So many fish - so little time...

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about five redfish right here look at this we have arrived ladies and gents we fished a tournament out here Sunday or I did Brandon did too but he was in a different area the format was a four-man team each team member launched from a different spot y'all need to look it up if you haven't already on Facebook it's called the hammered crew challenge I believe and if today is anything like it was the other day which I'm very hopeful we should see a lot of fish in the flats over here so coming up a little cut in these flats and then as soon as it dead ends we'll get out and do some fishing y'all stick around if it's like it was the other day this is going to be action-packed our five minutes and we've already got some here they're not tipped down yet but I saw them or maybe it's just deeper right there that bird flew over and they were mullet they would have scattered yeah there's some right here and then I think there's another group or maybe one or it could be solos but just the very top piece of their tail right about where that see that in between me and that Grass Island there's one right there and I think there's one closer and then I think I saw the same thing like kind of like in a little triangle huh okay and and this that's the island system I was around all the way out to those birds I'd see them and then I just keep going around around and weaving in and out good Lord is that one right behind us we haven't even got to the juicy part hey First Blood is that just grass are you sure are you sure there's a fish oh it's a Rasta red beautiful clear water will he keep all right let's go get the Biggins [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I'm slurping but I'm starting to see activity in this grass all the way all the way up and down are you kidding me oh my gosh is that on camera the camera was on this is without a doubt the first for me look at that gorgeous little redfish with a double spot so pretty and boy I just want to take you home all right all right admired you long enough cool stuff man cool stuff the duck decoy for Brandon Brandon collects them I don't know if I can get in there to get that one though to be hung up though that dude ain't got no color on him and he's got a noose around his nipple quack thank you first fish man that took a minute turned around and grabbed it I don't know if I got a good hook set on should now though he did it got him out come on in well I don't know what it was whether it's the lure change I just did or they're starting to bite but that was the first time I threw a different colored lure at them probably about 23. we have found fish ladies and gentlemen several of them group here group there one or two right there just gotta get them to eat man I have thrown at a lot of fish today a lot of fish there's two pods right here hopefully I didn't spook the ones behind them they're eating they're eating turn me around that'd be fun because can leave those alone over there Mercy Me Mercy Me thanks for playing man okay well I'm starting to lose faith I hear I'm really feeding now then that other group is still back here there's some it's not the same one but it's a group nonetheless pulled that right through the middle of them and that did the trick no Whammy no whammy no Whammy cool story real cool story man still here not here anymore yes they are look at them right here in front of me what is going on here oh man y'all are too kind giving me this many chances it's not taking it dude it's crazy time [Music] they're still there oh gosh dudes are just too kind is this real life is this really happening oh my goodness gracious guys it's fish they're grabbing it I'm not able to connect with them there's yet another group here I have put on a different lure this is just a little half of a shrimp lure that I have all right just craziness look how many there are wow took an exposed jig head I guess or that color the hell did I Oh I thought I had tail Hooked him but that's some seaweed that I was looking at small guy he's a Rastafarian redfish pound and a half of grass with him these are all pretty decent size 22 23s are you good you're good all right normally I wouldn't put all those misses in there but that's part of fishing some days and uh it's not always hookups even though it seems like they were grabbing onto the bait and I think all right it's time to set the hook I'm not one to blame it on anything but I just bought this real Rod last night it's a medium light and I don't know if it's just not loading up quick enough or what I'm not going to give up on it I'm going to try to hook a fish on it I'm not sure maybe I have already today but this is the pattern that was happening the other day I just kept running into schools and schools I just went in and out of these islands went around them and by the time I made a revolution I'd be running into them all over again so I'm gonna go back here now on this side of them because I can hear it like they're back there feeding it's now 11 15. this is right about the time the major feeding period was showing it was going to start so maybe this is now Showtime stay tuned one here and a group there start here oh man another one over there Tails Tails tails just start here and go down the line if if they'll allow it all right now come on guys drag drug it right through them but still see them right here foreign [Applause] get it out buddy call you hear him behind me open up get easy on us the Lord's Hanging On By thread all right I think the others are in line that are in liner back behind I can hear them I'll go back out to this little Channel or cut that comes out into these Flats make my way up to the main Channel and I will start drifting back okay Pit Stop I saw something kind of swirl in here oh see there's another one over there it's through a blind cast another red it's a little depressions along these Mangrove Islands Fighter for his size tire out little boy right now gosh I'm just sitting here trying to get a wind not out and I'm coming up on about five redfish right here look at this oh man oh Stingray they weren't tailing or anything that I just saw them in the water foreign here just chilling foreign maybe we're not done folks yourself away after that just happens and then start seeing more tails let's keep going uh Brandon called in reinforcements the reinforcements were me oh man that one of them looks big uh let's see if there are they spread out enough for us to oh there's some oh my gosh dude that's a big one in the middle okay there's there's some to the right and some to the left they're all like bunched up okay well I think already freaking torpedo my bad I don't think they got too far because he followed it yeah he followed it out of the school that wasn't the big one I said it wasn't but it was fun thank you all right now we're done I am anyways Brandon's still grinding it out over there we've caught countless fish today um it's kind of hard to stop when it's this much action so again thanks for sticking through this one um I'm assume it's gonna be a pretty long video it's hot there's no wind it's well after one o'clock I'm sure we probably shouldn't even be out here anymore with the heat index what it is we'll catch y'all next time see you later thank you so hit the Thumbs Up Button por favor really appreciate you guys see you later [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: South Texas Outdoor
Views: 11,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum, flounder, trout, speckled trout
Id: GeOYC65gxvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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