ENSHROUDED Survival Gameplay with Josh

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hello hello what's up everyone hope you're doing well where are you Josh I am right here where are you where are you hope you're all doing well today happy Monday where we left off is we are trying to make the next armor sets we just got a new armor set yesterday at the beginning of stream however we got access to the arch Mage set now we got access to this so obviously we got to make it so I have to make a whole bunch of yellow Fabric and padding so that is what we're going to start off the day with we're not going to do anything until we get this Arch Mage set completed and then we're going to go out there and explore more because there's more things to do at the far Southeast area all the way over here there's so many things to do look at all this look at all this dude so many things so that's where we're going to go today right after we get this armor set completed you're in your bed nice dude I almost said I'm in your bed as well but obviously that would have been a lie that would have been a lie all right all right keep making more of this fabric let me do some quick math and see how much we actually need again cuz I forgot I did the math yesterday and I just don't remember we need one yellow eight yellow 10 yellow 14 yellow 16 yellow Fabrics 16 yellow Fabrics which means I need to get a whole bunch of saffron we need at least 16 saffron and then 16 basic fabric I'm going to need more fabric for the padding as well but I'm not worried about that specifically because the flax is still doing its thing the flax is just popping off doing its thing and that's fine what I need is more saffron so we're going to go out to the deserts all the way over here I found some saffron out this way so that's where we're going to go to start off the day go get me some saffron what's up elgron mcdan dang mcdan on both sides Callen Sven Bren sir RFI Richard Omni loser tdoris Mike Gra Lori Marsters ELR on both sides as well what up Ralph these magic chests are making the game too easy for Josh they are man it's kind of nuts it's kind of nuts the magic chests go way too hard they're way too good glad I finally took the time to make [Music] them but yeah they are very good very good hey mind of Deb hey silver tuna sorry for not being around much this weekend work schedule had me all over the place should be back to normal back to normal now hey man you got to live your life too you know this like I explained before you know if if like being a mod is something that you just don't have time for then just let me know but I know that or you should know that like just because you have like a few days or like even even a month where you have like a bit of a change schedule or something I mean that's fine I'm not going to be mad at you over it I expect everyone to live their day-to-day lives being being here is a form of entertainment right it's like watching a TV show or a movie you choose to be here in your free time you have your life to live and I'm not going to take that away from you that is your life it's my life and it's now or never I ain't going to live forever Truth or Dare truth what's up Jaden M72 hello there bot check yeah where's my bots at any beep boops where the Bots at any bots in the chat all right so we're looking for saffron I'm not looking to do anything else except to get saffron which right away here's some except I can't pick it up for some reason well that's first saffron couldn't pick it up lame lame lame lame saffron is actually quite difficult to see because of how bright it is for me there we go there's one but already we found another two right here maybe it's not as rare as I thought but I just didn't have the eye for it now that I know what it looks like it's easier to get yeah it's actually quite easy to grab nice nice nice nice very good how many did I say we needed 16 I want to try to grab as much as I can this will give me time to just kind of get the stream going as well as uh just let all the flax do its thing for a while back at the back at the base I'm recording right yes I am recording you ever found a game that is too hard for you um I would like to say yes but I can't think of any examples what I can say to really answer this question in a better way is I don't think there's any games that are too hard for me cuz I have I've played some of the the hardest games out there known to people you know the Dark Souls franchise anything from software basically I have played you know a lot of RPGs and Shooters on the hardest difficulty I have even you know played the ascended mod in Elven ring and Dark Souls 3 I believe it was dark souls 3i that had the ascended mod right or was that was that one might have been both either way I've taken on extremely unfair challenges and have completed them but there are some games that I don't find difficult in the standard gameplay sort of things but more difficult in the idea where it's a matter of overcoming the fear of what happens if I lose in the moment what I mean by this is something like and I love this game and I have played it a lot but it is something that I do find difficult to like get over is something like rust or escape from tarov where if you die you lose everything on you and rust as well like if your base gets raided you basically have to start over and that's kind of a rough go that's kind of rough to deal with right obviously have not completed the no death run in Elden ring but I have completed no death in other games such as you know the Dead Space franchise all three games I've completed without dying on the hardest difficulty um but generally speaking as far as any one game that's too hard for me to figure out and do well at no now that's not to say that I am naturally good at these games it's certainly not that way because I mean if you watch my first playthrough of Elden ring on my channel then you'll know that I am not naturally good at these games I got my ass kicked but where I persevere is having consistency and willingness to learn I'm able to be analytic analytical look back at my gaml figure figure out what I did wrong and improve that is that is actually what I'm good at I'm actually good at improving things that I know I'm not good at I just you know I have a tendency of improving basically any game that I want to become good at I will it just takes time and energy and that's the hard part for me I doing no death run on Minecraft I am considering more and more doing deathless runs of survival games I would like to do that with say valheim valheim has a Perma Death Mode I think it would be fun to do that and then maybe one day we could do Minecraft as well hardcore survival Minecraft could be fun hopefully I didn't overe explain myself there but like to be more direct about the answer no I have not played any one game that I could not do well in there there is not a single game that is too hard for me at least by you know the game itself when I make up my own challenges like deathless Elden Ring Of course that obviously amplifies the difficulty but that's not the standard game itself that's me challenging myself in a in a further way how much saffron do I have okay we got exactly 20 now I want to try to grab a bunch more I would like to be able to take home a bunch cuz I know we need it for other things like spice I'm not quite sure what that does for us but I'm sure that would open up more food options which is going to be nice what up Jordan hey Mystique hey Clyde how you doing what up SK Gotti fight the dragon you want me to go back and fight the Wisp wyvern I don't know if those bosses respawn do they does the Wiis wyvern respawn guys I could go back and try to fight it again and see what happens now that I have you know acid breath or acid bite rather acid breath Jen thank you for tuning in for lurk making me want to buy and try this game I mean I would recommend it this game is excellent dude ah it sucks that that's underground I can't get it you know um I wonder if I could mine around it in the future to get into it maybe maybe if I mine around it I'll be able to grab it those birds actually hit insanely hard what are you doing we're trying to go find a whole bunch of saffron saffron as I need it for some different things mostly yellow fabric right now for the magic combat in this game I prefer magic combat in a lot of games that offer it I think the only exception to that rule for me would be Souls likes in Souls likes I prefer melee just because melee is almost always more satisfying because I enjoy things like you know dodging and parrying but outside of that when it comes to most most things that offer magic that's what I default to I just find you know spellcasting fun mostly because like you know melee combat is something that does exist in real life or whereas magic does not right like to live in the high fantasy idea of doing something that is not realistic I just find it more interesting where's all my saffron okay I will say once it gets to uh Knights it'll be really difficult to see saffron so I'm just trying to grab as much as I can before the sun goes down is that saffron right there it is very nice BBS the chicken BBS Majin Guai thank you for watching on both sides as well dude why do you need saffron making rice needed to make yellow fabric for the next armor set as well as it is used in some different stuff in the game as well well oh if that leads to a town I don't want to go that way what's up winter hey Luke hey biggie how we doing guys where's all my saffron what up tro hope you're doing well as well new armor set will be nice too it will be I'm looking forward to it I'm looking forward what's up pen shark little base camp area don't want to go that way Cur blast hey Gray beard you'll miss this armor set the other one's pretty cool too though it does have a nice pointy hat as well so you know it'll be all right is there really no saffron out here much do I have 27 I would like to make it 30 before I go home this is where I entered the area all right you know what screw it let's just go home 27 good enough that's a new staff too no I actually been using this staff since a couple days ago all right we need to take a bunch of this I know there's a bunch in here throw it all in here that's going okay we need to get more more seeds means we need to grab more water I got 40 seedlings so I should be able to fill that field back up no problem and I know there's going to be a bunch of it already full grown but I need more water in general to make more seedlings to keep it going helenic black metal thank you for the twitch Prime thank you very much dude only five water out of that tragic thank you very much helenic I appreciate it [Music] dude um [Music] there you go get it going gim me gimme gimme yeah I kind of put those in really bad bad spots didn't I give me these helenic black metal with 20 months of membership on YouTube as well God damn God damn no thank you for being an awesome streamer hey I appreciate the continued support all this time dude you know I do thank you very much means a hell of a lot dude let me grab all these up I kind of hate doing the one at a time thing I just picked one up I didn't mean to pick up actual tragedy very good very nice we're going to put a whole bunch more of these down and it's going to be Nightfall so we'll be able to sleep until the next day honestly not sure if that actually helps or not but you know is what it is tell me about your day guys how's your day doing I know it's Monday but how was your weekend do anything cool fun interesting you know what I did I played in shrouded and then hung out with wife that's what I [Music] did I'm out of seas already well H damn well hot damn there you go more flax for you bud this thing is uh this one this one takes a while hey is that leather done I think the leather's done oh yeah weather's good to go dude okay very good the map is huge Canda it's a big one what up cat Dean welcome back weather sucks plates in valheim not a bad way to spend the bad weather times all right so what does paper do for me Secret bookshelf door interesting anything else no said secret bookshelf door no two different two different bookshelf doors one requires bones I kind of like that they encourage the idea of secret doors in your B kind of cool kind of nice all right so that that's all that did for me now what are these other recipes for this spice we got Spice nitrates and black powders I'm going to make um I'm going going to try to make some spice here okay there's one saff what else do we need alchemical base chamomile ruos and desert flour I don't know if I have desert flour I guess I can go grab some real quick as far as alchemical bases go there's that Camel meal and ruos camel meile ruos desert flower I kind of wish we could pull it from this as well that would be really nice just kind of automatically just say yes do it even if it was just like a onetime thing there's ruos where's me camel meals know I've got some somewhere there it is now desert flow I'm going to confidently say I don't have desert flower but I can go grab some yo tro thank you for the subscription for two months now says thanks no thank you dude thank you thank you for two months oh that's cool Mindy French video of someone who built a base in the side of a mountain yeah that's neat that's the beauty of survival games man you can just you can get really creative it's kind of nice kind of cool I like it all right let me set down more seeds before we get out there and look for desert [Music] flowers come on okay one more in there can I no that won't fit all right I tried oh God these things are growing faster than I can plant them at this point now let's see um put four more in there put four more in here just so we don't have to worry about it for a while that's going to make some more right there let's go look for desert flowers now after I load this up again there you go desert flower what's up Koga what up Richard take it easy Sven I think I found more desert flowers out this way let's go look this way out here in the Nomad Highlands know what crazy is I know I've picked up desert flowers before but I just never had a use for them at all for anything until now so I always just kind of got rid of them I guess that was a mistake huh hey Robin this is ruos right royos however however you pronounce it that's going to be Sage yeah very good I can dig huge basement in this game almost an underground city yeah you can do a lot of interesting things with the uh Base building what's up Cole hey myid blue and I swear I found flowers out here before where are they maybe it actually was to the east this whole time want to try the Elden ring deathless run again bro I don't have any like plans right now man I'm just checking out other games listen I know a lot of people here like Elden ring and everything but you know just think of all the time that I've spent in the game this it like I'm not saying this to be mean or anything oh I think there's one it's just a matter of think of all the time I've spent oh damn it's a dead one think of all the time I've spent in that one game right I've played it for like 1600 hours or something like that it's kind of nuts sometimes I just need a break to play some other stuff why aren't you naked true yeah I'm not finding any desert flowers out here I think I need to go east [Music] what's up Steve you got to think about it like this if I don't switch it up then I'm going to end up burnt out and then I'll just end up in a position where I'll never play it again if I don't take breaks from it every so often it's going to end up you know just I'll just end up resenting it I don't want to end up in that spot you know I want to continue having fun with it because I do enjoy it and I love that game but if I don't change it up I'll end up resenting it don't want to end up there hey Gizmo how you doing, 1600 hours is like 67 days yeah exactly I try to avoid Early Access I'm really unless I'm really itching for the game waiting on some of the forest full release for example I'm often the same way smito I've just been uh this is one of those games where I knew I was going to enjoy it and I wanted to check it out specifically on stream and make content around it but I actually did the same with balder's Gates I refused to play Early Access because I knew I was going to enjoy it immensely yeah I know I could find him in the desert I just wasn't sure if it was going to be like the west or east side I thought it was the other end but obviously that was incorrect cuz I didn't find any of them and just like that we find one right away the thing is too is I know I found them earlier in the game too over on the other side so maybe they're just a lot more rare by way we're finding them now if I had known I was going to be needing them I would have grabbed some while I was out here earlier too but such is the way say la right say lovey don't recall seeing this before says there's a flame Shrine here you can find alchemical bases in these things coal powder and shrouded oil in the laboratory okay insane that you can actually find alchemical bases here and yellow fabric jeez okay dude all right game bronze bars are you kidding me 10 bars Eternal chain heel at The Alchemist what I was hoping I would get water I found one water now I can just make Eternal chain heel spell antiseptic for clean bandages blue fabric another yellow one another yellow well this is certainly going to reduce the amount of yellows I'm going to have to make I will say though obviously that it is not giving me uh desert flowers another yellow fabric oh way nothing there o scary [Music] well so slaying the ectoplasm goo sure am I've actually got the Eternal version of it now so I can just keep doing it [Music] forever I can't stop gooing [Music] well it certainly gave me a lot of stuff there's the flame Shrine that should give me four Sparks very good no I have not given up the deathless run in Elden ring I'm just playing some other games I enjoy video games well I found a shitload of alchemical bases there all right I have one desert flower need to go get more of those let's get back out there give me flowers yeah the music in this game is good yeah not aach I am enjoying the game man I am I thought they're all going to be lined lined up enough for me to land that but I guess not I have found one desert flower I need to find more immediately oh okay and Sh out a deathless run you haven't died in a while it is true I've not died in a while [Music] I've got Kissed From A Rose stuck in my head again where the hell are all the flowers why can't I find any flowers I think I need two for this recipe there's one all that time for just just two desert flowers kind of nuts these things are seemingly pretty rare of course I think just uh of course I think just uh living plants in general are more rare out here cuz I'm not finding any saffron either but two is good enough I'm going home I'm leaving to go from The Nomad Spire flying into the desert finding some that's what I just did and I only found a couple either way I only need a two for this I believe so it's fine I just want to see what spice can do for me uses are unknown even to the Creator itself but it definitely didn't help the skin of the fell interesting interesting how you doing AA [Music] need those I need those everything else needs to kind of go away all right give me these let me do the math again I think I said I needed 18 total yellow Fabrics right 18 we need one 8 9 10 14 16 I've got four so I just need to make 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 station so those are done now to make padding we need a whole bunch more fabric I I need I need to make what nine or 10 of these let me do the math on total paddings for this armor set as well one 2 3 four five 6 S 8 n yeah we need nine paddings which means I need 27 fabric 27 linen and everything else is taken care of 27 fabric 27 linen I've got 27 linen here already but you know we're dumping it all into making fabric so that's a thing I've got four fabric on me so we still have a while to go but at least we got the yellow fabric done and out of the way so that's good news by itself we got to get more planting here that's a the wrong thing stupid game I'm sorry you don't know how to have fun what's up dibbler you're welcome baves Desert Rose stuck in your head for some reason that song makes a lot more sense well that was um that was Sting right sting what up [Music] B Josh making spice milange you controls the spice controls the Galaxy where'd the water go there you are look at all this flax okay another one just sprouted up oh I took the wrong one mother there you go we need more linen so much more linen going to leave that right there it's going to be a while before all of this actually completes this is going to this is the longest part of it all obviously the longest part I figured as much officer double how you doing man that'll be done in less than a minute so I'm curious to see what this will give us I'm assuming ass uming that's going to help us with some type of food if it makes food much more delicious then hopefully we'll find something that gives us even more power not that I really need it at this point but you know got to saate my curiosity love the scarecrows yeah they're cool man all right 5 seconds left glow soup at Farmer glow soup any other recipes anywhere else nope just the farmer okay there we go so we got glow soup and stir fried vegetables five dexterity on the cied vegetables and glow soup is five intelligence and plus 60 shroud protection interesting five intelligence whereas mushroom omelet only gives four interesting I got enough stuff to make three of them right now need to get more water it's such a pain in the ass that the well requires linen to make as [Music] well yeah we need 20 linen for that plus a wood bucket a wood bucket's easy but the linen is the hard part cuz I need so much of it I think after I get this armor set up I am going to prioritize making a well so that way I have two sources of water nearby I'll be here nope the crows are just decoration they don't do anything as far as usefulness goes and the Shroud protection is nice too yeah shroud protection is always good what's up emmer how you doing glow soup sounds suspicious it kind of does but plus five intelligence man that's kind of big my default intelligence is 11 so that'll make it 16 as if I need to hit any harder than I do right got a DA question do you think that games now a bit like this people compare them to breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom I you like the gliding yeah it's a constant thing people constantly make those comparisons Non-Stop since I started playing this game there's been like that sentiment every day all right let's see what else I've already made the paper um explosive substances in the nitrates black powder which we need nitrates four and then enshrouded oil I have everything to make for this I think I do I have coal powder I don't know if I have coal powder I've got four coal powder never mind I don't have enough to do that we found this we found that that's how I have I don't know if I can make it I thought maybe we could make it here but I guess not I don't know how to make coal powder I do not know antiseptic tin bars fossilized bone and charcoal I really like this is cool to be able to learn but I don't think that's going to be something I'm going to go out of my way for I just don't find that necessary what's up damn squib we stronger together I don't think I can make coal powder just yet otherwise I would try to make Ed oil suppose we can make some Nitro just to see what else it'll teach me sand salt wood acid did I put my salt away there it is let's make a nitrate and see what what that does for me keep the fabric train rolling you need more water oh is needing more water around here plants are very needy you know plants plants I usually like to keep my Farms a lot more organized but it's kind of hard to to keep them organized when they're all growing at different rates I just pulled up a Seedling like a like a big stupid idiot I seedlings already I guess so checking under my character's crafting tree for coal powder I don't see anything here maybe in this nope no coal powder there got a lot of flax lined up there what's up how you doing going to need these seedlings to kind of create a a little faster I'm falling behind oh dude you know what the grinder yeah you're right that would make sense there we put like charcoal in there would make coal powder right yep I forgot that existed that is a beautiful call take a whole bunch of it and just see what happens this has 20 seconds left on [Music] it all right what do the nitrates teach me sh proud meteor is what they teach me it's not Eternal but we can make them all the same we need 20 nitrates 20 coal powder and then Stone sulfur and alchemical bases the damage on that's pretty real 205 whereas Eternal acid bite is 165 so these do hit hard harder but they do shroud damage I will pray for your safety I've got 13 on me already let's go ahead and uh make some more why not let's get more what do I need sand the wood acid's good to go sand and salt are what I need do I have more [Music] arounds I don't know about sand I know I brought a bunch of sand home but I think I made it all into glass you know it could there could still be some in here I guess nope there's not Sand's not hard to get I just got to go get it all right it's night time let's make it daytime real quick and then we'll go get some sand real quick I'd like to get another stack of 20 shroud meteors just to have I appreciate it AA I've got it all figured out though glad I found out how to make shroud meteor that is the hardest hitting spell I've seen yet considering that acid bite already does a shitload of damage troud meteor doing an AOE burst could be interesting does anyone know if the Wisp wyvern respawns is that a thing that happens what's up Baron how's it going ground should turn to sand just up ahead here sand what's up John hope Monday's been good for you too sand has been achieved everything respawns in game on a restart yes true and real um going to need more salt there's that I guess I kind of went overboard better to go over than under I guess right but once this is done I'll have oh no no no no no never mind I've got 10 I need 10 more there we go that'll make those that'll be done let's go over here and grab these sure these are done h there you go yeah I did the magic chest stuff yesterday mwy grab all those keep this train rolling got 13 Fabrics how much is it per pad is it three yeah and I need a total of nine so we need 27 Fabrics basically need double of what we have now which we are on the way to it we are on the way we go grab more water what's up garam how you doing man I got to defeat the vuka honey Thief as well I'm not sure if that's going to be a boss or not kind of hope it is though where' the water go there we go that's going again let's throw these down me okay let me look at the journal for a moment beehive smoker defeat the vuka honey Thief stolen and brought to vuka sacrifice Hill alongside honey and wax okay want to get that going as well know where a lot of these are though to the very far Southeast what's up emo how you [Music] doing [Music] a little over halfway there on the padding stuff the NIT tra's done yet just a couple minutes they will be I think think maybe I should try to make black powder as well just to see what that would give me got this sulfur and nitrat so I'm going to need to make more nitrates in general two stacks of it will be enough let's throw those in there and what's the other thing that I needed for it sulfur I did grab a boatload of sulfur yesterday where did I put it all right there so once this is uh once this is done I got to let it go two more times for more nitrates I just picked up a Seedling God damn it dude yeah I always forget that snapping exists man hold on guys I need to change a quick setting on my chat there we go it looks like this one well is keeping up barely that's just a thing it's only keeping up I like it when things can get [Music] ahead all right let's make some shroud meteors I still can't I'm missing coal powder right let know else how much did I need for the other recipe just two now I can make it there we go safeel oh they only stack into 20 Max interesting interesting oh I've got a whole bunch of shroud meteors now so those will be fun to use bomb the enemy yo Garett than you for five gifted Subs on Twitch I really appreciate it a lot man thank you for the kindness thank you for the generosity dude you're a king thank you man thank you very much dude very very much Nar says hey can we make get to 200 likes in half an hour I got five gifted memberships in my pocket if we do okay okay we're at 112 112 likes on the stream right now he said if we can make it to 200 half an hour he'll gift five memberships that's pretty sick thanks for putting us up to the challenge and yeah this is easier I just forget that the snapping exists a lot of the time man [Music] leave a like on the video Gamers we got plenty of people here we could easily hit 200 easily it's 17 now that's still going should I be crafting anything else right now okay what I'm going to do just so I can get more water I'm going to go up here to the tower cuz I can break a lot of things in there for water all right so the very first Spire you can get access to you can fight a bunch of uh healing potions Waters salts and waxes inside of these very nice to get and because you know they respawn you can just keep farming them which is very nice oh I forgot in bone meals and shroud survival flasks as well that's also a thing hey Cole thank you for the gifted membership to the community dude went out to mimar thank you very much for that man didn't me to do that thank you very much cole thank you very much I'm trying to pick up items not fly lots of goods oh dude trying to pick it up how much water did that give me seven let's keep going let's get more I kind of wish grappling hook was on a different button one thing that I despise in games is when they're able to have multiple uses and I am a firm believer that you know picking items up and then using buttons like an action button should be separate I know that might be a hot take but I've always been a fan when they are separated and in fact maybe that's an option uh controls keyboard and mouse settings contextual action is e if it's contextual that means it's going to be on pickup as well that sucks I have it set up contextually which is the bane of my existence thank you for doing that Cole I appreciate you doing it [Music] man more water Cole thank you for 16 months of membership on your own as well the organic membership Josh and not a cult 16 months seems like a flash in the pan when spending time with such a fine family community keep it up Josh yeah thank you for being a part of it all man I appreciate a loads thank you very much very cool of you man thank you what was the honey thing about the quest completion thing um there's a there's like a a be beehive smoker Quest that I have in my journal right here the next thing I got to do is go defeat the thief wherever they are which we will do after I get my armor set up oh yeah I've got I yeah I'm just going to go on to oh I need the nitrates in there what am I doing all right black powder let's see what that can make for me what that'll obviously it's explosive base but I'm curious and shrouded oil won't be bad to make either we'll make that afterward and see what happens 12 that'll give me another two that'll put us at 22 we need enough for five more we're getting close we are almost there for planting planting I'm out already well man it's two tab in time I like it I like two tab in time all right I can put a lot of this stuff away we don't need everything in my Pockets [Music] [Music] here desert city wall more wood all this wax keep the honey on me okay all right now I want to make some of this blue soup where was that intelligence the glow soup I can make five of them with the spice that I have which gives me a total of 15 good luck 15 glow soups I'm going to replace the the eggs with that yeah this this will total in total give me plus 10 intelligence which will put me at 21 I'm going to hit like an absolute truck dude I'm going to hit like an absolute truck like I like I don't already do you know all right black powder explosive Barrel at Alchemist I can make explosive barrels now and exploding arrows it's a decorative item let me just put an explosive Barrel in my house it's fine PR for your safety let's making shrouded oil I need shroud spores and shroud liquid let's see what that does for me now we're going to explode all the things it's going to be great everything's going to go explode need to keep the seed creators stocked as [Music] well [Music] guys we are 54 likes away from the goal 54 likes away from 200 if you haven't hit the like button yet make sure you do if you do there's going to be some gifted members in the chat and that's pretty tight that's pretty tight everyone say hello to Dobby Dobby's here hi Bob he's a good man all right that'll be 23 4 25 we just need nine more linen and that'll be enough for the fabric I think yeah that'll equal 27 we're so close we're almost there how's the farming session going it's going well we got all sorts of things happening all at once we're almost done with the hardest part the the padding once the padding is done I only have to wait for just 27 actual linen and then the new armor set will be underway then we're going out exploring yeah going to the tower allowed me to get ahead on the uh the Water I got no more room to put down more of these unless I just kind of get in between them there you go Bud there you go Bud nice I can but it requires 20 linen to make as well black crystal that's why I've not done it if I had known it takes linen to make it earlier in the game then I would have gotten the farm started a little sooner by the way though we are almost there [Music] don't know if they'll grow there I would think they would but two more can I squeeze two more in this somewhere surely no surely that'll work surely two more linen go in there and that'll be enough for the fabric and then all the linen we just need is 27 and then the new armor is underway and shrouded oil what does this do lightning channel lightning channel is kind of interesting because it's one of those spells where like it's like a lightning hands in Star Wars Palpatine it's like that it requires iron to do Jesus man I don't have iron well it's going to be a long time before I make that that's going to be a while now what does it take to make some big Mana potions with you aour and alchemical base for the great Mana Poots how many do I have on me see you soon five got a bunch of small ones too let's make five more real quick let's make another one to see if it continues stacking okay we can stack these to 20 as [Music] well I used up all my mushrooms and how about the big health potions I need camel meal are these the same ones no these are greater those are ones I already have these are revitalizing they get 800 health I got camel meal in here right I can make [Music] nine I found a few earlier in the game so we'll just keep those on us just because that you know extra benefit but now we' got the big heels the big the big heals dude I don't think I can get much more powerful than I am G says we have 10 minutes left and 41 likes needed for five gifted members guys guys guys guys listen we have enough people here to get that 41 likes easily it's actually 39 likes now easily we could do this very simply just got to hit the like button dude that'll be 26 that'll be 27 okay we just need 24 linen from here which I have more than enough flax in there already so we are done with that we just let now we just got to let time transpire and that'll be good to go and then we have a new armor set underway very nice while this is cooking up guys I'm going to take a really fast break because I got a pee we're just going to let it cook I'll be right back hit the like button I'll see you in a minute [Music] for for okay we back what up screamer what up dude looks like it's night time so I can just kind of sleep hopefully that'll I'm not sure if this actually speeds things up let's keep this in let's keep this in mind I had five Linen in the thing before I went to sleep if it does speed up we should have a lot more than five nope wow the fact that that doesn't affect crafting all I don't know how to feel about that what do you guys think because like in games like valheim and Minecraft when you go to sleep it does speed things up as well as far as crafting goes it does so why doesn't it here my day is okay Ryan how are you man need to renovate your room yeah there's not a lot going on up there huh it's pretty bare pretty bare but I figure 42 minutes of rested bonus is pretty significant I don't know if I need more than 42 doesn't make sense time is theoretically running yeah yeah that's what I'm saying like it should absolutely be going if time is moving forward then these should go at the same rate like if I'm going 60 times through the night like 60 times faster than regular time through the night then all the crafting should go 60 times faster until I hop out of the bed too or when you know morning hits is an act supposed absolutely be tied to it all right guys we need a rally we need a last minute rally here we got 3 minutes until the half hour is up and we need 24 likes 24 likes if this happens there's going to be some gifted members in the chat we got 3 minutes to hit this and there's plenty of people here to do so we could easily hit it we just need you to hit that like button real quick you're the equivalent of that guy where it shows a TV a PS5 and a and a plastic container and a lawn chair and it says guys will live like this and see no problem I mean yeah I mean yeah dude absolutely sneaky what up thank you for 21 months oh hey look it's Mr Wizard man you think you're cool with all your spells and hat well you are so suck it nice dude dud look at this sneaky you ready look at this dude let me just let me just bring down a meteor from the sky real quick it's fine it's fine dude let me just blast the ground real quick don't even trip we got it thanks for the continued memberships man thank you thank you boom yeah I mean even as even as early as a few years ago alran that would absolutely be the way of it but now now like I actually kind of enjoy like decorating more I just haven't done it yet upstairs in this game because I'm hardly ever up there rip dinosaurs yep the dinosaurs just died right there guys we have 2 minutes and we're 13 likes away any likers any likers do it inside you won't all right listen wait where's the no how do you feel about that now what do you think did I do good oh dude I just realized it went through the the other floor too it didn't it looks like it doesn't pull them directly out of the sky because there is no hole in the roof but it did affect both the ground level and the second [Laughter] floor that is [Laughter] funny Yep this is now my toilet yeah TR the ceiling yeah the ceiling is fine the ceiling is fine all right just eight likes to go guys just eight left can I get eight likes at the last second leave a like on the video for me dropping a meteor in my own house that strangely means we want to get this game that is funny I didn't realize that it would like actually affect two levels of things I thought it was just going to be a blast on the ground just four likes dude four likers last second go go go you up your floor I did but it's fine it's fine it's easily fixable but I kind of want to leave it just like yeah there it is 200 thank you for 200 likes Gamers you did it at the very last second you did it good job dudes and my roof the roof is fine you see there's no hole in the the roof just on the first floor and the second floor which means it pulls the meteor if I'm down here it pulls the meteor from just just above where that hole is instead of higher up which is fine I only need 27 or I'm sorry 27 linen which means we need seven more which means we're almost done but what I'm going to do here is I'm going to grab a whole bunch more flax just to make a whole bunch of extra linen just to have a whole bunch of extra going CU I don't know what I'm going to need it for so that's a lot of flax right there hey gar thank you for five gifted members dude five of them elran and Cole both with a gifted member as well thank you dudes I appreciate it loads the big generosity thank you guys so much thank you guys so much you're very kind thank you go thank you all and thank you all for pressing the like button as well means a hell of a lot U the snap definitely makes this a lot easier I will say I should probably be planting something other than this since I have so much flax now in crafting for linen but it's fine it's fine man blueeyed Scotty thank you for the gifted membership as well dude thank you very much we just need this one last linen Gamers and then we get a new armor set are you ready thank you blueeyed thank you so excited to watch you play this game nice Shelby I have way too many hours in valheim we looking forward to another open world survival RPG if you like valheim you're going to love this too Shelby I'm glad you're here for it I've been having so much fun with this I've been having a blast oh let me grab my Fabrics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] 9 Arch Mage hat Arch Mage chest Arch Mage gloves Arch Mage trousers and Arch Mage boots oh baby let's get in the sun this is what we look like now this is what we look like right now okay take a good look and now oh baby oh yeah that's nice oh yeah that's good oh yeah look at that hat that hat is sick the robe is nice too very nice very nice yeah the uh the robe is definitely the Highlight there that's very nice I kind of wish I had a uh cape on it too though I do wish put those in there just let that flax do its thing we can put everything else away we're good to get out there and explore we're good to go don't need any of this on me let's go out there and take care of some business it's been a while it's been a few hours since I've last taking care of anything let's go right there to that that's our first objective let's go I too am something of an arch Mage whoa whoa whoa save some ladies for the rest of us you Dapper some does the Hat come with a mask yeah the hat comes with a mask I that's the one part of the hat that I don't like the Hat itself is cool but the mask I'm kind of over but it is what it is you're a subcontractor making hot tub holes all day long yep I've got enough ammo on me to make 31 more hot tubs too even multi-level hot tubs yo Dom thank you for $5 Super Chat worth the wait you're an AR wizard now Josh true true thank you for the five D what's up big Buddha I'm new here but I've also been luring for quite some time I love your content your community you're you are totally amazing hey you're very nice to say so thank you for the kind words thanks for tuning in I'm glad you enjoy what I do it means a lot thank you so much damn this robe the the robe specifically the chest piece is so nice like I I said I wish I had a cape but the way it flows at the bottom at the bottom of the legs it does not need a cape also can we take notes guys listen how many games have we all played where there are like flowing robes and capes and they always either clip through the the legs or the shoulders notice how it's not doing either of those things here there is no clipping with the clothing at all it actually is very flowy fluid without weird graphical nonsense you don't see that a whole lot that's actually really nice there's no clipping here on this on this set that is incredibly cool that is a rare gem small details right small details developers have done a still our job yeah why is that glowing up there again I cast [Applause] Fireball sneaky will understand that I cast Fireball oh I missed I really just got another scientific instrument that's not supposed to happen that is not supposed to happen there Meanwhile my bloodborne character has got hair coming out of her hat exactly well the Shroud here is red oh actually the ground is red too looks like we can't go that way you'll get a bow instead I probably will find more bows yeah screw that guy all right the vuka honey Thief is somewhere up here when the sheath on your back Clips through the cape yeah [Music] sag leave me out of your nine sense oh you don't like Fireball no more God damn I think shroud meteor will be absolutely insane on bosses yeah I got a double jump yesterday as well I pretty much finished up with the tank tree so you know the parts of the tank tree that I actually wanted but decided to uh spec a little bit into Survivor need some food as well well now watch after I eat all this food guys oh wait looks like I can't use two two different intelligence things at once okay noted yeah now my intelligence is 16 and my Constitution is 14 I am a tank Mage I am a tank Mage dude what's my Total Health right now 960 almost a thousand oh it must be you that I'm looking for ready have it oh well that doesn't go very far in front of me does it are you stuck buddy are you stuck in there not anymore right that did 1100 damage let's see what Eternal acid bite does now more than 1100 yeah acid btis king sun axe acid bite is absolutely broken and it is guaranteed to get nerfed mark my words there's no way it doesn't get nerfed there's just no way why you killing Ewoks because they stole my honey and that is illegal no one steals my honey and gets away with it you dig you sure you're not stealing there honey you know what let's not talk about perspective here just because they had the ownership of the honey first doesn't mean that I didn't want it and therefore they stole it from me okay I won't have any of your semantics here I just won't have it this my only build yeah this is uh well I have two characters one one of my characters is an Archer as well but it's only like level seven or something whereas this one is maxed out at 25 sounds like the US government when they discover oil holy dude that's East lapis we were here last night you guys recall I'm glad I made shroud meteors cuz I want to try it out more but uh the acid bite spell is definitely King not only because it has the initial impact but also it does like it it Stacks up acid on the ground like crazy so as long as they're standing in it they're I think they're taking a tick of damage like every half second or something like that which is just insane it's an ins insane rate of damage while shroud meteor does more burst damage on impacts acid does a lot more damage over time which just adds up to be so much more if the enemy stand still for even a second they're taking way more [Applause] damage I see the banners in lapis no end up finding what I was going there to find but uh the description of that Quest was actually trash location below even here interesting for oh wait there is a boss here look at that fell monstrosity let's see how quickly we can kill it hey can you not do that to me you're a jerk you got to go stop ruining my spells you little bastard archers of the bane of my existence in this game have this one yeah if they just stand in it it can almost one shot them kind of nuts what are you doing get out of here can you just ruin my cast again oh my [Music] God so the meteors keep hitting underneath him and so they're just like making this giant crater you know I just can't get the acid on him there you go oh that barely hit him all right shroud meteor is funny but I don't think it's something that I plan on using very much going forward oh that's the bad red stuff right there isn't it spellbinder boots okay very good there's our well blocks yeah shroud meteor is funny but I don't think it's actually worth using unfortunately you would think a meteor spell would be a lot better as far as like damage goes and everything but it's just not see a weirdo yeah [Music] cringe you know what's interesting as well is there actually is another armor set that specifically is meant to be used around the wand I kind of want to make that at some point as well just to see how it does look at that a bow The Archers never know what to do when you get up close let me take a look at the map map got that done let's get out of here what a well Block it's another type of uh crafting thing just replace it all my shroud meteors it's another crafting thing kind of like how you can make like stone blocks it's just another like extra essential way where is my way out here it is got some spamming weirdos in chat today huh haven't seen a bow in a chest in a while aside from the bow that I just pulled of course right aside from that [Applause] one first thing I would say they need to do in order to make this a little more balanced make it so the stabs can actually break as well stabs have an unlimited endurance for whatever reason you never have to actually repair them and I don't know why first balancing point would be changing that right away second would be reducing the damage of acid bite by at least half the thing the thing about acid bite that makes it useful is like if you can get an enemy to stand on it then they just take damage until the acid goes away so the solution there would be to cut the damage in half so that way it doesn't just constantly apply damage forever you know least at the same level anyway all right what is this one to the east let's I think it's a shroud route I want to go check that out all right refills that so I still have to place the Beehive smoker that's the thing they want me to do still uh-oh just realized I am very out of stamina here hey what you're doing is illegal bro you got to jump uh well I guess I can't go that way right now I don't think I can climb this can I yeah I didn't think so right I think we're going need to cross that bridge to get over there so that's fun yeah I often look as well alanon a lot of people that do that are very predictable they're the same people that you know it's weird they like they'll they'll enjoy a channel but then just like one day they decide to just like go off and be weird or they don't enjoy a Channel at all at all and they just exist on the internet just to say weird all right back up top look at that let me refill my timer stamina refill here we go any cool enemies here to fight there's something growling well all right then oh hey how you doing ah something I got to get used to doing specifically when it comes to these guys is after I lay down this I need to get ready for like a a Parry what the all right yeah that doesn't hit him flying a little too high in the sky we always chop those flowers Richard it's nothing new it's one of the first things the game teaches us to do [Music] there we go I did that a little better that time yeah if I just kind of set the shield in front of him he just kind of died ni I like how this say requires lockpick but I'm just going to chop the door down instead it'll break eventually oh you were joking my bad now we got blue and red Fabrics down here I guess I could have I didn't have to interact with that door at all I could have just went around oh well it's fine blue fabric regular fabric okay what I'm going to do now in the sake of interest of my rested bonus I'm going to fast travel back home and then come back out this way after up my rested bonus again had to go out of town I left your stream on our TV to keep our sick kitty Company please say hi to Moo hi Mo Moo's a good [Music] kitty ventured out again did see you found some well blocks let's take a gander I've never seen a stone quite like it so smooth Sleek at the black Sheen almost ominous gives me the Shivers you should put these to good use flamor okay see you later and then you beehive smoker retrieved your gift to me is the sweetest treat let's place all that beehive smoker and maybe craft some honey beehives when it's time for Harvest you can cook up something really special hope you like glazed yucka so I got to put the Beehive smoker down and that can make a honey beehive anything can be domesticated with enough patience used to produce honey and wax I love how honey and wax are one of the first like things that we can get but it takes until this point in the game to actually be able to craft this very interesting just place that there it's fine what happened to the floor don't worry about it welcome back I just kind of blew it up it's fine I blew it up with a meteor okay I blew it up with the meteor make honey with water and sugar make wax with plant fiber and water as well okay let's now what is this about glazed yua you don't actually have anything extra here you have grilled yucka but not glazed elran I see you dude take it I see you maybe I have to craft honey first in order to make this happen I don't know if I'm interested in making that right now I don't think I am just going to be a little honest there what's up C uh where did I put my eggs I think in here yeah I'm actually going to need these there we go okay let's go sleep the night away and get back out [Music] there okay time is not transpiring look I have a shortcut downstairs Isn't that cool all right now Oasis and all the stuff down here I do believe there's another Shrine down that way as well so we're going to make it a goal to grab that specifically you pronounced it right you know where I pron learned to pronounce it right actually me and my friends played a lot of Counter Strike there's the uh C Commando 5.56 in that game at least that's what we always called it am I able to repair the dangerous hole in your floor yeah but it's not dangerous it's aesthetic [Music] okay hope that's persistent the game's like well you put a hole in their floor oh well yeah this exists here now and easy to play the game and manage chat at the same time when I'm first playing a new game that I've not played before I find it more difficult but when I understand the flow of a game and understand the limitations of things around me I get better at it every game has a unique flow to it right fill it with water and make it a jacuzzy true okay now we're back out here again just getting out of the Shroud here specifically and I did see a scorpion behind me so I'm just putting some distance between me and it so it stops chasing don't care about that one so much myth of giants let's go check that out and if I spot a uh Shrine or Tower in the distance I'm going to go straight for that and then we'll be able to cover up everything else easier from there yep there it is okay I think I should prioritize getting that I'm sure many of you will agree we'll say Craig when they're trying to say C I guess it kind of helps that I grew up like around a bunch of Craigs as well I think the placement of the letters is important specifically the I but also the idea that Craig also often has an a rather than an e unless it's Craig and then it's CR G you mean a shack yeah that's a shack out there in the distance that's a shack for sure there's something inside this mountain it looks like there there's like shroud inside of this there is me check this out how does that not hit you looks like it might be going to the top of the mountain maybe indeed interesting I want to find Eternal chain lightning man I've not seen anything chain lightning related in ages now I hope that exists oh my God I'm a freaking gamer did you see that shot chat I'm a gamer take it easy mwy Mar hey aosen what up man or eldrich Elmo how you doing dude all right so I don't know if I can make it flying there from here looks like there's a slope going that way anyway so let's give it a go yeah I wouldn't be able to make that jump there but there's a slope right here so this is fine no hell yeah yeah screamer yeah it's been a while since we seen him it's good to see you here dude hope we've been well man there's the tower dude I'm good just watching in VR in bed nice hanging out playing a video game baby you know me been loving playing and shrouded it's been a really good time ow ancient Spire of the Kindle waste how I'm getting zero experience um because I'm max level max level is 25 and in this right now all right it's been a while since I've done one of these so hopefully we get some good here [Music] mean I don't want to go in there yet ow ow I'm an absolute tank so and all that damage just didn't matter more lightning channel that heals epic yeah it's unbelievable iron bucket and more oh I found iron bars oh cool I do guess I do have to go back this way have a good night Ralph thanks for chilling today dude doing some fancy parkour around all this business there's another button somewhere that I apparently did not get maybe it's back here I keep finding experience Scrolls and I have zero use for [Music] them [Applause] give me the goods the dealership only sold one car without you today they got to get you back in there to make some sales huh all right hold on before I go up there let's go over here you see yourself you see yourself playing this game in many replays or is it more of a one-time thing when it comes to survival games like this they do offer good replayability mostly because you can choose like different ways to build your character right I would say because the world is one static thing though it does offer a little bit less replayability versus something like valheim where every single World it has its own unique seed so it's all procedurally generated differently so everything is like hidden again you know but this game does have replayability yeah but also right now it's only Early Access so it's certainly not a full release there's a lot more to this game that is yet to be played B on the kick platform would you start would you consider starting a channel there no kick is nothing more than a glorified advertising space for gambling sites I'm going to get hit maybe not B on orange juice delicious spellbinder gloves one-handed melee damage spellbinder melee is superior to Apple Juice I don't agree with that I like apple juice more personally but it is good top three fruit juices in this order for me would be apple grape orange oh it's on orange juice and milk so it curdles you're [Music] vile absolutely vile sir only if you brush your teeth right after cranberry juice is good too I agree I think this the one that brought me up right this should take me back down I think nope okay it was a different one good and now we've got that one taken care of very good now let's fly to these other businesses shall we there's another Sun Temple there oh there's a haunted Sun Temple over there but a regular one here I got to go check that out if there's another boss there it would be fun to take it out though the other one's haunted so I doubt this one is a problem what's up may cran grape is superior if I yeah you know what um I forgot cran grape exists I would say that's top tier as well cray grape is tasty right last time I was in a sun Tempo was haunted this one it says is not however I'm still hoping there's a boss here well it is shroud and shrouded rather [Music] ow that button was not for that door interesting hey that still is not the right one so what do these two buttons do for me there must be something unlocked down here there's that okay show me a good staff yeah hey there you go hawk chest plus 5 Seconds rested 5 Seconds that's it minus 31% stamina depletion gliding does that mean while gliding oh what's this white wolf sword does additional shroud magic damage retaliation damage 20% of incoming damage is dealt back at the enemy that is mighty interesting pick is way higher payoff for streamers 955 yeah but that doesn't matter so much when uh the viewership overall on the website is very limited in comparison trust me uh Timmy it's not nearly as goodlooking as it might seem don't let the the payout split fo you it's easy to be blinded by that idea but it trust me it's not worth it at all such thing as weapon enchantments no but you can enhance your weapon to get special effects like that one I just found you level it up by enhancement you get the retaliation perk there's got to be a button for this somewhere where is it is it maybe back here yeah the sun Temple isn't as cool as the haunted one obviously but I did find a legendary weapon here so or you know a named epic I should say I'm having trouble finding this other button which is a problem no Timmy they're fewer ship has actually gone down by over 70% since the website launched like I said man I've done my research on it I'm not blind to this their overall viewership has plummeted 70% since the website launched I'm getting that weird door hit box again there more experience Scrolls man please be something good what's up Amber how you doing how's the cat oh my God sir are you okay well still no button but there is another door this way ah why is their Scream so [Applause] loud hold on I had to get my snack on sharpened broadsword two buttons for that see kick last another year with the way it's heading it's banking entirely service on gambling and only fans girls I mean even outside of that it's just like it's really hard to translate viewership from one site to another and kick has relied entirely on the idea of paying highlevel streamers to stream there and thinking that it's going to bring 100% of their viewership over and you know it simply has not come close to that and since then since they paid a lot of these larger creators to do that all of their viewership universally has gone down immensely they they tried to do the same thing that Microsoft tried with mixer as well as what Facebook tried to do with Facebook gaming it just doesn't work that way that almost killed me no it's not on PS5 yet oh wait it just went a full circle on me okay please be his new staff I mean we'll take the wand shroud damage wand look at all the Shroud magic damage on there flexing wand corrupted by the Shroud it bends the mind of its Bearer ethereal duplication the wand's unique Magic grants a 50% chance to spontaneously create an additional projectile overcharge this one holds a chance to amplify its damage output or attacks deal bonus damage up to the overcharge percentage God damn that is one hell of a wands I think that projectile speed is faster too look at that no it's not certain people might be Timmy but it's not Universal to the whole site which is the problem because I am not certain people that would not those their average viewership going up does not equal the entire site when the whole site is self is going down I would be clumped in on that and therefore it would just be a waste of effort all right very cool I'm going to head home so I can uh level this [Music] up that is a very cool wand the only issue that I have with it is it doesn't have Mana regen small problem there but I guess we can keep the other one on me just specifically for that right this thing should hit like an absolute demon now now get out okay I like this one a lot cuz it has shock on it but we're going to we're going to keep the frozen core wand just because it has the Mana leech so if I do need Mana I have that but this will be my main damage wand when I'm looking to do use a wand in general I'm doing well dandas how are you [Applause] [Music] for not since they launched the site they are still down compared to what they are they might have a short term up in the last like month or so Timmy but that is not you know intrinsically true to the entire existence of the website which means even if they were to go up recently they're still down really bad in comparison to what they were but even so even if it was the most popular streaming site in the world I still wouldn't be there do I not have any more metal I guess I don't I guess not man well all right then all right let's get out there go find more things to do there's a million things out here Oasis let's go check that out oh we got a black Horizon there weird it's just like blank this doesn't look like much of an oasis Mirage Classic No I don't want to create a marker no I think over the next couple of years if kick is still around still doing their thing they're going to really show the true intention behind that site and that is just using it as a marketing tool to push gambling on as many as people as possible which they largely already do people are just fooled by the 955 split right now freaking bow just want us to see Josh do well as well and hey I appreciate that man I do I really do it's just something like you know I um I do a large amount of looking into things I'm always keeping track of analytics on every site and everything it's just a matter of keeping up on everything going on in the world of streaming and overall content creation Punk metal towel thank you for 10 months of membership I always make sure my British male friends aren't too cold nothing like iceless chaps oh Jesus Punk metal thank you for the 10 months dude thank you very much God damn it man well that was pretty free wasn't it anyone else notice how the Shroud Roots growl cuz I've have definitely noticed that Reon way SP a stamina orb when defeating an enemy with a bow well that's useless that's useless for me is a new handheld like the PSP Von production are you excited by Sony um I'll be honest not really handheld gaming isn't my thing I used to be into handheld gaming when I was a lot younger I mean I loved the uh you know Game Boy I had a Game Boy and a Game Boy Pocket and a Game Boy Color those were sick I also had a Sega Game Gear which chewed through batteries faster than you could ever imagine but handheld gaming now I mean I don't even use my switch handheld I only use it for like you know as a console itself not the handhold style as far as Sony stuff goes like it's cool I'm glad that they're getting into the market again for more competition for the sake of making the scene better right but will I get it probably not nope I don't want to sleep just sleep in a random random tent out in the middle of nowhere another Elixir well all the way over there let's go get that one is streaming a stressful job it can be it has its ups and downs like obviously when I'm streaming Elden ring it's like a it's a has this es and flows when I'm streaming Elden ring a lot of people are more into that because I you know I was I I have a certain Appeal on my Channel with it because I put out a lot of guides and garnered a lot of attention around that idea with them and everything you know holy desert flowers right here when I'm playing other things there's obviously not as many people here like if I'm playing Elden ring I would probably be around like 5 600 viewers whereas when I'm playing this I'm between like 250 and 300 most of the time but that's a normal streaming thing because it's a new game and a lot of people only like to watch certain games which is normal that's fine and I don't bash them for that but from my perspective obviously that means I'm getting Less ad Revenue I'm getting you know less overall viewership because of that and everything so it just it correlates and that can definitely had to stress what this often translates to is later on after stream when I'm reviewing how things went for the day it'll often tie into me beating myself up holy this thing hits hard it ends up me beating myself up like oh my God I'm not you know I'm not doing well people don't like me anymore so on so forth but I got to get around that cuz I've obviously ever want to play more games on stream I can't let myself be so easily dissuaded from doing so oh ineffective that makes sense so the shroud wand does not work in the Shroud that does add up that does make sense I get it did I just triple jump there oh my god dude just do the chain lightning there we go ah don't know what it is but oh no it did hit him oh okay just wasn't showing the numbers for some reason I say I don't know what it is but the flying enemies are not getting hit by that today or as they did yesterday exactly exactly that you don't you definitely don't want to get burnt out feeling like you have to make everyone happy it's like I'm happy to play elen Ring I just got to change it up sometimes too that's exactly my mindset and it's like you guys know that I'm like I'm not all about the money anyway obviously this is my full-time gig but like changing it up is definitely worth the sacrifice where is this shroud route at there it is yeah took a minute to get it going but once it did go it lit them all up that was fun you out snowboards take it easy if so is this the real necro hottie Wy what is up dude good to see you man how have you been oh holy what's up man pleasure to see you dude I still exist I'm glad you do what's up man I appreciate that Balby thanks man all right skill points do I want anything else here Max shroud time would be good but like o increase stamina regen by 50% I think I have to get that need two more skill points for it next play Gro that will be mine all let's go up here it'll be faster to fly there or work work need to get back in Apex again or something cuz I can't hit in Counter Strike anymore ah I've just been playing a lot of like single player stuff man ever since I stopped playing so many uh after I stopped playing so much Battlefield I just kind of got like reignited into playing a lot of single player stuff again oh that's nice look at that that's nice nice Amber that's good where are we going Sapphire strands oh that's a legendary chest new staff please I mean it is a new staff a little bit less critical hit chance but 20% increased crital hit damage I need to find a level 25 staff I keep finding 23s it's not better than Elder Elder staff it it will be when I upgrade it when I upgrade it'll have more base damage to it more base power which will make it better this wand is nuts too I think with this wand specifically it'll be worth making the other armor set just to try it out I'm not going to do that right now but maybe later on when everything else is done just to try it I think what you find this wand you want it to be like your main thing outside of the Shroud anyway it just does insane amounts of damage let play m oft flight Sims and Battlefield and occasional Counterstrike I did play Allen wck too which was superb that game was so good yeah did you play B's Gate 3 at all what' you think of that I'm not sure if you're into RPGs at all but that game was a blast as well I've been playing a lot of survival games though hottie mostly survival stuff as of late hey thanks eler yeah the arch Mage set is pretty cool all right we should find iron here oh yeah look at that that's iron blacken staff a legendary it's only level 23 as well critical hit chance and damage Mana leech increased Mana regen by one oh yeah dude oh yeah that's what I like to see all right let's get as much iron as we can huge chest now there's huge chests listen man I enjoy a huge chest okay hey Grim what up what up Dano am I type of rbes that need guns like Fallout or something aha I see I see why does this thing keep blinking on the top left why oh cuz I'm like right on the edge of the fire oh let me take it take this out real quick oh that only gave me one skill point I need one more for the uh stamina regen I'm doing well grim I'm glad you're doing great just take different materials to upgrade weapons and ornaments they take runes which you get by killing certain enemies as well as disassembling other weapons and stuff that you're not using all right dude that bird in the distance is kind of driving me nuts wife is doing well she's at work right now but she is doing well I wonder what it's going to take to make these iron bars CU curious if it's going to be something where I need to get something else with it or if it's just going to require a whole bunch to make a single iron bar or what all right that bird has to go you are driving me nuts dude good God man shut the hell up honest question how's it feel to defeat your old Nemesis on this game you know gravity feels great man feels great it's been a long time since I've died to gravity and I like that I like that very much feels good man is there going to be more nodes around here or is it just this one oh no there's more very good very very good 42 on me looks like I'll end up right around 60 total I think one thing I can say is I do not like how the uh the ores are visually represented you would think that even if one little bit shows up right there that means that I would get iron from it but instead it just gives me stone when I do it seems like the circle that you're mining from has to be almost entirely those little things that signify what you're looking for otherwise it just gives you Stone he how was just giving me a bunch of stone here I got one iron or there yeah if if there's like if there's more Stone then it just gives you Stone kind of annoying maybe it's just me but from a matter of like just trying to get this you would think it would work the other way around I don't if I'll get iron from that or not oh we got one there we go keep giving the iron please Stone more Stone God damn it okay that broke how much did I get 55 oops all right let's travel home and see what it takes to get the iron going yeah seems so Dolan Dolan Dolan all right let's see iron bars just iron or and iron ore and charcoal wow well that's cool I like that very simple [Music] all right we need to get more iron going in general but also let's put on our legendary [Music] staff taking a hit by 10% critical hit chance but oh No Just 5% cuz I got two fives here so just I'm losing 5% critical hit chance but I'm gaining 20% critical hit damage 5% damage as mana and Mana regen and of course the way it looks is pretty cool too that is pretty tight very nice that staff treated me very well for a good while what I need to do now is get a bunch of wood so I get more charcoal going take it easy Cole thanks for hanging out today man see you soon yeah just want to get a whole bunch of charcoal going so I can get a whole bunch of iron going at the same time just let it go for a while while I'm out there exploring yeah I feel like magic is a little overpowered in this game as well specifically acid bite I think it's fine how hard magic hits because you you do need to like charge the spells and of course because you know if you're trying to make the most of magic then you're going to be wearing weaker armor so you're going to take you know more damage and whatnot so there is a higher risk there which is how it should be but I think acid bite specifically needs an adjustment in a big way I think it is I think it needs to be adjusted by about 50% it just does so much damage is absurd I wouldn't doubt if they end up nerfing it more than that though just because it does do damage over [Music] time ideally what you would want to do with this is basically just throw down a acid bite underneath a boss or any tanky enemy and then you know just try to keep it on it while you cast other spells or use a wand like I've been doing but how much damage it does that way it really is just kind of more powerered make the well I'll make the well if I end up in need of more water right now I'm not much in need not the bees you want them to Nerf a PVE game are you higher just dumb ah I see gar all doesn't understand how balance goes even in a single player or Co-op game the whole idea of a boss is to make it so it's somewhat of a challenge it is a boss when you have a spell that one shots them even though they're a boss that's a problem are you high or just [Music] dumb I'm sorry you don't understand video game balance have you seen bosses yet I have killed dozens of them in this game yes that takes a long time to go what's the time 10 minutes okay I could anything that seems like a boss if it has a giant red health bar on the top right corner that's a boss you haven't seen that yet then you haven't fought one yet top out the rested and let's get back out there while the iron goes um map there we go want this Elixir well the trees grow back not while you're in game but you can plant and grow more Ziggy um but if you do exit the game and go back in all the stuff that you farmed or chopped down will come back H see a few more buildings out here oh that's red I'm not able to go down this way yet which means I need to get a whole bunch of iron to level up my business I also need a whole bunch of like yucka fruit and stuff too I'll have to look into all of that but I still have to level up my flame one more time can't go down there until then I guess we chop these since we're right here oh hey how you doing no fruit on that one I guess it's only the taller ones that have it I guess or it's hiding underneath the ground when I chop at one of the two hard to see yeah it's hiding underneath the sand hard to spot it all right well I need to go back to base and see how much of this stuff I actually need games like Fallout 4 have get Nerfs Fallout 4 absolutely did Skyrim I think was the very beginning of the age of patches so it might have seen some adjustments but there are plenty of games that are not PVP grimal that get balance changes all the time a good example is Elden ring one of the most popular games out there to exist I'm sure you've heard of it has had many Buffs and Nerfs including on the non PVP side let's also look at things like armored Core 6 cyber Punk yep The Witcher 3 yeah all these games have received balance passes even without PVP it's not exactly a new [Music] thing all right I need 16 more yucka fruit more lapis whole bunch more iron okay let's go get the iron first the meteor holes fill in when you log out as well no that is a permanent thing I would have to manually fix that I don't know why you think uh balancing in a single player or Co-op experience is something new but it's been something around for years and years now have a good night breadloaf they don't need to Nerf Caster's univers leral if you listen to what I just said specifically acid bite needs to be toned down it does an immense amount of damage I have one shot several bosses with it now and I don't think one-shotting bosses should be possible considering that melee builds and Ranger builds cannot do that it's just that one specific spell that needs to be changed wait why is this back oh it's not it was just glowing again like something was there weird and kill what you call bosses without I mean yeah I've killed them without acid too dude you're you're just being intentionally argumentative at this point I see you you're not looking to actually have a discussion about it you're just being argumentative Portal 3 had like 20 trillion Nerfs in its first year and that really sucked because you'd have to farm a whole new set of Legendary Weapons yeah I remember that the balance passes on that game were a bit a bit much it wasn't a good game either way yeah I wasn't big on it I think it's hard for them to recapture the magic that was Borderlands 2 it was just like a perfect situation for that game great villain great gameplay it's hard for them to capture both again at the same time they tried Kebab Pizza never have now hopefully there's more of these iron ores nodes around these ones are not very lucrative compared to what you would think based on the visual need one more skill point here riveting gameplay I mean I've killed a bunch of stuff today too but mining is part of survival games as well man that's just the way it goes don't knock it you got to remember Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world right no double jump please there you go is there not more here yeah that's all stone that sucks please sir may I have some more damn I feel like my stamina regen is awful right now what's up Martin oh hey that's a guy didn't know you were here hey D yeah that's going to be ineffective there [Laughter] unfortunate that timing ignited bow what's up Eric how you doing dude kind of hoping that we'll see more iron here ah there is perfect okay my pickaxe is about to break and that's fine but at least there's more iron here I can come back and get that Gloom Monarch helmets melee Critical Strike chance unarmed melee damage first time I've seen unarmed melee damage interesting yo Cowboy thank you for 7 months of membership man wizards 101 in Minecraft H yes I remember wizards 101 my God I forgot all about that game my brother used to play the out of it never did myself but he know life that game for a while yeah AI that is a that is a thing too right yeah we got 43 I'm just going to keep this 43 separate or at least you I'll take three out of it anyway then go out and get more very nice going to sleep through the night so that way I can just be out there during the daytime again too really enjoying this game glad to see you having fun hell yeah man thank you for joining me for it you quite enjoy the mining I do too I I just enjoy survival stuff in general I think there going to be a lot more to games than just the nonstop hack and slash that a lot of people say is required to be interesting but you know there's a lot of games out there that are popular for a reason without that too I just think that because of like where I position myself as a content creator I get a lot of people that have that mindset and so they just kind of expect everything that I play to be like that in general you know but of course that's not the way of it what up Ricky anyone ever tell you that you don't sound how you look is that a good or a bad thing I've been told that a few times but I don't know if that's a good or a bad [Music] thing ah I do get a weird triple jump sometimes I never repared my pickaxe of a my bad enjoy survival games do you like Ark Ark is one of the few that I do not like one of the few that I do not like the type of survival games that I enjoy are games like valheim grounded and shrouded um rust is fun I enjoy Minecraft um trying to think of some others that I've played I like the the forest and Sons of the forest those are good [Laughter] too subnotica was good you look like you would have the voice of an Angel but you actually have the voice of a God all right all right I see you didn't expect the manly beard and the piercings not a bad thing oh okay yeah I guess that does throw people off doesn't it I forget I even have them to be honest I don't really look in the mirror very much there we go he's very small though which compensates yeah I a i a small guy I am 5' three I am short do you recommend valheim what's the combat like and is it usually seems to have different differ in survival games uh valheim has your very straightforward combat system where it's you know you have attack you have block every every unique weapon every type of weapon has a special attack to it that takes more stamina uh that said stamina is something very important to manage in your combat it does have a Parry system involved which also means that you can do Amplified damage with paries and backstabs so there is a sneak system involved as well uh but the the game is wonderful I think valheim if you've not played it is something you should play if you enjoy survival games whatsoever I would wager that you'll end up falling in love with it it's one of the better ones out incredible game also didn't realize you're well versed in a lot of different genres of games definitely tune in when you start playing Shooters yeah I used to play Shooters pretty competitively I started content Creation with Battlefield in fact that's where I got my start I've played a lot of them at a pretty high level everything from you know Battlefield to pubg a little bit of super people uh before I even started streaming I used to be pretty high ranked in Counterstrike uh what other big Shooters did I play I a shitload of Halo specifically Halo to also played a lot of Gears of War 2 I was top ranked in Gears of War I [Music] ow also played a lot of um Isles of nine if you guys remember that Battle Royale islands of nine rather not Isles islands of nine was a good time too definitely an underappreciated Battle Royale play a little bit of Apex Legends I didn't really get high leveled at that though I was not so good at that one fun but I didn't put enough time on that one you out Dano take it easy dude there he goes one shot on tanky enemies again M blue have a good night as well thank you for hanging out as always so much iron now because iron is a little bit easier to make comparatively to say bronze I'm very curious to see how much it's going to require to make things like the pickaxe and stuff like that I don't think I need a whole lot of it though outside of just leveling up the flame valheim have good building mechanics in survival is probably the most important aspect I would this might I might be biased but I think Val time has the single best building mechanics of any Survival game I've played yet it actually has a um a physics and weight system so you can't just make ridiculous things it actually has to be well structured you have to have a good foundation and the materials matter it is a fantastic building system and very very diverse the things that you can build in that game are quite interesting yeah this is all Stone all right that vein is tapped I see more right [Music] here if you do want to check out some gameplay on it before you uh buy it yourself you should check out my other channel where I have u a couple valheim videos there where I tell the story of my adventure throughout my playthrough of alheim it's over on my other channel called Goan definitely give that a look if you're curious this is going to break in a second there it goes much do I have on me 65 then I came along and taught him everything he needed to know in Battlefield about teabag in that is yeah you educated me well in the art of teabagging got to be toxic in the games you play right it's mandatory all right that's 20 bars what can I make with [Music] them requires eight bars to make the iron pickaxe holy what the hell man only four bars for the iron [Music] axe Iron Claw club I'm assuming that most of it goes towards yeah like Soldier set that makes sense Ordon [Music] set I know I need some for what was it oh Eternal Light burst is a thing I didn't realize I could make that only need five iron bars and then 18 more Flintstone for that that might be worth getting just for the bugs and I want to make that speaking of skulls we play Skull and Bones nah no I've never really been interested in that game never been big on survival games just tend to find the meter manag be more chore than anything I used to look at it that way as well but that that changed over time not really sure why but that did watch this reminds me of the hours my and hours my roommate spent Gathering iron when World of Warcraft first came out oh yeah yeah MMOs can be quite tasky as well there we go what else did I need for this two more iron bars that's that's something I just have to get Eternal heal Channel don't really need that what I was hoping to find here is eternal chain lightning but I guess at this point Eternal uh what's the other lightning one Eternal lightning channel would be better probably is there something else that I needed for this too I needed iron for something else but I can't recall what let me look at the huge chest that's going to require iron as well right huge magic chest that requires in shrouded oil as well I don't know if I need to worry about that but cool to have improved water well would you look at that hey Ricky thank you for the five says cheers mate yo thanks dude thank you for the fiver very nice of you man thank you H yeah so back to the conversation around bosses the bosses are what give you the Trophies by the way the you know the heads that you can make trophies out of that means they're a boss if you're curious what designates an enemy as a boss in this game it's not rocket science dude there was something else I needed iron for and I can't remember what aside from flame that is I guess it wasn't important enough don't overwork yourself all right let me look at this again I need to go Gathering some more stuff need to get saffron more Sparks need a little more sulfur apparently I thought I had more sulfur than what I have but I only need seven more so it's not bad lapis yua spark saffron sulfur it's basically everything in the Far East all right what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a quick break to go pee and then when I come back we're going to go get all this stuff situated sulfur saffron spark lapis yua easy no problem I'll be right back dudes for for okay you guys ready let's get out there let's do the thing um yeah we'll go from right here we'll just fly north you always interact with people with donations so I thought I'd support Oh you mean you you interact people without donations I see I appreciate that a lot man I was confused for a moment but I understood I do appreciate a lot yeah devus that's the gist of it man [Music] okay only need a few sulfur so don't need to go crazy on that but I need a lot of everything else whole bunch of saffron yua I got what 24 yucka fruit I think so means I need 16 [Music] [Music] more I've already got 16 oh we'll chop all these down so we get a little bit extra plus the palmwood logs what's up with night Andale February 22nd it's another Survival game that's entering Early Access I've been keeping my eye out on that one as well I watched some people play the demo that recently dropped certain parts of that game look really janky but I think overall it's going to be decent fun fre you we've got more than enough sulfur now but we'll gather some extra for this as well all right what else did I need what else did I need saffron going need a whole bunch of saffron yeah I think I'll cover uh cover that game as well I want I want to play that game and check it out I don't know how long I'll play it again it just depends on if I like it or not but I'll definitely check it out I definitely have enjoyed what they showed during the trailers like the reveal trailers and whatnot I see no saffron fact that I have a perk for extra projectiles and this wand has a perk for extra projectiles my god when I shoot out three it just absolutely blasts them we need some more lapis play the demo and it's so good they took a lot of ideas from valheim nice to see nice I'm glad to hear that man I'm glad to hear that thanks broken can't remember how much lapis I needed but I think it was 20 or a total of [Music] 40 start of my unshrouded adventure is advisable to use different kinds of weapons I would say try to focus on one thing whether it's melee combats magic or archery bows try to focus on one and then use one as a backup you definitely need something range so definitely carry a bow on you with some with some wooden arrows you can hit like range stuff when you need to you'll find that you'll be in a situation where you will need to do that ever so often but as far as like the different types of damage go uh with melee stuff what do they have like slash blunt and Pierce most weapons have two types of damage on them as far as melee goes for the most part so I'm not quite sure how that works with each individual enemy but I'm sure they all have different weak es and resistances to certain types as far as that goes just something to consider just got to keep in mind you will likely not always be in a position where you're going to be able to do your most damage against every enemy but as long as you're dealing damage and can you know improve at the combat mechanically you should be all right what's up Tycoon no problem medicine if your loot luck is the same as Josh use bows yeah I find more bows than anything all right we have enough lapis I kind of went overboard on that uh saffron still need a whole bunch of saffron one think I left what 21 at home so I need another 19 or well 18 now [Music] play BDO now how about you nice I I played a little bit of Black Desert it was okay I didn't stick with it though just because I tried to avoid playing MMOs for too long I end up kind of over investing in them I get very into them a little bit too much so all right um I'm going to go back here and then fly West and see if I can more find more saffron out that way maybe it's laziness but I don't like using bows in games that require you to craft arrows no a lot of people feel that way that's honestly a pretty normal feeling this game is one of those games where you do have to keep up with your arrows which is why I recommend using it as a backup how un shrouded I've been loving this game it has been a very good time it's only an early access which means when the game does hit full release it should absolutely bang oh yeah lot more saffron out here this is the way it is getting dark so it's going to be a lot more difficult to see but for now it's not bad to spot you have a favorite Lord of the Rings game Lord of the Rings conquest which unfortunately did not last very long but had some incredible gameplay if you ever played a Battlefield game then you know what Battlefield Conquest the main the main mode or how it works you know what I mean you know how the main mode of Battlefield Works Conquest mode it's basically basically just that but with Lord of the Rings characters actually really good not sure why it didn't do well in my experience it played great and it was just really fun to to play I love playing as a an orc Shaman it was sick you can basically choose between a bunch of Orcs And then a bunch of like uh humans and elves and stuff depending on you know the different faction and then you just fought the other side it was so cool man really good game feel like I've never seen someone play with bows and eldering outside of bow only challenge runs yeah it's because bows and Elden ring are freaking awful they don't offer any thing as far as value for making them your main weapon outside of just the challenge of it and night has fallen we got 10 saffron need another nine really hard to see at night by really hard I mean basically impossible to see at night saffron that is my wager would be worth flying home sleeping the night away and then coming back during the day even with the moon out it's not really great yeah right let make my life a little easier yeah Tycoon happy to help man where'd my mouse go all right I need nine more saffron and then 30 more Sparks o getting the Sparks is going to be kind of annoying would mind crafting era so much if from soft would actually make projectile weapons more than a gimmick yeah okay more saffron is needed we'll get the saffron and then we're just going to travel the world Gathering a bunch of Sparks I have a bunch of locations I can go to but I got to get the saffron first not going to lie I thought those cricet sounds were in my room and I was fully ready to engage figh or [Laughter] flights nice [Laughter] schah I don't like When Crickets are in my room either I don't mind them existing but not in my space dude this might be a hot take but I would rather spiders around me than crickets just because crickets are so incredibly annoying all right back on the hunt for saffron this staff is nuts too holy you have a good night as well may thank you for chilling great to have you here all right game where's all the saffron at I just need nine more make that eight bar s six there we go now that the sun is a little higher in the sky it's a little easy around the eyes when the sun is first Rising the sun is so harsh five [Music] 4 three two more one more and zero oh find a whole freaking field of it out here look at all this I'm was going to keep collecting it while I just am able to chain it there's a whole bunch out here may as well take them whenever I feel up to it Gaara I play a lot of different games on my channel man always have [Music] don't's see where that bird [Music] is the birds are annoying too those noises my God I should have came here from the very beginning there's so much saffron of course I wouldn't have known that until now anyway but man once did I just get there I got 32 now I got 12 extra all right now we need to go get a whole bunch of flames Sparks rather combat movement feel good overall pretty much yeah I I like it I like it at first I thought the combat was lackluster but then I realized that parrying is a thing I'm hoping that they can smooth out the visuals of it because the visuals are a little bit weird around like when you parry sometimes but it is still rewarding so assuming the flame Shrine is going to be up top considering this game is in Early Access it has a lot of promise for when you know whenever full release happens obviously they're going to be expanding the areas of the game the items of the game but also they'll be expanding like the overall basis of the idea of the game when it comes to things like combat and whatnot so right now where it is it's a very promising start very promising this made on their yeah in the end it's made on their own engine yeah that is quite the quite the thing isn't it right this should give me four which means that gives me 14 I need another 26 Sparks boy let's just fly to all these flame shrines I think I grabbed some of these earlier today but we're just going to fly to them all anyway make sure we can grab them and then we'll go to other locations to grab more this one's way below apparently okay that'll be another four ooh I can get cheeky with this so basically what I did there is you're you're able to fast travel as long as you aren't in the Shroud and so I just found a little bit of a pocket there so I can just like make a little little hole with my pickaxe to make it so I wasn't in the Shroud and just got right out of there I appreciate you being here PB what happened to your house that has a hole in it I uh use shroud shroud meteor from inside the house you know as one does all right where is this one what's that it's above I was up there and I didn't see it maybe it's in a cave talk to a contractor about fixing that hole no man I like it I like it there it makes the house unique wow I really did not see that right there that's crazy hey that gives me 22 need 18 more this one is very far away I need to weigh on whether it's actually worth going this way but I think it is I don't know if I can make this jump it's going to be close oh barely holy what a jump what a jump man all right how am I getting up there maybe there's a slope right there need this flame level so I can I can actually go further south that's why I'm working so hard at this it's pretty much mandatory at this point in order to make further [Music] advancement all right very good we're up here now I actually look like a mage now right Joey here we are all right 14 more um I grabbed that one earlier cuz that's where that wall is wasn't the sun Temple right there I didn't realize that couple flame shrines right here let's go get these ones you look dashing wait what am I doing I don't want to do that there we go didn't mean to press e [Music] there oh it didn't even render the thing in weird uh 11 more that going to be up top if it is up top I don't think I'm going be able to get up there very well yeah it's going to be up top well I don't have an easy way up there at all so I guess we skip that [Music] one that's not going to work H some vuka hello and goodbye understandable Joey got to get up there for that too how do I get up there from here maybe I can parkour it oh yeah yeah the Sparks do respawn yeah okay that gives me a total of 32 I need eight more [Music] not an easy way to a lot of these I think we just go over here and start getting on these ones again land with his face hey man better land with your face than not at all nice parkour thank you double jump really does change the way you can navigate in this game should give me two right yeah so six more like this one might be in the shroud nope beautiful he sounds good Joey thank you for that man I appreciate it I'll see you soon yeah four more to go we're almost there this is actually going faster than I thought it would be luckily the ones in the desert give three and four so definitely a big benefit [Music] there give a bunch of enemies here [Music] my got a lock pick out of that for some reason okay two more needed I just hit that one a few moments ago didn't I the flame sanctums have things too I can't remember I think so right oh well we just hit a whole bunch shrines it's fine I think the sanctums are basically shrines with just buildings inside you know buildings around them rather there we go we got the T at home we should have everything we need to level up the flame now oh yeah look at that across the board good to go strength in the flame flame level six very good okay and now we can go to places that we have not yet been to exciting start with that a look are well right there get the ghost glider yeah I guess so huh yeah see now it's not all completely red that's rather nice all right there just going to be an Elixir well down here hopefully it has a boss to fight that would be fun hey caled got level 30 enemies down here ooh same staff but higher level right oh no it is the same level oh but I leveled this one up this one I can level up and it should go even higher has everything the same though that's cool very nice there's the Shroud route Xbox surrendered to PlayStation today what do you mean how so what does that mean Eagle eyee trousers 18 stamina plus one Sprint speed ooh interesting oh hey this guy o o oof stop it with your projectiles dude oh my God guy actually killed me holy okay all right level 31 of those guys that guy messed me up man cool oh you know I forgot to eat food too God damn it [Music] Shadow of Mordor is by far and we the best Lord of the Rings game I do enjoy that game a lot I just like Lord of the Rings conquest more I think it is a good game though uh no idea where you just went there bud did you just I think he teleported inside the wall and died what the hell man okay okay dude that was strange there we go base stamina regen speed 50% [Music] faster guess we could get trickster just up intelligence more I guess I don't know I don't really know where I would spec into after that I don't know pleas thr I mean yeah what we call our favorites or what we think is the best is always objective IGN nited Hammer is this [Music] iron it is interesting raftk if you're asking if this has multiplayer PVP no all right I got to go get my rested bonus again oh no that's still 47 power as well so I guess they just cap out at 47 okay no we got to back up one of those I guess let's get over there again more stuff to the South another shroud route there Okie do nice love how smooth these gliders are the more advanced Ones playing return to Moria I thought about playing that as well but I just didn't like the look of it when it came out unfortunately who knows though maybe I'll check it out at some point in the future yeah looks like 47 is just the max power three skill points there looking good feeling good it looks like Harry Potter the the wands specifically I could see why I would remind remind you of that right c yeah I feel that like I feel the same way about certain things as well like often times when a game is baldder gate related or even like a spin-off of balers gate such as Dragon Age and balers I'm sorry uh such as Dragon Age like a spin-off of Dungeons and Dragons and the idea of balers gate I give those a look myself too every time no matter what scatter bone well I can't complain about finding bows now because I pretty much have the best possible Weaponry that I can get so I'm not at any loss here let's check out this Temple oh damn dude I'm not going to have the time to get these casts off oh my God the damages oh no y those guys when they hit you they have that tiny little stagger to it that teeny tiny little stagger once that one hits you basically they I'll chain hit you o what's the top of that Tower I do not know yet I do not know yet rested bonus think I C out of 47 now right yeah for I wasn't expecting to be able to actually make it up on top of this one Game just crashed after spent 20 minutes planting wheat and now all 180 is back in my inventory o that's rough dude no don't slide down ah oh well that's what we get sorry about that Dolan that's rough man well that actually went according to plan that time oh oh God no footsteps huh no footsteps huh o guys kicking my ass blazing wands well it's nice to have a fire damage wand again put that there and try that out look the way it looks too that's pretty nice that's pretty nice man need buttons in the area yep indeed Brian indeed never never wait the two hours though like just just reset the game never wait two hours for stuff to come back where are all the buttons around here hopefully they make it so um like it's fine that stuff comes back after a certain amount of time but I do believe that they need to make it so it doesn't just happen on a reset of the game adding consistency to the world or persistency we definitely go a long way worth it he's like the one enemy in the game that I can't really get this cast on very well it's only because it takes 3 seconds H oh I see a button right up there well the buttons are actually on the building itself all right I'm seeing this now what happens if I just light burst spam I mean it takes basically no Mana to cast so four buttons huh dude these birds the noises they make are actually annoying oh never mind I can just move that like that I remember that that was a thing that people wanted in valheim as well Brian but they ended up um it never ended up being a thing in the game itself they ended up having to uh or some people went out of the way just to make mods for it oh there it traps but considering this game is on its own unique engine I'm not sure if modding will be possible I'm pretty sure valheim is on Unity just makes it more modable in general I think that was right place right time to see that [Applause] a I could have went up this way and wouldn't have had to bother with a lockpick oh maybe not never mind never mind unreal is definitely modable I thought this was on its own unique engine made by the studio though I don't think this is unreal what's in the box ah there's our ghost glider formidable glider which can cross even the deepest trenches allowing you to rain death from above oh baby that looks good that looks good is there anything else further up top here ethereal plane nine block 87 Parry powder Parry power 10% shroud resist we'll try it out why not just because it looks nice you know now let's Glide like a king oh my God that speed you see that [Music] speed oh that's nuts that's so [Music] good the movement this holistic engine made by them yeah I thought so okay yeah so this is not unreal which means that making mods for it is going to be quite difficult if not impossible it would be up to them to allow it flame Shrine of manior there's a bunch of loot just hanging out around here all right we're going to go over here oh hold on I got to get out of the Shroud first hold up it goes well invoker how are you actually just got a very very good glider the what is it called the ghost glider it has incredible speed to it it's actually amazing it moves dude I don't know what this is up here but we may as well go check it out cuz I'm going to make it also take way less stamina yeah takes way less stamina as well it seems [Music] is oh well not quite sure how that opens up but uh we don't have that capability just yet interesting right continue Southwest Dumbledore Super Sonic Speed yeah let's see what's over here man man this game is sick this game is cool man can't wait to see what it's like on full release I know that's still a while away yet but this is cool this a new Hogwarts game I would say it's better than the Hogwarts game okay I have a bias there because I like survival games quite a bit but yeah well whatever it is it's down in the Shroud as well here in the greatest game I'm assuming that's going to be a boss o stop it battle mage is in effect parri the hell out of that man what what up Joe how you doing man oh you they really say fight is in effective I read that right ah those sides are a little oppressing brother what the hell just hit me Fire's ineffective as well [Music] huh oh God more more people not what I wanted to see oh God that guy's a nightmare scorching wand again how would you describe this game to someone who's unfamiliar with it have you ever seen the game grounded have you ever seen the game valheim this game is basically a baby of those two concepts they're both survival games [Applause] [Music] didn't I see an even larger guy down here I thought I did one of the Fel brutes I guess not all right let's go west eat some food kind of panicked in the moment just trying to survive against the uh sickle Scythe guy I cast Fireball oh my God all those years of sniping in Battlefield have paid off deep Cuts yeah 25 is the max level right now the greatest game for I cast Fireball oh you're ran oh have a hard time parrying them their animation is so sudden ow all right dude and that guy is much slower than the other one what the heck I'm assuming there's going to be a boss in this Arena type thing here huh there sure is let me just tight these guys into Oblivion oh you're coming down all right I cast Fireball well was your Eternal Fireball minus 17 just curious if that's the highest it gets um yeah I guess so I think that's just the standard level in which it just happens though like like it's meant to be stronger than Fireball 2 but it's like every spell as you advance to new biomes is just like increasingly or supposed to be increasingly stronger right why acid bite does more damage ring of Mana 14 Mana plus four Mana region oh baby oh boy I'm an enjoyer of that pick this most obscure random number it is early access as well so maybe it's just a matter of scaling it so that way it doesn't just doesn't like completely obliterate everything in the game you know yeah and then there's just a sun Temple to the West mean 40 to 50% of a boss HP in one spell is definitely not how it's supposed to be yeah acid spell is extremely busted it will get nerfed there's no way it [Applause] doesn't what's my build like here's my skill tree I started with wizard this is where I went down first and then I went down battle mage a bunch and then I combined that with healer so I can get water Aura it's why my health regen so quickly and then I speced a bunch into the tank tree for all the Constitution points but also this right here one Constitution for each two levels of flame this is why my Constitution and my health is so high granted I'm still rather squishy because my armor like the outfit I'm wearing doesn't have very high armor but it does help my survivability a shitload oh I also have some points over here in the Survivor tree as well that's why I'm able to double jump as well as like a faster stamina regen yeah for Early Access this game is very solid it's very good for what it is right now thick skills re yeah and the fact that you can like do anything you want with it I am a tank battle mage it's a very busted build it feels like is that my last lock pick that was my last lockpick guys yeah Greg it is a good-looking game as well there's one more around one more button I'm assuming it's through that okay so based on what I'm seeing here I think I have to open up all these doors individually and they're all going to have like one main button to push and maybe it'll open up like a main door somewhere that's my guess yep one of those is lit lit up so that means I need to get two more which which is over there and over there but I don't have any more lock picks so okay good I don't need one for that this is going to activate the traps out there probably yep more lightning Channel didn't I have scraps on me I thought I did but oh I got one more lockpick right there oh yeah I got 24 now we're good then oh that glider is so nuts uhhuh what was that oh I see it's actually reflected on the ceiling okay I see that easy solution that one's a little better okay good very nice now for science what happens if I step on the wrong one maybe nothing because I already completed it I guess ooh it gets dark at night man legendary chest of sorts what's in the box distinguished sword o desert temple blocks sick now I I don't know if you guys know but what happens when we find these blocks it basically allows me to be able to craft my own buildings out of the material like of what we see here so now I have access to all of this aesthetic that's cool that is sick that is very nice well all right then well there's not much left for me to do yeah all the major stuff has been completed let me go back home and see if anyone says anything how's the base looking it looks great outside of a uh a bit of a meteor hole that I put in the ground earlier because one of the mods dared me that I would not cast meteor inside and so I said okay Bet outside of that looks great a little crowded down here and then very empty up here but you know outside of that we're looking fine looking Dandy we got 40 iron bars I don't think anything to actually use them on can I expected something fancy for end game I built this base on like the second day that I played this game and I have not done anything with it except for you know upgrade chests and then put on you know put down certain things for extra Comforts I could get a higher Comfort level at this point but 37 I feel is pretty sufficient being able to go out of the house for 47 minutes without having to worry about it I think it's fine I would say if this weren't Early Access I would probably build something fancier at this point but yeah it's a latrine yes I was thinking it was like a little diving area for my hot tub you know got to fill it with water yeah I think we have done pretty much everything except a few small things like those aren't those aren't going to be anything major there's another Sun Temple up there I guess I could check out kind of forgot this one was over here oh hey I did not know you were here uh hello you know I forgot that I even had that Spell Eternal ice bolts I should have been using that a lot more to slow those guys down feels bad man what's up R3 evil nice Apple hear someone talking mad over here I was supposed to do this a lot earlier in the game there you go Bud now what did that one button do for me is it one out of two for the big door I guess so a little bit of advice for anyone getting into this game make sure you carry a shitload of loock picks at all times wait how did you die no idea how that guy died all right I'm assuming we just got to match up the lights here no okay what happens if I hit this huh all right I guess died to explosion yeah I guess so ow the big chest Haw trousers minus 20% stamina depletion sprinting and nine stamina well all right then and that is another Sun Temple completed all right so there are still a few question marks out there in the world but nothing major I have completed all the big stuff all of the big things max out my character killed all the big bosses not much left for me to do except for to wait for Early Access I guess it's all that's left that's all that's left I could go through and finish off the journal but there's just there's no value in that it's not going to do anything major for me it's not going to do anything that's going to be interesting at this point because I've already surpassed the level of all of these except for getting like the mixed Stones I guess so yeah I'm out of here guys thank you all for tuning in I think I'm pretty much done with this game for now as Early Access is pretty much done I have met the boorder of all the content in the game so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the next few days off so I can make a video to upload on my other channel if you haven't checked out my other channel yet you should it's skon I don't know if we have a mod here to put the I just put the latest video in chat you guys if you enjoyed my my stream today you should go check out this video go watch that video leave some love on it of course uh you know check out the rest of the channel as well I got a bunch of videos on a bunch of different survival games on that channel waiting for your eyeballs and of course if you haven't subscribed to this channel here make sure you do I'll be back in a few days to stream some more video games either we'll come back and do some Elden ring or I will I'm going to take a look and see what other new games are coming out soon and make a plan I'll let you I'll let you guys know in the Discord and stuff already watch the video hey watch it again you know it helps me out that'd be cool that'd be nice anyways thank you all for chilling today I hope you enjoyed your stay and I'll see you in a few days all right until then be excellent to each other later folks
Channel: theJOSHfeed
Views: 5,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded live, enshrouded stream, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded first look, enshrouded early thoughts, enshrouded survival, enshrouded solo, enshrouded solo gameplay, enshrouded live gameplay, enshrouded impressions, enshrouded building, enshrouded review, enshrouded combat, enshrouded character creation, enshrouded all bosses, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded boss fight, enshrouded building gameplay, building in enshrouded
Id: BAYp97d_Bp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 315min 41sec (18941 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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