Tips for Sticking to the Five-Day Week With Benchmark Advance

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hi everyone i'm taluka from markers and minions where i help teachers feel more effective and confident by providing them with high quality resources and a supportive teacher community if you're new to my page please click the like button and if you've been here before please give me a heart or thumbs up something so that i know that you're here before i jump into today's topic i want to let you know that i'm really excited to be launching a new online course that goes over all of my tips and tricks and strategies for teaching benchmark advance i'll teach you efficient planning strategies how to make your units more accessible to your students more engaging and just how to have a lot more fun and confidence in teaching your benchmark units so if you'd like to be notified when the course officially opens up you can join my waitlist which i will link in the comments and when i'm done with this video i'll put it in the caption as well the course enrollment will only be open for one week though so if you'd like to be notified you'll want to jump on that right away hi guys thanks for tuning in okay so today i want to talk about planning out units of benchmark um it's really easy to fall behind when you're teaching your benchmark units because a lot of times your lessons can accidentally like carry over into your next week if you don't get to them all in the first week and so what happens is you end up drawing out your benchmark unit and by the end of it you're just like okay i'm done stop so i want to talk about three tips that i use myself or used when i was in the classroom to kind of condense my week and make sure that i didn't go over five days so number one is to plan using planning templates so yes benchmark is a very thorough program and it has your whole week mapped out for you all of the lessons and the planning is done for you um but the point of these templates that i created when i was first teaching benchmark years ago the whole point was to be able to take those lessons out of the trs process them and then put them down in my own template and that process first of all is really easy because it's just plugging them in but that process really helps you stay on track target exactly what you need to teach and really like own the unit and make that unit yours so that's going to help you have a really clear vision of the week and hopefully make it so that you accomplish what you feel you need to accomplish in that time number two is to trust the spiral and i i come here on here a lot and talk about trusting the spiral and it's usually in the context i'm talking about like keeping me lessons mini and not going over the you know 20 minute marker um even if your students aren't getting it but um and trusting this by knowing that that lesson is going to come up again and you can have another chance with it basically um but into in for the purpose of today i'm reminding you sort of for a different reason if you've fallen behind because maybe something more meaningful came up in your lesson plans or if there was some kind of distraction that came up up that throws you off schedule remember you can always get to that lesson the next time it's not the kids only opportunity with that lesson like to learn cause and effect for example your cause and effect lesson is gonna come up probably lots of times in your unit okay more than once typically you know what i mean so if it comes up for example if there's a lesson that comes up all three weeks and in week one it's jam-packed and you you miss it trust the spiral and just allow yourself to be like okay give yourself some grace like i can get to in week two or i can get to it in week three okay and the last tip is combine when you can so i like to look for lessons that i can combine throughout the week this one's not always a possibility but i have been able to find lessons that kind of go well together that i can teach either totally together or like back to back piggybacking because they're so similar and that really frees up a lot of space in the rest of the week because you're able to kind of move things around so plan using the templates trust the spiral and combine lessons when you can those are my three many tips for you to try and keep your week of lessons within a week so that's it for today loving these short little sunday videos i almost forgot today is actually because we were at the pony rides all day today and on the way home i was like wait it's sunday i need to i need to get online um but anyway next sunday i'll be on here to talk about creating the perfect anchor chart to help you introduce benchmark concepts unit concepts and kind of pre-teach and provide a scaffold for your students remember to turn on notifications for when i go live so you can catch me next time and i won't forget i'll see you then
Channel: Toluca Rivers
Views: 336
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: markers and minions, benchmark advance, distance learning
Id: 6nE6hcegUD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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