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Just finished my latest video - I know a few guys from around here have been following the build. I've had a lot of constructive criticism from the community which has really helped. Take a look at the video and let me know what you think. If anyone is going through similar process, feel free to reach out and I can do a little segment on your project if you want to share. Thanks!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cyf3r 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on everybody welcome to episode 12 of hugo builds this episode is going to be focusing on vapor barrier for those of you who are just joining us for the first time welcome to the channel alright my battery doesn't die the colds been really hard on the battery these days so that's why I haven't been filming much while we're doing the insulation but essentially the insulation for the whole house is done or at least all the walls I'm not putting up the vapor barrier and that's a super messy job so try not to get some of that kind of black acoustic sealant on the camera and that's been limiting my filming as well now for the vapor barrier essentially use a caulking gun with acoustic sealant which is what you see this black stuff in the back you pour that I'm trying to do every second stud and then a continuous line at the top the bottom and the sides everything's going to be taped up but once we're done so first things first is you gonna want to lay out your vapor barrier and secondly you're going to apply your acoustic sealant on the perimeter of the wall to make sure you have a proper seal next you're gonna stretch out your vapor barrier and staple it in place essentially the trick here is to use as little staples as possible because you want the least amount of perforations in your vapor barrier to keep a sealed envelope well tape it later [Music] so it's December 30th yeah tomorrow's the rose New Year's Eve I've been putting up the vapor barrier all day I am so tired I'm really burnt this was a long week I've been working kind of 8 to 10-hour days every week for the whole holidays it's coming together so I'm happy with the product it's just really exhausting yeah I'm just completely burnt I gotta finish the sealing here and I'm gonna finish the ground floor vapor barrier and then I got to cut out all the plugs and do all the taping so that's gonna be another quite a bit of work but it's coming along so keep watching forget to mention a lot of people helped me out this week my brother came for a whole day and kind of helped me out with the installation in the basement so I'm really thankful for that so thanks Nick and my buddy Matt who was also here yesterday and he did like a massive cleaning of all the upstairs that made it much easier for us to move around and he kind of helped me with the whole vapor barrier so much appreciated everyone that's helped me out so far I I appreciate it and this wouldn't be possible without you know a bunch of help from a bunch of people so thanks [Music] hey here's completely useless pass for the next 20 seconds turns out that the pink foam that's fully taped up behind the insulation here is considered a vapor barrier so I'm actually gonna have to take all this vapor barrier down but I had fun doing it right hey what's going on everybody I feel much better this morning I think last night when I recorded that last segment I was feeling really exhausted we're really tired and just kind of really down but got a good night's sleep now I'm back at it act it's actually pretty warm inside the house it's New Year's Eve I'm gonna try to work you know kind of this afternoon we were hosting a few people here tonight so I won't work as late as the other days but as you can see behind me I got a lot of the sealing vapor barrier done I'll show you guys a little bit about that process of how to put up the vapor barrier on the ceiling all right so check this out you got the vapor barrier done behind me here and in the staircase that was a that was a huge pan yeah it's pretty much always working in the staircase it's so high it's a huge pain in the ass but you can see in the bathroom here we've got a big part of the vapor barrier done and then if I come to the bedroom you can see that I got the vapor barrier all done here it still needs to be taped and all the perforations and stuff need to be cut out but it's going pretty quick so far so that's pretty motivating what stuff actually works out like it's supposed to so I'll keep going on that all right so I'll be doing the master closet right here so I have the role of the vapor barrier that's about once it's unfolded it's about eight and a half so I think I could just use one one piece of these for both master ensuite as well as the master closet so I'll just unroll it on the ground I'll measure out rough dimension and then then I'll show you guys how I put it up and I'll do the acoustic sealant on the ceiling afterwards just when I fold up that top flap to make everything kind of act as one envelope just use my trusty exacto alpha blade so when the contractor framed the second-floor walls in between the two top plates they put just a strip of vapor barrier essentially this allows me to have a flat that folds up so we can have a piece on the ceiling and then all the walls interconnect so that we have one seal envelope and that's kind of the trick with the vapor barrier is just to have one completely sealed box since we have the cathedral ceiling up here in order to continue the vapor barrier I'm gonna use some of these r40 pink bats which I'm not using anywhere else and this is just so that I can line the cathedral ceiling and when we do the blown-in insulation that has something to rest on in there and it doesn't all just slide down on the plastic it's just to give that kind of cellulose or whatever a bit more friction up there so this would be a good base for that so I'm gonna put those up now before we can put the vapor barrier on the ceiling in the master bedroom I also wanted to say that I did put up these these cardboard baffles essentially these things here are all fastened underneath the trusses that gives about four inches of breathability or three and a half inch since these are two by fours and essentially that goes to the kind of crack that was left between the roof and the wall we left a 4-inch crack in the sheathing there so that the air can come in essentially this venting detail acts exactly as a typical soffit overhang except we did it on the wall vertically [Music] [Applause] you [Music] everywhere we left a little bit of vapor barrier overhanging the top plate in order to cut it at each choice tape it and then tuck it into the rim joist cavity so we can have it spray foamed and keep a continuous seal all the way up to the second floor as you can see the spray foam guys came and essentially did all the rim joists and they did this big cantilever in parked over the entrance here so that gave us like an hour thirty-one minimum and I think they added even more so we're probably at around our forty or something under the the cantilever there so the master bedroom which is right above it there's gonna be nice and warm that'll do it for the vapor barrier man it's February second I think today this is a long video I guess doing all the vapor barrier and then just getting everything ready for drywall took a lot longer than that I thought there was just kind of so much small prep work and getting kind of these little walls framed up and the upstairs railing and then just making sure everything's nice and cleaned and ready for drywall as you can see behind me there's no more insulation over here we sent that all back got a credit for that and essentially we have some heat in the house the big thing is we actually have power oh yeah the panels in the pole was installed in front of the house and they ran a power line down to the panel which is all done Matt came and gave me a few extension cords for kind of 240 construction heaters so those are running full time in the background we should have the furnace started up in the next few days I'm just waiting for that and then the house will be nice and warm and ready for drywall one thing that I did learn when doing the vapor barrier in the basement is that I actually got about halfway through the vapor barrier in the basement before I kind of got the thought that the rigid foam might be acting as a vapor barrier we actually put a two inch pink type three rigid foam against the walls everything was taped up and it's a continuous seal I did research and I found out that it has a permeability rating under a certain amount under 52 I think which makes it which is considered a vapor barrier so I'm not gonna have to finish the vapor barrier in the basement if anything I have I'm gonna have to cut it up so that we don't have kind of this double vapor barrier and then moisture getting stuck in there next vision it's got to be dry wall huh let's start having fun with these again big steps big steps still move it forward thanks a lot for everybody for watching I did get this one message from a guy called Alex through I think he found me through reddit and you know big shout out to this guy he's been building his own house in Toronto he sent me a bunch of pictures he sent me some kind words about this house and just kind of solidarity up the you know what we're going through and I really appreciate it it really motivates me to keep doing these videos so big shout out to Alex in Toronto I hope you're watching this so good luck with your place that'll do it for episode 12 I hope you guys liked the little trailer last week it was just a little recap for those who were just joining us so if you like this video hit the little thumbs up button down in the corner if you think you're getting anything out of this hit that subscribe button and that little bell to notify you every time I make a new video which hopefully should be a bit more often so I'll leave you guys with this little snowstorm we're having right now [Music]
Channel: HugoBuilds
Views: 120,970
Rating: 4.5698924 out of 5
Keywords: vapor barrier installation, vapor barrier, vapour barrier, vapor barrier tape, polyethylene vapor barrier, contemporary architecture, house build, first time home building, how to build a house, diy house build, narrow house build, modern house, modern house build, new house construction, construction, insulation, roxul, spray foam, rim joist spray foam, diy, vapor retarder, basement vapor barrier, do it yourself, sound proof, how to, tiny house, moisture barrier
Id: 9Tu3I9DqapA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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