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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story savage uncle gets back at entitled owner's son okay so this is not my story but one of my uncle's stories this takes place at a building complex where he is working at the security checkpoint clearing cars to enter and such this place is located on the east coast this is important for later he also sells newspapers on the side to those who want them when passing by there was this man entitled dude who would take a newspaper from my uncle every day and say he would pay him next week this went on for a while until one day my uncle said he wouldn't give him another newspaper until the dude paid him for the ones he took in the past the dude refuses and takes my uncle's whole stack of newspapers and while screaming profanities at him he drives his car and breaks the booth's yellow line now since this man was the owner's son my uncle couldn't do anything about it and was forced to pay for the yellow line repair my uncle was steaming with anger so he went to the store and bought a loaf of bread and a bucket he added water too he walked over to the dude's car and threw soaked pieces of bread all over his car now since this was on the east coast seagulls are very common and very annoying seagulls soon engulfed his car and started trying to eat the bread since the bread was wet from soaking in water the birds had to peck at the car after all the bread was gone and the birds flew away the car was completely covered in dents and scratches including all of the windows and wurst of all poop the dude comes out of work that day and sees his car and turns red with anger he turns to see my uncle who says it was the seagulls the dude tries to drive off furiously and in doing so hits the gated fence and dents his front bumper instead of paying a minuscule amount for the papers he paid thousands of dollars in damages no remorse at all next story you can't fire me i have kids this was many years ago when i was the shop steward for a union this means i was the one to have to mediate grievances between employees and management manager called me to discuss an issue with an employee he wanted to fire he had done progressive discipline had given her many chances and now was just done the issue was the woman just didn't want to show up for work he told me how many chances he had given her and he wanted me present for her termination notice it went like this do you know why i asked for this meeting and why i asked the shop steward to be present the manager asked karen no i have no idea you were supposed to work yesterday from 8 to 4 30 and that was written on the schedule correct yes but i overslept yes and when you didn't show up for work i called you several times but you didn't answer i couldn't hear my phone i overslept but when i woke up i called you that's true you called me at 10 45 which is almost three hours after you were supposed to be at work i called you as soon as i woke up yes and you told me that you would be in to finish your shift i did i came into work as soon as i could you showed up at 2 30. that's over three hours after you told me you were on your way in i couldn't find daycare for my kids didn't you already arrange for daycare because you knew you were on the schedule for eight but my daycare won't let me bring the kids in late we've had this talk before and i have given you several warnings that if you can't show up for work when you were scheduled i was going to have to let you go that's not fair it's not my fault i couldn't find daycare what's not fair is having your coworkers forced to work double shifts because you don't show up to relieve them finding daycare for your kids is your responsibility if you want to work here you have to be able to show up and work you can't fire me it's fmla family medical leave act that states you can't be fired or docked pay if you're staying home to care for a sick family member were your kids sick i thought you said you overslept no i overslept but i can't leave my kids without daycare so it is fmla at this point i step in lady i would like to help you here but if you just don't show up for work there is no way i can save your job you have been given more warnings reprimands and extra chances than our contract requires and i don't have any grounds to grieve this termination it's fmla i had to stay with my kids you can grieve this under fmla fmla only applies if your kids are sick you just overslept fmla it's because of my kids can't leave my kids fmla you can't fire me okay i think we are done here here's your termination notice we are going to ask you to leave the building now security will escort you to your locker to clear out your stuff the manager tells her fmla i have kids you can't fire me if i have kids security shows up and she is escorted to her locker and out of the building all the while screaming at the top of her lungs they fired me because i have kids i'm going to sue all of you i'm going to own this business you are all going to be fired i have kids you can't fire me because i have kids unfortunately no one explained to her that having a job wasn't all about us agreeing to give you a paycheck you actually have to show up for the job and do the work she tried to protest her firing was denied unemployment tried to register a complaint against me with the union for failure to represent the manager for discrimination and the business for failure to uphold fmla sai you just can't fix bulletproof stupid for clarification she had done this same stunt without the fmla component five different times before this just what show up for work literally five times and she still had her job i think she still believes she was screwed over on that fmla thing next story dad gets humiliated for being a jerk to servers this is a story about a time my dad was an entitled parent it's kinda long and detailed my dad grew up very poor and in a bad neighborhood but despite all odds he was able to graduate high school join the army get his bachelor's retire as a captain and held a number of high-paying management positions over the years because of these experiences he's a firm believer of hard work and taught my sister and i to be respectful of others because we may end up walking through similar streets contradictory however my dad is also one of those people who talks down to people that aren't as accomplished as him he's really good at belittling others on the sly he also liked to believe he was the smartest person in the room and that nobody except himself offered anything of substance but sure he gets on us if we say something about someone else every day when he got home from work he'd always tell stories of how he got to fire people or humiliate them at first i thought the stories were funny and just but every time they started sounding more douche why as if he was boasting i honestly felt uncomfortable going out with him because he always gave people a hard time didn't have the items he wanted he'll talk to your manager things take longer than expected you get an earful any mild inconvenience everyone is charged with a capital crime he basically walked and talked as if the world owed him one day he pushed too far my family and i let's call me slim went out to eat at ihop on a friday night i'm still in my work uniform it has been a good day at work this is kinda important when we get in the hostess says it would be about a 15 to 20 minute wait my family is cool with it i'm cool with it not even 10 minutes later my dad tells the hostess that we've been waiting for 20 minutes and what's taking so long seriously dad you don't see 30 other families packed in the restaurant do you not hear the noise i didn't say anything but my sister and i gave each other a knowing look that dad's about to start on that nonsense again look the hostess obviously having an already difficult night maintains her customer service smile and tells him it shouldn't be much longer from now and will let us know immediately he then stands against the wall five minutes later a family pays and leaves and we are directed to a table my dad tells the server he doesn't want to sit at that particular table and asks for a booth on the other side the hostess hesitates for a moment before telling him that the server responsible for that section has a huge party and that they may get a delay in service my dad tells her to put us there anyway i notice a young man flying back and forth to the kitchen and his tables in our row i assumed this was our server sure enough this man comes over introduces himself and takes our drink orders eight minutes later we hadn't gotten our drinks my dad flags him down and asks why our drinks haven't come slightly reasonable i say the server apologizes and gets our drinks he returns only to give us the wrong drinks no big deal honest mistake right nope my dad is pissed and sharply tells him to go redo our drinks the server asks what they had once more i can see he's a bit overwhelmed and just politely told him what i wanted my dad however tells him to write it down since he's too slow to remember everyone looked at him even the server was taken aback this didn't seem to phase my dad though he returns with the drinks and takes our orders my dad again tells him to write it down my family is embarrassed and tries to lessen the hostility in any way possible after the server leaves my mom and sister berate my dad telling him he's embarrassing us of course my dad doubles down telling us the customer is always right sometime passes and our food hasn't arrived i see the server as running back and forth to the massive party in the neighboring room i think there were about 20 people in there plus the three other families he had to attend to to make sure he wasn't leaving the rest of us out he asked a fellow server to see if we wanted refills and the like the following interaction occurred hey i'm ex just checking to make sure you're all taken care of here can i get y'all any refills the fellow server asks us where's our original server why couldn't he come do it himself dad asks him are you serious dad he's currently bringing out food and drink orders to another party i will assist for the time being that's disrespectful why are they getting their food first we've been waiting for x minutes for our food where is it um i can go find out real quick give me a moment sir hurry up the fellow server raises an eyebrow and leaves dad chill out it's a busy night i told him don't backsauce me slim you don't want to start with me a few minutes pass and our original server comes back with our food and apologizes for the wait hey everyone i apologize for that weight taking care of a massive party ha ha that's no excuse we've been waiting mom nudges dad honey stop terribly sorry about that sir really the server starts handing out food are you kidding me right now my food is cold we've been waiting x minutes for our food to come how long has our food been sitting out it should be noted that my dad ordered something that really didn't need to be warmed up also he only touched the plate i i don't think it's been out too long sir we have a heating lamp that are you sweating sir you're sweating everywhere i've been running back and forth not to mention the kitchen is hot i don't want to hear excuses you're sweaty and you're getting it all over my food get me your manager now our jaws hit the floor the server quietly goes for his manager my dad was all pissed faced talking about the terrible service and our lazy disgusting unprofessional server some people are looking over at us my mom and sister looked like they wanted the earth to swallow them up meanwhile i'm just boiling inside the server comes back with the store manager hello everyone is everything okay my dad proceeds to lay into the service and the server i have a number of things to say tonight i have had the worst service ever my family and i waited for drinks and they came out wrong our server gets another server to do his job for him because he's too lazy to do it himself when we get our food our food is cold apparently we weren't a priority on top of that he's sweating in our food the server has been a lazy good for nothing incompetent server the entire night and i've had it i want our meals completed and this server needs to go the manager was wide-eyed and said oh sorry about the trouble sir the server is standing next to the manager in all of this and he looks absolutely floored and looked like he wanted to shed a tear here i'll take care of your meal and here's 30 off i cut him off me standing up you know what before all that i need to say something me to dad i got to say i'm impressed on how far you're willing to go to be an absolute jerk at everyone's expense this entire night and every other time we go out in public whether it's to eat or buy groceries you make it your life's mission to make everyone extremely uncomfortable what is it that makes you feel like you can do this is it the money you make what about all that hot garbage you talk about humility and being respectful to everyone because we might end up walking similar streets oh it only applies to the u.s while you contradict everything you say you're absolutely disgraceful how dare you embarrass yourself and your family with your freaking attitude are you cussing at me dad asks shut up i'm talking now we've heard your voice all night lord knows i earned the right to speak you see this uniform you know i work at a restaurant too you even told me to be careful when it comes to pretentious people yet here you are behaving like them this man has been running around doing his absolute best trying to make sure everyone is taken care of he even recruited another server in order to make sure we were good but if you'd take your head out your butt you'd understand but no we didn't even wait long for our food you're acting like we're the only people in the packed restaurant and everyone's watching you be a jerk about it yes the man is sweating but none of that sweat touched the food as he brought it on a tray away from him we are sick and tired of you acting all snobby and arrogant every time we go out somewhere you're not impressing anybody and no one wants to be seen with you i did something i kinda regret after my anger subsided me at the peak of my anger and your food pushes plate into his lap ain't even need to be warmed up it's a freaking salad at this moment i snap out of it the restaurant is quiet the manager the server everyone is looking at me absolutely stunned the big party was all eyes my mom and sister looked like they turned to stone my dad's expression is something edged in my mind i was six 6'2 at the time and was really non-confrontational and soft-spoken so for me to get as loud and imposing as i had was an unfamiliar sight to see to my folks my dad with the plate of salad dumped in his lap looked like he wanted to beat me poop bricks and crawl under the table all at once i wanted to drive my point home so i dug into my wallet and pulled out 120 from the tips earned at work i handed half of it to the manager and told him not to comp the meal and that it was on me the other half i gave to the server and apologized for causing trouble i looked at my family and told them i lost my appetite and that i'll wait in the car the restaurant was murmuring when i left and i sat in the car trying to process what i had just done we didn't talk about it but this event seemed to have clicked something in my dad as i never again heard him give people unwarranted nonsense to end this i wanted to add a proverb of sorts from the netherlands a customer is king as long as they behave in a royal fashion and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 11,238
Rating: 4.9491258 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: 3d87_sh_tLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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