Epic Pike Fishing Day! | Crazy BIG PIKE ACTION!

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well good morning welcome back to clayton chick outdoors of course i'm clayton chick and look at this this is the beautiful outdoors a gorgeous fall morning and you can't see my breath on camera you can hardly see it but it's crisp it's calm the trees are like golden yellow it's beautiful i am still up at t and d amisk camps i'm in the marina right now got the boat loaded ready to go we are on a pike mission today my goal is to throw 10 000 casts if i have to for that big pike that's the goal can i fail yeah i can easily fail i fail lots so we're gonna make a video of this regardless just in terms of the hunt for big pike there's two things i can tell you in fall right now it gets to be this late moving water current deep deep weeds like usually it's 15 20 foot weeds that say or in 15 or 20 feet and the weeds come up like 10 feet off the bottom something like that for the most part they're gonna be deeper if the sun's out all day they might move up into some ten foot seven eight foot shallows type of things at the end of the day but we're gonna start with some moving water hopefully and go from there i'm excited let's go pike fishing all day pike don't get me wrong if i fail miserably for like eight hours i might go catch some walleyes just to make this video a little bit interesting life's good life's good let's go we are starting big going big oh i got bumped we're all ready instant first cast got whacked right there nice nice there we go decent fish too decent fish awesome telling down deadly didn't take that long deadly well pike mission is going to maybe happen today staying down pretty good come on buddy oh yeah he's got that bait inhaled okay there he shook it out there a little bit that's good that's good awesome well that did not take long at all probably about 10 15 minutes of casting we got her done we got a first first first fish on the board yeah buddy yeah buddy i'm fighting that current a little bit here oh i do not have my net ready at all do not have my net ready but we will we will get it ready here right away easy easy oh yeah if it comes off not that big of a deal nice fish let's get to my net let's get up to my net here definitely fighting the current a little bit here to get my net in a better spot next time that's a nice big spike yes good start to the day great start to the day we're not going to measure it probably about 37 38 inches something like that can't get a great camera angle i have to turn the camera because of the sun but beautiful fish maybe a bit bigger than that no i'd say probably 37 38 gorgeous fish awesome great start to the day great start to the day see ya well she ate the savage gear hard deal don't know if they make this one anymore but i know they're making hardy hard eels again but another really good one is the real eel works just as good this was the one that uh lana gave me from uh ruby's there she said you need to use this well thank you very much girl we got one there we go fish two no not as big that's okay let go got off that's okay it's more than okay well there's some fish feeding in there oh yeah that was awesome oh no that was so cool just come up and swiped it right from underneath it wham that was awesome so cool oh got him got him nice little guy little guy we got him oh he's got that whole thing t-boned that is insane look at that holy you are a hungry hungry pike aren't you aren't you we're not even gonna net you we're just gonna lift you here you are a hungry pike pike two of the day nothing special but it feels good to catch them cast in right now that's for sure oh yeah that's a good one that's a nice fish right there oh yeah oh no no no oh i never got a good hook's head on him i never did get a good hook set on he came from behind it and i buffed out one that was a gooder oh ouch that hurt holy smokes okay well you may or may not be able to tell i'm getting carried away by bugs right now it's pretty insane i'm going to go out to the lake a little bit and try to find some weed beds in amongst some islands shoreline something like that points we'll see if we can find some deeper weed something like that and check some weeds for a bit but i got to get all these bugs for a bit it's uh pretty insane good start to the day though like the 37 38 lost a really good one at the boat like i had it on for a few seconds couple other strikes yeah i caught another fish too that's right i caught like a a high 20 inch pike something like that so let's keep going and see what we can make happen well let's keep going with eel because it is working and yeah i got some weeds here you can see weeds on this side weeds on this side weeds everywhere see if we make something happen there we go nice okay perch chad works not big but it's fish he hammered it too like just rip the rod right out of my hands okay well there's some fish in the weed beds too i got the worst camera angles don't i right into the sun right into the sun no point showing you off to the main camera since i got a bad angle but you're probably about a 29 incher something like that see ya perch chad works weed bed success oh got whacked right there again back to back cass a lot of times those fish will be stacked up together right this one's staying down this one feels a little bit better maybe no this is just staying down you're not that much better at all back to back castle nothing to it nothing to it okay see you buddy there we go we're on them we're definitely on fish right now i'm noticing that these weeds are starting to get pretty gross and if i catch if i hook any i'll bring them up but you know there might be some with this fish yeah there's some on the line right now the weeds are starting to get a little bit gross right now so if they are starting to die it might not be a lot of pike in them and sometimes if that's the case push out to like some main lake structure as in like rocks humps that's that stuff rocks can be really good late fall as well it's just another little chunker not big but he's got some meat on him though like he'd be probably a little bit too big for shore lunch it's gonna be a healthy fish one day see how these weeds are like gross they got slime on them they just look like they're dying these weeds will give off less oxygen and there'll be less bait fish around obviously less fish in that sense as well so when that starts to happen sometimes there there'll move out to some like main lake structure and like i said rocks even like points anything like that but rocks can get really good this time of year i almost wish yesterday i would have just while i fished all day instead of trying to jump back and forth sometimes it takes a bit to like figure stuff out right like i was i made a huge mistake by trying to jump back and forth between walleye and pike i should have just stuck with walleye all day and like i am going to probably just stick with pike all day today maybe the last hour or two of the day i'll switch to some walleye or something like that but it's a lot easier easier easier easier to figure out a pattern when you're like fishing it steady right because things can change throughout the day too they'll go from rocks to weeds to current whatever right like they can change throughout the day and sometimes it's just really hard to put a pattern together in a short amount of time sometimes it's really hard to put a pattern together when you're fishing for them all day so you change that to a couple hours and even gets that much tougher but these bugs are crazy actually they're not bad right now they were crazy before but now they're just like reminding me of what i was going through about an hour and a half ago they were insane [Music] awesome this one's staying down not that it means anything uh yeah it's a better fish this is a better fish nice nice this one's better telling down baby awesome i had a feeling right away it was staying down good old perch shad oh yeah that's a thick one oh they're so awesome i i love walleye fishing i do but i don't i can't believe more people don't pike fish their power is the best oh love it oh i just love this stuff this is why i love guiding for these creatures they're so exciting they're big they're powerful they're mean i know why a lot of people like muskies but uh you're gonna catch a lot more pike than you will muskies i guarantee you that much you're not this one that's a good one easy that's a big fish oh i'm glad i pulled the net back in time that's a big that's a big pike that's a big gator that's a big gator yes nice baby he'll be close uh just under just under 40. give it a quick measure just under 40 inches like 39 and 7 8. beautiful fish heavy man one thing about the fall time is they get so fat so fat they put the feed bag on amazing beautiful fish the best look i got all these nice weeds around me while they're dying but they're still holding fish went to the perch shad this bait has been really really good for me i was using the ribbon tail that hard heel earlier a tail with like a ribbon tail will work better in the current and not that it won't that bait won't work out here too i just wanted the downsize just a little bit type of thing and this bait is just it's so good for me 4d pert shad i've done a couple videos with it this year already i've been loving this one blows my mind there isn't more people fishing well maybe there is maybe there's just not where i am it blows my mind that i have not seen a boat in two days though that was epic that was epic i saw it coming i paused it for a sec and then as soon as i felt like it was gonna it was gonna pounce i just sped it up a little bit so he'd smash it that was awesome awesome when you see a follow you don't want to stop it too long i just stopped it long enough for him to kind of catch up to it but as he got about probably about a foot a foot and a half away from it i sped it up and a lot of times that when you're speeding it up really quick it just triggers them it's like all of a sudden it's like that thing's trying to get away i gotta eat it now another beautiful fish probably 35 ish something like that gorgeous super healthy it wants to go i can tell see ya this is awesome i'll tell you what if you want something or a place or a lake that has good pike fishing and easy access for walleyes for shore lunch hello oh that was awesome to watch that happen i thought oh there's a bigger one clayton there was a bigger one there too oh man i shouldn't have been so loud but there was a bigger one on this side iron it up i don't know if it'll show up on the head camera or not but man so good smashing pike love it love it this bait's so good oh little guy little guy a little bit of a breeze pickup took away all my bugs things are good life is good switched over to a different bait right now just because i'm seeing a lot of big follows actually so we'll try some different things there's a lot of nice fish in this area i'm at so we'll probably fish it pretty hard for a while try a bunch of different baits because i've had probably four or five big follows i just had a little guy hit me there but i've had four or five like 38 inch plus fish follow so try some different stuff and see if we can connect there we go there we go oh yeah nice easy oh gone oh darn it glide bait worked though he was he was grumpy there we go back to back cast lost it could be the same one who knows right it could be the same one never know feels good though switched up yeah that's a nice fish nice fish switched up to a glide bait because i was like i said earlier i was seeing a lot of fish a lot of big fish follow so i switched with glide bait something that i can work really really slow oh yeah baby nice fish i love these rods for this oh baby man it does not get more exciting than this you do what you want to do buddy you do what you want to do just got one hook left in there but i i have a lot of confidence in these hooks though once it's hooked up it should stay these are those savage gear grip treble hooks a lot of hard baits it's a good hook to use okay girl i'm just thinking about how i'm gonna net you here get my net ready on this side oh baby oh baby come on come on ready here we go here we go oh yeah that's a good get in there nice that's a big pike oh yes awesome awesome unbelievable nice fish well amisk lake i want a big pike we did it that's a nice one let's get a measure on it but that's over 40. it's got to be oh easy girl easy yeah just 40 inches just one more quick look and we'll get it back in awesome very cool big fish i wonder if that's the same one i lost i'm back-to-back cass okay very cool see ya awesome like i said change up to one of my staples savage gear shine glide awesome glide bait and then i put on those savage gear grip treble hooks i believe this is the size one and they can rotate up to like four times so the pike doesn't get leverage really good hooks for this bait this is not the biggest shine glide they make it's the medium-sized shine glide been such a good bait for me i'm not a guy that's going to switch baits a lot but if i'm seeing fish like they're following they're not committing that's when i'll start really messing around or if i don't catch anything at all right but the more time you switch baits it's going to end up hurting you right like if you're switching every other cast you're more going to be more successful if you just cast cast cast cast cast but if you're starting to see a lot of follows that's when you can like kind of read the fish a little bit and the fish that were following my swim base were just following it low and slow right like max says low and slow is what the pike we're doing that like right now so with this thing i can just toss it out and i can bring it in ever so slow and just like twitch twitch twitch and you've got two options with the shine glad you can actually work it and twitch it with your rod or you can just do like a half crank half crank half crank it's honestly such an amazing bait for big pike but you have to fish it slow think slow you can't bring it in real quick it works better right now when i'm drifting in because i'm going at the lure whether let's say if i'm going down a shoreline you don't want that lure to drag as in like if you're going down the shoreline it's going to get to an angle and then it's going to drag in you want it like coming straight at you the whole time you want it just to run properly smooth true type of thing so we're having a great great day it's only 1 30 got lots of time left we've caught three pike north of like 37 38 inches a couple other smaller ones a couple medium ones it's good i always knew the pike fishing in ames was good and there's like certain areas you can go where it's like gonna be community spots gonna be a pile of boats but look at this wide open not another boat around and i've got your classic like weed bed in front of me with like a sharp drop off and a deeper water on this side of me so yeah it's good i came across this spot yesterday when i was walleye fishing but i didn't fish it properly and i saw a good fish follow and i'm like you know what i need to go check that area out again i think there's more to it and i did a little more research now when i got in here with my depth finder the humminbird drove around a little bit and kind of figured it out and found that weed edge so sometimes you just got to put the time in and probably trolling would be a better option even than just driving around just start trolling like a super shad or something like that a little bit and marking your weed edge out and making your contour map type of thing because like i said i'm in a weed edge like eight ten feet and literally drops off into like 15 20 feet like just on the other side of me here i'm just trying to go right down the contour of it pike are a sucker for glide baits that's side to side twitch twitch twitch there's suckers for it there we go seems decent seems decent didn't seem small hard to tell for sure it's coming right at me right now easy easy this is usually right here is when you lose them oh baby that's nice it's not giant but it's nice there's so much power oh i love pike the power is just insane another beautiful fish not as big but nice like this is a strong rod with a super strong drag right now and they just pull it out it's insane oh it's pretty nice stay down get off that surface get off that surface that's bigger than i thought actually oh beautiful this glide bait is working out this is savage gear battle tech heavy moderate action no sorry it's not a moderate action it's come on baby oh it's bigger than i thought that it's bigger than the last fish wow i underestimated you that's a big pike yeah i underestimated you that is a heavy pike wow heavy man they are thick unbelievable we are smashing them right now what a day what a day and it's not as it's not as long as i thought it just touches the 40 inch mark jess it's just a big fat healthy one jeez thick back unbelievable the best thank you girl thank you thank you thank you you are a riot see ya back to back 40 inchers hello i'm actually surprised i didn't bend my hooks at all with that net they are barbless so they do come out a lot easier i don't think you have to be barbless in amsk but it is it's just that much better for the fish you keep good tension you don't need a barbed hook you'll land them and then it just comes out that much that much easier those big pike are are so important to the water like to the ecosystem to breeding they have so many eggs but most importantly they have the right genetics to get fish their size you could have oh should i say this genetics is more important than numbers of the eggs in my mind because it's like deer if you don't have the genetics you're never going to grow the big deer everybody assumes that every six-year-old deer is going to be 200 inches right if i just let those deer grow up no that's not the case genetics is so important so those eggs from those big pike are what's going to generate more big pike in the future and that 40 inch pike is probably close to 20 years old maybe 15 between 15 and 20 they're old fish i'm going to regret not bringing my bigger net i accidentally forgot it at home on this trip because if i catch a 45 incher she's going to be nip and tuck getting in that net i can always hand landed too i guess nice now this one i think is smaller pretty sure always hard to tell though for sure but yeah it's smaller you my friend would be an eater [Applause] never gets old small but just never gets old well i think i'm going to come back here after but i want to look around a little bit more and find some new areas this stretch i could probably drift over and over and probably keep catching fish but the curiosity side of me wants to look around elsewhere on the lake right like i like to explore new waters type of thing i actually want to come up here in the winter and do some ice fishing for pike they're going to be running ice fishing uh cabins this year so that'll be definitely a goal is to come up here and do some underwater footage for pike and i think i might have found a good area to do that in i'm just gonna chuck a couple casts here i'm not gonna turn my main camera around yet i don't know if i really like this i'm only 9 10 feet of water but i don't think there's deep water anywhere near i think right now i gotta have deep water near at least for the bigger fish oh fish okay found some more fish sorry this is our fourth spot or third spot i think that we've tried different and uh finally caught one easy easy he's small but we caught one we caught one feels good to catch fish in more than one spot i guess actually this is our third spot we've caught fishing like a nice nice 30 incher let go let go oh he's not gonna let go because he's got the hook it's okay at least he's not tearing up my bait bait bait released quick from the from the hook i'm enjoying my all-day pike day like i said the only thing i wish i had differently was that i would have did all-day walleye yesterday and try to mix it up it's a lot much easier to learn focusing on one species that whole day i'm gonna try the glide bait here for a little bit now there we go oh this feels good this feels big yeah this feels big it's not giant oh the power unbelievable that's a nice fish another another high quality fish unbelievable what a day that's big yeah that's nice big pike big pike oh baby oh baby that's big fish that's big the shoulders on her so much power love it absolutely love it you're telling down here oh i can't believe the power these fish have it's not a giant but it's strong it's thick across the pack super thick across the back come on baby come on come up we're going to put you in the net i'm hoping that bait is just inhaled inhaled got i'm at an awkward angle right now probably gonna make one more run easy inhale oh yeah oh that's a big one nice that's a big pike big pike dr clayton's coming my friend nothing to it cut those back hooks and she's perfect perfect no blood at all because i cut those back hooks okay let's pick you up get you measured i'll show you off and get you back in but that's a big one oh amazing man just another 40 almost touches 40 but so fat i honestly thought this was going to be the biggest of the day it just touches 40 inches so fat though it's a slob i'm gonna show you the hook i cut she's not bleeding at all she was gill hooked but if i would have took the hook out the normal way through the mouth she'd be bleeding everywhere but look at no blood on her at all cut the back hooks hook cutters are so important to have oh easy okay that did not take long at all so she had this whole hook inhaled i cut these three back trebles because they were tucked in her gill i was able to turn her kind of upside down type of thing and then clip them nitpicks i think they're called nitpicks i call them nipex but these cutters are amazing they will save your pike these are barbless but when they get down underneath their gills that's the best thing to do is have some hook cutters replace one treble nothing to it so i just replaced that treble i think earlier i said i was using size one actually one ott i know that because i just replaced it so i matched the size this is that a shine glider 185 i did i didn't say the size of it before i actually forgot that it said on the top of the shine glide which one it is i just said it's the medium so it's a shine glider 185. i've been throwing it on an eight foot heavy power uh battletech rod it's a swimbait rod but it seems to work for this though and i got it with the 300 tranqs 50 pound suffix g-core 131 braid it's been an awesome setup today i have two of these rods two of these reels on the two rods i've been using or the two baits and then on a bigger bait which i haven't thrown yet i have an extra heavy swim bait rod but i haven't thrown that bait at all yet today i can't tell you how many big pike i've personally caught on the shine glider the chartreuse and white is a popular color for me and then the bluegill pattern is another popular and the white the bone color is really good too love it are you kidding me i was just gonna go make an adjustment this is next cast oh and it feels good too this is literally the next cast i put myself in spot lock when i was dealing with that fish and i was just making an adjustment on my trolling motor to kind of move me out further and bang next cast i've seen this more than once there's like a pod of fish right like and it's another big fish wow wow okay back to spotlock i guess i guess i should have made a cast before i spotlocked back to backcast again [Applause] wow this lake has unreal pike fishing so good oh unbelievable wow it's just as big too it's just as big it's hardly hooked this time which is nice if it was any smaller i didn't think it might be bigger than the last one i'd probably just um unhook it right at the boat but oh it's bigger i think wow wow back-to-back cast unbelievable yeah this is this is the biggest of the day okay big i'm calling it now biggest of the day unbelievable fat fish if it's not the biggest wow look at the back on that thing oh unbelievable what a day what a day and that isn't in the best spot right now oh unbelievable it is the biggest of the day 40 touching 41. oh yeah 41 inch tanker unbelievable so fat too so fat oh wow wow what a fish oh just like that catching elise at its finest right there unbelievable [Applause] oh oh can't tell size yet don't think it's small it had almost too many head shakes though but it's just trying to shake the hook i think it's a medium-sized fish yeah just uh just a you know just a medium just a it's a small 36 37 inch fish wow wow incredible it's literally getting to be too much footage already for a video incredible it's crazy how my first couple spots were like pinpoint like specific spots current seams and then a weed edge and this literally all this is just a big seven eight foot open flat with sparse cabbage that's all this is well if you want a hot bait for amnesty hot tip and i tie my own leader with it it's got on 40 pound american fishing wire 7x7 strand nylon coated and i time my own leader just i like the way that your own leader um works the bait compared to like a stiffer leader these leaders are awesome for for working a bait like this just another another cookie cutter small fish right like i can't tell you how many of these fish that aren't making this video like i probably caught 40 pike today what a day what a day jeez it's just unbelievable it just doesn't end everywhere i go everywhere i go it's just good right now unbelievable this one feels good i don't know if he's wrapped funny he might be rap funny actually oh he's got me in the weeds still a nice fish though they had me down in the weeds still a really nice fish a bait is hot hot hot hot hot well i'm not even gonna net you my friend it's gonna hand land you here oh jeez that's bigger than i thought it's like a 38 inch 37 38 inch fish here we will we'll show you off though anyway even though we didn't net you we'll show you off it's another beautiful fish unbelievable it's got so much energy yet still ya what a day i fooled around the top water for a little bit i had an epic little moment blow up further out and then right by the boat he ate it sadly he wrapped in it and then it ended up breaking off but it did float to the surface like three four minutes later so i was able to get the louver back which was quite handy it's a nice thing about top water if it breaks off you get it back but then i threw it around for another 15 minutes or so where i knew there was some fish and i had a couple follows but nothing else i went back to the glide bait and literally second cast with the glide bait fish on mind blowing well as you can see off the water back at camp packing up the boat this adventure is over we're on to the next where we're going lake joe fishing but honestly today was epic some of the best not pike or i should say if not the best pike fishing i've experienced myself i think i ended up with like seven or eight fish over here over 80 over 38 inches it was phenomenal i'm sad to leave i want to go back because i feel like there's so much more water to go explore i'm coming back ice fishing though i'm doing it it was an awesome couple days i lost one day because of weather i could have went out but i chose to just take that day and edit and reorganize and regroup you there is good fishing that's pretty close if it is windy and you can't get too far but like i said i chose to edit and then fish hard for two days which i did first day was epic pile of walleye if you haven't seen that video yet it'll be linked below tnd amnest camps will also be linked below give cool sorry bugs cindy and nick a call i know they book up pretty quick this they're kind of wrapping up their season right now it's literally the end of september but they will be opening back up for ice fishing and then again for opening day i know it's really hard to get a spot in june but as you saw the september fishing is amazing so thank you very much to cindy and nick for hosting me it was unbelievable and as always don't forget get outside
Channel: Clayton Schick Outdoors
Views: 140,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walleye fishing, fishing, last mountain, saskatchewan, canada, how to catch walleye, tobin lake, nipawin, outdoors, angling, clayton schick outdoors, 1vs1 challenge, Jay siemens, walleye fishing tips, giant carp, walleye fishing videos, Northern Pike, Pike, how to catch Pike, saskatchewan fishing, casting for pike, trolling for pike, top pike baits, top 5, top 3, prarie pike, spring pike fishing, crooked lake, tom boley fishing, how to catch fish, fishing 2021
Id: wc9FtlHi-Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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