Ep8 Steam Turbine, Aquatuner combo : Oxygen not included

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and we're back with simple oxygen not included and our dupes are still running on the wheels none of those are quite ready to go yet and we're just about ready to start putting in our little industrial brick it's gonna be a nice little smaller one to start with but we're going to scale it up rather rapidly but first we need to take care of Reed fiber these Atmos suits I'm kind of worried we're going to run out of them so let's maybe put down a quick Wild Farm of them we've got Pips right now uh thankfully they helped put in that little nature reserve for that plus six morale so we can also use those to solve our foreseeable problems with Reed fiber um this area here looks about perfect temperature wise it's between 22 to 37 degrees is what we're looking for so this place seems just about perfect you can dig that out right there and done we now have a bunch of thimble read seeds in here and a pip that should plant a lot of them and I will plant it there in that corner then we'll start slowly deleting the tiles out this should allow us to get a reasonable supply of thimble reads in come on do it damn okay I'll get around to some point you know what they say watch pip never plants now it's time to get our little industrial so well we're gonna start with a little industrial Brick we're gonna mutate it into a large industrial brick and then we're going to mutate that into an industrial sauna so this is going to be a bit of a Frankenstein's monster of an Abomination but in a good way oh and we're gonna need some plastic to get this all kicked off so I think we'll do the plastic down here just for now so if we go to refinement we can get a couple of polymer presses say one there and one there then we can hook up the petroleum to there that can go let's use that insulated ah instant liquid pipe excellent but those two can go in there we'll just make sure that this is going to give off some steam and I don't want that steam overflowing SO gas pipes yes uh actually insulated gas pipes might be an idea grab YouTube like that and we'll have your output there it would really be better if we use a high pressure gas fence but you need plastic for a high pressure gas vent so that might have problems at first but it's okay well we get even a little bit of plastic we're gonna place that with a high pressure gas vent but it doesn't give off steam or carbon dioxide Steam and carbon dioxide okay produces 8.33 grams of carbon dioxide and produces Steam so I think the steam is produced around it and the carbon dioxide goes at the events does it yeah yeah yeah okay that's fine and it'll slowly press those out the thing is these things are hot they are I made a mistake tonight I made these out of copper that's okay we're gonna need them for a short while then we'll make them we'll make the replacement ones out of steam or steel when the time comes all right once we're gonna leave that there and that's gonna start churning through that petroleum at an enormous rate at some point we'll come back here and realize this is overheating but that is fine oh there's a steam you see this team just gets emitted from them that's why the surrounding Place becomes so hot these things are one of those things that will catch you out first time around you'll start putting these down and then your whole base is cooked that's why you always put them outside now up here and I will be looking on the research front hey we've got ourselves a renewable energy researched in that case let's see what else is worth taking I think mini liquid and gas pumps never go wrong with those they always find use of them at some point uh Power wise though that does made me now have access to steam turbines we do need 200 kgs of plastic but we'll have that shortly and let's just wait until that's done and then we're going to start building this monstrosity up 240 kilos of plastic that means power wise we can throw it on a steam turbine right there okay now normally what I would do is I would only have two tiles below this this is this uh the two tiles boat would become a steam room however we're building with expansion in mind so because there's going to be this is going to be ripped out later and replaced with just an entire steam room we're going to sort of simulate this but uh do be aware yeah this is going to look a little bit dumb what we're going to do is we're just going to put in some regular tiles here to pretend that there's no more space here and so that we can fit it you know what it'll become less stupid as I make it hopefully so if you could imagine please that there is insulated tiles going all the way across here so that there is just this two tile Gap uh currently simulated by having those tiles there what we're going to do is put ourselves down a utility basically an aqua tuner now this Aqua tuner's job is to cool down the steam turbine as this team turbine destroys heat it well 10 of the 10 of the heat it's destroying doesn't actually get destroyed it gets transferred into the steam turbine so if you're pumping 200 degrees steam in here 10 of that heat ends up coming at the top so you've got to find a way to move it so what we're gonna do is use an aqua tuner to move the heat from up here back into the steam room and it just means we have a perfect way of destroying heat and we're also going to use a liquid Reservoir with this one because well it just allows things to be done much more cleanly and efficiently uh Plumbing wise let's wire this up now so we're gonna have water come in here and this is going to be a very simple system we're going to have the water bypass this if there's ever any issues as in it's going to go by like that if the water comes in here and it this thing's not on then it will bypass this and Skip across this is just one of those tricks that we use an awful lot of to save time and keep things flowing and then blowing wise we're gonna get a regular test we're gonna make Granite Granite piping Granite piping is good here because it actually transfers temperature pretty good now we're going to do is get that Granite piping and run it all the way along here then we're right back up then right by the actual steam turbine again oh I should probably put some way of people getting in there to put in these pipes from the rear uh probably should have thought of that a while ago that's gotta go like that one second what we're going to do here is move the liquid tank back just a scooch so we can fit things in a little bit nicer all right so what happens here is this this water is going to flow back in here into this tank then it's gonna come out here go through the cycle tuner get cooldown and then go down through here to cool down our Machinery before going back up and cooling down the steam turbine before coming back in here into the liquid tank to start the process all over again now we've got to make sure that when that water is passing through here that it doesn't freeze though we're gonna use polluted water for reasons that'll become clear later but we don't want that water freezing going through the aqua tuner for cooler 10 below about I think it's 20 degrees it will freeze in the pipes and then we're going to get breaking pipes in there so we need to put in a little scoochy version automation here and let's go under Plumbing give me liquid pipe thermal sensor perfect and we'll make that out of gold we actually have loads of that stuff lying around like oh 26 tons of the stuff so we put that on the pipe and we get ourselves a little bit of an automation wire for this we're going to use steel though just in case it gets too hot in there it probably won't but if you've got a little bit of Steel automation wire is cheap you're almost better off using it just safe and sorry type of thing in case anything bad happens this thing gets way too hot and then the gold melts and you end up with huge problems well okay you're probably gonna have big problems anyway and okay we're probably gonna have to delete a couple of these tiles yeah I was afraid this to get back in and do those piping but yeah give us a quick second to finish this off a couple of other things we need to put in here is well an outflow for the steam turbine that's going to produce 95 sea water when it's processing the hot steam so it's gonna get dumped right back into the steam room for recycling at the same time this oh damn it that pipe should be extended on there this thing here I switched it from steel over to Gold amalgam some people might have noticed yes I was wasting Steel on that I don't know why I think it's because I made the petroleum one out of something else but never mind uh down here we've got two Kilns okay what we want to do with those is we want to make up ceramic we're gonna need 800 kilos of ceramic I which no this is not an necessity but it's sort of a forward planning our metal Refinery can be made out of ceramic and that would give it a much higher overheat temperature and since we're eventually going to be turning this place into a steam room it'd be good to me maybe do a little bit of prep work for that now and we should probably put a few pieces of resources in here as well namely coal and Clay so that we can maybe produce that ceramic just a little bit faster that's gonna take forever if we don't hey over here power wise we are going to introduce the power from the left hand side I haven't exactly decided how we're going to power this whole monstrosity but I'm guessing coal at the bottom will be our uh our main generation Source at least for the start are you just about done next and then we're going to want to prep for the refinement section uh we're gonna put the refiner here we don't actually have the ceramic just yet but we're gonna be putting another steam turbine right here and then refinement wise we're gonna stick a refinery right underneath us the job of this Refinery will be to refine our Metals our Steels or stuff like that and all of the heat is going to be eaten by the steam turbine let me see how we're gonna do the piping for this there that looks just about right enough uh the hot output of this is going to get sent to appear into the steam room where hopefully all this heat will be dissipated before being fed right back into the metal refinery now we can't actually build this metal Refinery just yet we don't have the Ceramics to do it I prefer to wait for the ceramic so we'll hold off on producing that just for the time being and though I think we can start filling this liquid Reservoir yeah we're gonna pump in some polluted water in there because polluted water is one of the best coolants to use and clean water here for example that stuff freezes at minus 0.6 degrees so just about zero at polluted water freezes at minus 20 giving you much higher temperature ranges to work with though at the rate we are burning through that oh my God yeah we are going through that a little bit first I think I might want to switch over to clean water printing Cloud activation what do we got um nope copper or it is thank you kindly I think what we're going to do is siphon off some of that polluted water to go into the system and we're probably going to switch over our oxygen production to clean water it's just uh yeah I'm just getting nervous with that tank over there so I made a bit of a decision about this uh the Water here we do want to kind of waste this clean water is at 23c and putting that into our oxygen supply seems well kind of wasteful clean water at that temperature is pretty hard to come by and the polluted water well yeah we want to keep that too we do have large quantities of salt water all right cordless area out of it so that we could have more space for the salt water to erupt so we can stockpile it while this vent is active but we also have another saltwater vent over here and I've cored this out even deeper I figure the plan is we take this water which actually when's the next dormancy cycle 4.8 Cycles Ah that's okay with the dormancy on the other side the dormancy over here will be 75 Cycles okay that we can work with average output 3.2 yeah yeah plenty okay so instead we're going to take this here we're going to put down a liquid pump and we're going to use this as the source of waterfall or auction it should last us well indefinitely the problem is though it comes out at 95 degrees so we're gonna have to make some changes to our input system over here see so far all of the polluted water would come up here and it would cycle around and well it exchange all its heat with the outgoing gases this way the gases would get pre-chilled before they hit the ice biome however that's not going to work anymore the water is going to be coming in at like 60 to 90c that's way too hot so we're going to want to strip out all of this uh radiant piping and we're going to make sure it's actually insulated piping to protect the system from the excess heat coming in and it's easier to cool down the resulting oxygen and hydrogen than it is to cool down the water so let me just rip out a few pipes here much better also much cleaner now what we're going to do is bring in all of that water from the other side uh I think insulated pipes to here should do I'll actually bring it down there that saves us a little bit of repeat building we don't want to finish that off just yet uh slice that off then continue this all the way down trying to figure out exactly where our turn off is going to be though do we come in in here or do we try and make ourselves a shortcut into this biome I'd rather not make a shortcut if we take a shortcut we'll have to go through this ice biome and I don't want to be dragging hot water through there no no no no no it's fine we will take an insulated pipe from down here all the way up and connected across to this thing snip this here same thing again done and that will of course do it take a few minutes to do and we're gonna need a liquid pump down here I think I want to make this tank a little bit bigger it's just I feel like this needs to be larger to contain all the salt water that's going to go in here plus the dormancy period on this yeah this is inactive for a little over 50 Cycles so we're going to need a large water tank to store all the potential water we need and we need to make sure this place doesn't get contaminated if we end up with that polluted water getting in there that could cause huge problems do you want to make sure that this place is insulated from anything getting in here like clean well clean water polluted water uh anything else any other liquids at all at all that might cause problems even chlorine though and all fairness that would flash instantly hey give me a quick second to expand this tank out well I I was going to expand the tank then I realized we were going to run out of water if I did that uh we're down to about half a tank up here 1800 actually down to less than half a tank and how are we doing over here excellent we're up to almost we've got five pieces of wild thimble replanted soon we'll be up to six but uh over here we have built an insulated pipe all the way down to this section we have a desalinator here so the saltwater is going to get desalinated here I want it to be nice and close to our duplicates because this requires duplicate labor to come in and remove the salt every so often and also that is a big long insulated pipe going all the way down here which is now actually pumping the reason it's insulated is this stuff's coming out hot we don't want to be dumping that heat temperature all over our base then we've got the power overlay now this is where things get a little bit uh non-standard let's just say this power wire is actually coming from these four cool generators down here this is sort of bad practice normally you want to keep your entire self-powered oxygen maker on one grid so that this one source of power is doing everything so you've no points of failure the only point of failure is this it's just it's perfect because so long as you keep feeding it water it keeps working and it feeds itself water problem solved however now we have if something goes wrong here it fails or if something goes wrong with the Water Production it fails oh and this uh desalinator over here that's actually plugged into the oxygen grid up here because well that's what we want one second there snip so now all of the water will get filtered here by this machine and then that water will get sent on and up however um this produces heat a fair chunk of heat so how we're going to arrange cooling for that now well I thought we would do a very very simple basic way of doing it we have a look at these gas pipes here they're uh they're they're nice and chilly basically the oxygen is passing through here at quite low temperatures because it's just gone through the ice biome so why don't we just do a little bit of rerouting here and have the gas go past this dump off its chill so that oh and there we go it's active 70c water oh yeah our cooling requirements are about to go up an awful lot we might want to plug in the anti-entry nullifier shortly but no we'll worry about that in a minute for now let's just get this gas sorted uh what we're going to do is have it take a left rotate around and then come back in again a quick stretch of radiant gas pipes I've made them out of steel it's the best radiant gas pipe you can make well at this tech level and we can afford it just for now once that's completed we can do a little bit of bridge Magic right we're just about ready to go but I thought I'd point out why we're doing this uh this machine is currently at 84c it's already heated up that much in this shorter period of time okay in fact is that no it doesn't seem to be putting into the turtles Benitez so we definitely need to put in just a little bit of a cooling on this okay you can go then we can stick in a quick gas Bridge we'll Chuck that right there like we might make that little bit of a priority right now we don't have any gas flowing down that pipe and that does provide a lot of oxygen that we need for a lot of our needs ah there we go how's the temperature looking it's Eddie Eddie for link 3.2.1 3083 and it's slowly dropping all right and okay right now that thing is processing a lot of water it's got to fill back up this tank which it started empty once the tank is full consumption will slow down quite substantially and the temperatures here should even out a little bit better how much is that going to heat up the oxygen going into her base 25 C easy peasy weekend of 26. you know what it's fine it's fine we can we can live with that okay so um yes we now have water going from here and we've sorted at our auction problem still haven't finished that uh that metal refinement but one moment we now have a perfect little system all of this salt water is going to be infinitely sustainable as long as that vent never well the vent is never going to shut off so to speak but that vent should provide all the oxygen we ever need for the foreseeable future so as long as we provide power to the pump and yeah this should keep going and so long as there's enough cooling up here being provided by this so that the auction doesn't overheat should work out quite nicely this oxygen is going to start coming out of here though hotter and hotter and hotter as the temperature in here goes up the temperature of the gas is coming out is going to go up which means yeah it's going to put more and more straight on that coal biome but we do have an anti-aging vanilla fire we can look forward to but yes time to get back to this before I get distracted for like a third time or what maybe fourth I'm not even sure at this point this is it mostly prepped we just gotta force all the gases out of here this whole room is going to become a steam room we cannot have any other gases in there and right now it's full of oxygen so simple things to do is just pour in some liquids to sort it out it's going to be turning into steam we're going to use some salt water and it will enable an auto bottle and we have salt water over here so we're gonna grab 200 kilos of salt water and Chuck it in there and then well when it comes to putting water in here you do want more than a ton per tile which you know is huge you have massive amounts of water to work with there actually make that sweep only for just one second and actually it's putting more salt water than that yeah we'll put in a few layers of salt water I'd like to say about a ton of salt water along the bottom now my measurement system here is uh it's it's pretty low Tech now you can see that there's 200 kilos of water all the way along the bottom here and doing some rough math if we were to turn that all into steam and it filled up this entire room which is twice the size of the tile that's currently taking up to be about 100 kilos of steam pressure in each tile slightly less so the sum of this is going to turn into salt but that's fine so I want about 100 kilos of pressure in here it's just it's a decent amount of steam but not too much and it's not too much effort you can go as up as high as about say eight 900 kilos of pressure in here per tile if you want the only thing that would prevent you from going any further is the liquid vent if you go above a thousand kilos of pressure the liquid vent will stop working that's all you really have to worry about I aim for about 100 kilos per tile but if you want to go more or less it is your choice I just find this a nice number that's not too hard to attain all right lastly we're going to put in a layer of clean water clean water is lighter than salt water or polluted water you can use polluted water rather than salt water and that will flow across the top here and it'll Force out all the gases right now you can see there is a bunch of gas there and then clean water forces it all out pushes it all the way to the end done and then we'll just say make that a sweep only and we've put in that extra 200 kilos of water fine it'll drive up the numbers a bit but we don't really worry so much done don't seal that off deconstruct I think we've swept everything out of there yep I'm sure there's something I've forgotten there's always something I've forgotten and we'll probably have to break that open and go back in again but that's fine that's just uh the price you paid well the duplicates getting around to building up that steam turbine we should probably sort out a power supply right now we have nothing except this one wire leading to the aqua tuner that we should hopefully be able to power I'm thinking power spine probably down this left hand side here and we're going to start off with Cole because coal is cheap and plentiful wait a minute what's the temperature right in here oh yeah that stuff is pretty hot we don't want to be exposing that to Atmosphere just yet give us some igneous rock tiles there you'll have to build some of these diagonally but this shouldn't take more than a moment there we go four four cool generators should at least get us started it won't last us forever but this should at least get us uh allow us to boot this system up and once this water starts boiling we'll really recycle some of the power from the metal refinement which means the signal becomes slightly more self-sustained and we'll be expanding our power supply as we go I stuck in three batteries so we have a little bit more leeway we definitely will be maybe definitely pumping a little bit too much power drain at the start and a few extra batteries can't hurt okay oh and power spine wise I think we're gonna go with heavy conductive wire namely because there's no point starting on the cheap stuff there is heavy what wire but that stuff's ugly we're gonna go with the heavy conductive wire because we have 32 tons of gold that's been produced so far and we're just gonna do that okay now let me figure out how I'm gonna get this power spline up to the side and feed into the system there we go power goes along here goes up to a few heavy watt conductive joint plates and then goes all the way up to the top where it's going to tap into the steam turbine so we can start recycling that power back into the grid now to power the aqua tuner we've stuck ourselves a Transformer one of the heavy ones that can do up to up to two kilowatts before it causes issues that's going to run up there and go into the aqua tuner so the echo tuner is powered that way oh and I forgot this sucker didn't I in that case uh Power from you give me a conductive Bridge instead we're going to plug this thing directly to the main grid I know it's going to be a little bit heavy on Decor uh but we're probably going to be turning this entire row into lots and lots of metal refineries so there's no point running so many of these uh what do you call them large power Transformers we're not really dependent on Decor just yet so we don't really care oh you uh we want to put you at 90 60. that's plenty all right perfect and you should be set to cool well the power grid completes we're also gonna need to start filling our cooling Loop this Loop that goes oh I'm probably gonna need to expand it as well to include that area down there oh and I should probably deconstruct this we don't need that piping that was for extracting salt water from this area over here that is no longer necessary let me see about expanding this cooling Loop to cover well we've spread onto three floors we're gonna need a little bit of a larger cooling Loop well that was fast okay perfect uh we've got the plumbing in place we will have to change some of these to more conductive pipes later and we've got the power in place all we need to do is two things oh actually yeah two or three things one we got to fill up this metal Refinery remote coolant we can do that second but first we want to basically fill the cooling Loop and you can go there we'll give you a couple of tiles around you and we'll Chuck in a couple of Plumbing things uh oh we should probably get you power as well what there is a Transformer right there and we have plenty of lead so easy peasy then we're going to want to feed you onto this grid perfect and we want to overfill it just a bit that is why this liquid tank is here if you don't have a liquid tank things would be very different but having a little liquid tank for flow control will make an awful lot of sense Here Comes our first batch of coolant now well coolant liquid it's technically a coolant it's just a liquid we could potentially use for couldn't now this is going to come down here and pass through the echo tuner I think I'd like to leave that Aqua tuner off for now if the temperature is above 26 you know if the temperature is above yeah really really stupidly High turn on we don't want it turning on we just want to start filling the loop and then we can show exactly how it works now because the aqua tuner is off because the automation is off it just bypasses that and keeps moving this is sort of important you see this is meant to go around and cool this entire area and if it ever stops running well that's gonna cause complications but it's not cooling down some areas and then others it's you know what we'll cover more on that in a second now that the loop is sort of full all of that liquid is starting to back up in this tank over here I'd like to have a decent size in here a ton would be a good start but we'll probably go a little bit higher we're going to be expanding this tank later so there's no point skimping on this in fact two tons might be a little bit more of a reasonable amount for what we have planned Perfection 2.1 tons of polluted water flowing through those pipes and yeah the temperature here is about 29 degrees 29 degrees and change but every time it hits this tank a blob of water comes in you'll see that this is stabilized at 29.3 is one of the great things about this game is when you add 10 kilos of water to two tons of water in a tank the temperature instantly equalizes between all of them so if you have water coming in at say zero degrees and a blue and a tank of water where there's two tons at 100 degrees then 100 degree water will drop by like what half a degree or degree whatever it is instantly on the water just instantly stabilizes that makes things handy so we're going to do is we're going to set this to if the temperature is above 20c we want the aqua tuner to turn on second so now if we go in here we can see this water is coming in at 29.4 seat but the modem passes through this its temperature drops by 14 degrees because that's what aqua tuners do and it comes at 15c on the other side perfect so and now that it's at that other side of 15c cooler it's going to go around and start cooling down this entire area and everything's going to start getting nice and nice and chill and it just means that we're able to temperature control this whole area and all the heat is getting dumped into the water in here which is slowly going up in temperature you don't you don't actually destroy temperature with an echo tuner you just move it from the material passing through it to well to the aqua shooter itself which then dumps into the surrounding atmosphere slash liquid you've put it in done okay with that solved we can now start filling up our metal Refinery metal refineries need to coolant to go them and you can literally put in anything that's liquid I mean literally any liquid chinku in these as a coolant it just means you're going to add more temperature to that liquid and if liquid returning to a gas or freeze that's where you get problems so you can put liquid Steel in here liquid iron liquid wolframite input liquid phosphorus if you want but all of those things are not really uh good for us at this stage petroleum however our crude oil crude oil petroleum are really good at this stage they have a nice high gasification point they work really great as a coolant under the go-to method for everyone so we have yes petroleum down here you no you hook up and done and that gets the petroleum flowing here is an insulated pipe we built earlier that's going to go all the way up here and feed into this metal Refinery now refineries here can hold about 800 kilos of liquid well coolant liquid whatever you want to call it and it uses 400 kilos every time you run a batch of metal to it however let's just see you should stop at 800. done now there are ways to sort of jam in more and things like that but honestly it's usually not worth the effort um now we can start removing all of these liquid Bridges and stuff and reverse the flow a bit we're going to want that petroleum for other stuff down here what we're doing is we are going to do eggshells to lime and fossil to Lime forever down in this section we need as much lime as possible because we're about to start cranking out some steel oh which reminds me we should make some iron ore let's see one second um let's Maybe pause that for one second until we remove these pipes I don't want any uh petroleum going through here just now all right we're just about ready to begin you iron ore give us a bunch you know what let's just start up 10 of them uh 20 why not we'll probably be setting this to Infinity in a bit all right we got Arnold ready to go oh damn it I kind of overfilled it by 40 kilos shouldn't make a difference anyone want to get around to that anyone hey Skitty skinny started that up let's have a quick check here yeah we got 40 kilos of petroleum that 83 degrees and very shortly that's 400 kilos of petroleum at 159 degrees you see when we made that iron it dumped a bunch of heat to do the refinement it just cost you temperature that's okay now that stuff is going to come up here and the moment it gets into this section these radiant cooled pipes are going to dump a bunch of that heat into the surrounding water and tiles and then by the time it gets back down it's about me 53 as this keeps going and going it'll keep heating this place up it's going to take a while but once this hits about 125 130 degrees this will start the steam turbines will start working but until that point it's not going to look like much is happening but we don't care because we can just leave this running forever and ever and ever well assuming we've got enough coal to keep everything running of course we also want to produce steel just getting iron was not why we made this steel is the main prize namely because steel is well hard to make this is the only way to make Steelers in one of these things you can't melt stuff or do anything with temperature you literally have to stick it through a metal Refinery it is the only way so we need to refined carbon and align to go with that so down here you're going to be eggshells to Lime we have um 400 kilos of eggshell sitting around there we're also going to go with fossil to Lime we have a fair of that sitting around the place as well they'll make the metal refinement probably level sixes and then oh that actually oh no I think a little bit of the the corner is boiling just because the petroleum is coming in so hot it's causing a little bit of it to flash but there's so much here it just immediately flashes back okay let's fast forward time a little bit until that water starts to boil oh and cooling loop I forgot to mention the cooling Loop uh cooling Loop here you can see the liquid tank wants to save stops the liquid takes at about 20c this thing works out quite nicely it just keeps evening out the temperature until everything gets to where it needs to go now you will be off by like one to two degrees most of the time this is actually just perfect but you might go down as low as say 17 degrees at times so do be aware of that you can pick whatever temperature you want you just gotta realize there's going to be a bit of wiggle room so don't put it down so cold you might accidentally freeze your coolant and the steam has begun perfect come on give us a couple more how many more yeah we got uh orange and steel is just about ready to go perfect I want to stick that on forever yep and then Q what's up say yeah 99 iron we never that's the thing you don't have to worry about this as long as you've got power to feed this thing it will just keep going and I think we have enough coal to keep us going for a farewell yeah we got 67 tons we'll be fine for a little bit longer perfect now what power or do we expand this oh that was it plastic we need to get plastic set up as well damn it why did I not leave myself any room for that instead I got really greedy I probably shouldn't have put into rock Crushers but you just you can't help yourself when you start building one of these things and I think we'll put in the plastic over here when putting down the plastic we got to be aware this stuff is going to be well it's gonna generate a lot of heat so we've got to make sure there's a fair bit of temperature exchange going on I'm gonna make the tiles here it's sitting on a lid I wanted to make those out of gold oh my bad oh those gold tiles are actually really pretty that mod does a wonderful job they quit in stairs someone likes the gold tiles for sure uh polymer press we'll make it out of steel we can afford it at this point and we'll stick in two of them we oh yeah I put one right across there you know what we're gonna have to move the cooling Loop and let's preemptively expand our cooling Loop uh substantially say yeah here's about good and well that's finishing off I should probably point it our steam turbines have kicked in actually generating a bit of power here and dumping it back onto the grid which is taking the pressure off the cool this is sort of one of the joys of the industrial Breakers you get to recycle all that wonderful wonderful power just takes a little bit of time for it to get up to steam oh and he'll be looking at on that all right once they finish off the lasso that will be good and then I think we might start introducing some radiant pipes namely because you can see how hot it's getting up here and then here a few radiant pipes will sorted out real quick oh and this is their hot box of steam well sealed off with insulated tiles you never really need more than one layer of insulated towels unless you're going above say oh like a thousand degrees I wouldn't be too concerned about using two layers of insulated tiles one is usually more than sufficient I may have expanded the cooling loop on just a tiny winty bit more and added a little bit more polluted water but yeah I don't have to bring this back up to two tons but this this actually is the basis of a solid industrial brick you can see the steam turbines are getting a little bit hot they're at 80 degrees here reason for that is these pipes are only made of granite Granite is one of the best conductors for you know regular pipes but honestly the conductivity is terrible in comparison to just a little even your basic radiant liquid pipes these things have a thermal conductivity of 3.39 it's terrible let's just stick in some gold pipes give me some gold radiant pipes but let's put some cool rating pipes right there we'll stick an entire Roll Along there and then we'll stick an entire row there and finally there and we're gonna zoom out and we're going to watch the temperature change in real time done and that that is the key to doing an industrial brick you're basically able to destroy all the heat it creates so you've made it temperature neutral otherwise you're just going to end up with huge problems and the whole key is two things Steel thermal Aqua tuner that needs to be able to withstand some decent temperatures so you can stick it into this room that way it could so hot it turns all the liquid around it or the gases around it into steam so the steam turbine can eat it now there is Alternatives you can use some people have successfully managed to make them run with a golden amalgam golden will give you a plus 50 overheat as opposed to the 200 of Steel which means your Aqua tuner Will Survive up to 175 degrees problem is you'll see that Equity is already at 170. um so you're kind of pushing things and also it's much harder to get the heat out of it it's not as thermally conductive so you usually have to stick in layers of liquid and it gets complicated it's possible and if you're trapped on an asteroid and you only have access to Gold amalgam then yes it can be done you can make a heat deletion device using gold amalgam and aqua tuner and a steam turbine whether to make the steam turbine you're still gonna need plastic so plastic and steel are sort of those late game to the gateways the Gateway Keepers to Mid game once you've got those you can set this up and you're like good to go you don't really have to worry about industrial production causing any heat overflow this whole thing is self-sustaining so long as you keep feeding it coal and we're able to keep feeding it cool because we have hatches normally I'd actually have several more ranches but you know we're sort of playing around with some random stuff here but normally I'd have about three or four wrenches of stone hatches and they would be producing so much coal you'd actually be swimming in this stuff though hey we're on a smaller asteroid than the original one so actually no we could definitely still run several more ranches if we really wanted to anyway with that done it's left us with a few well questions so the three main sources of death are food oxygen and Heat and oxygen is sorted I mean we have all this salt water to draw on this is going to keep erupting for another 57.8 cycles and by the time it's finished erupting we're going to have enough of a stockpile to keep us going through its dormancy so effectively Oxygen's infinite and since it powers itself except for the pump of course this should be no problems and the cooling for that which is the heat issue that's pretty much sorted for now this ice biome is eating that heat like a chap and will continue to do so for quite some time and we've got that anti-angibial fire if we really need it so on that front yeah it's looking good and this is cooling down the desalinator quite nicely what's the temperature I think 31 degrees and the area around it absolutely beautiful so sorted sorted on both of those fronts heat wise for our industrial brick here yeah also sorted as well so we've got the ability to produce oh we need plastic don't we damn it one second before I just took up the plastic here there we go plastic production up and running I should probably actually put some limiter on that but for now I think we're okay we're gonna need a lot of plastic for what we have planned next how much uh and we only get a ton of petroleum we can set up more petroleum refining later but for now I think we're Grand there that leaves us two questions we've got oxygen sorted so that's still these and we've got heat sorted that still uses food and the one last question is power power has now become essential to our survival because of this setup here and that is consuming our call at a pretty substantial rate well actually not that bad this these things have kicked in now so the same turbines as you can see are now producing substantial amounts of power so when that activates you see the power in here will go down gold will kick in for a bit but then even when they stop what happens is the batteries start to go back up again it's just that the steam turbines are always running it's drastically reducing the amount of power it requires in fact some of the metal types are self-sustaining as in they produce more power than they consume assuming you have enough battery power to take advantage of it all oh and I think what we'll do here is set this to we're gonna leave you to not kick in until it hits about 10 power and then charge it up to about 40. we don't need you kicking in actually 35 is fine we don't need you kicking in too early let the the steam turbines handle as much as that as possible so I think we can hold off just a little bit on that though it is something we're going to want to take care of I was thinking geothermal power plant right here should be beautiful we'll have to remove all the oil but that would take some time so that leaves us for two things I'd like to take care of either food or volcanoes you see our food here is actually pretty stable it's pretty decent but I'd like to maybe upgrade to something so I was thinking mushroom wraps mushroom wraps will require us to have mushrooms and uh these kind of water weed things which require bleach Stone two things which we have in a reasonable amount I was doing the math on it and we have enough bleach Stone and slime to about 300 days of feeding everyone on mushroom wraps which is pretty good as well as that if we go look up consumer blowers that light blue stuff that's more bleach Stone which we need to make the mushroom wraps and there's quite a bit we surf in my net and if we go under Organics the light green as in the stuff here is more slime so we've got definitely more slime on the map that we can use and more bleachstones so we could definitely get about I would say four to five hundred cycles of mushroom wraps which is even better quality than barbecue however we would probably want to set up some sort of infinite fruit frozen food storage before we start implementing that though that would be first of the agenda except for volcanoes and the thing is if we tap into these volcanoes now and start taming them we could just slap a passive Tamer on them they're pretty easy to set up there's one copper there is two iron and then I believe we have there's an aluminum one down here somewhere ah aluminum volcano as well so if we tap Tamers on all of those we could have loads of iron iron copper and aluminum pouring in now it does take time for them to pay off so the sooner you tap those the better so I was thinking first things first tap all the iron volcanoes then set up frozen food storage then move on to water weed seeds so we can get into mushroom wraps and then go into the geothermal power spec of course I'll probably get distracted a dozen times along the way but that would be the general gist of the theme sorry if I've been a bit slow today it's just I'm feeling a little bit under the weather and my brain is moving like treacle I feel like I was a bit of a muppet on several of these builds but you know what it kind of works in the end so we'll just we'll call it a draw [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 52,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ep1, lets play, first episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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