CHATEAU COUNTRY LIFE: renovating in the south of france, making hay, kitchen garden & more

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how do we know if it's heating up then because this bubble's falling already [Music] this must be so exciting for you viewers okay wow so we can finally get rid of this oh my gosh on a momentous moment this is unbelievable can you read enough about it no i haven't it's just just what it what personal experience oh okay right there you go guys you if you are trying to tame nature you never you're never gonna win um you just have to work with it so it makes more work it's disappointing but that's how it is and there we go out pops another bundle of hay [Applause] right i'm being quiet now because the farmer's done all the bailing and i think behind here is a box so just creep up be very very quiet have a look [Music] hi guys leanne from chateau de la couter so we have finally got back onto working inside the house julian's working in the kitchen i'm back in the living room and it's so hot today it's 30 degrees at the moment it's half past two in the afternoon and the paint is um starting to uh i'm putting it on it's drying so fast so i'm having to be quick and precise um but it's uh it's coming on so i've just got this elevation here and then this elevation here to finish and then these are our settees so i mentioned in a couple of comments thanks for all your comments by the way uh you're keeping me busy and it's really really good to know who's watching and what you like about the videos and um fortunately many of you not many of you said you don't like anything which is good um but um these are the settees so we're happy that the the colors are going to go um the purple one is really going to pop against the colours now we have as you may have seen here just tested some varnish um on the floor it was yesterday on the day before and julian and i have just had a conversation and we think it might be a bit too dark we only bought one small pot of it um so we it's this one here liberon uh shen fons say dark oak um and i thought we both did actually that's what we uh that's what we would want to go for um but i think it's fit to we actually like is we like this light oak color that we're seeing now um we'd like it to be a bit more even and a little bit darker but i think that's a bit too dark what do you guys think let us know in the comments hey hull hi mom sat by the pool yeah waiting patiently to see if we can go in what are you reading harry potter harry potter well done class which book is it the fourth book goblet of fire cool well you're off off school at the moment i nearly listed off work you're off school at the moment aren't you you've got a few little little spots of a rash i'm not sure whether it's chicken pots or not are we really but a bit itchy are they a bit of it as long as you don't itch them they don't reach that much yeah look at you reading up about it no i haven't it's just just what it what personal experience oh okay right there you go guys advice for you if you get chicken pots or anyone you know or your kids just tell them not to which which we all do anyway so here we are here's the pool [Music] as you can see it's so much better it's not far off but we're still not there and we're still not there because we do have a bit of a filtration issue and we're not sure what whether it's the pump or the filter the sand filter and because of that we are having difficulty actually whacking um the last bits of particles out of the pool we'll see trial and error we just need some professional advice and no one's willing to uh to give it us at the moment maybe they know something we don't know i don't know anyway i'll leave it to it whole enjoy your reading by the pool you do keep dipping your feet don't you but you don't blame me because it is very warm out here isn't it at the moment yeah you do get used to it so but i really wanted to swim in this today i wanted to spend all day painting and then come and swim i could i could i know it is but um still being picky my it's cleaner than the lake isn't it it's cleaner than when we swim in the lake so okay gluten-free orange muffins with milk chocolate drizzled on top and then an orange zest sprinkled on as well wow and you're gonna help pops yeah good luck because uh if we had smell-o-vision then uh everybody would be salivating by now because they smell delicious what do you like about it lily the chocolate and the spoilers i think he's gone i think he likes it so we're in the kitchen not gonna show you everything because we have to leave something to work to the mystery um but i am going to show you where julian is up to with the ovens little progress in the kitchen we've fitted the work top here cut the hole for the induction knob and just test fitted it and it fits thankfully should have kind of known that before we did didn't we but we would we knew yeah and then we'll hook that up to the electrics and then fit two ovens how was that then was it difficult or no pretty easy okay right well very easy all right now you're drinking it lots of water okay so we've got basically an induction hob and then you've got the two ovens going in the center yes yep although we need to secure the top yeah treat yourself god i'll let you treat yourself okay cup of coffee and some chocolate oh right okay habit of a lifetime then hey julian hello good afternoon good afternoon i've just said i feel like the the director on escape to the chateau diy so do it doing it ourselves so yeah the other famous uh the blog yeah right um so you are in front of what opens an account last time did we have those done no we didn't i'm trying to show them without the rest of it so i'm just i've just showed the top of the opens that's it anyway that was a sneak peek but today we've installed the um the induction hub and it wired it all up and it worked so just just testing it with a pan boiling some water and i reckon i can do a bit of coffee after that uh what in the in the uh in the pan yeah we do have a kettle we're not that that rustic so yeah we've had an induction hot before and they're brilliant aren't they it was absolutely brilliant it was part of the range there wasn't yet gosh i've just slept over julian's tools i know um so yeah is it heat how do we know if it's heating what is this bubbles already this must be so exciting for your viewers okay wow so we can finally get rid of this dirty horrible lover oh my gosh what a momentous moment this is humbling we are in the kitchen garden now it's time for a bit of youtube reality um on this channel we are trying to be realistic about what our life is like and when you hear our story which we're actually going to record for you this week we're finally plucking up the courage to sit down together and uh and go through what's been our journey here our very short journey here so far where we had a dream um of creating a better life for our family so here we have it jungle fever okay i am exaggerating it's not quite a jungle um the insects and the birds and the mice and the snakes and the lizards and everything else will be loving it the summer vegetables are going um full pelt now um not all things we're not harvesting everything just look and by the way just look at the state of these pathways this is down to the moles we've gone all to the trouble of making these lasagna beds with a cardboard and trying to make them weeds we get some more cardboard and we start again and we've just started that process last week you can see so this is weed free for the moment if you are trying to tame nature you never you're never gonna win um you just have to work with it this is our little patch um which i've just nicknamed on instagram and facebook the other day um another little garden room um so we changed this about six weeks ago it's just tiny patch of the kitchen garden we've got courgettes we've got aubergines uh the lettuces there some more lettuce lola rosa that is um we've got some marigolds just for a little bit of colour and pest control um we have the cucumbers which are a little bit battered from frost damage and then also from the rain that we've been getting because this is directly under the old house roof so we've positioned this this final bed here at the back to make the most of the sun so at the minute these plants have a bit of splash back from um the rain and we have had some heavy heavy storms and rain need a bit of tlc which i'll do today um what we uh what we tend to do is we tend to take off certainly the first foot but perhaps even up to the first two foot actually take off the cucumbers and that forming so i think i'll leave that one that's forming there and that'll be the first one but these here look these can come off and it just gives the plants a bit of a boost and being able to put on some quick green growth establish itself before it then has to start focusing on fruit production and then we've got some tomatoes which julian made a frame for here last week [Music] uh it looks a little bit reminds me of um a puppet you know you'd control those uh those puppets from above so they're only just only just starting to flower now uh we have got some fruit in the polytunnel ones because they were planted a little bit earlier um but um yeah this time last year we had tomatoes you know you have challengers um you just face them life is a series of up and down momentum it's not what happens to you it's how you handle what happens to you i think that matters at age 41 now with a lot of life experience i think i can say that it doesn't stop me getting mad about it upset even occasionally uh the odd tier but um can't change it you just have to focus on the things you can change the sun is too powerful to try and propagate um without shade when you get to this time of the year you need shade cloth to grow a lot of things in tunnels here in summer and we're fortunate this is one of the reasons why i sighted a lot of the beds under these trees that we do have these really old big trees in the kitchen garden because this wasn't a kitchen garden when we arrived this was a paddock for horses coming from a uk climate and being an organic grower since i was 15 i started my first garden when i was 15. it seems it seemed very weird to me to think that you would need shade to grow sun-loving plants a lot of them in the summer variety is key getting the right varieties for your climate look at these artichokes artichoke crazy now these are purple artichokes and they've got spines on never eaten purple artichokes before so i'm just a bit [Music] not sure about that but these ones the green globes beautiful how gorgeous and then you saw you saw earlier in the video that uh not this video but the renovation one if you watched that that uh the chamomile the girls were just starting to pick the new chamomile and a lot of it's out now so i'm gonna get them picking again but we've got a lot of squash a lot of corn tomatoes here lettuce a whole bed of strawberries so much and the broccoli which a whole half bed of broccoli so that is going to be brilliant for us for freezing blanching and freezing because we a lot of broccoli in this house are starting to flower yay oh god i love it in here i'm just walking um over to our pasture we're in technically we're in our pasture but we're converting this into a garden as you know and uh so there's that just give you a bit of perspective there's the chateau we're now saturday so we put a vlog up yesterday saying chateau paul rescue so from our perspective we now know pierre um and he's a local farmer in the next village he has his own cows he makes his own hay and he also is obviously interested in getting hay from other sources so he took some sample hay bales from last year his cows loved it so it's basically a win-win situation what you find which uh is absolutely brilliant we just love it watching this is when you start cutting the pasture like this for hay making you get all the kites following the tractors and it's a scene you see so much at this time of year in rural france the kites following the tractors it's lovely this is typical rural france we're happy to be a part of it and it's just nice to see but at the moment it's a compromise and we're happy to do this to be able to keep on top of the pasture for us but also to give back um to what isn't a closed loop system because there's oil involved etc and energy but it is giving back to a farmer who's helping us who's also feeding his cows so we're happy very happy with this compromise at the moment just wanted to show you this beautiful sprawling perennial flower bed with some annuals in as well and all grown this year from seed [Music] so we've got corn flowers look at how beautiful these are just absolutely simply stunning sunflowers all starting to come up from the background is it is it that one the screeching one you can hear the bird sorry the girls are just telling me we've heard a different one it's an eagle it's not an eagle it's a kite but uh let's play along sometimes anyway the sunflowers are coming out now a few different varieties in here love them just love them i'm sorry i know this is meant to be a renovation channel but this is our live this is uh rural france you've got to be outside sometimes you know yeah the girls are so excited [Music] they don't get out much since the coronavirus so they're very blanketed and very ensconced into school and chateau school and chateau life oh look at them look how big they are yeah and uh any kind of little excitement like this you can tell i'm happy i'm excited i've just been painting all afternoon this is a bit of a difference uh a different 10 minutes for me look at those birds oh they're beautiful guess what they're looking for is the prey they've obviously learned they're intelligent creatures there's the the prey either running ahead or running to the side of the tractor the field mice and dorm ice and voles and whatever else has been hiding um in the long grass [Music] so now day two of haymaking little princesses cause there's a bug okay um lily i'm popping their princess dresses so pierre our farm friend he's now i don't know what you call it actually aerating the hay so basically just turning it over and get some air into it so it doesn't rot on the ground half past eight in the evening and pierre local farmer collecting the hay that is uh he's coty cut it yesterday this tractor took him a few hours positive for us is mr fox can't be hiding along the the long grass now i saw him this morning this morning around about over there just running across the field yeah you're famous you probably don't realize i'm videoing your bit hail and there we go out pops another bundle of hay exciting stuff people hey julian showed you yesterday we have the uh the hay bales made now and uh it's just nice so this is like the north side of the chateau as you know at the front there's our washing and then we we have the east side so sun rises over that side comes over the front of the chateau and then sets um sets over there over right over there in summertime uh hopefully tomorrow we should find out if our lawn mower is dead or if he can fix it or maybe he's not even looked at it yet it's been over two weeks we'll see um but look at that sky where there's the pool right i'm being quiet now because the farmer's done all the bailing and i think behind here is a box so just creep up be very very quiet let's have a look [Music] [Music] okay it's evening time we're out again just looking for foxes because the reason why we we scared one off last night was because as you can see it's it's checking the bedtime although this one's staying up a little bit too late so we'll have to get him into the coop in about five minutes but we'll have another quick look see if we can see any um any foxes no more egrets i think and possibly a heroin or a crane in the distance but yes no foxes and we did have two last night we had one down there and the other one was somewhere over there right mabel's gone to bed we will lock the door for another night on the chickens [Music] you
Channel: Life at Chateau de la Coutere
Views: 1,992
Rating: 4.9801979 out of 5
Keywords: houserenovation, homerenovation, reno, countrylife, restoration, homedesign, homemakeover, chateaurenovation, restorationvideos, livingthedream, buyinginfrance, followyourdream, chateau, chateaulife, Escapetothechateaudiy, doingitourselves, escapetothechateau, chateauliving, frenchgardens, startingagarden, creatingagarden, potager, frenchgarden, frenchkitchengarden, kitchenrenovation, ettc
Id: pHqzdUz3W00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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