Fiberglass batt insulation at rim joist - don't do it!

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all right you're in another crawlspace weekend this is about insulation see we got the blue board up on the wall which is great they got it glued up good stuff and then it distills here you can see we have the fiberglass that I'm not a big fan of the fiberglass Pat a lot of people aren't seeing a lot because it's easier to put in obviously because it's flexible just cut it with a knife and put it in but the the problem is with air transfer you got this you got your foundation down here and you got your sill up there for that rim joist board which is only you know an inch and a half thick and you get a lot of air from the outside and then inside here in the air in the crawl space with a lot of air transfer what happens with these fiberglass bats they they're hard to get them sealed up right just because of their flexible and uh and that's that's it they're hard to do it that way and then you get a lot of air transfer and here's a case here you can kind of see when we pull this away let's get this out of here kind of see first we got the insulation sticking which is telling me that it was a was way I can actually even feel the dampness a little bit you see it's kind of getting some black black staining there that's generally what happens because you get that air like I said that that's the most vulnerable area for air transfers this is this rim joist here and you don't get it sealed up right that's what happens you get moisture that condenses back here and then it can cause a host of problems so this house is fairly new ten to fifteen years old give this about another ten years and we're gonna start getting rot and everything else who knows insects and just not a good idea I like to see you put the blue board up here and cut that out glue it and then spray foam around the edges that's uh that's a good way of doing it or you can just Breloom the whole thing blue boards a little bit I like that better because you can take it out if ever need be you don't have this the spray foam to worry about but either way is better than the old fiberglass bats here all right that's it Josh Frederick a spec residential services Northwest Ohio home inspections thanks
Channel: Northwest Ohio Home Inspections - ASPEC Residential Services, LLC
Views: 1,103,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insulating rim joist in crawlspace, Do not use fiberglass batt insulation at rim joist, Preferred method to insulate rim joists
Id: CbC4bZi2ozk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 38sec (158 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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