Enshrouded and the death of Minecraft

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enshrouded and the death of Minecraft so first of all I want to start by saying how much I love Minecraft I've played it a lot with Sam and with with other people as well it's a fantastic game and it stood the test of time it's been a massive seller for decades and it the beauty of Minecraft is in its Simplicity everything's just blocks it doesn't demand the latest graphics card and all the rest of it and yet even with the blocks there's an excellent game there and there's so many ways Minecraft has been modded and adapted and turned into slightly different games and PVP challenges and parkour courses and just the joy of exploring the uh procedurally generated biomes and and building the joy of just building different buildings uh so yeah Minecraft has far longer than than people who first started it would ever have thought and it it is brilliant but I'm afraid it days are numbered okay now ined is a game that came out uh the start of this year I think uh and I've played a fair bit of but when I started getting into and shrouded I realized quite soon that actually this is the death Nowell of Minecraft uh that doesn't mean that ined is better than Minecraft it doesn't mean that ined can do everything that Minecraft does it doesn't even mean that enshrouded is trying to be like Minecraft it's not it's a very different game okay but the technology that's represented and enshrouded is going to make Minecraft I'm afraid obsolete uh so let's let's talk a little bit about shrouded now okay so enshrouded is an adventure game it's meant to play with a small group of people up to 16 but I've only played with two or three people before or you can solo it and it's set in a fixed world it's not procedurally generated it's uh there are biomes and they were originally procedurally generated if you listen to the developers but it's but it's then been kitted out and uh the towns and the events have been built around that procedurally generated biomes so that means it's the same game fundamentally each time you play now at the moment in traded is not even a completed game it's still in uh Early Access you can't finish the game that they haven't developed enough of it for you to actually get to the end okay uh it's it's fundamentally a fantasy game where you go around as a warrior or Archer or Wizard or some some combination of those and you try and save this land which has been taken over with the Shroud now the Shroud Dynamics quite interesting you know you have a certain amount of time you can stay in the Shroud before you you know die but fundamentally it's about uh leveling up exploring uh and trying to to save the world kind of thing okay now yes there are as specs very Loosely there that overlap with Minecraft but not really you know Minecraft does have a story element you are you can kind of finish Minecraft by going to the end and defeating the Ender Dragon but it is not really a strong story that drives Minecraft it's it's the freedom and the sandbox kind of effect but in enshrouded everything is Vox so everything is adaptable you can take a pickaxe and start to form in the land okay you can build tunnels okay it takes a while it's not easy but you can do it uh and furthermore you can build stuff now the entire world is voxelized and on a short term you can do anything okay but you can only build stuff and you can only change the terrain such that it will stay that way in the long term in a areas where you have your flame shrines okay now when you've maxed up where you get to An Early Access you can build a maximum of eight of these shrines and in those areas you can do whatever you want and it will remember what you've done okay so this allows you to build up to eight bases around the world so it's not got the same Freedom as Minecraft where Minecraft you can build anywhere okay but it's not trying to compete with Minecraft the game type's quite different but my point is it wouldn't take much for the developers have been shreded to say okay we are going to compete with Minecraft okay we're going to take this same game engine and we're going to ignore the story and the character development and the leveling up and all the rest of it and we're just going to make it procedurally generated randomly positioned you know buildings and and resources and treasure chests and all the rest of it and give you the ability to build anywhere now that's a bit of a jump from where in shoud is but it's not that much of a jump uh in Shroud it is totally voxy generated in the short term you can change anything okay the only thing which is needed is to make that that change stay no matter where you do it now the game isn't ready for that yet but it wouldn't be a massive jump to do that and when you've done that you suddenly got Minecraft and a Minecraft that looks amazing I mean I play this on my laptop which struggles to run it and every time I play the game it warns me my laptop's under spec and uh am I sure I still want to play the game but uh even on my laptop it looks fantastic okay and you can't you can't compare Minecraft to it I mean I i' have been in Minecraft and I've looked over Vistas in the distance and thought all that looks pretty in Minecraft but seeing it in a voxly generated way that in shrouded does it it's completely different it just it's it's a game Cher to to use a phrase which is I'm afraid entirely appropriate it's the same technology yes fundamentally it still blocks but the way it's done is so much more beautiful and the way you build the buildings you can construct in this game I know in Minecraft you could do amazing things and thing amazing things have been done and I love watching hermitcraft with green and mumbo jumbo and all the rest of them but it's not the same in this game with a few building blocks and items you can make something which looks outstand standing and not something which you kind of have to squint at or and look at you know in a certain way and then realize what the the person's trying to do here everything looks real there's different levels when you start you know when you start you have a little Hut like this it's quite simple it's it's not that fancy you've only got like two materials you start with you know wood and stone uh and here I'm building a little just a little ouse for storage and you can see I'm using flint and stone and wood and I'm also messing around with the different roof tiles either the Flint one or the the straw one this just shows the start of it there are various different shapes you can build with the templates but you actually have complete Freedom you can build individual voxal out of any of the materials and the materials all interact with each other the Rooftop TOS you can build individual rooftops and these interact with each other and the rooftops are slightly confusing the way they interact with each other and some of the combinations are actually quite pretty that gives you total freedom in building whatever you want and you can then flesh it out with doors and windows and chairs and tables and it just looks amazing I'm uh I'm just astounded by how good this is so here's a simple little house I built it's the first one I actually properly did very simple nothing fancy whatsoever but it was quite satisfying to build this it looks like a house you know you could do this in Minecraft you go into the Villages of Minecraft yeah there's houses and and they're done well with the materials you got to work with and the the game engine in Minecraft but it's just not the same as looking at it in the shrouded and then you can take it to another level so this is red W Abby which I built in in shrouded this took a while okay and I've got an entire video uh showing this but the scale of the things you can build is is huge and it just looks so good you walk around inside this and it's just it's amazing it it feel feels like a real building and no matter how much I've loved playing Minecraft and building huge structures in that I and I've spent months building stuff in Minecraft as well I particularly like my uh tower on top of a cloud that took a lot of doing it's still not the same I'm afraid and I just everything I built in Minecraft I want to build it in shrouded because it will be better so enshrouded is not what's going on end Minecraft okay uh it's a different game it's not trying to be Minecraft okay but it signals the St to the end of Minecraft cuz it only takes one company to take the technology that's demonstrated and shrouded and actually try and take on Minecraft and and it will just kill Minecraft cuz why would you play in this when it could look like this it just it doesn't make sense you know so yeah so Minecraft will continue for years it's well-loved and people aren't going to stop anytime soon even if uh a game came out directly to challenge it in the way that that I'm talking but it will be played in the in the years to come for Nostalgia and that's it you know in the same way that other games keep going and have a strong fan base that's what lies ahead of Minecraft I'm afraid you know in 10 years you'll get the DI hard fans who are still playing it in the same way you get Die Hard fans who are playing 10 20 year old games now but there won't be many of them for me enshrouded is is the start of the end of Minecraft now now it's sad but all all games go through this all games end all games they're player based dwindles and dwindles to the point where actually they're very obscure games and hardly anyone ever plays it but that is life you know every other game goes through this and Minecraft can't really complain it sold hundreds of millions of copies you know it's had a fantastic run so yeah it it's it's sad but really it's uh it's inevitable it was never going to be as successful as it's been forever so yeah so yeah that's my video okay uh ined is a great game I love it it's not Minecraft but there are aspects of it which are very similar and yeah I uh hope you've enjoyed this little video and this little retrospective thinking about about how this is going to interact with Minecraft going forward all right thanks for watching bye
Channel: Wokes Gaming
Views: 1,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wokes Gaming, Enshrouded, Minecraft
Id: glGihJdFUas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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