TEA BUSINESS IDEAS | How I started my tea business + Easy steps to start

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check it out you guys these are all the things I'm shipping out tomorrow just from one polls that I made on a Facebook group [Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel my name is ro and today I wanted to tell you about how I made my own TVs this this quarantine I know that a lot of people are struggling to make ends meet so I thought I'd share with you how I got to set up my little tea business over I guess the past year to tell you the story I guess that like around a year and a half ago or maybe like two years I started to like really get into tea like not the typical teabags that you get at the grocery store but you know those really nice tea blends that you get at these fancy places or like when you go out to a cafe or something so I really got into those things I started buying a few of them and it was just like it was good but it was too expensive and like for some reason I'm the kind of person who like when I get into something I'm always like can I make these like can I learn how to make it it's gonna be cheaper if I make it so I decided to like start researching a little bit about it and I found that it was not really that hard to make your own tea okay so it's gonna move back to like 2018 that's when everything began and I started going to these like markets and getting stuff like tea and herbs and all that and then I got engaged in January 2019 and I started planning my wedding I don't know if you have seen my wedding planning video but you should check it out I'm gonna leave it up there so basically I planned my wedding in like three months and I really wanted it to be like really personal I wanted it to have like my special touch so I decided to make my own wedding favors and I thought hey what if I make tea blends for the wedding favors right and since I had already started making my own blends and I had the idea of making my own brand like a little you know business I thought like what a better way to launch everything than by offering my tea as wedding favors so I did this little boxes wait let me see yeah so you can see I don't know the light lets you see it but that's Randy and I right at the bottom it's the date it's April 13 2019 okay on the back it just says steveland and the ingredients that I used I had two different ones two different blends so yeah these were my wedding favors so once these were out a bunch of people started asking me about the tea that I had given out at my wedding so I started taking tea to work um people were like hey can I have some and they started tasting it and a bunch of people started telling me it would be a great idea to start selling it so I thought oh yeah that's a good idea I had already like come up with the business idea but I hadn't really implemented it so then I started selling it to my friends and my friends really liked it and they encouraged me and motivated me to like start selling it to other places so that's when my brother came in my brother is a graphic designer and he's really good at making up names for brands I also have another side business which is like crochet which is a crochet business and he helped me out with coming up with a name and design and all that so this is my brand let me show you this one um it's in Spanish as I told you I'm from Peru my mother tongue is in Spanish so the name is daily sale it's kind of like a play with words because it makes sense in Spanish it doesn't make sense in English so there's no point in explaining it but anyways I'm gonna give you some tips about how you can make your own business it doesn't have to be a tea business if you want to make a TV zenus then you're in the right video but this applies basically to any business because this is like as I said this is like the second one that I have I have a crochet business and I have a TV this they're not like super big but I sell a bunch of stuff like all of these stuff that you have on the back just like when I'm gonna ship tomorrow because of a Facebook post that I made on a group and I got a bunch of orders and as I said before winter is starting here in Peru so it's like people are going crazy for getting stuff to have at home since we're in quarantine still but anyways let's get started here are my tips first of all what you need to do is choose something that you really really like in my case as I said I love tea so I thought why not like I could make my own tea blends I originally I started making it for myself then for my friends and family and then over time I decided to just expand and sell them and it was mainly because while people told me they were really good and I really enjoy making tea so I thought why not right I can make some money out of my hobby now for the second one I would say sit down and come up with a list of names the thing could be catchy as I said the name of my tea brand it kind of makes sense in Spanish it doesn't really make sense in English it's just two playing words but anyways just come up with something an original name you think would catch on you can ask your friends you can as your family personally I asked my friends to vote on the name that they like better and yeah that's how I chose a name okay for number three after you have decided the name for your business the next thing you have to do is think about the packaging this is the package I got it's just a simple bag you can get this on Amazon or like on any sort and the logo and all the stickers I printed myself I just got sticker paper that this sign was made by my brother he's a graphic designer so he helped me out with that and that's pretty much it I just printed in my home printer and that's all I guess you could also have the stickers done like professionally but honestly I I don't know I think it looks pretty good like this so I'm just keeping it like that this one's little boxes this one doesn't have anything on the back I think there's one that does for example this one there's a logo on the top the flavor on this side and on the back I have all the ingredients how long it has to be on the cup for the temperature and if you want to make it I see what you can do this is pretty much my packaging when I want to send out pre-made bags while oops these other ones are just loose leaves look at that guys if you want to know my recipes like my blends let me know in the comments so I can make another video showing you that the next thing you have to do is open a Facebook page to go on Instagram any network that you think you could sell your product on go ahead and create a page right and just start posting there don't be shy share it on your personal page share it with your friends share with your family and don't be shy about posting it on groups you can join certain groups around your area the place where you live and then just like share your content and probably people will contact you to buy some stuff from you another good way to sell stuff is like create an Etsy store if you're gonna make handmade stuff homemade stuff you can easily make an Etsy shop and sell your products through there or even go ahead and make a website anything that will allow you to expand and get more clients it's a good way finally I'd say do some research about the public that you want to reach in my case at the beginning I started advertising on Facebook and I really didn't know that much about how to advertise on Facebook like I just click on the advertise button and then just like choose the number of dollars and I wanted to spend and just like click okay and whatever but then I started watching videos on YouTube and I found out that there's like this whole algorithm behind it and like you can personalize the public you want to reach like what's your target and you can choose the areas you can choose the cities you can choose the age the gender you can choose like so many things so that when you advertise your product it reaches the right kind of public and once I figured out how to do that I noticed that obviously the number of sales that I got went up because like my advertisement was going to the people who were actually interested in the type of product that I was offering while before it just like it was just like massive everybody would get the advertisement but they weren't necessarily interested in my product so I would say go ahead and pay some advertising it doesn't have to be a lot I guess I just started with like $5 or something and but before you start doing that find some videos or read a little bit about it so that you learn how to personalize your advertisement and target it to the people that you think will be interested in your product so that's a really good way to reach people I got this package of tea this is a Chinese brand I got it at a Chinese place I got a bunch of bags last year at the end of the year these are good for like two years so that's that's okay there's no problem so I have a bunch of these and then as I said I just dehydrate the fruit in my fruit dehydrator and basically get all the other things that I need at any store and just came up with my own lens in my face I looked up some blends for inspiration and kind of like modified it and then little by little I just came up with the right measurements for mine this one over here for example is made with black tea you can see there I've got cinnamon and hydrated apple and orange then I also got another one that is green tea this one has pineapple and cinnamon and it smells so good oh my god this is like my favorite and then I have this one over here which is also green tea and it has hibiscus and strawberry and other stuff so it makes some really good tea trust me I drink my own tea all the time I don't drink coffee that much because it kind of makes me I don't know like shaky but tea works well it kind of wakes me up but it doesn't make me you know like nervous or sweaty so I drink tea all the time now if you would like to see some of my tea blend recipes let me know in the comments if you're interested in that I might make a few videos showing you the blends that I make if you're interested as I said I have three so far I have been testing one with coconut and cinnamon which is so good it smells so nice so yeah these are the tips that I would give you if you want to start a business as I said you don't really need much in this case to make a TV sneeze you don't really need much to make a crochet business or there are a bunch of other ideas that you can come up with in order to make a small business and under in quarantine it's such a great idea to make some money on the side I'm telling you guys like put it out there and then your friends and family are gonna start buying from you you can expand and reach more people and that way you can make some extra money it's just a matter of like believing in yourself and doing the best you can take good pictures of your product make sure you move around your facebook page or Instagram page and just like get it out there guys people will buy stuff let me tell you like if you have a good product and you show a good image there's no doubt that you're gonna get your product out there so that's my recommendation if you're trying to start a small business these are some great tips if you like this video make sure you subscribe and you give it a thumbs up and that's it for now guys I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Just Ro
Views: 101,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make extra money during quarantine, how to make money during quarantine, how to make money online, how to start a tea business, tea business, how to start a small business, steps for starting a small business, how to make money as a teenager, how to make money during quarantine as a teen, start your own business, tea business idea, Tea business start up, Starting a tea business, How to start a tea company, How to start tea business
Id: RXnIvKizwfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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