jia cracy I guess who knows what the government's thinking if the situation were to ever get too drastic then there was really only one countermeasure in the place a last resort so to speak the higher-ups would have to call in something known as task force avoid nova hammer or TF vnh for short and they've seen them in action before nor do I know much about them and that I really want to though if you ever find yourself witnessing them in person then that must mean you're having a bad bad day so why am i disclosing all of this 'über classified information that would either get me killed or thrown in the deepest hole conceivable for the rest of my shortened life well I'd estimate that there's about 90% chance that I'm going to die by the end of today and even if I do make it out of this fiasco my life's never really going to be the same it's a fuck it here we go my day started out more or less normal I was bought of the unit guarding somebody called a gym a ninja hello is his real name doesn't evoke a lot of fear does it that's why we call him something else since he used to be some psycho surgeon or something we've dubbed him the surgeon really creative stuff away now standing at 5 foot 7 171 centimeters and weighing 135 pounds at 61 kilograms we were required to memorize their physical stats it doesn't look like much however if you find yourself in the same room with him no matter how big or tough you are you're getting dissected or something the main danger surrounding stems from the fact that he seems to be able to teleport on well one second you'll be staring at his dark lifeless eyes and after one blink he'll disappear in a cloud of black haze only to end up breathing right down your neck for that reason there's got to be at least 10 sets of eyes on his monitor at all times there's no way around it if he's not being watched he will escape he's also kind of unkillable no matter how many bullets he put through his head or blade she plunge into his chest the guy just won't croak and once he gets his scalpel in his hands oh boy of course he's just 1 out of 32 and comparatively speaking and the tamer side with that said my god shift ended without any incidents routine stuff following that I went on break in lunch room with my buddy sandy our conversations were usually pretty dry but at least I can talk to the guy it's hard to get along with any of the other guards they're all just weird in one way or another anyway lunch was usually the most enjoyable part of a working day in the chasm what I didn't enjoy was the blaring fucking alarm and deafening repeating automated voice blasting the would breach that went off Reiter's was about to eat my chili I could see Santa's face drop at the disturbance you've got to be fucking kidding me he mouthed now I'd only ever experienced one minor breach up until this point and it was from the surgeon I guess none of us were paying any attention that day he made it about eight miles off the coast using a stolen boat racking up a total body count of one hundred and forty five in his wing it took three full days to wranglin Bank and four more weeks to fix all the damage he'd done to the infrastructure that was all just one prisoner if we were dealing with three or more then our combined forces as guards wouldn't stand a chance they'd only ever been one major breach in the chasms history in which eight voids are broken out nearly simultaneously it was also apparently the only time that TF vnh had stepped in this was all around twelve years ago long before I became a guard myself the aftermath of that I don't have a high enough clearance to know when I'm willing to bet that it was nothing fun we did have a breach procedure it was a lengthy document outlining exactly what we were supposed to do and where we're supposed to go I've read it before man it's fucking garbage it's essentially predicated on the idea that we're cannon fodder and that were obligated to do whatever we can to contain the prisoners if anybody actually followed the procedure they died instantly well what the hell are we supposed to do somebody asked they only got shrugs in respond except for Swanson that is a fucking hated Swanson you guys seem to believe that his life's an action movie and that he's the invincible main protagonist but y'all pussies are what he screamed with the stupid grin plastered on his face we never get any action like this let's fucking go before anybody could stop him he picked up his rifle and swung the door open like the giant fucking dumbass he is since the alarm was blaring we could barely hear anything that was going on outside the corridors for that reason we were all rather shocked to see Nagi the Corgi standing around outside imagine some guy walking around wearing a giant dirty creepy dark costume now imagine that this guy is seven foot two that's 218 centimeters with a voice that simultaneously deep raspy and childish that's Mowgli the Corgi for you I could see the provider leaving Swanson's face the moment he laid eyes upon the abomination in person we'd only ever seen him through a screen before woof I always hated it when people try to imitating dogs but hearing it coming from Auggie was a bit different than a lot worse before Swanson could even put his finger on the trigger his head was mashed into pulp morgy began pouncing on the other guards effortlessly crushing limbs with his oversized paws he switched between running around on his feet and crawling on all fours the last thing I saw before running in of the break room was Mowgli forcing the remaining horrified agents to play fetch with him using a stray arm but of course it's not like I managed to escape anywhere better the entire place was in a fucking tizzy the squad leaders were frenetic attempting to scrap together some kind of suppression force I couldn't understand why there was so delusional are we God supposed to be badass fuck yeah due to our field prowess we were specifically selected from an existing pool of agents and military personnel to be dropped in this godforsaken place put us up against traffic and militia terrorists etc and we'll smokin but what we can't deal with are things that aren't supposed to exist in the first place we watch Creature Features and slash effects with the inherent understanding that we're watching fiction a type of visual catharsis for our inherent fascination with the dark and grim it's not supposed to be real and we have no idea how to act once we find it standing of right in front of our faces not even a so-called elite agent like I said I'm not sure why they even bothered keeping guards in the Kazon to begin with this with the thoughts that run through my head as I bolted through the hellish corridors and one point I stumbled upon a crowd of guards luring over some rails shockingly didn't seemed concerned in the slightest what the hell are you guys looking at ask them a guard I recognized his fenton turned around this is gonna be sick he grinned gesturing for me to look below I didn't even know what was going on so I didn't realize that I'd wandered into a level right above the weight room it was a sprawling gym with an abundance of the best equipment obtainable but there was one guard that used at the mast bronco petrovich a Serbian American his oversized frame hardly made any fucking sense I swear when I first met the guy he couldn't have been over 7 feet he's around 8 feet 2 inches that's 249 centimeters and we're quite sure what kind of bizarre experiments they run on him but they sure as hell overdid it despite the alarms he was in the middle of overhead pressing what appeared to be an ungodly amount of weight when when the escaped voice wandered into the weight room floor it was Lewis standing at 6 foot to 108 centimeters 205 pounds 93 kilograms like all the other prisoners the guy was a complete mystery his mostly bare body was comparable to that of the bodybuilders save for the hundreds of gnarly scars decorating his skin the more disconcerting part of his aesthetic was the fact that he only had one half of his face the other half consisted of his exposed go that's some kind of red electrical current running through his cranial bones head that same can't running through his hands which allowed him to savagely electrocute whatever organic material he touched quickly rendering it into a pile of steaming black mush I guess that my fellow agents didn't bother reading open the prisoners they guarded who his Bronco never stood a chance it didn't matter of your superior to lose in terms of strength one touch and you were gone for the only predictable way to take him out was by using ranged weapons and even then that task was easier said than done Bronco grunted like the dumb meathead ears before grabbing an Olympic weightlifting plate and chucking it like a frisbee at nose he connected seemingly shattering his ribs but it wasn't nearly enough to take him down as soon as he rushed forward the fight had been decided Branko attempted to tackle him a mistake so horrible that his whole body began twitching as a skin made contact with looses fingertips an electricity spread through his giant frame causing his vitals to shut down within seconds in no time at all he was reduced to a heaping mass of scorched flesh on the floor he didn't even have time to scream I could see the respective faces of stunned colleagues draw as they witnessed what they would likely deemed an improbable outcome Indians that's what they were but truth be told I was also an idiot for even bothering to stay no long after the sounds of cracking bones and heavy footsteps began emerging from the adjacent hallway along with the rest of the agents my gaze shifted towards what was sure to be another fucking menace the locked metal door of the corridor was suddenly dented from the other side a big dent mind you it only took one more blow to blast it off its hinges completely standing at six foot six 198 centimeters 242 pounds 110 kilograms and arriving in a haze of blood guts and limbs was the slash a fig s killer colloquially known as why ahead in congruence with his name his entire head safe for a single I was wrapped in rusty barbed wire he wore decrepit old leather jacket and jeans complete with a large pompadour on top like an 80s high school delinquent everybody's main concern was the weapon in his hand at large iron bat when the same barbed wire on his hand if you didn't die from the impact which is unlikely the subsequent infection would sholde again you and don't ask us why we didn't take his weapon away when we contained him we didn't but somehow someway he got it back again these things that really can't be helped what the hell was going on I thought preach has happened sure but it seemed as if every fucking void had somehow escaped how is it even possible in any case I couldn't afford to think deep into it at this moment as wire had began mowing down the mystified agents in his way I found myself accidentally making eye contact with Luz from below I nearly had a heart attack as I began pushing through the crowd even though I was implicitly certain of the fact that no other location within the chasm would have been much safer I was still being driven ahead by my fight-or-flight responses away from the immediate threat it was kind of funny I'd been through so many life-or-death experiences that my reaction to adrenaline coursing through my veins had been donned well sure as hell couldn't figure ated today I guess that I wasn't paying enough attention to my surroundings because right as I was about to climb a staircase I felt an oversized arm slam into my chest knocking me over in the process I looked up to see another guard Kate luring looking down at me sure is happy it wasn't one of the voids but Kate wasn't much more pleasant were you running for he showed me a smug grin this is a breach isn't it why don't we do our jobs and fix it oh fuck off I spat at him before trying to duck past know what bear he caught me by the collar and slamming into the wall he certainly had a weight advantage still led in practice hand-to-hand combat just be ragdoll by some asshole as LEM my elbow down on his wrist which managed to loosen his grip I follow up with a knee to the stomach then attempted to strike his neck but he had called my fists mid punch nice moves he said sarcastically he took his palm and rammed it into my chin nearly causing me the blackout in the meantime why ahead was getting closer guess we have to take this up another time somebody's got to work around here I had no idea what it was thinking trying to take on one of the voids but I wasn't trying to see his delusions through in person still in pain from his palm strike I pulled myself up and began running once more all the while sounds of carnage escalated around me but there was a glaring issue I had no idea where I was going the exits were surely going to be blocked off from the inside to have some kind of safe room I thought to myself no of course we didn't we were entirely expendable they 100% expected us to fight these things head-on even though there was zero fucking chance of victory on our side there was only one thing I could do here survive until TF V&H showed up obviously that wasn't any kind of guaranteed reprieve but my options were slim nevertheless something rather surprising transpired amidst the cacophony of forensic orders from our superiors a familiar voice snuck through my radio hey Jason you alive it was centre I picked up my radio and isolated his transmission yeah where are you man luck see got lucky and found something weird it might save us though come on obviously there wasn't much information then but it was better than running around aimlessly thankfully Block C was fairly close it's always able to get there without running into another void however when I did get there it was still as chaotic as ever I swiveled my head around trying to spawn sundown I yelled into my radio but his response was drowned out by everything around me as I searched begin sensing a perplex sinister pressure that made me feel as if I was sinking into the concrete beneath me I hardly had to guess the sauce it was dire sack nine foot five inches 287 centimetres God knows how many pounds are kilograms dark was comparable in appearance to something you'd see in the corner of your room during sleep paralysis a hulking faceless figure wearing a sweeping black robe that jerked around in unsettling motions as he thought she who knows walked I wasn't sure how exactly he killed people mind you as soon as anybody got within a certain distance to him they'd freeze in place and begin bleeding from their eyes and then they just stay that way forever obviously that wasn't something I was looking forward to as I looked overhead I could see some unfortunate guards already getting caught in his death zone in an attempt to avoid a similar fate I turned in the opposite direction began running and then I know he shit myself standing about ten feet away from me was the undead nazi 5 foot 8 143 pounds his name essentially told it all a man wearing a dirty and tattered SS uniform with a cracked gas mask covering his face in one hand he gripped his signature kanessa 42 blade that was inexplicably unbreakable no matter what the hell we tried doing to it in the other he held a flamethrower whole is connected to a massive tank on his back which sprayed out some kind of scorching black flame that would supposedly yield pain beyond comprehension if you ever come into contact you could say that it was stuck between a rock and a hard place here the only other way out was taking the plunge of the rail in front of me unto masts of scrambling bodies fifty feet below before I considered simply saying my prayers I felt a hand took it my sleeve from the side give me another heart attack but this time it was good news for once I looked over to see Sandra poking his head out from what appeared to be some kind of hidden door in the wall let's fucking go he whisper shouted before pulling me in he closed the door behind him plunging goes into complete darkness what the hell is this place asked hardly expecting a detailed response Sun to illuminate his face using his phone's flashlight couldn't tell you but it's kind of fucking crazy I could hear the Nazi beginning to spray his flame far from the out in the corridor and suddenly wondered whether or not dyes X power would apply to well avoid in any case it was better not to be in such close proximity to them so I followed Santa he led me down some kind of hidden hallway the walk was rather longer maybe about eight minutes and I eventually found myself and what appeared to be some kind of surveillance / control room it was still dark well there was an array of monitors giving off enough light to comfortably navigate around it has the strange thing the place looked kind of haphazard no chance who was being used by the higher arms the monitors were scattered around connected by a mesh of wires to multiple outlets spread throughout the room there was only one chair I guess this is beyond explaining I said yeah no shit huh Santa replied before gesturing towards the monitors check it out what the fuck did we just find I took the suggestion let him eyes drift over to the screens what I saw would have been normal in any other scenario each monitor was streaming a different section of the prison all displaying the utter carnage that was going on outside the guards were being ripped to shreds some tried fighting most were running but what they had in common was the fact they were all being utterly obliterated by the voice they could see the surgeon giving somebody a forced lobotomy grinning like hell whilst doing so at the same time morgy was chewing on a severed head like a Toli but then I caught something interesting on the screen it was wide and Lewis staring each other down that's when a rather obvious realization hit me of course the voids weren't only going to kill the guards they were sure as hell going to go after each other as well that might should have been apparent from the beginning I grinned filling some kind of obscure hope creeping into my system then who was only bolstered when I saw the Nazi utterly dousing dyers egg with a relentless wave of black flames with the latter struggling to move forward as a result yes these bastards can be heard after all I thought to myself but of course my hope was mainly transitory I wasn't gonna kid myself even if only one void was left standing at the end of everything that just means it'll be the strongest one out of the law and we can't stay here forever at this point my future is uncertain at best maybe I'll get lucky probably not but in the meantime I suppose I'll enjoy the show see how things turned out you you if you liked this video please consider subscribing and live you're an animal lover like me please consider donating to the world land trust a charity that aims to help wildlife through buying land preventing development and helping endangered species
Channel: NaturesTemper
Views: 62,013
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Keywords: monster, evil, creepy, being, scary, jersey, devil, demon, creature, paranormal, driving, drive, car, night, hunger, scallyghaster, spirit, ghost, kind, good, fun, uber, apps, story, stories, narration, narrator, campfire, creepypasta, feeding, goatman, shapeshifter, wildlife, wolf, werewolf, Creepypasta, mothman, chernobyl
Id: PAXePGv3Hxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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