Was I meant to have kids?

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[Music] [Applause] hi guys it's Eric and AD and today is M baby Monday Baby Monday it's Mi baby Monday that was like on hypers speed yeah hi everybody welcome back um yeah so today's video is this is like all on you so I'm like today video is so I uh well kind of I'll talk about it a little bit but yeah I was uh inspired to uh make a video about this topic because of uh some recent things that have happened to me I guess anyways so uh the question of today I know the question of today is uh was I meant to have kids now growing up I okay well I guess I should preface it with growing up pre coming out uh I expected to marry a woman at like 18 19 20 and then have kids at 21 and 21 I no I know that's first of all you thinking you're going to marry a woman second of all you wanting kids in the first place because when we got to having that discussion you weren't even ready at 34 or sorry you weren't 34 you weren't 34 no 25 is what I meant to say is when we met wow when I was younger I wasn't attracted to men yet I get that so yeah so I I had it in my head I was like oh yeah cuz I want to be a young dad and so when I was a kid I'm talking like 7 8 9 10 11 12 then I got interested in boys at 13 anyways puberty basically gotcha uh but I I was way interested in men before puberty so oh Gen X does it different I can remember grade Oh wow was kind of my first time where I was like H I think I might be attracted to men yeah it wasn't until seventh grade for me so interesting anyway yeah but I wanted to be a young Dad when I was a kid so I was like yeah I'm GNA marry at 20 21 and have kids at 21 so all in the same year I'm sorry no no I know okay as a kid I think maybe my mind was like ready for kids and my heart was so then let's fast forward and spoiler alert I didn't marry a woman when we got together and I was before I had met you I was doing music like just music is what all I was doing and I had gotten to the point mentally where I was like oh I'm not going to have kids I'm not going to fall in love I I think as single gay men you get into that mindset that like I'll never find love never have a family all that s when we got together that was one of the first topics that we talked about was kids and so first St my mentality of like oh I'm never going to have kids never have a family obviously shifted when I met Eric and he brought it up and early on I was very fond of this person so just early on no you're not whatever don't twist don't twist uh but yeah so then my mentality shifted and I was like okay I am very much in love with this person and if you wanted kids and I was like okay I can do this so I think my heart was ready always for kids uh but my mind had to like adjust because of the mentality I was in my early 20s right so I had to like adjust my mind fast forwarding to now I feel very much like yes I was meant to have kids uh like my heart and mind because I think I'm a great father I love my kids all that where I was not meant to have kids uh was my immune system so I I had heard Rumblings before kids and like when they were babies and all this stuff like oh just wait until they enter school all that stuff starts school they're going to get sick a lot and bring the sicknesses home home like all right well we'll see so we had we had did a new video like two weeks ago right after filming that like a day later I got sick again and in that video didn't we just say that I was just getting over being sick probably it happens all the time yeah so I was like healthy maybe one or two days and then I got sick again I swear you just like lived in a bubble and like you just never like were exposed to any jour growing up cuz he gets sick all the time I do like he is probably sick more often than you're not which we should probably look into well and there there was actually a couple of people that had commented on our community post I posted that we weren't going to have a video last week because I was sick again and a few people had commented uh some info about what maybe I could have type of thing uh and so yeah I'm very much going to I'm like starting to think I'm like immune system compromised I don't know what they call it clearly I haven't done a ton of research in it but I'm at the point where I'm like okay I'm like sick so often and it's not like throwing up sick or like flu sick it's just like congestion here and here and like throat nose it's like all here so hashtag Thro s coming out um so yeah and I know my dad suffers a lot from like sinuses so I might have an idea where I got it from moral of the story moral of the video is heart and mind was meant to have kids my immune system was not meant to have kids because yeah and it's very strange because I I'm usually I don't get sick no you're great like I think today today uh we woke up and Addison had a slight fever like really low temperature fever and by the way it lasted like an hour and then she was fine um but in that time he's like oh don't let her like cough on you or anything and I'm like whatever and I like go right up to her but it's like well and it doesn't affect me so I'm like not at all is it genetics is it like being exposed to things when you were a kid growing up or like but it's because I'm always sick that I'm like don't let her spread the sickness because then I'm going to like I finally feel like I'm getting unick again and I'm like don't let it come back so soon after getting so that would there that was my like thought process but yeah your immune system is amazing and so I always just thought like I have a normal immune system and you have a like Superior immune system no I think Eric has a normal immune system and I have crap yeah it is like 10% good so but I'm going to look into it but if you have kids and you get sick a lot I can very much relate to you because wow I and my sickness usually lasts longer than the girls oh yeah so then like they'll bring it home and they'll be good in a few days and I'm like two weeks out I'm like and I I guess it probably doesn't help matters that I am the out of everyone in our house I sleep the least um I get much could the least amount of sleep and I it's very hard for me to take naps and once I wake up in the morning even if it's like quite early today I got up at 6:54 and today Saturday and so we can sleep in and were the girls up when you got up they were up yeah but they didn't come in until about 8:40 so I if my body allowed me to go back to sleep I could have gotten almost an extra 2 hours of sleep or an hour and a half at least but I literally just could not go back so all Yes you heard correctly they didn't come into our room until 8:40 so we the weekends are kind of awesome in that way and the girls are just we'll do a we'll do a morning routine so you can have an idea of like what happens in our house in the morning and it's it's to much been like that for a while yeah so but it def it definitely differs on the weekend as opposed to well week day with school and stuff so absolutely yeah sorry like I don't know what else to say and I don't know what to do I'm like he drinks a lot not alcohol but just like liquids like he goes through so much a day like and I feel for the most part app Ju water and like my diet is quite healthyish I don't eat a lot of like sweets anymore so so yeah if anybody has any advice or medical knowledge um that' be great if any of you are doctors out there you can help me out but no I am or you could just go see a doctor no that's what I was just gonna say I am GNA go because I think it's like actually a serious thing CU everyone like Sky I work with sky on music all the time but I'm always sick so it takes so much longer than it should for me to record he's waiting on adlibs for like two weeks I'm like ads are the worst thing for me when I'm sick because it's the high stuff and I'm all just yeah so and even towards that this is just like a little bit more information but you know with me performing and everything I never I love you too with me performing uh like I don't really warm up or I don't really I don't know it just I don't I don't get sick so it doesn't affect my voice as much when I I don't know I'm such a stickler I'm like your vocal Health do warm up yell at me basically to stop like why are you starting to sing so high why are you why don't you start low warm up your voice and then and I'm likez I'm I take vocal Health really seriously and so I'm like you have to do warm-ups it's like a muscle so you have to like warm it up and he's like no no no and then does like High stuff I just think I probably conditioned myself because of living in New York for so long and performing at the diner that I performed at at Ellen Stardust Diner like you have to almost build up because you're yelling over people you're constantly being interactive with others that are sick so I think my immune system probably definitely got better when I was living in New York um and just like keeping my voice strong so yeah yeah and I always talk about how I live a sheltered life and I guess apparently I did because yeah my parents didn't keep me in a plastic bubble or anything but I mean good in my head I didn't live a sheltered life physically because I would like go to Walmart and go to [Laughter] Target when I was that's what I did I went to Walmart houses and stuff but I don't know a lot like thought you're like I went to Walmart and Target and but like half the other people in my grade were like going to parties and drinking and I was absolutely not doing that so I don't know anyways Addison's off camera she's did you finish your dinner yeah okay look at this little boy did Everest finish all of her dinner and dessert okay all of it all did you your face says otherwise oh okay awesome we gave her some of the both of them like Nutella with the CH with the sticks and you like isn't it Nutella and it's just like like nut Nutella yeah n Nella what would be the new I don't know Nella I always called it Nella oh no Nutella great another thing that you can comment on which one's correct new NW or n n Nutella Nutella Nutella it would make sense because it doesn't have hazelnut nutella's reminds me of like a toy brand Nutella like Matel Nel anyway okay this video is sidetracked completely um yeah so is this the most random video we've ever done maybe but I'm just so over being sick but happy Pride Everybody by the way um I'm having difficulty with dealing with some things like just friends and family that it's just yeah I don't know why this year I just feel like it's a little more worse yeah and it's upsetting me more but we'll talk about that in another video so it's nothing to do with the four of us here no so no not at all so but we love you all thank you for watching Remember to subscribe give us a thumbs up and we will see you soon oh perfect three did you see me with that like chocolate all over yeah is that what you you went inside to wipe it off no I didn't wipe it off I used I went to the sink oh wash it off okay it like from far away it kind of looked like you had a beard yeah a full goatee of just chocolate what does goatee mean goatee is where the hair goes here and then here right yep is here here um when we over there yes I will pick you up for as long as you ask me to pick you up mulch not really oh okay yeah you yeah you are but you know how they say you never know when the last time will be when you pick when they ask you to pick you up so no she's absolutely going to have us carrying her when she's 20 she's like I'm a princess I'm a queen lift me fathers bring me to the chair take me to the car I cannot walk all right let's go see your sister bye everybody bye three three four three yeah three three [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: McHusbands
Views: 5,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mchusbands, daily vlog, vlog, daily, new dads, dads, two dads, twin girls, gay dads, twins, twin, twin sisters, sisters, gays with kids, gay family, lgbt family, lgbt, LGBTQ family, lgbtq, gay dad, gay daddy, modern family, gay youtuber, gay youtubers, dad life, life with twins, husbands, family, parents, parenthood, fatherhood, married gay couple, gay couple
Id: vVuMf3mSXWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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