Disneyland Treasure Hunt The Movie!

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previously on the beach ow we're on the fancy the other one says land of fancy this one says world of fancy that says that it's by the sea maybe this new world [Applause] this race clue led us here at least this time we're pretty sure that this is where we're supposed to be guys what do we look for a key that's right kind of looking around here at the park to see if there's any clue or hint when X we're in this band there was an X in the sand look at this it's got the key this is like a regular this will fit into that hole [Music] [Music] the day has come we have the key and we have been waiting to open it up okay okay so I'm so we used this key to get off the bottom and lower this no you use this key to open up the hole inside the lock and now we have the third and final key to be able to finally the end of the treasure okay [Music] come on baby you got this I believe in [Applause] okay should we look at this map first or she won't look at the stuff first let's look at all the stuff okay we'll say that like some of the wood stuck to this in there before my guys so 1956 when did Disneyland Park go to one year after Disneyland Park open did you say the park open in 55 yeah okay the books before the movies came out maybe vacation time is all too short don't lose part in your vacation by having an accident be smart play safe don't break your leg with an air mattress Jessica okay so there's some blankets I hope there's not like anything in the pages that we're missing or anything okay I want to see what else is in this treasure chest padding like to protect it what are these the figurines dissipate the small world figurines [Music] okay that's cool many ears actually says vault on it that's really a name do you think these are his Mickey ears like maybe he let it oh that's so crazy to you the lucky finder of this mystery chest where hopes and dreams have come alive continue on your quest some say that it all started with a little mouse but if the truth be spoken start at a tiny house begin within my magic land adventure will abound but clue by clue step carefully so Patrick the gora can be found w e-- d I don't know Walter this chest is okay [Music] we've got a meaning to it seven pirates okay but whatever you do don't lose any of these things because each of these things could be very important yes here under equity we might need that okay okay we need a place to put all this stuff should we just set it on the ground right sure yeah let's just set it right here in front of the chest this looks like a cookie jar what does it got on it well named and Mickey Mickey and Minnie it's at the top for the cookie jar oh my goodness look at these little tiny things this has got to be a chest full of like his most prized possessions or something I wonder if they have any meaning like what if no you said made it sound like there was some type of a adventure or something remember good job [Music] landing [Music] Lafitte's landing wheel you learned about Lafitte last year remember yeah that was one of the original okay so there's two things we have this looks like what's in the book that just like a notebook from Walt look at that started my new job today at a real art studio since the war I can wait Kansas City is nothing like France but it sure won't be as it just looks like it's a book full of notes who's that we have to figure the big city is exciting I can picture for 50 cents at the drugstore cafe I've been making sandwiches most of the time just to pay the rent it looks like it's a journal or something yeah this page is little sketches of business oh my god how much do you think this thing is all worth yes Charlie's discovering all sorts of cool things on the back of this book okay so we've got a ton of cool stuff here well I feel like this is just a drill it's just full of like timeless it's a drill I'm Walt Disney so that's something that I don't even that's really special yeah look at this again well the thing is it talks about this chest this mystery chest of this mystery chest where hopes and dreams have come alive continue on your quest some say that it all started with a little mouse but if the truth be spoken start a company begin within my magic land about Disney way yes adventure will abound but clue a clue step carefully so Patrick Bakura can be found okay there's a few things in here that I think we should look up number one tiny house in Disneyland okay and number two Patrick begorrah better just see what pops up okay okay I'm starting with Patrick Bakura and just seeing what pops up okay tiny house the little man of Disneyland and his Adventureland home Disney parks block is that in the stars okay we should go check it out the little man in his of Disneyland in his Adventureland home have you ever noticed the tiny house built into the trunk of a train in Adventureland at Disneyland Park men we should go many guests have wondered who its diminutive resident could be well our friends at d23 Disney's official have the answer the story of the little man of Disneyland Patrick begorrah wait what did it say it all started with a little a little mouse but if the truth be spoken start at a tiny house it's an adventure land we should go and let's find this tiny house before his tiny house all right wait wait what should we read a little bit more about it ok so it says in 1955 the same year Disneyland opened the little man of Disneyland it introduced the Leprechaun who lives in a tiny house in the roots of it is new entry so Disney Patrick pakora is I guess a leprechaun who lives in the tiny house at the roots of a tree in Adventureland so that's where we need to go that says what that's where it starts I have to follow clue by clue carefully ok cool let's bring the notebook ok all of this stuff I don't think we could bring it and I don't think we'll need to let's leave it here where I'll be safe ok [Applause] and I think there's more yeah we're gonna go to Disneyland today because if we have a clue that we need to fall alright we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] sprinkle when they say rain Oh guys we made it into the Disneyland park this is so stormy and rainy outside it's been pouring down there soaking wet but so what are we looking for in Adventureland a tiny house near a tree yeah so in the last video we found we open the treasure chest from Walt Disney figured it out a chest of treasures that wall head hidden away and we found a note do we have that note still with us a picture and it told us to look for a leprechaun or something what was his name we've got all the kids here and start a new tiny house sentence by the trunk of the tree so that's true of a tree so if it's next to a tree we're in trouble because there's a lot of trees here they're good if the truth be spoken start at a tiny house begin with in my magic land that's where we are adventure will abound we're an adventure land is that a clue that weren't supposed to go to adventure land yeah I think so I didn't even think about that we just came here to get dried but venture adventure land blew my clothes step carefully so Patrick but Bora can be found all right let's start looking at a base of trees I saw a picture of it online that's right we did see a picture if we're gonna get lucky and find that okay there's a lot of trees let's start looking I think we should just because oh and look at all the trees that are away all through this area okay let's go you leave the way dims do anything on these trees [Music] there's a couple tree okay there's a big tree guys there's some a big tree yeah I'm getting drips of water on the camera already [Music] [Music] okay let's keep looking for that reason okay Becca we've searched her and all these trees nearby but there's some more - it's just down the road let's keep going a lot of palm tree it's a different kind of tree so that's what we gotta look for okay hey guys so we decided it was wet and rainy the rains coming down really hard to accept just to take a break hoping that maybe the rain will slow down we're gonna get some food really fast check out what we got this looks really strange to me kinda looks like one of those like seafood worm creatures maybe now the only little unit that'll eat is me and it scared everyone away that's good yeah have some Tigertail okay once we've had a chance to get some food done I think we're gonna head back out on the hunt see if we can find that tree I'm just hoping that the rain slows down just a little bit so we can get back out there and go hunting for this turns or whatever it is okay we are diehard treasure hunters we've sent Eliot Charlie with the rest of the family to seek shelter that's rated captain dog then we're gonna keep hunting there's thunder and lightning out here today can't find it okay let's keep looking Tarzan's treehouse let's look around Tarzan Street okay guys look around the bottom of presents treated like a bunch of brutes pious vindaloo okay let's look around the roots standing up there will you keep moving yeah thank you well this is the right idea are we getting close I think this might be it keep poking guys it's another three over here okay we're on a Senate chimney check that out oh cool is that let the leprechauns house who what's his name again Patrick begorrah you want a knock on the door okay it was basically a clue is there gonna be another clue that's it follow the clue clue by clue or something like that Corbin's knocking on the door I want to get a look and see nothing's happening hmm you still that notebook Becca okay let's let's read the notebook and see if there's any messages or any further insight in there okay we found some shelter in Tarzan's treehouse but let's fill up that book and see if there's any messages in there okay listen up it's so loud cuz of the rainstorm you were reading the beginning before and there wasn't much to it is there anything in like the bookmark where does that bookmark tayka best today I took my sweet girls to Griffith Park merry-go-round there the park was so bad my sweet girls didn't feel quite safe it is my dream to create a place where families can come and all feel safe there it is Neal and I'll be sure to have benches benches after you've gotten there so we need to go here first there's a 2 here r1 look it up there's a 1 set the two and then there's a three right here so maybe we need to go here first merry-go-round underline words dream benches dream bench what is a dream bench like I remember hearing a story about Disney bringing a from a park oh yeah I think I know what you're talking about in the journal he was telling this story about how he was at the park with his little girls and it didn't feel safe and that's where he decided to make Disneyland yeah I've heard that story before is there a bench here in the park before okay let's go see if we can find something that that would correlate with that got all that okay cool let's go [Music] by the tree like okay nobody should be there hurry okay thanks you're welcome well we're going to Main Street now okay Oh what did she say okay she said it's inside mr. Lincoln okay we're on Main Street which way to mr. Lincoln okay I'll follow you then dude okay I'll follow you oh it's raining so bad James have you ever been to mr. Lincoln before do you know where it is - ok Corbin seems to remember we'll follow him are we almost there buddy I think we're almost there I think instead of building straight ahead let's bring in so bad out here it is loving it though you're so natural kids but I think we made it great moments with mr. Lincoln guys is this the bench good job by minute walk dream cool this is awesome okay so now what do we do after home this book underneath here it's so like I it's so rainy outside all right the bookmark all right no sooner figured out what this word means down here Sona it's got quotation marks do we have to say something okay they haven't been able to figure this out yet but we noticed that there's an interesting story what caves is it on so it's 45 there's a bunch of dog eared creatures right here and so we think we want to take a look at that because we're not really figuring anything else out besides just looking at the park bench but I mean yeah the he tells a little story you know but then there's this word Sona and I just want to make sure that we're not missing something because it doesn't make sense to come to this park bench but there's nothing here nothing to do or find so let's read that story again she just read it's very interesting you guys definitely need to hear me our trip to Europe Europe started out rather eventless but since of the past few days have left me more than a bit spellbound and I mean that literally when we dipped our toes across the border for Great Britain into the green valley of Ireland I was shocked that our fame had preceded us even out in the countryside we didn't dare tell a soul about what happened there but afterwards our lives would never be the same it all happened while we were being escorted up to one of the oldest castles on the Emerald Isle [Music] as I was kicking about in the dirt I dislodged a small rock about the size of my fist revealing a small tunnel leading under the castle I knelt down and reached into the crevice and pulled out a golden key I quietly tucked it into my pocket pens meaning fully to tell our Knight about it after our tour yeah meaning to tell our afraid about after the tour as I caught up to the group I suddenly realized that I couldn't see things very clearly suddenly I became dizzy and collapsed onto an only be described as a dream like no other I found myself unable to move still in the castle but surrounded by the way people leave folk we let's keep reading were you folk ok oddly they addressed me as mr. Walt Disney they said I have stolen the key to the castle and that as long as I knew about them and the key they were now bound to me and and I to them they insisted that I carried what they called the heritage of magic through my Irish lineage they said I was to keep the key and take another artifact with me back to the US then they insisted that 7 of them come back with me to guide guide the man seven oh I was shocked and more than confused and often wondered about the wee folk but but always concluded that it was just a lot of baloney it's not when I woke from my dream I found myself again standing with our group within the castle ruins I thought to myself well that was the strangest thing ever as I reached into my pocket and to my relief the key was gone I must be over tired from our trip I thought so I thought so I just went home to our lodging and went straight to bed again the Huichol visited my dreams and I woke with a start and reached for my reading glasses but to my surprise in their place I found the golden key do you remember this it's gonna get a picture go get a picture there's mini skis running things get busy real quick Rebecca Beaton that this key is the one who's talking about getting us the same one Wow it looks pretty cool yeah that's not okay I'm gonna hang on to this because I don't think this is what the book was talking about but that's pretty crazy story thank you yeah [Music] but [Music] then [Music] I finally found a place that's a little bit more quiet and secluded I had something I wanted to tell you guys about this is crazy that was so crazy though that we were sitting over there and all of a sudden all those characters showed up out of nowhere okay but I want to talk about that story that we just read yeah so Walt Disney had an experience where he saw what he called wee folk yeah do you think it's the same as the leprechaun I do Patrick McGorry why would it tell us all that stuff leading up to this clue right yeah I think it's definitely a leprechaun okay this is crazy to imagine there's leprechauns that Disney built a house so the story of Patrick begorrah is he was cutting down the orange groves to build Disneyland and he found a leprechaun in the Park area and the Leprechaun wanted to stay here so he built the house for the leprechaun and then he built a bunch of houses I guess and he that story talked about magic and the key at the beginning of the book do you remember what it said on a very front page these guys speak in Gaelic Gaelic so what if that means something the Leprechaun speaks Gaelic what if we have to do something okay like it's a language okay that's in red it was right here at work yeah what is sona means in gaelic do you think that means some things and they really have to stay that word oh yeah Gaelic relating to the glory Dilek languages particularly particularly the Celtic language of Scotland okay so Scotland okay so don't go in it Sona what does it mean Sona her old Irish donut good fortune prosperity and happiness happiness happiness happiness Sona [Music] yeah so no happiness yeah look up this next one now all the he al theatres [Music] dumb dumb mute inarticulate dull okay and what's that mean dumb and happy for Sona [Music] put up a little steam something's just not adding up here so do we need to go to the train but I think this is something that we're missing do you remember the story he said seven we folk went with him yes what if those seven we folk who represent something seven leprechauns parts we poke our leprechauns that was one man this one says happy that one's dumb what seven there we fold dwarves are small people do you think this donut represents poppy the door and dum-dum might be dopey don't be okay so okay so what if we go back to the bench the dream bench and what if we speak Gaelic but if we say the Gaelic word for happy let's see how its quoted rotated here say that let's go back to the bench and say Sona okay which is Gaelic for happy and see what happens okay okay we're back at the bench [Music] okay let's let's try it one more time maybe yeah I think you've said it right let's try it again whoa look at that look at that that was not there before [Music] that's happy what do you think the Leprechaun brought this here some of Disney's magic made it appear that was not here before it that is so cool Becca there's more down here what's that it just looks like a piece of garbage oh I think this is like a piece to a puzzle what if I speaking the Gaelic word for happy at the park bench it invoked the magic of Disney through the leprechauns do you wanna say Volvo here yes both laughing maybe it makes dopey show up okay let's try it ready one two three nothing but ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba still nothing maybe we're supposed to be at the pain test on the right track because remember how I said shut the steam track yeah yeah maybe you've got you taste you're on the right track after you sit and dream a while let off a little steam okay it's got to be the drone of the trend and then maybe if we speak this word at the Train maybe then dopey will show it okay let's do it is the train running okay let's go to the Train of the train stations just right up here so let's go see if we can get on it okay we're gonna go to the train station and see if we can find something but I guess the trains not running right now because of the storm so I don't see the train anywhere they're closed is the whole station closed down or can we go in there [Music] okay so train stations close you want to go the other side Becca okay follow mom guys the treasure chest that's cool the whole stations shut down it's like there's something trying to stop us from moving forward here so close and yet so far what are we gonna do there we're at the train station then let's do it okay what's the word do you remember the word and so we have to say okay let's look at us in the notebook let's just say it as long as we can write here and see if if something appears okay what's that word again how does it spell deal bah or something like that okay ba lbh let's all say it at the same time okay you guys ready one two three whoa [Applause] [Music] no food and another and another piece of the puzzle okay okay let me grab the other one okay and then this one did it go right there that's cool cool so found don't be unhappy that's two of the seven does that mean that there's five more that we still have to find somewhere here at the park okay that's so cool you guys this is awesome okay so that we're at the train station now where do we go though okay I thought happy so here's happy and don't be Disney ever that's cool it's interesting to me that it's about dwarves or we Pope and the doors of treasure hunters they go mining for gold I never even thought about that that's pretty cool shelter okay all right I'll hold on to that you still have the notebook okay let's duke maybe we can get some information out of the notebook that's public where to go next what is it safe for tea [Music] so we resisted the we did this one I even got it wet do you think the 40 minutes James look at that yeah Corbin I need your help dude you can't do it alone there's a 40 down here on the bottom of this page the thing is this book was written 60 years ago by Disney so the maps of the park right now are not gonna be the same anymore so what else could this forty mean okay let's pick that good thinking Corbin one in 30 some pages are blank some things is not pretty good love did monstrum knows where the we spoke be in a tiny land by the an island see hidden review children lights go away after 65 years then they'll come out to play what is Bunco I've not heard of monstro before from Pinocchio his mom flew here in the park [Music] story fun oh that's where all the little villages are if you tiny lands so they have all the cups of miniature castles do you think that those miniature castles were also made for the leprechauns in the park that would be so interesting if it was and nobody knew it that's cool and then six to five years what year do you think this was what 55 years ago that would have been that's like the 50s for the early 60s that was probably it's probably been back 65 years mixed by now do you think that this is meant to happen right now because the magics working right now yeah and we have the treasure chest the cave just that mystery fountain gave 200 just at the right time it's not just that we're probably gonna be able to find so cool something that was left here and it's the right time okay let's go to monstro okay all right [Music] Bekka hey Becca look at the ride you can see the red behind me it's closed down because of the rainstorm okay okay let's go take a look it's crazy I can't believe how much it's raining right now so this kind of mini camera [Applause] Oh your luck I think I found this he found you - okay we're definitely the right place and you can see monstro over here let's go close up we're in the right place so they said as long as it's raining this ride is going to be closed just because the boats have no drains and if they can't drained and we they can't blow so we're not going to be able to get on the ride I wonder if there might be another way kind of like with the train station if we could still maybe if we could still do something what was that word we should look up and see what it means maybe underneath this function oh yeah keep it under the bunch of 40 and yareta a check catch catch catch all together on the count of three one two three hmm - you're saying it right 10 interesting hey let's try this again a little louder this time you guys we got to make sure the leprechauns can hear us oh it is wet who is it which the worst is that I don't even know look yeah he's got a little water pail it's like he's watering the flowers I wanna see it again I'm putting it underneath turbo mark yeah it's pouring down rain I don't see that water pill that's so cute well I'm glad it worked even though the writers shut down and another piece of the puzzle - okay cool parallel me alright we need to find the next where the next clue is but let's find some shelter because it's really coming down out here where's the place we can go stand Dumbo right shelter let's go in Lion get some shelter over there I know me too alright guys so we had to hide out in the Red Rose tavern because the rain was coming down so bad we were soaking wet and when it's raining outside you're pregnant it's not a very fun experience so who we got some more food and a lipstick the rain is tearing up a little bit but before we go we need to figure out where we're going number 65 according to page forty know he's that smart yep now the luck of the Irish is what you you will need if to this next clue you wish to proceed the little Pope love this and hide it outright in horseshoes and cups when they come out at night the wee folk love money and magic you'll see but the price of a penny is their secret be 1901 is the year you must is the year you must find it has morale just ease into your mind there's an arrow right here so you read the other side in peace it's the we Paul Carter see you better obey get a boot full of gold to take on your way now what you've done [Music] [Music] okay okay cool Michael's pushing me in my big kid stroller the Sun is out it's starting to get a little bit warmer in the rain and adopt but we're still wearing our Poncho's we're still wearing our Poncho's because when I feel my anyways we're heading over to Golden Horseshoe right now yep there it is right there that's where we're headed there tell what you figured out okay so the clue says it boots there's something about a boot says get a boot full of gold to take on your way says if the drink was all right hold on to a penny and then make your flight let's get a let's get one of the boots I think they have some boots here with the H can float let's try let's gold and ice cream right ice cream float inside above boobs liquid gold let's go this is so weird so we're drinking out of a boat drink now and all better you want some ice cream rub all we can good big again with all this turpentine thing they just got done eating left that good prepare cloaks always remind me of my childhood Sabu's empty was the drink alright I think it was pretty good now what is the book say hold on to a penny and then make your flight and then it has the red word you guys I think you're right for there's the word I got a penny right here and then stay in the word okay ready [Music] look at all of them okay I've got the other ones right here got for now for the second is we're more than halfway done good job Corbin the language is that language and I bet once we get all the pieces we can look it up on our phones find out what it means korban any ideas from this book where we need to go next we're web page will be aware on page 66 let's go back to this page there was something else down here [Music] [Music] at the Penny Arcade and we have there's a 19 year old we can use a penny okay let's go go we're on Main Street and just like Corbin said it's on the Penny Arcade that we're trying to go to because we know that that's where the fortune teller is and her name is Esmeralda so let's go find her [Music] I know oh you can see if you look very close you might have to zoom in it says 1901 that's the year that Walt Disney was born Wow that's the significance that says Merrill down the fortune teller Wow there she is 25 cents oh just have to pay huh the picture we are I don't see any magic word to say here says we folk love money and magic you'll see but the price of a penny is their secret key 1901 is the year you must find a smell but then where the season to your mind all right let's try this so maybe we just put in the quarter says they love money let's do it hey I'm putting in the quarter here we go [Music] she's moving she's saying some anything I don't care anything whoa okay Esmerelda sees all on the back it says magic cityscape may unfold before you today your adventures could have their downs and up and may let the voice of secret flag or take part in a spirited adventure magic numbers oh this one's highlighted 30 go to page 30 really you think 5.30 that'd be weird 30 that's so weird okay I just got page 30 there's some notes here let's see if it tells us where to go next a secret light that will burn forever keeping all of your dreams alive like the flames of imagination remembering all the days gone by the magic still blows in an upper window a place that holds the memories of old and must never go out where the spell will be broken and the seven will leave as the legend foretold you are on your journey well you are such a gem wow it's like looks like someone's scientist book well we need to find a light for looking for light and windows and we're guessing it's on Main Street because there's so many different windows here okay I just looked at the book again and says if the light is in the upper window the flame of imagination so I don't know if it's going to be around here or not but let's just keep looking and see if maybe we can see something here Stahl's rainbow bubbles leaving us go all right one light above the fire department it's like a land like a little lynn turner oil lamp yeah it's got another word that we need to say me temper tantrum so do you want to say that here by the land let's do it come from [Music] there's no look look around a little I bet it's gonna be over there right there whoa that just that must have just appeared there whoa which one is this look up the meaning of that word must be grumpy and another note what's next so we found the secret light that will burn forever keeping all your okay we said this yeah we found grumpy wishing you well on the earth you are said to be I'm wishing well by the castle okay let's go okay we're headed towards the castle but back to the castle right there right next to the castle is where the Wishing Well is but right now the castles being remodeled so we can barely think it's all covered up okay this is crazy but that's supposed to be the castle this is all good that's so cool we're finding all the doors and there [Music] only two two more which ones are we missing I don't know please be bashful we don't have bashful yeah or dot-dash ladakh doesn't have five out of the seven now yeah okay page 30 okay wishing you well on your journey whoa you are such a gentleman cynic page oh okay fingers sing this to Ella magic we dig dig dig dig dig dig dig in mine the whole day theory dig dig dig we dig dig dig that's all we ever do these guys aren't kidding just one more didn't loose the magic is real okay sing it so okay so what happens on this thing as though let me find out [Music] [Music] we see a stick that's all we ever do these guys aren't kidding it's just one more way to make me do their bidding at least the magic is real the whole day through we dig dig dig wasting tick tick that's all we ever do okay is there anything around [Applause] first anything you hear semantics check it out what does it say don't get a big head or you might end up like shrunken Ned [Music] punkin Ned is that the magic never buildin Oh I just realized something demon Lulu and Adventureland earlier and you're looking for the leprechauns house we are eating at that red straw we took a break this is raining we're eating at a restaurant and I remember seeing kind of like a booth almost it looked like Esmerelda and I had a head of shrunken head yeah remember the headhunters did you see it too I remember seeing it on the they have it on the Jungle Cruise the shrunken heads but they also have a shrunken head booth in the restaurant yeah okay cool let's go check it out you guys ready to go who knows how to get there okay okay reach away we're getting close back to where we were when the rain started Oh oh that's cook meant to marry right next to it this whole time [Music] head-shrink of the Jumbo personal diagnosis okay and then place your hand korban do you want to do it you want to do the one you want to do the honors for but this one takes 50 cents I've got 50 cents here okay so carbons gonna do it you put the money in for you you want to put the money in okay for one at a time [Music] what are you doing in my case the other doctors use my head for the ball well they'll come back tomorrow we'll see about those myriad festering diseases you've all been fire fire until then pinky my tendon burrows thank you so much for patronizing spunk ed on the wrong day the juggles only self service ripped off by a calendar man spat on a card that's got a message on it Frankenmuth [Music] [Music] Dutchess of Disneyland so what is the Dutchess of Disneyland anyway she's got you in the palm three wishes here but only three just ask Darby three wish have you seen Darby O'Gill yes does that have anything to do with okay sweet look it up okay okay guys so we looked up the Dutchess of Disneyland and I guess there's a story about a palm tree that was here a palm tree that was left here from before the park was built yeah it's like a really really really old old a palm tree and I think it's actually close by have you heard the story let's go check out the palm tree and I guess we get to make three wishes of the palm tree but only three so I guess the Darby O'Gill if you make four wishes then you lose all your other three wishes so it only get three wishes so let's go find the Dutchess of Disneyland go check it out on Nick's and wishes let's see where to go from there you can see it behind the other trees right there that's the Dutchess of Disneyland it's the palm tree that was here before the park was and they've left here and built the building surrounded all combine to get three wishes apparently Becca what do you wish for baby Hey now you wish for a new house and I wish for a million dollars oh I ruined it stop hurting I just got so excited everyone else is making wishes and I wanted to make a wish too I just got so excited everyone else with you asking for stuff I figured the hey you guys are with candy and ice cream I wanted a million dollars then I could buy everything and I just ruined it I'm sorry [Music] beautiful she's got you the palm of her hand she's a palm tree well I don't think so because none of the wishes came true I think I blew it for everybody I don't see anything else oh there's a number written right here that is notice before 1001 they're a thousand pages in that book there's only like 200 pages someone made an edit here it all started with a mouse and we were great partners but if it only took two I wouldn't need ten to stand by and imitate all my little friends what statu Disney Mickey Mouse partners show me the source of the treasure I know I'm getting close to have to admit these seven little guys have become my best friends these past five years good I bet you five is where the next one's on wait seven is underlined and cytosine 875 maybe okay we need to go to partners first fireworks that were then we need a tow so what are we doing to get the partners we just say that word I think so let's do okay let's go [Music] check it out we're almost there I didn't know this would come partners let's look there's a partners I think most of all what I want Disneyland to be is a happy place where parents and children can have fun together Walt Disney cool and now we got to read the word in front of the side safety fate teach you guys all got that yes come help me say it one two three babies maybe we try again we need to look around what do we want to look around for a minute [Music] anything okay let's look at that page one more time to see if maybe we missed something here okay it all start with a mouse and we were great partners but if it only took two I wouldn't need ten to stand by and imitate all my little friends tend to imitate all my little friends where one two three four five six well there are look there's a whole bunch of statues there's no there's ten of these huh so ten statues imitate do we need to imitate all of the statues can you imitate that that's perfect you guys help me pose in this shape okay you guys come on pose so even either pose he's not picking his nose nothing's just putting his finger in his mouth there's no not right there Corvin you got it other hand Corbin there you go all right let's go to the next one that was number one gives up guys next one okay okay pose them here there we go six days I think we've got a Bigfoot and before okay number five let's go [Music] is this a girls only one girls only good job we got Pinocchio and someone standing on a foot okay so dances Pinocchio for that are you gonna be Jiminy Cricket okay sit on this foot [Music] there you go now you'll sit right there on this little B dinner everyone do it back will you sit on this foot there we go okay got it good job guys right number 79 number 8 over here who can make the happy Pluto face aha puppy you have to get down on three legs three hands there you go korben put that left hand on the ground the other one okay [Music] [Music] bashful and another okay we got bashful that means we only have one more to go oh my god okay we gotta figure out where to go next okay so I have to admit these 77 little guys have become my best friends in past five years so Becky you noticed earlier there's seven in the five or underlined yeah - I'm go to page 75 okay for something here okay says sailed the seas doctor kind of okay he sailed the seas and saved the nation with them mark of privateer hoarding loot and hidden chambers anchored by landing their doctor to foster a grid search Lafitte's landing where's Evan what anchor it's a girl oh yeah so you guys remember in the treasure chest there was a pirate ship and they said Lafitte's landing and he was a privateer let's go see where's the anchor have you guys know okay let's go let's go and then we have to say doctor and that's in Adventure line-break yeah look at that it's going and we're walking right along with it hey there's Pirates of the Caribbean I take your club yeah okay there's the anchor let's beat anchor check it out [Music] [Music] away Oh [Music] Oh Wow okay what's the one fixes being out I think you remember [Music] with a doctor experience announcing it right because this is Gail not English we need to say right ready you try staying with like Irish accent or something [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey let's stand together ready like this 1 2 & 3 [Music] [Music] got all Seven Dwarves now Wow let's go find it you want to find a table okay so we go all the doors [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's bashful yeah please be happy and sneezy okay and then here are all the papers see uh-huh excited we got all of it okay we got Corbin and James on the job mom's helping to organize all the pieces of the puzzle here there you go that's the way okay [Music] Oh knocked over sleepy [Music] [Music] okay and then this goes yeah coming that goes right here there we go okay not steal [Music] okay yeah I lift that up that's interesting what are what you guys this has been the most amazing treasure hunt ever this is so cool I can't wait to figure out what it says to figure it out okay are you searching up all of them yes uncover okay maybe just try one word at a time [Music] well we know it's been forged in woodland so bare Woodlands [Music] hey the trains running now so Knox means naked before bear or bear it like uncovered let's look up the next word now what's what's the next word see the I LT in LTE hidden so fare like make uncover hidden yeah okay what's the last word okay to pay i f c/e deposit uncover hidden deposit the positive what do you think deposit means money so if a deposit is money could it mean treasure whoa we're dough but where do we go and we have the final let's look at the book see if it tells us where else to go [Music] okay once you 141 look at 21 21 is just like that's like more near the beginning where if you just had a whole bunch of journal entries today I created a cute little guy named Mickey Mouse we were on a train ride and Lillian insisted that the Mortimer was a horrible name just to stuffy I think she's right Mickey is just so much more friendly and I have an idea that just might save the studio I've just got to convince Roy to pick up sound synchronized sound to our animation that's the future it has a number underneath it one thousand three [Music] go find so why would it take us to page 21 only to have us turn around go back to page 33 what's on page 133 in a secret hidden doorway mark my steps of 21 cards watch the games and drink raves and triggers so the dread MAGIX doorway MAGIX doorway now they have your fortune register well what should we go to the secret hidden to the doorway mark my steps of 21 okay I know in the Louisiana nor New Orleans area okay they have numbers of lugs of doors oh oh area they're like almost like addresses oh you should head there and see if we can find the number 21 let's do it that's a great idea okay let's gather all this up make sure to follow us on Instagram you'll get ahead of time clues for what we're doing in the video check it out here all of the seven words that we've collected throughout the day today twenty-one stairs or 21 steps [Music] I see a staircase over there okay let's go the girls go see look back up twenty four you see above that door is this 24 now it says 20 no it's just twenty four twenty so I think we're looking for 21 right yes there's 23 and I'm 17 of those 23 23 so we're looking for 21 okay 21 a secret hidden doorway marked by steps of 21 Pirates watched the graves and treasures so the crowds can have their fun there one weathered age-old pirate will demamp the others dread if you'll open magics doorways now then have your fortune read read I like the color red color red not red as a reef yeah okay let's keep looking for number 21 2400 street 24 you'll see 21:21 royal right there 21 okay let's go in here the royal court garden let's look here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh look at this oh look at that 21 royal are these 21 steps it is exactly 21 cents we're a bit this has to be it okay let's read the clue again this is Haunted Mansion that's that's all the dead and here's prepared for the Caribbean that's all the treasure so it's the the dead and the treasures that's what the pirate Brad we are in the right place for shoot dogs can have their fun okay there one whether nasal Kyle has a map others dead right over here okay and I hear it says now that now have your fortune read okay we're at the right place for sure okay yes okay I'll try to quit maybe it'll work I've seen everybody do it it's a grey record okay what does this a 17-6 fortune read has this to say look some of the words are underlined but lady lady is four years till sales we plumb out of the blue round of the speed out of the blue speed look at this work that are underlined okay numbers 1764 and out of the blue sea is how I said it was underlined yeah oh oh the blue sea and then look on this side it's got a pair of ship and an island it's an island do you this is the map of the treasure okay guys we just missed it check it out the boat just barely left the dock it's heading over to the island and about to come back and - are you sure okay when I come back yeah okay we'll just have to wait here for a few minutes for it to come back so let's just wait here for a minute and the little ship will come back out here I guess so we'll wait it's find a place to sit down or something while we wait wonder if there's anything else in here because this leads us to fortune red but after the clue from fortune red all we have now to go on is the map there was a number on that card let's see if there's one that says 1764 on there seventeen that would be all the way at the back [Music] says Roy has promised to keep this secret in the family looks like there's another note here kind of hidden in the back okay I'm gonna read this okay after I found that yeah that's crazy crazy after I got home from Europe I tried to tell Roy about my seven little friends he thought that I was completely loony until the money started rolling in and the real magic began to happen I thought the Roy was convinced and believes me but then he brought in dr. black to evaluate me my mental stability I was so concerned concerned and tried to explain the whole thing to them it didn't work and they were about to have me put away they said that it was for my own good just a little vacation I knew exactly what they meant by a little vacation it would be nothing of the sort finally to my great relief Patrick showed himself to Roy the leprechaun showed himself to Roy Patrick showed himself to Roy I thought that would be the end of it but dr. black was relentless at first he was determined to lock me up then something changed his mind and his passion became finding the source of my power within my magic Empire his men have in tagging us day and night since then I've created this elaborate set of clues to hopefully carry on the magic after we are gone whoa somebody good has to know about my seven friends and take care of their secret whoa okay so that means with the hidden note that we just found from Walt Disney that people are chasing him or were chasing him when he was alive to figure out the source of his power the magic the magic which is the leprechauns the little people who isn't following them in the magic was full time but that that doctor has people that are looking for that and that are chasing people that know about it Judean big to be coming after us let's get to the island okay let's go let's go boats back let's go [Music] okay time to go here you go the island good to go down siren right now the picture of that map ray from [Music] the Cabrio we're going to oh it's really nice with the stones finally come out there's so rainy earlier today whoa [Music] yes that that was chasing like the same organization he is he's coming after us right now ok let's get up let's get on the island and see if we can just get somewhere safe yeah still they're just watching us right now I think you really might be coming after us okay let's get somewhere safe yeah I still see it Janssen Corbin you guys see that guy he's got glasses on and he's got a hat Mickey ears he's right there he's getting on the next virtual spear he looks just so suspicious like either he works for the park and we've just never seen anybody like that uniform but the thing is he was looking right at us and that was right after we got the note discovering that somebody's been chasing somebody was chasing Disney because they found out about the magic you think that that might be one of the guys that knows about the magic and maybe they're our first because they know that we're on to it I don't know but we better be safe than sorry let's go hide [Music] I hide hide everybody hide are you guys hiding we're back we are hiding from someone we think might be chasing after us here on Tom Star Island at Disney we've been finding all these clues and revealing the magic of magic this is real there's been someone chasing after us and he is dressed like some type of the Secret Service security guy he's coming now so I'm he's coming sit down [Music] okay yeah let's find that case go to the case okay I think we I think you lost [Music] [Music] the over there still [Music] right past it I think he knows though mr. good man's brought up go in there [Music] come on guys we gotta get out of the white really dark in here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sami where'd mom go where is she oh did you find a way home yes baby saw me we're busy out here oh yeah I see them yeah I think you saw me he's on the way Oh mom guys follow mom guys what are we actually even looking for here when you look at the map remember okay the map had a trail and we follow the trail and will lead us to the treasure but that magic spell we have to safe to reveal the hidden treasure do you remember that spell because he's right around the corner okay where do we go we want to go in another case you just bought for a practice nothing in size [Music] we've got a minute section in here the kind of pretty secluded cave so what's the plan what are you looking for it well what was the main reason we came over here in the first place so we are looking for a test button remember we have to use this magic word I know it's near the front of the island because I looked on the map from Captain ready and if you like 48 because there was that man yeah and I remember it went over there what if we tried to shake him and go up by the path just along here and now straight up okay look do you know where that is then all right I'll call you let's go is there a way in over here whoa whoa what's this skeleton cells I wonder what it means oh it must be a decoy it's way too obvious let's keep looking guys is it up here okay Corbin come on stay close buddy I think really for buzzy he was right over there I'm gonna I'm gonna see if I can see him he's still looking let's keep going what is that telescope oh that's interesting you can see the rest of the same part from here how are we gonna figure out where this hidden treasure is James are you still following this map are we still on the right trail here alright we'll keep following go hey guys I found this kind of hiding nook here we've been following the path that's James has been leading us but I think I just saw Secret Service I don't know what's there's kind of a spyglass here I'm gonna look through it see if we can see him yep I see him guys like it seen through the spyglass he's talking to somebody I think he's got an earpiece and he's talking on his earpiece okay thing is I haven't seen you with any other didn't even believe he must be communicated as somebody that they fit that he's found us but maybe he lost us he seemed a little bit panicked let's keep going oh we need to go up that path over there okay I guess we went the wrong way for a minute here we get back down through here just to white lost republic at all these so tight yeah it's crazy it's like first people everywhere have no idea about what's going on around us right now okay I think this is the way up he says we're on the right path I don't I don't even remember that map very well we'll have to double-check on the map are we going the right way these disparate going the right way so I'm just trusting them at this point how are you doing Becca you holding up I know you're a dragon because when you're pregnant that makes it difficult you okay though okay okay good job guys James you're doing great okay be careful guys this bridge is old nice and easy the long way down I feel bad we're kind of exposed up here we need to get off this bridge fast whoever he is my CS so we need to go kind of it's it's rock and bad look cannonball oh okay we're going I saw that earlier this is where he was standing let's go around this way I think this is the trail I think we are getting very close these reminded pencils did they broke the wet off oh they are like pencils right there oh I think we're being followed I think we're very close just getting this feeling like we're in the right place oh whoa there's canoes down there okay keep going where does the map lead James do you remember the map are we in the right area over here okay let's go look over here this might be it I think this is where it's at on the map somewhere around here remember this treasure is hidden so it's not going to look like your typical hiding spot for a treasure okay there's this big port here I wonder that this sport has always been here like what if they built this for on top of where the treasure is supposed to be does that make sense is this the right place should we say it here it's okay you're following the map this is definitely the place where I feel like it should be based on where the X was on the map so maybe maybe we need to stay right around here oh wait check this out that looks like an ex you got that kind of looks look at it what do you think I could maybe this is the place should we say the magic words hey you still have it on your phone Becca he's just a picture of the magic word so did have to do the magic spell yeah you took a picture of it I remember okay so knocked so let's do it one at a time okay one two three knocked one two three fully taste one two three that happens but I think we need to say it all the same time like like a sentence not as individual words in our last video we just decoded what it means it means cover hidden staff just like deposit or something like that so uncover hidden deposit okay but we need to just say all at the same time I think needs to be like a like a phrase like a sentence knocked seoktae taste oh my goodness yes Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at the gems that's a bouquet is it a key there's a key oh it's right underneath all the gems [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at this guy's I've got to have a key right here look now we have two two keys oh my goodness what could they be [Applause] [Music] okay there's a note you guys just keep this morning that Disney's handwriting it says he's been morning covered in magic oh wow it says please keep the rest of our magic artifacts safe from black and any others who are after it what this key unlocks the secrets that I've kept hidden all these years the key right here if you can do this you can be sure that my seven little friends know they can trust you because we said the right spell yeah the magic only appears to those with a pure heart who speak the magic words [Music] hidden far away in artifacts in Eastern world's their magic words you say but if a threat awakes them to where the traps we expect your lives could be in danger with the task that waits you yet what and then look there's a secret message [Music] reading that we saw in the cave I wonder what it means I don't think we should take the whole treasure because this is the magic this does the Walt Disney's magic if we take all the magic out of the park then that couldn't be good yeah so maybe we'll just take the key and one jewel give us one you just take one jewel okay well as I said to keep the key so that's a big one [Music] open it up Oh why'd you pick Corbin what's good I think he's coming I gotta grab one to grab one we don't have time to run away right past us help us disappear someone sees I put the rest back then let's get out of here guys you believe it [Music]
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 173,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disneyland treasure, disney treasure, real treasure, disney, disneyland, disneyland adventure, we found treasure, walt disney treasure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 9sec (6969 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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