(EP1) Corpus Christi & Port Aransas FISHING SPOTS for Kayak & Wade Fishing

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well good afternoon everyone welcome back to the schwinn outdoors youtube channel thank you for tuning in again this week so this weekend i'm not going to be fishing it's a little bit too windy for that it's blowing about 20 miles an hour and it has been all weekend of course friday was perfect when i was working and then saturday morning it was just gusting like crazy so i'm going to stay in this weekend so what i've decided to do instead is to create a video showing y'all some of my favorite fishing spots in the area you know we've got spring break just around the corner and i figure a lot of you were probably going to be coming down here to do some kayak fishing or some wade fishing or or some of the locals are going to be getting out looking for some new spots to fish so i wanted to share some of my favorite spots that i've really explored over the last five or six years all right let's get into it cause all of the spots that i'm going to show you today are in the port aransas padre island corpus christi area so if you're staying in port aransas corpus christi this is definitely going to be the video for you i think the northernmost spot that i show you is going to be right up in here and the southernmost spot is is down in here the first place that i want to talk about is wilson's cut or shamrock cove you'll hear them called the same thing when people say wilson's cut or shamrock cove they're talking about this area in here all right wilson's cut is actually this cut right here and then shamrock cove is this whole area in here all right this is an excellent kayak fishing spot it's not so good for wade fishing you have to get across wilson's cut here to get back into all these flats and this is a deep cut wouldn't be particularly easy to cross on foot so this is for all you kayak fishermen okay accessibility to the place you used to be able to come in right down this road they would always keep this gate open but in the last year or so maybe a couple years they've started closing the gate because you had all kinds of people coming through here and tearing up the road which is really a shame you used to be able to come up here and park way up here and then just hop in your kayak and cut right across here and get into these flats but now because they close that gate you have to launch right here okay so coming down 361 what you're looking for are these big condos this will be your landmark when you see these condos get ready to hang a left you can turn left right here or here that is if you're coming from corpus if you're coming from port aransas it'll be right and these roads are always pretty good i'd say that uh in a car you probably have a pretty good chance of getting down these roads but definitely in a truck you'll be safe so you'll come right down this road launch your kayak right here and paddle on down the cut you can hang a right into this flat right here and start fishing as you cruise through you know fish these these uh cuts between these islands especially on a moving tide but let me show you some of my favorite spots in the area now wilson's cut in shamrock cove it's an area that i could spend an entire video on talking about there's so much to fish here there's so many islands so much structure so much grass you could really spend a solid week fishing the area and still not cover it all so i'm just going to point out a few of my favorite spots here what i like to do is come through this cut back through here fishing it all the way and then i come back over here to this exposed beach right here this is a shell beach it's right on this deep channel and what i like to do is cast either a soft plastic or even a top water in some cases out into this deep water and you can usually tear up the trout especially in late spring early summer that seems to be the best time for me okay and then around the corner here this grass in here you can come out here with your live shrimp on a popping cork or or soft plastic and get into the redfish i've i've caught some really nice redfish in this grass before so if you've got an afternoon and one place to try i would highly recommend coming over here it gives you all kinds of diversity you get a deep channel you get a shallow sand flat you get some grass and you've even got this shell beach here to work along all right and then right down the channel here you get this cut right here i have caught some really nice red fish right here right here and right here so this area right here offers a lot of diversity if you've got a little longer than an afternoon to kill you can always paddle back here to what they call pink shack cove and you'll know it's called pink chat code because one of these houses is actually pink similar situation here you've got a deep channel surrounded by shallow flats with grass i've caught my personal best trout right over here i caught a 27-inch trout right here and then you can always come up to this flat and just drift it with your soft plastic throw on a gulp mullet underneath a popping cork and drift this flat right here and you'll definitely get into the reds the next spot i want to talk about is fish pass fish pass is one that i've been fishing for a long time and it's definitely hit or miss but i will say i've had my best day on the salt water ever at fish pass and i'll tell you about that here in just a second so accessibility the road it's hit or miss it depends on if it's rained recently or not if it has recently rained then right in here the road can get chewed up pretty bad if it hasn't rained in a while you can usually get down here in a car definitely a truck but use your best judgment you know it might be one of those spots where you pull in and decide that you need to turn around but if you can get through here then your next obstacle is going to be this gut right here you see there's this little gut and on high tide this can actually get pretty deep i've crossed it on a high tide in my in my tundra and it does fine it definitely gets some some parts underneath the truck wet so if you cross it i definitely suggest you go get a car wash shortly after so you don't have that salt water on the underside of your car but lately you can see on the map here people have kind of started uh making their own path around that gut now i've taken this path a couple times again if it's dry you can get through it no problem if it's wet you will likely get stuck right in here i almost got my truck stuck right here so fish pass is one of those if it hasn't rained recently you should be fine if it has i wouldn't even mess with it anyways once you get past this gut you're pretty much free all the way to the end here so i would drive all the way to the end to here all right you see how there's some cars parked right here well on a low tide you can get your vehicle out there and it's real sandy and it's kind of cool and people go out there and they take their barbecue pits and let their kids run around and it's kind of neat the problem with that is is the tide can move very quickly in here and as soon as it starts to come up this little island here goes underwater and i have seen cars get stuck on this island and have to cross through water that was way too deep for their vehicles to be crossing so what i would do is just park out here you know where you know it's dry and stays dry just park up here and you'll be fine now this is a pretty neat area it offers quite a bit of diversity as well i'm going to tell you one little secret of mine and that is you can put in your kayak or you can wade it's not a fun way but i've done it before and you cross fish pass right here if you have a kayak it's just a short little paddle across if you're gonna wade you're gonna have to come out here into some shallow stuff cross and walk all the way back around which it's doable i've done it it just takes a little time but once you get over here you can beat your kayak right here and then wait out to this drop off where you see this grass and if you take a live shrimp and fish it on the bottom or probably even something like a down south lure or whatever soft plastic paddle tail of your choices and cast it right along this drop-off i have caught 22 redfish in less than two hours and i'm talking slot reds they weren't little dinks i caught 22 slot reds in less than two hours right here that's probably the best day i've ever had on the salt water and that particular day i was throwing i was fishing live shrimp on the bottom so rig up something like a carolina rig put a live shrimp on there and cast along this drop off and if they're if they're in there they will tear it up and you'll have a great day so that is my little go-to secret you know if they're not hitting it you can always come out here to kind of this hole right here and cast either top water or your down south lure and you'll get into the trout i've never caught just a monster trout in here but you know decent 15 16 inch trout all right as far as getting there from 361 if you're coming from corpus christi you're gonna pass you're gonna cross a number of these little bridges that cross over these passes and there used to be signs before each one that let you know which bridge it was like for example right in here there used to be a sign that said fish pass but i believe hurricane harvey took them out and the city has not replaced them so pay attention to these bridges at least they'll be good landmarks and as soon as you cross that bridge man put on your left blinker because this is a pretty dangerous road for whatever reason people like to get right up behind you and ride real close to you so giving them plenty of warning that you're about to make a left turn is definitely in your favor so put on that left blinker and get ready to make a fairly quick left turn onto a dirt road right here all right the next spot is dead man's hole at least that's what i've been calling it i think dead man's hole is actually further out here somewhere else but if you check out the forums and talk to locals this is typically referred to as dead man's hull you can see right here it's a it's a relatively deep hole surrounded by pretty shallow flats if you're coming from corpus christi a landmark to tell you that you've passed it at least is this methodist church right here it's pretty prominent it's hard to miss if you pass that coming from corpus christi you've gone too far because the place to park is this little road right here it's a nice little pull-off i think it's like a bird observatory is what it was originally built for but it makes an excellent parking spot and kayak launch so what you can do is come out here park your car right here and launch your kayak easily from anywhere around here and for you wade fisherman this is also an excellent wade fishing spot it's you'll hit a little mud here and there but you can get to some nice firm bottom that's that's nice to wait on so what i like to do is launch my kayak or wade out this direction and if you see here there's an electrical pole right here and this one you'll see it out there you know it's the first second one in the water from the island head out towards this electrical pole and it kind of marks this drop off for you so go what i usually do is i come out to the right of this pole somewhere in here and slowly walk up to the edge here now this spot has a lot of stingrays i've seen plenty of stingrays in it so if you are wade fishing or if you get out of your kayak make sure you're wearing some some stingray boots and what i've done in the past is i'll chunk out a live shrimp on the bottom and usually tear up the black drum this is kind of my black drum hole i've caught a few trout and a few redfish in here but nine times out of ten i'm catching black drum in this hole so definitely if you if you want to hook into a black drum go out there with some live shrimp even some dead shrimp throw it on the bottom or under a popping cork and you're likely to get into them again watch out for stingrays there also used to be a resident dolphin that hung out in this hole it was kind of cool to see but it also kind of messed up the fishing if you showed up i haven't been out there in several months so i don't know if that dolphin is still hanging out or not but just fyi you might see him here is another fun spot to fish this is kate's hole kate's hole i think they actually called this area out here kate's hole but i also refer to this area in here as kate's hole now accessibility this is going to be another one of those bridges you cross this is corpus christi pass i think half of the sign is still standing on this one after the hurricane so watch out for corpus christi pass if you're coming from corpus and be ready to make a quick left turn off of 361 right in here all right this road can get nasty i really don't recommend coming down here in a car you can make it i've seen cars down there before but really a truck with four wheel drive is your best bet if the tide is low and this stretch right here is looking bad which it usually is you can take a left right here there's a little puddle right here that holds water but it's a real firm sandy bottom i've never seen anyone get stuck in this little puddle right here but it almost always holds water so you can drive through that drive around here and if the tide's low enough you can get through here just fine and usually this route is nice and smooth uh with with no concerns of getting stuck i'd even say that a car can oftentimes make it down this route but if the tide's high and a lot of that is underwater then you have to take this high road and right here it can get nasty so if it's recently rained i wouldn't even attempt it i have seen lots and lots of people get stuck i'll admit i've even been stuck twice back here if it's dry you should have no problem but you come up you follow this road and you'll come right over here to where it says corpus pass launch point and you can park anywhere in here and then you can launch your kayak or way this is an excellent wade fishing spot this is all nice sandy bottom although i will say if you come south down into this area you can see where it gets a little darker this is all really muddy so it's not quite as nice to wade you'll sink up to your knees and mud down here but if you stay at this little point right here north then it should be nice firm sandy bottom for you so what i like to do is i come out here and i cross over this point and i'll walk right up here to this edge and you'll know it's the edge it drops off pretty dramatically and again cast out your soft plastics your dead shrimp and you should get into some decent redfish you can walk this entire drop off up here and keep moving it until you find the fish and if you really want to get adventurous and the tide allows it you can drive all the way around here i definitely recommend a four wheel drive if you're going to do this because the sand gets very loose but you can drive back here and there's a deep little hole back in here that not a lot of people know about i have pulled out some very nice redfish right here in this little hole and i've pulled out some really nice trout back along here so if you're waiting you can walk it it's not too far of a walk it'll take you a little time to get there but not too much time and if you've got a four wheel drive vehicle and the conditions allow for it you can drive back there but this is a neat spot it's pretty isolated you rarely see anybody back here and the fishing can be good especially if you're wade fishing because this is all shallow up in here and it just makes for a really neat experience all right and lastly i want to talk about bird island basin in padre island national seashore now if you come down to padre island national seashore which i i highly recommend you do it is a neat park make sure to stop at the visitor center check it out now i think it's twenty dollars per vehicle at least that's what it used to be um you can also get a year-long password i think 30. don't quote me on those prices they might have changed since last time i purchased a pass but also if you are active duty military or a veteran you can get in for free you just need to show some kind of identification of your military status whether you have that little icon on your driver's license or maybe your dd214 or your actual military id or sometimes up in places where they'll even accept a good military tattoo all right then you can park in here and launch your kayak right in here or if you're wade fishing you'll see right back here behind the restroom there's little trail that's been worn you can follow this trail i wouldn't follow the shoreline down here because it gets really muddy and you'll sink up to your knees in this mud but follow this trail all the way back here and it takes you to a really nice sandy shoreline i mean look at the size of the sand flat now i'm going to give you one more little secret if you walk north on this shoreline somewhere in here i don't think you can see it on the satellite imagery it's a little too small i don't remember if it's before or after this cut but there's a couple little shrubs um they're the tallest thing in the area so you'll see them um but two little shrubs that are my landmark i walk to those let's say they're right here i'm not sure if they are but they're somewhere in this area i walk to those and then i immediately walk out into the bay and i'll walk this sand flat until i hit this grass line slash drop off and that has been my spot to catch the trout now i've never caught just monster trout out here i've seen some monster trout but i've never caught one usually it's your good 15 16 inch trout so good good uh keeper sized trout walk out here with your top water with your mirror lure something like that or your soft plastic and cast it out over this grass off of this drop off and just work this drop off back and forth until you find them once you find them you're usually on them you can continue to stay in that spot and catch fish pretty consistently but just walk up and down this shoreline this drop off until you find fish this is a great spot to bring the family to bring kids it's an easy wade you're not going to get your vehicle stuck it's tempting to hang a left right here and come down to this windsurfing area it looks similar big sand flat nice well-defined grass line i have fished this several times and i have never caught a fish over here not to say that it can't be done i'm sure there's plenty of fish that have been caught over here but i for one have never caught a fish over here or if i just come right up here i catch them almost every time summertime fishing if you come out here in the heat of the summer bring your mosquito repellent it gets terrible out here this is probably the worst mosquitoes i've ever seen is out here early spring you know here in the next two or three weeks hopefully the mosquitoes aren't an issue but i would have some just in case all right guys well those are some of my favorite spots in the corpus christi port aransas area uh some great wade fishing some excellent kayak fishing so if you're coming down here for spring break and want to get out and have a real shot at catching some nice redfish and trout some flounder some black drum definitely check out some of these places if you have any questions about them feel free to leave me a comment you know i'll keep up with it i'll check it every day if you have a question about any of these spots shoot me a comment and i'll respond and hopefully give you the answer i'm going to put the coordinates to each of these spots in the description below so if you decide you want to go check one out just look in the description find the coordinates to the spot you want to check out and plug it into your phone and you should be good to go as always thank you all so much for for tuning in today if you haven't subscribed already go ahead and click that subscribe button i put out videos every tuesday with that said you all have a great day and we'll see you next time
Channel: Schwind Outdoors
Views: 27,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing spots, fishing in corpus christi, redfish, speckled trout, flounder, black drum, where to fish in corpus christi, where to fish in aransas pass, kayak fishing, wade fishing, artificial baits, live bait, how to fish, where to fish, schwind outdoors, fishing instruction, how to catch redfish, south texas fishing, bay fishing, inshore fishing, coastal fishing, how to catch fish in the bay, padre island fishing, where to fish on padre island, fishing tips
Id: IJmVs71CADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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