Alaska Movie - Fishing, Camping, and Living in the Last Frontier

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foreign ER you guys probably know how I'm feeling right now this winter has just been absolutely brutal and we've been getting beat up with snow it seems like every second it just gets like more and more and more and more um a little bit ago actually a lot of it dried up and it was all gone and then we just had this major snowstorm in Fargo North Dakota and now we have this again yeah that definitely sucks this was all clear like two days ago and now just pile of snow everywhere and for those of you that are kind of smart you guys could probably put two and two together that when there's a lot of snow like this and it's blizzard conditions every day it makes it very hard to go out and do my job uh whether that's travel and ice fish travel and fly fish travel and do something everything requires traveling and you just can't do it sometimes so I actually do not have a video for today but I wanted to entertain you guys and I was thinking you know what like with all this cold weather we need a pick-me-up to make everybody happy I am absolutely sick of this weather and I'm just counting down the days until we go back to Alaska that's right for those of you that don't know spent the last couple summers in Alaska and we will be spending it in Alaska again this summer uh we're gonna be leaving in about may end of May and coming back like middle of August right before early goose so if you guys are excited for the Alaska videos let me know in the comment section down below because I know I'm very excited back to what I was saying about today I have no video and I thought let's make you guys happy I'm gonna make kind of like an Alaska video or a movie or a film uh that's like I don't know maybe like an hour long and basically it's gonna be all the adventures from last summer that we had there I'm gonna pick and choose some of the most awesome days that we had out there and just kind of make it all into a big timeline and throw into a movie so hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to sit back on the couch get some popcorn and pray that summer comes soon thank you here we go look how clean this one is I'm so dirty what is going on everybody and welcome back to the channel today marks a very very important day I've been trying to keep this a secret from you guys for the past like five to seven months and finally the day has come where I can tell you guys that for the 2022 summer season myself Sam and my girlfriend Lindsay will be living in Alaska that's right Alaska you guys have seen us go there the last like I don't know a couple years or so creating content for you guys and every time I post an Alaska video you guys give us really good feedback and you guys really seem to like it so yesterday or not yesterday last year I was sitting to myself thinking you know what why am I not living in Alaska so with the help of some other people uncut Outdoors Andrew Flair and a bunch of other homies we're making the reality a dream we're gonna well I said that wrong we're making the dream a reality and uh we're going to live in Alaska for about two months the whole summer and it begins today so the plan is we're in Fargo North Dakota it takes 51 hours to get to Alaska now myself and Lindsay there's Lindsay we are going to be driving this rig right here as you guys can see we got her loaded down the taco is looking pretty sexy we got the new Hemingway bikes that they sent me which we'll talk about later in today's video a huge shout out to them for sending us some awesome bikes for this awesome adventure um got the rooftop tent on top and then inside of here it's just jam-packed full of stuff and then obviously in here too yeah it's uh it's pretty loaded down Lindsay and I are getting the hard task of driving all this to Alaska because being there for so long we want our own vehicle and well we got stuck with that job Sam is gonna fly in he gets to hop on a plane for like five hours and 45 minutes and I'll pick him up and he'll be in Alaska so he doesn't have to suffer through all of this but I wanted to bring the camera out because we want to film the entire time that we are in the last which would start right now I want to film us going up there driving showing you guys all the cool stuff that you can see driving to Alaska again we're driving from Fargo North Dakota to Alaska uh 51 hours and we're gonna Camp along the way we kind of want to do it in about five days which is pretty pretty uh Hefty driving you can if you guys do end up going to Alaska yourself driving there I'd probably suggest spacing it out and enjoying it a little bit more but Lindsay and I are just like but we're getting it done you know so we're doing five days of 11 hours and we precisely mapped out where we're going to be going and where our 11 hours will end each day so we reserve some campsites and we're just gonna camp and drive and maybe do a little bit of fishing a little bit exploring maybe a little bit all that and just you know make your way to Alaska slowly are you excited to live in Alaska this summer so excited I'm not really that jazzed up about the drive part of it private's gonna start getting really pretty we're gonna see wildlife mountains and stuff so then it'll be much better but I think the first two days it's gonna like really drag you guys have been clamoring where's Lindsay where's Lindsay did you break off her where's Lindsay blah blah so I decided you know what I I better bring her to Alaska and she's gonna be a character in the Vlog so this summer I am so freaking stoked for but it all begins now we're gonna start gonna get some gas probably some ice and then hit the road man and then we gotta cross the border eventually into Canada which you guys will see in a little bit but come along this adventure let's begin the journey okay we finally made it we are at our final destination in Alaska where we will be spending the entire rest of the summer and Bam this is what the front looks like so you guys saw this we drove my truck up here and Sam actually got my grandparents car that they're letting us use it for the summer so he drove that up so I think for the majority of the rest of the month we're gonna have two cars which is gonna be super key and then this is the front of our house right here as you can see we're kind of in the middle of nowhere in like a little like cabin area um looks very alaskey we have one neighbor right here which I have not met yet and then our other neighbor we have met there mark and Mike and they're actually super nice they actually kind of know the ropes around here a lot more they even got a boat so maybe one of these days we'll be going out with them but they're really cool and then yeah I've yet to meet these guys but we're gonna walk over here and uh bam here is the front Okay and then we have two seats I set up and I just kind of threw out the waiter shoes and the waders which are going to come in huge clutch throughout the summer um over there we got the two e-bikes and as a matter of fact we actually had an incident which was off camera with that e-bike right there as you can maybe tell that handlebar is not looking very good and the out of the tire over there is popped when we were driving here uh uh a freaking construction worker flagged us down was like hey you're dragging a bike so for a couple miles or something like that one of the e-bikes actually fell off and we were just kind of dragging it the tire is child that needs to get replaced and then the handlebar is not looking too good if you touch it you're gonna get cut So eventually I need to bring that into the town here and get it kind of fixed up and all that good stuff but if you guys were curious we were spending the summer in Soldotna Alaska so if any of you guys live around the area and want to take us on a boat or got some cool fishing ideas for our videos this summer drop a comment down below and we will try to make something happen but let's go inside and before we go inside check this out a smoke sent me this is the a smoke I think like 350 and it's gonna be used throughout the summer to smoke stuff we're gonna cook chicken on it tonight uh probably some salmon if we ever catch any in that and then our garbage is over there and just nothing crazy but we're gonna go in here whoa what's going on here nothing much hanging out in the new cabin so we have made it inside the house here and let's just take a look around as you can see Lindsay's making herself at home she's actually editing mindak reels so if you see reels on our Instagram page it's Lindsay behind the scenes so huge shout out to Lins for doing that but this is the inside here a little living room we got two bedrooms a bathroom and then over here is our kitchen we'll kind of start over here we got a laundry and a dryer we got the old fridge here we went to town and got a bunch of food and stuff so look at that we are freaking stocked up um literally got a whole thing of RAM and a whole case so shout out to my boy Nick from NBA that's he'd appreciate that that's the soy sauce one too if you guys are curious but we got a dishwasher Keurig we had to get this toaster uh big old sink right there Then cabinets and nothing too crazy over there and then you guys saw this a little bit already but we got a table coffee table two couches and then if guests come throughout the summer we have cots that we're gonna set up right here so we could sleep like two or three people uh we got a little gaming station because you know big gamer and then right here is my editing station and uh I'll be cooking up the Saucy edits we got a nice TV here and then we walk over here and this is slayman's room whatever gun on you stay straight bro what up slay Daddy what up boy you made it brother yeah brother you pumped to be in Alaska I am look at this lovely view though she is that pretty I gotta wake up to that every morning that's pretty cool or you look out the window and it's like actually Alaska yeah we could do that yeah I mean it's not as cool but that's yeah that's a joke just but this is Sam's bedroom nice bed here though actually the beds are freaking comfy memory foam it's like yeah nice memory foam we got his little grebel closet full of grievable things there and then if you guys were curious yeah our grandparents are letting us uh borrow a gun for the summer it's not loaded right now um but in case of like bears and stuff like that it's good to have that to stay strapped that sandwich yep what's over here uh the flossing rods oh we got hello rods yeah and the googons as I mentioned them they got the googan routes they're gonna come in handy this trip um these blinds come in clutch though like it gets black in here but as you guys know it doesn't get dark out for that long and not very dark so these blind stuff I do come in clutch but it feels like this and there are no blinds it kind of sucked to sleep so yeah shout out to the blinds and then we'll walk over here real quick this is me and Lindsay's room pretty nice same thing as Sam's room uh you know same old we got the thing full here nice view and then Over Yonder we got the bathroom pretty actually bougie bathroom it's nicer than ours in freaking Fargo it seems like oh and if you guys are also curious yeah you guys have seen this in the last couple videos I just have not addressed it I have a mullet it's not where I wanted to be yet but eventually maybe by the end of the summer it'd be a lot better well guys that is pretty much the whole tour of our cabin it's not like anything giant but it's gonna do fine I mean we're only here for about two months and for our time here I think it's gonna be actually perfect hey yo boyo what time is it look at that you don't even have to ask me what time it is but it's early AF morning everybody welcome back to the channel we are starting the video off at 2 18 a.m it is very early uh Sam and I did not get any sleep last night Lindsay maybe got you know an hour of sleep but we wanted to film a video for you guys because number one that's why we're here number two it has been a absolute grind to get videos here in Alaska we are resorting to waking up right now and going to Seward Alaska we're gonna try snagging again see if we can get some red salmon because at this point we just really need a video and also the boys are pretty hungry for some more salmon so I think tonight we should like try to catch one obviously and then yeah this morning we should try to catch one and then try to figure out a new way to like cook it you know I feel like the viewers like that oh yeah Mr slayman hey yo what up stud we made it we did make it I don't know how long there's a lot of construction once again we're going snagging we're not coming out here to you know Hook Fish in the mouth so we're gonna fill the freezer today though we're coming out here to lay the hammer all right and the Three Stooges are off Off to the Races check it out though guys I got a freaking baseball bat today cracked cut right through I know a lot of the people just won't cut right through no way actually I don't think it's that deep all right so we're just sending her across how chilly is this gonna be I like how Sam's a good guinea pig up there you're killing it buddy foreign in the sand all right folks who made it up here looks freaking gorgeous out here hopefully you can see a decent amount in the GoPro right now but uh look at it there's not very many people here but give it a couple hours and it will be packed probably but we're gonna start fishing you guys stay tuned hopefully we can get one yes sir I'd seen them tail up right here so I cast it right in there and we got one all right thanks brother there you go all right thank you John here's one oh this is a big this thing is massive [Applause] came out I figured out where they're all at they're just straight up on that channel this one's big there's two fish for me it looks like five but you know it's going good Lindsay had one puffed but it came off unfortunately seen him jump to the left now I might make my way over there but I'm just keeping an eye of where these fish are jumping at for you can see them swirling you can sometimes see the wake and you just cast right where you see them and usually you can hook up with one there we go foreign I can see a whole school of them you can see them swimming up there over there oh my God yeah I'm coming right to me look at that he about jumped in the net best way to land them is usually just to get them up in Shore you want to keep your Rod angled though because you don't want that hook flying back and hit me on the face another nice one dude yeah all right all right sorry guys it's been complete chaos so far Sam already has three fish I like had one on First cast but then I broke off so I had to reset everything re-tie Lindsay how one hooked on so I was going out there to help her and uh yeah so I'm finally getting back out there but the the high tide is definitely move it seems to be like there's a lot of fish out right now so we're gonna see if we can get a fish I'm excited I really want Lindsay to catch a fish because she hasn't caught one yet this is her day foreign my first one of the day boys me and Sam are and Lindsay are put on a clinic right now hey there we go brother there we go thanks brother I got it all right I'm gonna go Bonk this guy get back in there rough the four fish now it's going good it's going good oh is that yours just keep walking them back I got tangled up in her line so it might be a show foreign [Music] going back out here for another crazy epic 10 minutes probably everybody just talked to Sir that was nuts Lindsay kind of first ever uh salmon so that is freaking sick and you can see it in her eyes right now she is tired of she's super fired up so this could get rooster boys God Lindsay's a freaking Beast now Lindy's on again I got it I got it Lindsay Lindsay you are just cracked now after you got the first one you just know what's up now right yeah Lee good job good job what's a tanker that is a tanker holy crap that's a big one yeah hey come here take this rod you go back up that was awesome all right I'll take care of this one that's a big one oh yeah oh yeah look at that one nice Lindsay all right I'm sorry how crazy this video is literally we haven't had a break and Lindsay's on again we haven't had a break in any of the actions Lindsay is starting to clap now after she caught her first one she figured out how to do it and she's just freaking going at it she's up to three now I gotta go a net this and I've just been netting fish and um executing this fish so this is going crazy let me get the net out for her there we go here we go tradesies okay go get him good job Lindsay be in the fan band all right maybe these people are actually gonna let me fish for once but I guarantee you by the time I get out here either a Lindsay or B Sam will have one on so we'll see foreign [Music] that was crazy oh my drag was loose oh rookie mistake rookie mistake all right I'm cracked they're loaded right there you know all right yeah get there right there they're loaded in there yeah they're in the mouth oh my God there's one that's a vegan it feels like a tank oh red hold off they're stacked like right in here dude oh will they be stacked in here boy oh there's another one they're right across me foreign number four for me [Music] oh yeah all right I need one more [Music] all right [Music] foreign I am weak all right fellas fourth one is on at the moment I gotta lay in them though [Music] and another one bites the dust sorry you can drag him back to shore this is Lexi oh you're good brother thank you there we go that might be the last one boys oh yeah they're schooled up right here I bring you the last fish Sam we did it 18 baby let's go we limited out that was the last fish I'm super sweaty I smell like fish and my arms are tired but by God we did it and look at the view oh let's go take a look at the last pile here boys all right let's check it out boys look at all of that meat we just harvested holy crap dude we went in beast mode today oh yeah bro I told you we were gonna fill the freezer the first day was just a test run to get our toes wet today we were gonna go demon mode so yeah dude we were feeling violent this morning Lindsay were we feeling violent this morning I was yeah you were let's go Lindsay you caught your first ever red yeah so ain't limited and limited first ever red and limited in the same day that's that's insane and it's 6 15 in the morning we started fishing at probably like five yep so an hour an hour and we caught 18. and we have the whole day yeah but the whole rest of the day to chill well we gotta clean these that's gonna take we gotta flame up well I'm not gonna you two have to yep and yeah it's awesome the next morning oh good morning everybody and it is the next day basically yesterday all you guys missed was we left the place and cleaned all the fish went back home and slept literally all day because like I said we didn't get any sleep yesterday uh but check out the freezer oh [Music] gosh the boys killed it and girls boy I'm tired anyways yeah we all just woke up on the next day and uh we want to cook this salmon now we're gonna do it maybe a little bit different uh the last video we kind of just like straight up made it and then like ate it on the side of things or by itself but today Sam's gonna take you through a little thing that we like to do and again it's an easy recipe so stay tuned I'm hungry I hope it turns out good all right first step is we're gonna need some oil in the bottom of the pan not very much it's just basically so the skin is not gonna stick to the bottom of the pan oh we're gonna turn around to I like a medium high heat while we're waiting for the oil to heat up we're just gonna take some salt some pepper some Italian seasoning paprika garlic powder onion powder once you got your fish season and the oil is hot we're just gonna Place her into the pan here and uh she's a little big for the pan but it's gonna be all right [Music] and then we just sprinkled on like the tiniest of tiniest pinches of brown sugar ever um just a little bit then you're gonna need yourself a fresh lemon for when this comes off foreign get a nice crisp on the back side of the skin we are just gonna flip them for probably about a minute or so until it gets a nice little crust [Music] once you get a nice little sear on the front you're just gonna throw in a little bit of butter and then you're just going to baste it and it shouldn't be too much longer until it's done cooking [Music] wow ladies and gentlemen Sam just got done making a beautiful salmon blackened salmon on the stovetop and we decided to make or like eat ours a little bit different which you guys can eat this however you want you know you can mix it in salad or whatever I made a salmon burrito bowl uh that's how it turned out let me see if you guys could see this I mean that thing looks absolutely gas and in this thing we got the salmon on top and then inside there I got some pico de gallo some lettuce and then obviously you have to have the white rice in there and man it looks super super good I'm gonna go in for a bite here oh yeah dude um I just got in the street to Cleo brother it's good good no yeah I know it's good but that's just weird salmon in a turkey up this is the way to do it right here make yourself some salmon on the stove put some Pico in a bowl some rice some lettuce if you had sour cream or some creamy chipotle sauce that'll be gas in here um so good luck boyo thank you [Music] all right guys little update for you it is 10 40 at night and yes it's still this light out pretty freaking crazy but um today super super tall so Lindsay and I we're kind of tired we're waking up and filming an absolute Banger tomorrow and we gotta get up early so the plan is me and Lindsay Are Gonna Leave Sam's gonna stay here a little bit longer with some of his buddies and see if he can land a fish and I have a feeling Sam that since I won't be around I I think you're gonna catch one like that's just how I'll go I'm the bad luck we've established that in all these videos you guys know I'm bad luck good luck my guy thanks homie thank you finally dude 's dogging me boy foreign [Applause] [Applause] so many hours have been put into this one fish bro the amount of times I've tried for this always heavy it's finally being paid off bro holy crap hey this is where it gets scared when they start going Downstream bro hmm yeah you don't want to come in that's for damn sure I bet that's in that that's gotta be in the mouth Your Rod ain't going like no I think I got him in the mouth yeah oh yeah bro we bought these a couple years ago for Sockeye fishing the break he is close bro damn bro I'm scared [Applause] oh should I try and get him in this code back here it looks pretty damn good oh yeah that's nice for real for real tail though yeah I saw that well thank you I was gonna try and that was big was it huh what about the same size as yours you think it's bigger than that I think it's a little bigger that's the second one I've had oh hi John here we go jumping like crazy man pretty sure this one's in the mouth too foreign thank you oh I'm tired I did not bring a nap so rip to me foreign 's tired well I was tired but we cannot horse some let's go let's go baby we got a key oh my God and it's in the mouth do you guys see that let's go first king ever not massive but it is a hatchery fish obviously and that is a beautiful King Salmon if I say so myself I don't know if people consider this a Jack or not but in my books I call that the king salmon man hell yeah oh my god I've worked so hard for this fish I'll compare him to my rod here for you guys so you guys can get like a little estimate I'd say it's probably like a eight to ten pound fish I'm no Sam next for it but here we go baby I'm just pumped we finally got one in after all this time for all this hard work we finally got one look at that what is that even what is that thing it's a creature let me don't want to mess with what is going on everybody and welcome back to the channel we are in Alaska but we have a special video for you so the backstory behind this I have a buddy up here named Flynn which you guys just saw and uh how long you've been living up here Flynn like how many Summers has it been okay he's been coming up here for five Summers up here in the nilchick Alaska and it seems like something happens and we never get to connect with each other but today we're finally making it happen uh he called me up he's like hey we got a couple open spots dude Lindsey want to come and do some clamming and you know of course I was like all right say less I've never done this this is going to be a completely new experience for both of us because Lindsay you've never claimed either obviously so this is going to be a whole learning curve uh I'm really excited though thank you and we made it on water we floating when okay so can you tell the folks what we're doing today we are gonna run 33 miles across the inlet and we're gonna take them shovels stick them in the beach and pull up some clams and then they're like good eating I guess yeah razor clams there take a long time to clean but they're delicious to eat Johnny Boy's gonna get a taste [Music] you ready we're cramming we've got two buckets here handy these things whoo whoa Land Ho he just made it to land here um so we rolled up and the tide was coming out so the Strat is you go in you drop anchor and you wait and then the tide goes out and then you get beached and then your boat will look like this bam we got the boat right there just sitting there like that and then we have to clam for four hours and wait until the water comes back up here so we can pick up the anchor and skedaddle but check out the view folks this is insane the drive over was super chill so we do love that but we are just gonna walk around for clams now I'm gonna have Flynn probably uh give a little demonstration on how we're gonna get these clams we're going after razor clams that's kind of like the target species today uh but yeah man I this is just awesome being out here right now and looking to get into some clams all right Flynn so how are we digging clams here what clam shovel clam dimple that's a dimple oh you just see a move yeah yeah he's skedaddled probably aren't gonna get him but you stick your shovel in crack the sand and the idea is to pull your sand at an angle so that his neck would be sticking out right where I drug the shovel across but the sand is still pretty wet oh how would you feel very good hey little guy here's your razor clamp dude you're a problem toss him in the bucket and we get going but the water in the sand that uses suction and suck down deeper into the sand when you're digging for them so we're going to wait for the sand to dry out a little bit and get to digging some more get Johnny on the on the loop get digging all right guys so that's basically the deal you just walk around you gotta walk around a little bit quietly you can't like be tromping around because um Al was telling us that they will sense the vibrations and dig on deeper down so it's harder to get to so just kind of slowly walk along look for those dimples um AKA nipples I'm just gonna call them nipples you look for a nipple and then you just take your shovel three inches away from it pry it open like uh flinded right there get some clams I'm I'm really excited this part is like cool I think but after about like four clams I would be like all right like I'm I'm chilling now you know I'm kind of lazy but I'm looking forward to trying these uh and as table fare because I've never had razor clams and they look pretty delicious all right come on show me something here okay yup yup you're getting after it got mountains in the background this is a dope shot so Lindsay's digging I think she wants okay all right she wants me to go digging around in there oh that is gold brother dude that's cold dude dude eat them boys he's he's down there bro he's probably digging he is down there bro how do you I'll try it I'll try it hold on hold on I say hold up wait a minute oh yeah dude he's got a big like looking like eggplant Emoji thing okay so look at that thing bro this is the neck okay this is the part that makes the dimple right this is the foot that's the part that's digging away from me oh dude look at this thing let me wash this off a little bit so you guys I don't know holy crap dude we just tagged him that pretty good eh you want to touch this look at this thing I'm good I'm good the hell is all broken yeah I kind of broke it a little bit when I was digging down there but dude that was sick whoa that was the uh first clam of the day for Lindsay and I that is actually kind of a lot of work because they when they when you're reaching down there like my you guys saw my arm fully down there and I felt the clam digging and going away from me trying to get away we're just gonna keep going at it I'm just gonna be the guy that reaches my hand down there and Lindsay's gonna shovel oh yeah there you go Lindsay look you're getting this down oh she's going more oh you told me to dig deeper you told me to get deeper oh I feel yeah he's down there oh I did it oh look it up he's like doing some weird things with his eggplant Emoji look at that not bad not bad crushing a little bit there but look at this thing so fluence told me that one side's a boot or tail or whatever one side of the head I don't know or the neck like a neck yeah Lindsay's listening to me but look at that thing that's crazy all right put that guy in there all right Lindsay find me another one here we just got one oh I feel another one oh this oh here we go oh that's a nice one yes look at that look at that old son dude that's Lindsay that's our cleanest one that we've got so far I didn't break the shell or anything so what was the Strat though you dug faster and I reached in there more yeah faster you really gotta like get after it quick I don't know I dug three times two on that one dude look at that kegger that's awesome quit yeah yeah no way oh there he is right there dude he went down that fast yeah his neck was oh I'm doing the John squeal oh I cracked the living snot out of him yeah I know that's the worst bro are you dude you're kidding hey damn bro so his neck was all the way on the surface of the sand and I went to grab him and he shot down all the way this one foot and a half yeah dude that was crazy hard work people it's cloudy like this yum oh he's a really really bad you know hun Lindsay you're gonna try this all by yourself oh oh we got we got do you see him running yeah down there see I'm telling after like three times though you get warmed up already oh she's talking big talk oh oh my gosh did you just do that yeah it's fun this is way more fun than fishing this is more fun than fishing yeah when you're not catching them like yesterday God that was true there's another one right by you too she's going oh oh her hands in there she's noodling look at whoa you're dude you're kind of getting good at this you just gotta send it babe I think dude she is Chrissy like did you just call me out a little bit well you got some dirt on yourself now you were going in like real slow and prissy you got to just like send your arm down there you know all right so it's going pretty good right now I would say things are are going good I think what I might do is I mean I got some pretty good big big camera footage here um I kind of want to try digging up some myself so I think I'm gonna bring the camera back to the boat get my GoPro on and try doing a couple by myself and then after that probably just uh cut to the cleaning part because you guys probably getting bored just watching us do this hand over fist like that but all right now it's my turn all right guys I got a shovel and I'm gonna try doing one oh buy me loan so I'm gonna walk around and see if I can get one for you guys on film for your whole Pro oh man I'm excited all right looking for a little nipple here come here clammys where are you where is he at oh see his little nipple oh God ah dude he hauled ass away I gotta drag yeah I gotta work on that oh I feel him though he's right you see how he scored yeah he was right there on the surface yeah he was come here you little sucker oh okay I have my first one here it's being a little pain to come up come on keep sucking up there we go I cracked him a little bit but that's my first one yeah he was squirting out the surface a little bit then I put one dig in and I felt him go away I gotta work on Dragon better but dude look at that first one brother what's that yeah you like that one in the bucket all right thanks brother what you got a giant one really I gotta look for it oh I found myself oh damn slow and steady slow and steady hey look at that beauty this is Loki kind of fun like I'm trying to get one without breaking the shell like as you can see I broke a little bit but dude I've never seen razor Clans before in real life these things are no joke pretty freaking cool all right oh there he is come here oh my God oh look at that dude this guy was giving me the hardest time ever that's a freaking tanker dude look at that beautiful so this is what I was grabbing onto I was grabbing onto this thing but this part down here was digging it's inside him right now but it was down there digging and he was just trying to go all the way down but I grabbed onto this guy pulled it lightly up finally got my best one of the day so far look at that Alaskan razor clam and then you look over here it's like bam straight nature it's pretty cracked that is a three-quarter Full Bucket is really heavy what'd you think really fun it's a lot of work like don't get me wrong but really fun because it's instant gratification it's not like fishing where you're casting for hours before you catch one well ladies and gentlemen Lindsay and I just uh got done climbing that probably took about an hour 30 or so hour 45 and uh I we could keep more but we don't need to keep any more on that just because you know I just want to take what we can eat so we got three quarters full of a bucket here and we're just gonna hang out now and we have to wait till the high tide comes so the boat obviously can go back in the water because it's dry right here right now so the plan is we're gonna do that drive on back Flynn's going to show us how to clean them and then we're gonna end up cooking them all right guys we have made it back to the all crib and uh back to land and uh well we have all those clams it was a successful trip we're actually gonna clean a couple right now just to show you guys well Flynn's like better at this than me obviously because I've never cleaned these so I'm gonna have him show you guys how to clean a razor clam all right father show me how it's done all right we're a little rusty but we're gonna take a knife and shove it all the way in down to the very bottom of the clam okay an attempt to work this clam away from this show okay the clam open and then you got all your good stuff oh that looks that's crazy in there looks like a freaking alien or something I've just kind of work it away best you can peel it off do away with that splitter in the middle take your scissors and attempt to split these Tails here of the clam as best you can oops and it helps wow cleaning this and then he can go right up in okay up through cut that side slitter open come into the bottom tube get that open like that and that's one big chunk some people cut the tip off this stuff you can it doesn't really matter they need to clean that up more obviously then you got the foot this is the part that digs kind of an interesting piece and you squeeze until this little clear piece come out screws it all out gonna break it off scissors go all the way up that way take your water and rinse yourself out that's pretty much it eh that is it that is a razor clam yep well that'd be them it kind of looks like squid or like some yeah like caviar or something something that needs to be in my belly so that is how you clean it uh the plan is Lindsay and I are gonna drive home and make Sam Layman clean all of these because I don't want to do it every one of them but no we're actually gonna go home do a little bit of cleaning and then uh probably put some in some Ziploc bags and then there are many of them we are going to eat so stay tuned guys gotta drive back home I'll catch you guys in a little bit [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys it is the next day as you guys saw it took a long time to clean all those clams I had Sam come out to help me it actually took three hours to do all of that but we left out a couple of these Sons of Guns because we want to try eating them and this looks like a freaking alien I'm pretty skeptical about this right now everybody's talking them up and stuff but hmm I don't know I'm kind of sketched out about it I don't know if it's gonna taste good but today we're gonna try doing the old Franks and flower because this is the best way um if you're scared to eat something eat it this way because it gets rid of all the game taste and stuff but I could be wrong this could be totally good so we're gonna take this Frank's right here we're just gonna freaking dump a lot of this in here oh yeah let's just get all that in there so once you got your clams and your Franks in there you want to close the bag because it'd be bad if you didn't do that now we're just going to mix these in there just like that okay nothing too crazy nothing too crazy we're gonna let this sift a little bit uh you know I you can let this sit to as much as like a day but we're just gonna let it sit for like five minutes let it soak up some of that Franks and stuff like that um and then we'll get back to you in a little bit alrighty it has been five minutes and let's check out how they turned out okay nothing too crazy I don't know if I think this is the neck or I think that's what they call I don't know but you just take these bad boys and you're gonna plop them in some plain flour I did add a little bit of seasoning salt in there just to make some seasonings pop I don't know boy I'm kind of skeptical about that thing we're about to put that in my mouth man like it doesn't look good but maybe it will taste muy delicioso I don't know but we're just gonna take all of this dump it in the flour and do a little shake and bake action all right leave a little air pocket shake the bake action there all right Samo stand clear this could get dangerous this is a chungus it's going in are you ready yeah okay here we go watch out boys okay there's a lot more chill than I thought put it like a couple pieces in there all right you want that sit in there for about yeah 40-ish seconds or so 45 a second so flip it over the other side I mean literally it does just kind of look like no cappuccino we gotta try clam chowder oh yeah we should also try some clam chowder later we've heard that's fire you've heard that is fire apparently Jaden the guy that lives here Jaden uh he's like my grandma makes the best clam chowder on the Keen Eye Peninsula oh nothing new well this is uh interesting interesting to say than these what are you thinking I'm thinking we'll let these cool I'm thinking we should do one more batch before we eat these and then and try and get this spatula a little more golden crispy good idea yeah yeah is that one the batter kind of fell off okay we're gonna go for a better run here so I think these ones were gonna let them cook just go a little longer I think the first ones were scared to botch yeah so we took them off yeah premature that's true so maybe we'll get a little bulky we'll get bulgy on this one here and go a little bit longer that one looks pretty good they smell good Lindsay says well hopefully they smell as good as they taste should I just go in for one Sam a little cool down oh well the ones that we let cool down already might just go for it sure oh God it is definitely uh this is moist it's a moist boy I heard you're supposed to dip these in tartar sauce but we don't have tartar sauce recipes okay I'm nervous here we go up really the clam life just ain't for me bro oh yeah it's so chewy and like that means we cooked it too long no I I yeah I don't know I didn't like that and it felt like uh like a salamander was in my mouth okay I caught a smaller piece that we cooked longer it's more gonna be more crunchy that one was better maybe the Frank's just ain't it okay okay we botched the first one yeah the first one wasn't done enough they didn't look done no I read I saw my mind said took them for a minute and a half we cooked them for maybe 30 seconds yeah yeah we didn't do long enough that's actually a lot better that one was actually pretty good um it tasted like kind of like a fish but like a more moist and chewier fish but honestly that was way better like these ones no not long enough leave them on a little longer to get a good crisp and it's not bad but I think it is Lindsay's turn to trial on Cheers we're supposed to do the same time come on all right cheers and then we're doing the same time I'm a big weenie at home cheers it's fine yeah be sure to try the first one that I made it was so bad no the texture actually like I feel like it was fine that was good this the first batch we didn't cook it long enough but these ones that we let crisp a little longer way better I also think more salt yeah and maybe if we cut it up into like smaller chunks you could just throw it all in at once yeah because if you have to bite it that might be like true but no that was good yeah I think if you dipped it in tartar sauce too oh I love tartar sauce yeah so better than what you thought yeah you scared me right away before the first one was I wanted to puke after it was like raw I literally ate raw and I was like that was scary because he likes everything so I was like oh boy this is gonna be terrible all right definitely not gonna go up to what's going on oh brother you guys ready to go catch some fish ah well we're back out here with the clowns today we got guy Trent right here and then and then we got oh oh my God we're catching halibut today Joe welcome back to the channel guys beautiful day in Alaska pretty typical day I could say it is about 60 degrees overcast and our buddy Trent was like hey yo I got the rest of the day off you want to go catch some Reds and we're like dude say freaking less so we're gonna go out here see if we can get on some Trails out this morning and they got their limit but uh we're gonna try a different part of the river than he fished earlier this morning but he still thinks we're gonna get into them I don't know so today we got myself Sam Big Daddy Joe obviously Trent and then Lindsay's somewhere I think she wants to go to the bathroom or something but the whole Cruise out here today and we're gonna see if we can get some fish thank you these are the nice ones first Pole [Music] thank you oh boy what the heck all right we made it to we made it to flossing spot number one it's about to go Dodge Trent's getting excited about to start flipping here for some Reds uh some people down there got one but we're about to go off folks hopefully Trend said it's gonna be a blood bath so we shall see all right daddy Joe this is your time to talk on the camera here can you just give a little rundown for people that don't know what flossing is on how to do it well oh there he is oh it's a little trout are you serious a little trout it's a little trout no way I'm just like over here I'm sorry um you're pretty much snagging them in the mouth it's really all I can say it's a little dolly there he goes there goes the dolly okay so what are we doing snagging them in the mouth okay how do you do it well just flip out there like that okay flip out there and bring it down to your right give it a little hook set and hopefully you got one of them out all right so we're on the lovely Sandbar here all the boys are gonna start flashing gotta get some cameras set up but it should be a good time all right foreign sorry Joe get in there look at that right in the mouth come up here Bubba there we go here we go beautiful that's good hey my guy Trent how many did you miss before this about four or five oh we love that let's call it Daddy Trent watch out for the trench behind you oh right in the tail right where you don't want them see you later hey at least you're knocking fish brother there he was and you already have two on the bank right two and two so we were down there and then Trent's like oh come up here and before we could even get up here Trent knocked two yeah no Trent has two and then Sam also caught one so this is going good oh yeah in the mouth too baby get up in here boy here you come to Daddy all right oh we got a double baby oh had one oh boy it's Samuel Lander oh yeah oh I'm gonna land it ready for this come up here Bubba got the blacker oh brother I got you let me see a Hulk smash you know I feel Hulk smash eh yep let me see it I think he's dead yeah man yeah [Applause] just like in the zone now there's one oh snap oh snap 500 years later just literally 500 years later oh this has been a long time coming here come here oh snap come here get your butt back here boy I should be all right get the gun ah Folks At Home Folks at home this has been this has been a long time coming here double tread's got one too oh my God we're cracked let's go right in the mouth bam let's go holy cow finally the boy got one this guy's getting the onions real quick there he goes my guy Trent's on too oh what a fresh fish right there Joe would say we're gonna rip his gills out put him with the rest of his buddies and get back to fishing is it a botch without the lighter fluid totally forgot to get that let's just go get some gas bro oh God Lee folks raw tip down that's right oh golly oh brother the line is tight I just had one on now I have another one on oh brother come here brother [Applause] come on just a nice little fighter here look at that oh so much fun is being had right now oh oh I love flossing there we go that took forever but finally I got him [Applause] Oh Daddy joke what the oh yeah I got a fish though Joe [Applause] oh yeah come up here Bubba it's not bad okay let me see your power that is a chunky bro damn well I just got done fishing I got my limit of fish and so did Trent and Joe but we still need one more fish John and Lindsey are still getting after it hey and uh hey maybe I'll get one calm down everything will be all right okay Trent's gotta calm down Lindsay because she's freaking out but it's a good pile of fish right there boy this is a big one oh Lindsay's hooked up but we are planning on doing a little short lunch here with some of the salmon and uh Trent's gonna fillet one up and uh show us how it's done look at the setup Trent Scott though he's got the table actually matte probably a sharp knife kind of the Alaskan Shore lunch oh boy okay here we go start the pooper work his way up the gut it's gonna cut off I don't cut those things off okay that's just one thing I don't do I play different than some people yeah that's fine and yeah too far feel the backbone and just work your way down the spine just like that dang it's like you've done this a couple times Trent I already played freaking nine of them this morning I know heck yeah freshest fish you're ever gonna get down the states this stuff goes for like eighty dollars a pound that is insane crazy and we're just eating it for free there we go oh yeah that's a good chunk right there Johnny boy I wish I brought some soy sauce dude cut those bones out of it precious water no fresh glacier water pressure salmon man you gonna try some shrimp yeah this isn't my favorite okay I like it cooked a lot better you ready all right so we got this right here I wish I had soy sauce but we have Cholula hot sauce that Lindsay brought do you want some Cholula bro yeah you like how it's the hot stuff it's not it's not that hot no more come on no more let me try there you go it's good all right oh oh he just went right in for it all right there you go is it good that's actually good I'm gonna get a little bit of this in there without hot sauce it's actually really good look at that fresh freaking salmon oink my hot sauce makes it real good to be honest fire bro unreal I like I said I wish we had soy sauce but like dude this is like second pretty good like that maybe with some soy sauce bro I could literally to hopefully like that yeah just yeah no I think you should try it because it's actually fire dude thank you a little little yeah get you a little piece off of there this Cholula oh it's like Wasabi almost but yeah Trent's gonna continue cleaning this and then like I said we brought a grill and stuff and we're gonna cook up a fish because the boys and girls are hungry no that was no not at all beautiful look at that what are you gonna season it with we got garlic pepper lemon pepper and garlic salt oh that's all you need that's all you need you go pretty heavy with it huh [Music] [Music] more than we got the salmon fillet ready she's looking nice and seasoned Trent did amazing job but we're just gonna put a couple pieces of butter on there and wrap her up in the tinfoil and throw on the charcoal grill man so we're gonna get the fire started all right daddy Joe you got the goods in there you got the fire ripping we got the goods in there oh oh everything's ready that looks freaking Flames dude it smells so good in there yeah it's going all right let's see what it got here yes sir there we go catch and cook on the river and we got our salmon right there daddy Joe cooking there we go oh my God we got a triple Lindsay's on Trent's on and Sam's on oh oh no she's pissed no Trent and Sammy are doubled up right now hey my guy Sammy caught one for fun yeah look at that oh Joe's on two now so we got Sam right there we got Trent fighting one right now while our Salmon's cooking and daddy Joe you on yep Daddy Joe's on and Lindsay was just on but the fish don't like her rip sheesh boys I'm done for the day man I'm tired when oh my God Joe what do you think of that it's Good Sam what do you think of that I'm excited man I'm hungry should we go in yeah let me see you let me see you try a little bit here oh man get that bone out of there look at that fat on there man cheers um who made it let me get in here again Bubba oh my god did you see that boy how's it look looks phenomenal oh my God it's cooked hmm good buzzer so it doesn't get any better than that literally those fish are swimming in the water like yeah his friends are right there chilling yeah good job on seasoning the fish trap very very good the fire man right here Smokey the Bear can't beat it man foreign a little bit of story time uh I've actually been gone from Alaska for the last like week and a half to almost two weeks I had a wedding to go to and we wanted to see some family so I took a brief pause in the Alaska send went back home to the Midwest but now I'm back and as a matter of fact I actually just got back like literally an hour ago Sam picked me up from the airport and he's like hey man it's the fourth of July I want to go fishing I'm gonna pick you up from the airport let's go hit this Creek up and try fly fishing for some Grayling and rainbow trout and I was like all right bet that sounds kind of fun so that is the plan for today uh we got myself Sam and queen killer bee herself all right 500 years later I am ready had a lot to do but we're good we are good we're going into the Wilderness We Got The Three Amigos gonna be an adventure I got the bear spray ready it's gonna be a good day even if we don't catch anything this is gonna be cool I'm excited for you guys to see what the creek looks like it's super cool foreign spot number one after a little walk here this is freaking beautiful I'm in the water as you guys can tell but uh yeah we're gonna try giving her a go over Yonder and see if we can get something done here this does look pretty juicy the water is a little bit cold but we're just gonna send it and I got my six weight flat Rod not really sure I think it's like a cheap Readington so nothing too crazy uh and then I got a dry fly on there this is uh Adams Dry Fly put some gink on there how to put a new leader and everything I don't know what Sam or Lindsay are using but we're just gonna get freaking after foreign oh another one they're stacked right in there bro got him not a bad one little six-way fly rod man I got it finished running that current Lindsay get in there it's a nice one dude super pretty fish oh yeah man well what happened there Sammy well I uh came up here and found the fish there's a good current line right here and I've just been casting right in the white right in the edge of the current and the slack water and every time I see a fish rise right there I've seen about 15 fish rise so far and this is a small one compared to most of the ones that I've seen rise so hopefully we can get one of the chunguses but hey we got the first grilling of the Alaska trip out of the way this isn't my first grilling ever but without a doubt I love these fish they're really pretty and check out the cool Dorsal fins on these guys look at that looks like a betta fish man crazy so we're gonna get a few quick picks of them and get them back in the water where he belongs all right beautiful grilling I'm gonna go back in the water there he goes seal oh man I felt good old son you can see all the bugs kind of hard to tell what they are though they're kind of far away and they're tiny tiny tiny tiny so we might want to download I'm on boys I'm on hey yo it's a tiny guy super tiny let's go oh yeah no it's I got it let's go I gotta dip my hands though oh yeah he destroyed this dude but my hands look at that beautiful Arctic grayling took the atoms we love that now I gotta get this hook out there we go my first Grayling of the day see you later my guy mine was Tiny and we've seen giant ones but I just tossed it in the foam I saw it come up and Rise somehow a blind squirrel found a nut let's freaking go that was so sick there we go small little guy he's cute beautiful fish I switched up to another flag because it snapped off again but beautiful fish gonna get him back in the water bye-bye buddy I decided to try this I was like it's bigger maybe the bigger fish will want it to try and keep it away from the small guys but that does not seem to be the case got one there we go second one of the day just a little baby guy ah maybe a little bigger than my first one I'm using that Adams man and I've been missing a lot of bites for sure but I finally got one of these guys the hook like I said a blind squirrel finds it not every once in a while eh wet my hands oh yeah this one's bigger than my first one look at that right on the atoms there right where you want to hook them we're gonna get that hook out very nice fish see you later guy number two let's go this is so much fun having a blast out here I'm waiting for Linds to get one I believe in her she's definitely gonna get murked here soon oh oh I got him oh chunky chunky on Changi I got the Changi I got the chunky oh God yeah I need the net this is a chunky brother said chunky oh oh my gosh I can't believe he ate it oh it's big this is the one that I saw earlier that just look how big [Applause] no no he broke oh no that was my fault oh no oh that was my fault dude I slipped in my rod oh I'm just gonna put the net in the middle of us bro oh I got him to eat though dude no and that was my fault dude I I was walking down this rock right here my rod tip got super high and then that was it I it just popped off like that because it was too much too much tension oh my God that was a freaking Behemoth though like I'm I'm not lying guys that fish was probably like close to 20. oh that is my fault 100 percent that's the one that I've been seeing right here oh that was my shot and I it up here we go that's a nice one but hey we'll take it man they fight so well in this River they're beautiful fish look at that super pretty there he goes okay oh my gosh dude that one came in out of nowhere RKO style boys I made a terrible cast and I'm like where the heck is my fly and then all of a sudden I'm hooked up and it do be like that sometimes I lost that big boy which is a huge bummer but you know it happens sometimes this is my biggest one of the day for sure my biggest one of the day that's not a bad one at all fellas nice little gray Lynn look at that dorsal peace buddy we're having a good time uh this hole is clearly absolutely loaded we just the big big ones are eluding us besides that one that I had hooked on for a while Sam actually had a tank on I think a couple times but oh it's it this is so much fun and just like look how freaking pretty this is wouldn't want to be anywhere else on my July 4th I missed the big one got him came back oh brother decent I like prize oh God come here I got it oh brother so let's go Sam Sam come here let's go so here's the story I think this is the exact same one that I had on earlier um let's go I finally got him he I had him again over here missed him Sam just lost the big one but I missed him over here and then I threw back in there and I seen him come out of the depths out of nowhere and crush it look at this one but boys as you guys can see there's my fish it's pretty freaking big one we got some pictures and we'll show them the big camera yeah yeah not the release you wanted but I was a Dandy dude we gotta all get a big one today before we freaking leave dude I've had so many chances yeah oh I caught it I'm coming I'm coming just hold him I'm coming oh man it's it's freaking look at him jumping he's almost going through the wall as I was uh getting rid of my fish Lindsay hooked up maybe you saw in the background but we're all getting fish Sammy's gonna get a big one I know it nah nah we got a lot of little spunk in this guy oh it's a rainbow it's a bow it's really pretty too dude but the first rainbow of the trip not a chungus but it's beautiful oh no there he goes there well rainbow that's cool howdy cowboy what'd you think of this spot it was pretty good I don't know why but I just couldn't hook up with a lot of fish I had a lot of strikes but we were just missing it or I just sucked one of the two but it was pretty good did you have fun at spot number one I'm not gonna lie really frustrated at first because I was getting so many bites but I could not like set the hook or they weren't taking it enough or whatever I don't know but it was making me so mad but I finally got one so yes I love that spot but I'm tired all right spot number one thank you so much that was a lot of fun we all got some action so we can't complain the big ones the really really big ones abated us but next time we'll get them uh I think we're gonna maybe try a couple more spots here down the river and we'll just bring you guys along for the adventure but drop a comment down below let me know if you guys are enjoying this kind of like Fly Fishing Creek Mission if if so we'll film more of this me cam well we just made it to spot number two and uh we're gonna give her a try hopefully we can get on some rainbows that rainbow that I had on at the last spot was super pretty and it fought really really hard so if we can catch a rainbow at this spot it'll be a mission complete all right well we made spot number two and uh we're gonna start freaking going after it Sam's are getting after it making money pass surprise he hasn't caught one yet but that's just how it is bro Sam's freaking Bryant Pratt over here thank you oh nothing new Grayling got him yeah uh I don't know I seen that one come out not anything crazy not bad now pretty good yeah that was sick right in that foam brother right in that phone brother oh it's a good one oh damn that's like I don't know what you said it was a Batman oh I don't know for some reason I thought it was a little dang there we go boys check her out probably the big squarely another day not bad not bad let's go babysane with the net job I'm gonna go for a little uh little unhook in here look at that folks as you guys can see probably my probably the biggest grin I caught today honestly and uh I got him on a uh Caddis nice little cast right there all right fellas just caught my probably the biggest grain of the day for me not a bad one beautiful little fin right there look at that as you guys can tell right there so so pretty these fish are freaking awesome I didn't really expect to get bit right there TBH but we're gonna go for a lease you're gonna get going oh yep there he goes all right I can probably grab it oh no okay nicely done brother let's go there's an eagle sitting right there what up Bubba what's going on brother not much it's early in the morning ain't it oh yeah you ready to get some halibut hopefully some Shooters oh yeah oh Bubba full day of that of you though [Music] we on this we're on a boat you excited for it today you excited for today I'm gonna be honest I'm excited but I'm really nervous because I've been on a boat on the ocean and I got super seasick so I'm a little bit nervous it looks really calm but stressed [Music] thank you oh how's that boat ride brother that was great and these Sims bibs that I've got on so probably catch some 30 inch walleyes today maybe a couple Pike hopefully um looking forward to the purge yeah it can be some good perch out here too hopefully well guys we just had a little boat ride about an hour or so oh we got some rods going down here um hold on dropper down Buckle he's going towards the towards so basically we had to drive over here on the way over here Flem is getting some rods ready as you guys saw uh we're just using some Herring at this first spot so basically we're stopping that it's kind of called a chicken hole and uh we got to get our one under 28 and then later we're gonna go after the big ones uh over 28 so we got to get a small one first so that's why we're making a quick pick stop here but hopefully we can get it done kind of fast what do I do oh my God I can't even real oh yep there you go okay what happened just just real you got him still yeah yeah you just got to keep reeling all right so literally we just put that rod down and all of a sudden Lindsay went over here and started going nuts and Lindsey grabbed it so maybe we got a little fish on here we'll see not confident there's anything on here anymore it kind of felt like oh he's still he's still there for sure for sure her come on I know you're stronger than that oh I'm pretty strong but like come on how far down is it it's I mean it's it's the ocean it's down there all son first ever halibut for Lindsay let's see oh my gosh something's going oh my gosh Lindsay anytime we bring a fish up guys just leave them right under the surface hold on to that rod for me if you would oh she did it that's a halibut there's one oh look at that thing chicken fish little chicken fish oh there's one there we go we got one good job Lindsay proud of you Lindsay rip oh man do you feel them on their dusto or you have no idea you probably have no idea oh brother yeah swing them right over my hand perfect yes sir Dustin too small we're gonna measure him up here quick little big fish fishing we'll see him more kind of bait for like five ten minutes sometimes did he stick I don't think nice nice nice do you have a oh yeah I think you do have it oh yeah we're hooked up giant fish giant walleye big walleye yeah this is too big yeah for an under I do thank you all right we're gonna throw this one back it's too big I guess I could just catch too big a fish what oh there we go oh come on chicken oh there you go okay he's barely hooked so stop right there let's lift up nice and slowly so he's barely hooked it's all the way through the lip yeah all that through oh yeah straight Hogs man all right you want to reel that back one in all right so a little update chicken fishing but you're going okay I mean they're kind of like just nipping it they're not taking it super well yet but we got a couple in the box and uh we got a couple that we're gonna fill the freezer with like we're talking about this is bluegill fishing and we're gonna do one more drift of chicken fishing and then we're gonna go big boy hunting so just stay tuned here um we're looking to get the line tight on something big today also look at this pigeon gilimo what up bucko how's it going okay and get him my dude jellyfish oh brother hopefully our our halibut don't like intertwine that'd be a real real love that'd be some Tom Foolery going on um how's it feeling Johnny also this feels like a chicken this one might be 27 and three quarters oh good I'm hoping right under 20 like 27 be Prime Lindsay's getting a bit too oh yeah it's too big I got a triple going on right now crime come on John come on too big boss man that's too big oh no no that's a good one bro keep that line that's gonna be a good one all right Flynn you ready ah here we go I got my chicken brother that's all that matters because someone doesn't caught a bigger one so we let that one go but I got my chicken that's all that matters looks like I'll be having dinner Dustin rest in peace to you brother all right guys well we just got done chicken hunting I got uh my chicken we all got our chickens just the little guys under 28 inches but now we're going big boy hunting we got a five mile run here and then bigs only starting now thank you yum I would I would eat that oh was it what halibutes Jesus dude that's one that's just one eh all right owl hopefully that catches the big one all right so I mean it's a big fish spot number one and their boys are loading up the hooks right now getting some weights on dropping down we're gonna see if we can catch bacon now this is gonna be a big waiting game here um it's not gonna be like chicken hole chicken hole you drop down I feel like you have a fish on right away but here it's going to take a little bit more patience but the size should be bigger so I'm gonna set some GoPros up and hopefully the next time you see us is when we are hooked up 12 seconds later hey yo like that the line won't pile up all on one side are you real name fish again not really sure does it feel heavy well we were just hanging out here and I was like hey come take this Rod it was already getting bit we just started fishing like I don't know 10 minutes ago and he's already she's already on that's got to feel pretty heavy right now I wish you could switch arms oh great all right just what I wanted to hear you yeah you're over here you're probably not quite halfway this is this just wanted me to reel it in because he wanted oh brother oh man it's doing a little something [Music] your face sometimes it swims with you and that's really a nice break no way holy hell oh snap I haven't seen him yet I guess but he's showing not that big other girl I don't think I've heard the noises you're making she makes a lot of noises when she fishes I do oh nice [Music] well that's very that's the biggest helmet I've never caught one bigger than that you tired oh yeah I wish you could switch arms it'd be way easier if you could like switch halfway through but like your arm just watch that point all right can you hold it up I might go in the cabinet all right Lindsay good job number one good job Lindsay you good good what up Bubba all right whoa I uh grabbed the rod now I'm going after it so it feels feels decent feels decent it's hard to tell because it's in a rod holder but lines are tight nobody's too sick yet and we're having a good time perfect well if you want an arm workout in just come halibut fishing and you won't have to go to the gym that's right nice and easy dang bro I think I know it's embarrassing like I feel like since Lindsay brought one in like it's like now the bar sets so high for the rest of us because it's like you know this one feels pretty good though man do you think it's the biggest helmet you've ever caught it it's hard to tell because it is in the current a little bit but I do think it's very well could be the biggest one I've got oh you struggling to turn that thing back yeah dude it's a little heavy bro it's a little bit heavy a little bit better oh man I'm gonna listen up your back just a time if you go for it you go for it dude you do whatever you want to keep cranking all right dude this is no scoping oh we all know you ain't going fast hell no brother I'm dying I love it now you got this bro okay a little bit more oh it's not that big a little bit more stop right there all right hold on to that road for me gotcha there you are oh nice butt John my arm's dead wow oh he's peeing this freaking thing right here freaking kegger it's probably the biggest Hollywood I've caught man it's a nice fish we're gonna get him in the Box though shout out to Flynn and now oh there we go oh how many more videos thanks that is my PB I'm curious to see what it weighs um how much well if you had an estimate Al about 35-36 okay well I think it's I don't know it's close but we still need three more Sam needs to catch one Sperry and Dustin to catch one so good luck fellas that bottom right there it's peeling yeah give it a little tap tap tap I felt they went upstairs slowly feed it slowly feed it gives you that big pull and stays down for a long second huh so your house is just kind of Fiddle in with it oh you gotta be quicker than that oh There She Goes oh God give it another one oh God hand on the side of the rail all right now just there you go stay steady yep oh man I think there's a fish one on that one too all right well Dustin's on and this one was potentially getting but oh boy you got a Xander on there bud I wish it's kind of exciting because you got to like feel it bite yeah you know 10 000 years later real oh what the heck Sam's got one though yep you're all right is he okay okay [Music] now we are doubled up I think Dustin I'm trying to keep it away from this sheesh oh boy can we go that's gonna be one we'll keep for sure oh oh yeah oh God damn bro look at the head on that son of a gun let's go look at that all right guys I'm gonna put this in the Box yes sir sir getting after it Flynn's getting the old Gap ready oh wow wow we're really getting serious here just in case oh God all right yeah you just keep doing your thing brother oh I'll keep grinding brother don't mind me just keep burning and turning I like it give me a reel a little bit yeah you want to kill that fish sandwich you wanna it's a good fish what do you think it's a really good fish you shall kill them all right go ahead and come up with me uh wait that one Rod's in the rod holder yeah look at Sammy look at that dude that thing's bigger than you also oh God yeah like actually almost bigger than you she's heavy golly look at this man's all right brother I'm proud of you good job brother all right all right well we just got our last fish in and uh everybody's feeling a little bit seasick so we are getting everything rolling here we're going to make the long journey back home clean these fish and eat them so I'll see you guys back on land eventually good job today bucko thank you you made it barely yeah baby yeah come here oh you want the stick want the stick go again see yo oh well ladies and gentlemen we just got back to land and we got our fish here and we're gonna do a little bit of cleaning now Flynn's going to show you how to clean a halibut and then later today we're gonna try to eat these Sons of Guns but we had an awesome time we got our limit um everybody had a good time Lindsay she definitely was puking at the end there but all of us were feeling a little bit queasy but now that we're back on Lambie field 10 times better but we're gonna clean these tons of guns and yeah I'll show you guys how to do that all right Mr mustache but let's cut it all right I'll just watch four fillets cut up the tail zipper and the old zipper method eh okay okay on the side of his Noggin come all the way down making this look really easy right now I watched this YouTube video by John Layman on the way in oh wow look at that dude insane that is so freaking white and then the best part is you get four fillets off one fish all right but she oh yeah check it out you've seen a walleye cheek before boys look at this thing yeah [Music] bingo they're actually it's just kind of quartering kind of almost I guess it's not your typical playing like a walleye or anything they just come off four fillets oh my god let's get this cheek out foreign [Music] that make you excited oh yeah I'm already hungry just looking at it dude so that is how you clean a halibut shout out to Flynn for showing you guys how to do that also for him and I'll take him South this morning that was a good time again if you guys want to check out gotta fish Charters it'll be linked in the description below but we're gonna finish doing this we're gonna get some frozen get some on the ice and then I think we're gonna try cooking a couple tonight so you guys stay tuned it's not over yet later that same evening [Music] um what up Bubba how's it going good what's been going on in the last hour and a half or so or two hours just been chilling working up an appetite to eat some delicious halibut that Flynn's about to cook up all right guys it's been about like like two three hours and like Sam said we're about to make some freaking halibut I am so hungry this is hopefully gonna be I no not even hopefully I know this is gonna be straight Flames Flynn Ramsey all right what are we doing how are we making some halibut man we got a halibut we got a tin foil boat Mayo mustard SPG oh that is gas super simple throw it on the grill cook it till it's done oh my God so good fresh cup oh my gosh scope yeah these are the ones like that oh I need a knife all right got the knife in the mail take a little bit of that oh yeah slap it on there that's right that's right we need we need some more yeah I love mail you gotta have you gotta have a little bit of a crust okay I'm gonna be honest man I've I've never had held it this way so this is a first for me I just want you to know it this is I feel like a lot of people just put like you know butter but who would think mayo and mustard that's right yes that's why Nobody Does it okay so it's good trust me the Flynn secret I trust God mayonnaise boom and then you get real fancy and take your yellow mustard you just bought at the store yeah mustard for me Daddy my third we got most of it on there we're gonna take it and we're just gonna make a nice little you haven't seen anything I have not seen anything like this but this is gonna be good okay now I'm gonna ruin it and you gotta take the knife and Pat the monster around get her spread out a little bit it looks like you're about to slap that thing between two pieces of bread and just eat it have it on a bun put that on a cracker wow all right last final I need to accent ever so slightly oh dude that looks gas bro chat Turn Me Up oh slapping on the grill eat it so that is how we're gonna do some of this uh fish on the grill basically we're just gonna do that process for another couple and then we might just leave some without mayo or without mayo and mustard just for some people's likings but uh Flynn's gonna get this going and I'll see you guys when we put these on the grill when they're getting happy all right we're rolling the butts nice selection of stuff going on there cook them till we're done by anger amazing oh man it's done we got some halibut it looks so freaking delicious it looks legit like chicken cheers boys yeah I thought you'd be able to taste the mustard and mayo like hello it's it's not really it's there but it's not like over the top it's really really good super super white meat my God I actually like when there's a little more mustard in it yeah Flynn yeah straight chicken good um literally tastes like chicken that it's so white it's like the same color as the plate true like it's incredible and it has the density of chicken right absolutely like a super dense white meat really good James James Bond [Music] what is going on everybody and welcome back to the channel today on the agenda we got the crew here we got Lindsay we got slayman we got sweary fishing and we got the toothless wonder Dustin today we find ourselves at the Russian River and we wanted to give our arms a break from flossing for the day and we're like yo what could we do besides flossing how about we go to the Russian where there's 500 bazillion bears and try to catch some rainbows so that's gonna be a good change of pace through the videos and we have no clue if we're gonna catch anything but we just thought we'd bring the cameras and just bring you guys along for the adventure of the day so now if you walk over here the first sign that you see is bear safety on the Russian and Kenai Rivers look at this we got some bear activity already um a bunch of safety tips and stuff about bears and there's a bear getting somebody's cooler or something but you know if there is a bear sign before you go fishing that you got to be careful there's going to be some bears the Russian River is notoriously known to have a lot of brown and black bears also some moose too there's a lot of wildlife here mostly because there's a lot of salmon that push up here and it's really shallow and bears can eat the salmon in the river and at The Falls and all this other things so you got to be careful when you're going out we have a gun as you saw sweary he's got that loaded up and then we all have bear spray and we're all going to stay together and be safe but let's look at these tips real quick stay on the trails and make noise that's pretty good do not run from bears stay in a group so that's what I said if a bear approaches you while reeling in a fish cut the line all right that's that's pretty good carry accessible bear spray we got that give Bears plenty of space I think we can do that and Report old bear incidents to agency or Campground staff okay so those are just some quick tips if you see a bear today Lindsay um just uh hold it together I guess I'll try but we're going to continue to get ready and then walk down see if we can catch some fish and if we run into some animals today too that may be a bonus but stay tuned guys it's gonna be awesome adventure oh I'm gonna need one more bullet is this good giving you the gun that's what they say brother all right we just loaded the gun we're grabbing our rods Dustin and Sam couldn't wait so they started walking down but we're gonna get going here and see if we can catch some bows today all we're doing is beat fishing so uh I have the one spinning rod because you don't have enough fly fishing rods but all we're doing for every single Rod is a little bead like that and then a little hook a float some sinkers bobber stopper and that is pretty much it well we're just gonna make our way down to the river the cool thing about the Russian is that they have these man-made like boardwalks everywhere like along the river so if you guys decide to come here during the Sockeye run or the dolly and trout stuff you guys can have a nice little walking area and then whenever you see a good spot you want to fish you pop on over do a little bit fishing see if you can get anything but there are some places where there's like a sanction where you can't fish and they Mark that very nicely so you will never have to worry about fishing something that you're accidentally not supposed to fish if that makes sense but now we're gonna keep walking down here and get to the river hey how's it going not bad all right making my way across the Russian right now probably gonna fall in at some point in time today but I found a spot that I want to try in the first spot of the day looks pretty good we're just gonna get over here and we're gonna see if we can make something happen here all right so we're just gonna basically come over here and I'm looking for like deeper like pockets of water or deep deeper Bank as you can see right here it's pretty freaking shallow it's like that shallow honestly over here it's a little bit more shallow so what we're gonna do all I'm using right now using a spinning rod like I said you can use a fly rod wherever you want this is all I have today I got a float on top I got a bobber stopper and then a split shot then little bead tiny bead and then a nice little hook right there and all we're gonna do is we're gonna find spots we're just gonna dump our little bobber in just like that and we're gonna let it float down just like this and then if a fish finds it and bites it then I'm going to eat it or set the hook this is all we're doing just some basic float fishing and basically these trout are gonna think this is a Sockeye egg and then they're gonna try eating it so that's what we got on the agenda today folks if we can get like a couple trout today I'd be super happy oh thank you so much all right spot number two Lindsay was nice enough to let me try using the fly rod so I'm freaking tight toys but fun fact this is actually where me and Sam caught our first ever Reds in this exact same spot so I thought you know what we might as well give her a freaking try thank you oh dude they're hitting dry flies right now look at that dude it was the same bigger one they're murky and dry flies bro all right so basically we thought the bee fishing would be better than what it is right now apparently it's not so I am going to try on a freaking dry file I only have one no game we're just gonna see if I can get this one to bite that'd be pretty epic if I could get it all right ladies and gentlemen I tied on a dry fly I'm gonna see if I can get that dolly that was jumping and some other little fishy fishies oh little guy Mexico all right oh snap oh snap oh he got off I was taking my fly out and I had one on what the Sam Hell yeah I won a little bit ago he he missed it though there we go oh nice little bow oh baby oh ah Walt rest in peace guys can't catch a fish today that was a nice bow too God dang it all right guys just a little update um you see me missing all these fish so I had to sit down and take a little breather and uh while that was happening Dustin hopped on the sticks and he caught a rainbow probably about the size that I had on there that I lost so that was pretty cool um and then we found out from a gentleman that the dry fly bite has been pretty good actually unfortunately all I brought was beads because I thought beef was gonna be the move but apparently it's not so I had to run all the way back to my truck with Sam get my drive by stuff we just tied up and we're gonna go back at it um see if we can catch some rainbows and dollars or whatever whatever else is here so sweary and Dustin are given a dangle in this spot I might uh walk up a little bit farther and see if there's a different hole that I can try but if I can land a fish today that would make me very happy oh there we go I'm on little guy let's go first fish for me see if I can land them there we go oh yeah just a little Rainbow heck yes I had a way bigger one on earlier as you guys saw but I couldn't get it done however this one fell victim to the atoms with a high Vis thing on there so it's easy for me to see well a beautiful rainbow not the size we're looking for I should have caught a bigger one earlier but hey that's a start first fish of the day landed heck freaking yeah man let's see if there's any bigger ones oh that was sick that was sick come here little guy that was so cool oh chill my guy chill he came out of the water for that one another bow just a small one though God I want these big boys to come back though freaking exciting though it's fun just seeing them come on knowing just smoke them yeah oh I was about to take out of the water oh I got a good one oh oh it came off I broke off no that was a good one oh it just came off dang it I can't I can't land the big ones boys I choke when I get a big one on I don't think he's gonna eat again but wow that was so cool I'm looking for the big fish or a nicer fish and Johnny Boy can't seem to do it questions oh shoot I got one what the hell oh my gosh I did not realize it I got a small guy woohoo man these are the only ones that I can catch today I can't catch any freaking big ones just the freaking small guys all right another little guy going back in see you later bucko yeah there's the little one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh it's best over there keep the rod tip low always in the current oh God oh God he is in the current oh God he was jumping like Bill bowling oh I'm scared as hell right now oh come on please please this is the best fish of the day I need this I need it's not that big but hey let's go biggest fish of the day for me there we go see you later I count that man I missed like two other ones that size and then I missed the big one right in the beginning of the day but wow that's all good to lay on that one finally this is this is so much fun like look at this beautiful Russian River I haven't seen a bear yet which is good but man I love fly fishing look at this man's holy crap there is a bear oh he's eating something over there looks like he's eating some salmon we're just about to leave and then this bucko comes in out of nowhere Dustin was literally trying to cross the river right here and then all of a sudden we just look up and we're like holy crap there's a freaking Bear right there but yeah it looks like he's eating what are you what are you eating my guy oh he's eating some salmon carcass he's just having a great day wow this is crazy I don't know how good the quality is on my phone but damn he's going hard right now yeah bro oh God the bear all right I'm gonna help those stairs look my man's right here oh he did all right bear is Crossing oh God where's Dustin [Applause] oh god dude what the hell hopefully they don't know how to climb stairs it's right here he's walking back he's right here there's no way that was awesome let's go bear encounter you wanted right there what would you you got some sick shots dude that was pretty sweet dude dude that was the bear encounter we were hoping for it it was I mean he got a little closer than I would have liked yeah you were close on the other side of the river but it's scary I made for some really cool shots yeah and he didn't want any part of us no it didn't seem like I mean he was just walking down the bank and kept going basically so yeah like I said we're just about to leave and then a bear just out of nowhere is right here and uh he got pretty close to us how close are we were like probably I mean like yeah 25 yards away from this thing and uh I don't know we got some cool pictures got to see it that was awesome didn't freak out too much but yeah that's what we came here for hey guys just wanted to pop in here and do a little narration so basically we saw that bear which was super cool then we ended up going home and going to bed and I didn't really pick up the camera again uh however the very next day we decided to go back to the right Russian and I was planning on making that another like separate video but I think I'm just gonna roll the clips from that day and right now into this video so at the time that was gonna be a separate video but it's gonna be in the same video so uh yeah enjoy hey what's up guys what up Kenai boys what up bucko it's a little cold out here you need to put on that smell it what is going on everybody today myself Lindsay and Dustin decided to split up from sweary and Sam and come back to the Russian River where these bare infested waters lay and we brought along the Kenai boys they got Jaden and we got Jacob you guys saw them in the last couple videos before they actually started a YouTube channel so I'll be linked down below if you want to check it out but we decided to make the trip out here to try and catch some freaking bows the last time we came here we couldn't land anything absolutely Giant and we heard reports of a good dry fly bite for bigger bows um farther up the river so that's why we came back today we're going after big bows and hopefully to see some more bears that'd be kind of cool to see some bears I brought the gun again brought the bear spray just to be safe but yeah no we're gonna get the waiters on get going and get right into the video cut my life into pieces this is my last resort you know what I mean all right Brothers we're getting ready to go got the old four and six weight got all the homies we got Kenai boy number one right here Kenai boy number two what you packing over here son no no no no no no no not not the rod what's this thing gee shirt your freaking strapped for bears eh strapped oh made it to spot Numero Uno oh we in that water now son thank you well I'm blind and can't see my fly half the time so probably not me oh Jesus Christ dude I just got a cranked but he missed my fly holy crap I just got absolutely smoked but buddy missed my fly so that's not ideal we're gonna have to get him here though on one of these ah well spot number one couple bites couple fish on nothing crazy though so we're gonna move up the stream into Bayer territory right right Jacob yeah sure hold on let me cue this bad boy stop dude give me the net bro give me the net give me the net bro no cat oh please stay on please stay on please stay on please stay on please stand [Applause] holy dude oh no bro bro scoop them scoop this man let's call it there's no way that just happened bro that's so funny I know I want I wanted to catch this on my freaking fly rod I wanted to get on my fly rod but he didn't want the smoke dude well check that out that's my biggest bow of the freaking trip so far holy crap dude all right guys my biggest bow of the trip just a beautiful absolute beautiful 18 to 99 19 inch rainbow we're gonna put them back in the water here let him gain some freaking ground back here after that nice fight [Applause] there he goes oh I got another one oh look at him okay I'm not fly fishing anymore I'm just throwing the MEPS bro this thing is freaking on fire right now hey you're a little bit smaller than the last one that I caught but what the heck dude the MEPS is the meta right now all right check out that tiny little guy right there what a beautiful little beast all right see you bucko oh snap we got a bear oh snap we got a bear up here oh boy hold on here I'm gonna go up a little closer wow I tried to get a little bit closer there were four oh yeah they can see two but apparently there are four Bears over there this one is I don't know what exactly what he's doing oh he's just he's going in the water very nice looks like he's looking for salmon Maybe but dang you don't see this every day when you're fishing and it's cool that we were just catching fish as well and Dustin is uh well he's walking to get some more shots so you better be careful but that is so cool foreign at the bait station what up last day in Alaska got to make it count right sad day but we snagged some red I mean floss some Reds this morning caught some Kings unfortunately we couldn't get it on film because it was raining but stay tuned we're gonna have a little trout beat down well guys welcome back to the channel today as Sam and sweetie were saying we're at a little little honey hole down here doing some trout and Dolly fishing here and uh basically we're fishing a bait station so uh pretty much where people clean all their fish all the guts all the spawn eggs all the heads the carcasses they've come down these shoots and then they just kind of sit in a big hole here so then we throw these things called flush flies and with some split shots and you just get Merced by giant fish later in the season they get bigger and bigger because they eat more and more but that's the kind of plan for today we're just gonna see if we can catch some fish and hopefully have some luck and hopefully someone can land a big fish all right Brothers I'm gonna walk down ggs I'll walk down unless you want to stay here I'll go because Dustin doesn't have a GoPro so I can get that video all right brother thanks for letting me take your spot all right so me and Sammy boy are next to each other here we got the net and we got the flesh fly so let me show you what I'm rocking here now I'm not a huge fly guy but today we're gonna be throwing flesh flash all right this is what a flesh fly looks like they come in different patterns basically this is supposed to look like the flash of fish that people cleaned I believe that's what it's supposed to be just like some Sockeye meat or something or some type of meat and uh all we got there is this and then you put a little couple split shots up there and you call her good like that assume you got one oh God I got the net it looks pretty decent hold on sorry guys I'm trying to give you guys a tutorial oh hard to tell it's kind of looks bright yeah hard to say I think it's a bow no it's a dolly nice one no bitter sounds bad Dolly I'll take them I'll take a picture of you with that eh good got it okay so before I was really interrupted um yeah we're using these flash flies and you can use a you know six to what eight weight Rod uh that's probably a good recommended because there are big fish here however I'm using a four-way Rod because I want to freaking have a little nice Battle of the fish so I'm a little bit undergone some people may say but once I do get bit it's gonna fight real nice on this son of a gun but all we're doing is just making some cast Upstream in the current scene blend it sink down and then just bouncing it along the bottom just like this so then you'll feel some Taps and then once you feel a good tap you set the hook and you catch a fish take a pitcher release and do it all over again here we go that's big Dolly llama I'll just get himself I'll get them you ain't losing no fish today boy a dolly and a dolly llama we'll take them like that big small rainbow oh sorry brother I couldn't edit that oh there's bigger in here brother there we go oh first fish on the four weight I can't tell because it feels massive on the four-way brother no I actually have no idea this is probably not a great idea using the the four-way but dude boys look at this thing he's been it's staying down bro it's staying down brother oh yeah that's not bad hey yo there we go dude oh chill hey yo boys I just caught a nice little dolly right here a little 17 incher 18 incher going back to the drink the scary thing is the bite hasn't even turned up yet once it gets a little darker out it gets kind of gnarly did you get murdered oh you missed the 30. Sam just missed a 30 inch bow but there we go there's my first fish of the evening we'll take them like that I'm gonna tell you guys right now if I if I get one on the four weight like a good good one might be ggs it's not big little dolly not bad I don't think he's dogging me that's good he's also in that strength though oh it's not that bad damn bro funky little guys keep heavy yeah he's not bad he likes to dig [Applause] let's go brother of course we didn't bring the freaking tape measure bro foreign no problem so basically midday update or mid fish update Sam's clapping I've only got one fish you've gotten like five oh that's a snag but you've gotten like five or six pretty nice ones but let me just explain this a little better um this is a bait station so you see people cleaning their fish up there and once they're done they put them in these shoots and the shoots go out here and like all the dead stuff goes out it it floats Downstream and it kind of like piles up over here and like they'll have some stuff floating around that's why the flash flies kind of imitate that and that's why there's so many fish around here but we're gonna keep on fishing here and hopefully lack an absolute giant rainbow or an even bigger Dolly we're hoping for like just something like gorgy and fat like I mean really fast there's another he ain't bad nah feels good though what up not much homie I'm just fighting a fish you know did you see it the tail looks pretty big oh yeah [Music] the net bro hey that is a slobber look at that door look how pretty he is too bam big old Pink Spot there he goes thanks for the nut job homie you're welcome brother [Applause] shall we just go fish that Lagoon oh we shall with our fleshies oh snap oh snap we on no I don't need the net it's small hey we shall hey look at this little guy there we go second Dolly of the day for me not bad boys not bad ggs there we go there we go little guy but he feels massive on the all four weight look how little this little this one is dogging me dude I know you should have seen the first one I caught bro it was worse than that one was super close Dustin hey there we go number three for me I've missed like I don't know probably five other fish or so but ah feels good it feels good to uh to land a fish there should be number three of the night for me oh wow it's got some spunk in your in your freaking attitude yeah oh my God oh oh my God doesn't get the net get the net I don't know what just happened this is massive I have a four weight dude I have a four weight bro oh God this is not good I was literally trying to like reel my bait in dude it's it's massive it's it's big I have a four-way this is not good dude holy oh my God no it came off dude I wasn't getting that on this four weight bro there's no way bro I don't even know what just happened I was like you're 30 inch dude I was literally trying to fix my rod and all of a sudden my rod just started going and that rainbow was massive God damn Island's gonna hurt for a couple days that was massive I literally thought it was like a red or something I was like holy crap bro that thing is huge that was actually like I want to cry bro I literally don't even know what happened I wasn't even looking of course dude I was fixing my rod Dustin I was literally fixing my rod not even paying attention and I just felt weight oh there's one oh it feels big but I mean it's a four-way I have no clue what this could be I mean it feels nice not bad it's my biggest doll yesterday dude the four weights clapping they want the four-way brother but on a positive note I got my biggest doll the other day and dust and I are doubled up he's got a little guy oh yeah we're gonna let this guy go he's got some cool colors on him though oh I wish you were 30 inch bow but you know whatever it happens see you buddy [Music] oh yeah I'm sure probably bro oh he just took the fly thank you oh my God I don't know how big it is but doinked it so hard oh I just looked weird oh that's gonna say it feels heavier [Music] it's not bad though it's bad thank you very sweet okay so I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you fish out of here man I'm sorry [Applause] what's up coming oh what is that a big rainbow yeah yeah I want to get on our side Johnson's got I heard Dusty call my name and so I ran over here at the net I think it's a big rainbow can't see them nope that's nice rainbow bro it's a nice ass rainbow bro yeah it is he you're having right in the mouth dude you're doing good oh that's such a beautiful bow bro 100 that's the one that I had oh my God damn I know I don't want to okay oh that's definitely the one I had on you're good holy always yo oh my God that's a dude people chase this fish all their lives bro that has to be close to oh that's a bigger that is a big girl the colors on that thing are dope bro 20s 27 27 27 exactly beautiful fish we're gonna get some pictures and get them back all right Dustin and his beautiful bow like look at that 27 inch Beast dude that is so dope we're gonna let this bad boy go beautiful fish we took really good care of her she's already wanting to kick off There She Goes no way Ro last day Magic I can't believe that happened bro I didn't even know rainbow trout got oh God that is I mean I did but I didn't think I'd catch one that big so that's good that's big walk down that's big it feels big you see that John yeah yeah it almost took the rod on your hand though Oh no I got giant nuts you have to strip them in I can't do anything big whatever it is dude yeah oh that's the one I had dude that's the one I had that's that's the one I had dude walk down if you need this one I don't have it real I just want to keep the net I don't have drag or anything in the basket oh my God what a big is that oh that's the one that's the one I have dude that is the one let's go oh my God I don't think he's longer he's thicker though he's a lot thicker oh my God bro you just started screaming yeah I saw you hook up yeah your Rod almost 100 yeah bro look at that oh look at girth bro the girth and the colors on that thing is so pretty oh my god dude this thing weighs five more pounds than the one I just caught and mine was literally longer the Dalai Lama that thing is thick oh my God I'm Gonna Leave the Dalai Lama in it bro okay oh oh yeah well quick release quick release well welcome back to the channel guys today we're gonna be commercial fishermen that is right you guys heard it right me I'm gonna be a commercial fisherman never thought this day would ever come it was always kind of a thought in the back of my head when I was younger you know like oh I don't really want to go to school maybe I'll take a year off and go on a commercial fishing boat I'm gonna give it a try today our good buddy Lance you guys saw him a couple videos ago he was nice enough to take us out on his boat called the Cialis we just kind of had a fun day with him catching hell a bit and some other rock fish we're gonna be commercial fishing today with Lance and uh we're out here in Homer it's a beautiful day out too as you guys can see the background of the mountains and stuff but we're just in the harbor and we're walking to the Cialis baby oh we also got Luke yeah the dynamic duo Oh Boy commercial fisherman baby we're gonna crank on them oh like Luke said we're gonna crank on him but uh John is not coming because he gets a little seasick Luke and lion Captain Lance right there but the species we're gonna be catching today and what we can Harvest for the commercial fishing is lingcod and Rockfish only you can keep however many we want There's No Limit because we're commercially doing it so that being said we're gonna hop on the boat here and get going and hopefully we can get on them my name ain't John Layman I ain't getting sick [Music] foreign that is a beautiful view finally made it here to one of the spots we're going to be starting off here and uh just kind of trolling around looking at the grass see if we see any big schools of fish if we can drop down on them but uh we're just gonna go ahead and kind of get right into the video I'm just gonna put on the GoPro on and we're just gonna get right to business man it's about catching as many fish as possible and uh I probably won't be feeling too much with the big camera Captain Lance we're good man we're good we're already picking up fish right now oh yeah how deep are we 185 185 got a nice drift line right here so right on we'll probably stop here and get our uh get our rods and rigs set up catch a couple and see what we got going and then we'll Mosey on down a little bit further to uh the Naga Hut Rock area but yeah no we got good fish right here all right I'm gonna go get the GoPro on and I'll see you guys out in the deck well Captain Lance just hooked up I was just replacing this beefy jig on there a little bit heavier of a weight and uh we're gonna get down there since Lance hooked up how how deep were you I was just trying to go down to the bottom so if you go to the bottom make sure as soon as you hit the bottom get it off the bottom as quick as you can because the rocks you'll get hung up really quick on this in these areas pullback Rockfish that's a baby lint yeah that looks decent size yeah this is a this is a good fish that's what I was thinking it looked pretty pretty good so yeah we're sitting getting close to the bottom there heck yeah is where this guy was let's go that didn't take long Lance that thing is freaky looking come on fishy oh there we go slowly reel up hey see Les we trying to get as many as we can on here we got one on there for sure right now it's gonna slowly reel up there's a lot of fish down there and we got three hooks we might get another one on here there's leader oh what is that a little lean card oh dang boy oh he's off yeah it was definitely a wink it wasn't very big though dang that was kind of cool I hope you guys were able to see that it was like right here but it was just a little lean pod probably like 25 inches probably no bigger than that that was pretty cool though My First Link Card ever too there we go we got rocked oh Andy's off drop it back there he is there's another one oh this one's fighting a lot better oh yeah there we go I got destroyed twice man I'm just trying to reel this up nice and slow see if we don't get another one oh we got two big old rockfish the bottom one's a chungus lance that's cool oh my God look at those oh Lance is taking them night night that one's a chunky but we're gonna get it back down that's the goal for today man it gives me fish if we can in a boat and show you guys the fish later oh look at that I didn't even hit bottom yet already got cranked I'm just gonna wait till it loads up we'll be running into them there we go oh there's another one there's definitely more than one on here oh yeah hopefully more than one on here Bubba Let's see we won the last one I don't know we just got one oh we got two there we go [Music] look at that thing that things are freaking giant bro sheesh Lance has given me a glove I usually don't ever wear gloves fishing but when you're dealing with these spiny fish you kind of want gloves drop back down there though see if we can't get some more okay there we go fish on oh yeah oh yeah yeah they're so thick dude holy cow just get down there yep oh we on them that's for doing sure oh yeah I got three of them baby all my hooks are full this is what we like to see I got that Loop that glow For You Luke what's that Sam Boyle we some commercial fisherman bro it's just lit this is crazy we're gonna go ahead and get right back down there I'm sorry if the GoPro lens is getting wet guys nothing I can really do there's just a lot of fish and well oh look at that I'm already getting hit I'm not even all the way down there yet there we go but we definitely got more than one on here that's for danger bucko oh yeah oh yeah coming to Bubba yes sir oh yeah I see color we got two of them on there oh what was that phone it yeah oh there's a Wing Cod probably that's crazy this thing's spitting up stuff get him in the bowl oh and I lost the other one I should just flipped him in I'm being an idiot okay we'll just go ahead and get back down there yeah there you go yeah let me uh let me clear all these things off there's another one oh yeah how far are you going not very far just I don't know 10 20 seconds and then just stopping in just getting hit right away we just got one on here this time it's a nice one though let's grab the leader on the drop down bro I can't even get down there without getting munched we just got one on there right on the ground there we go there's another one yep there's more there's more than one now there we go oh ripped right out there we go come on bubba just one oh there's one oh I got someone else's line too that's probably mine oh man this is a fat Tango Lance all right there we go first strip done we got about 100 pounds of fish well probably more than 100 pounds of fish and uh all Lance is doing is taking care of the fish keeping them nice and cool we got them in the cooler and uh he's bleeding them as well to keep them meat nice and fresh and you know not bloody so there you go you gotta take care of your product and uh we'll give them a little ribs give them a little rincey rinse we are commercial fisherman boyo how's it feel dude that was that was actually so crazy that was that was insane one of the coolest things I've ever done oh yeah that was awesome shout out to Lance yeah thanks Lance this is here oh thanks you guys coming out yeah we're helping oh yeah man look at that thing that thing's a toad bro this is half full the other one's totally cool [Applause] down keep them nice and cool all right starting the second drift here or whatever we're just searching for fish right now Luke's finding his drone getting some cool shots but let's see if we can't find any more fish there we go Fisher on it oh yeah we under rock fish looks on oh you got a Link Card bro let's go oh I got something too oh I got something to Big too Luke yeah let's go oh yeah oh yeah bro oh he's still going he just woke up right away he wasn't doing too much and he just woke up you called it Lance Lane yeah I know there's no Rockfish lands a whale Luke and I'm happy double up on Lincoln we came up on that big hump like I was saying and Lance saw some big fish out there he's like you boys should drop down there and well sure enough Luke hooked up I dropped back down the bottom and I'm hooked up now oh he did that big wrong I feel they're Brandon Boyle okay look at that thing bro oh doggy boy in the same how was that we'll measure him just watch your feet Bubba she's first ever Lincoln God yeah I can oh there we go hooked up oh yeah this might be a rockfish boys oh no that's definitely a wing that's definitely a lean card oh boy already popped don't worry he's still on no what what just happened I think I lost him but I think I have another fisherman I don't know oh yeah I definitely had something else on here other than this little guy but it popped off unfortunately all right fat School Raptors well unfortunately our lean Cod weren't big enough to keep but that's all right but there's a big school of fish down there and I had to take pictures for Luke you're welcome Luke see if we can't get on any more of these fish that are still down there first link out ever Lincoln blue maybe that was sick 34 inches they have to be 35 here to keep so an inch small but it was an awesome fight and I got my first fish this is this is a blast this is the funnest thing I've done since I've been in Alaska with you guys it's probably one of my most favorite things I've done help here too to be honest with you this is a lot of fun those link Cod they fight hard they don't really fight too hard right away but after about 10-15 seconds they're like oh hell no I ain't going up to the surface and they shoot right yeah [Music] got the volcanoes in the background Islands got Mr Lincoln my ugly face Lance up in there capping us around rockfish foreign I think I got a linger on too I think I don't know yeah that's a lean Gotta Be You probably can't just grab that big jig s Link Card Luke no like in California aren't they blue in California oh damn probably depends on their diet eh yeah oh that's a better one yeah watch out oh sorry oh he made it inside the cabin but he wants to go home dang look at that thing boy you'll be pushing it yep legal 35 inch Link Card boy sweet nice brother sweet thank you sir for Pb yes sir what do you got Luke come on again and your little buddies want to bite too um yep quilt box what are you doing eating the jigs the size of you bucko [Music] foreign
Channel: MinnDak Outdoors
Views: 650,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaska, alaska movie, fishing alaska, alaska salmon fishing, alaska bears, alaska the movie, living in alaska, alaska fishing, alaska camping, camping
Id: iS8N90RSB7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 32sec (11492 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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