CCNAv7 SRWE Skills Assessment

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this is here neighbor seven switching round satchels this topology I will use pocket eraser 7.3 4321 rather or one you can use 2960 switches but do you need ipv6 so no dots so I will use 3650 switches Maria labs 2960 switches can support ipv6 with pocket fours or not so I will use 3650 switches as well as two pcs pc a PCB use stray through cables to connect gigabit 0 0 1 r1 to connect the first eternal 5 or as one but in my case through the 6:53 chairs produces gigabit interfaces i will connect to the gigabit 5 1 0 5 from six to PCI from 18 unless two to PCB and between s1 and s2 for certain at one of us a turn led to but in my case be 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 very good great on real lab rather Cisco 4221 to switch s2 962 PCs and cables belong table addressing table initialize reload the configure basic device settings initialize Andrew loved router and switch the race start up configurations and be lanced from the router and switch then reload devices for example on r1 from PC I go to r1 console access PC a desktop okay and no enable can erase star up college under other than will not under under wait a minute and wait a moment would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog if you see this message that means this router does not have storage configurations is ready to use okay now and from PC beep not as one to console port do it before to access console place the power supply for the switch going to PCB terminal okay and there now enable configure erase star up config enter enter the lab we learned that that the let the VLAN database enter enter enter then relax the moment enter would you like to enter a natural configuration dialog now connect to s2 to console port close these place the power supply on the device and go to PCB terminal okay enter now enable erased start up config enter enter your a to let be landed at the that enter enter enter then reload and ER now very good after the three were loaded configure that as the M template to support ipv6 as needed and rule out the switch guy okay for example on as to this switch in Haverhill verify the SDM configuration the SDM template so as the am prefer so you will see if this device supports ipv6 in my case supports ipv6 ipv6 ipv6 for example on this previous lap the default be our template use it by the switch database manager as the M does not provide ipv6 other's capabilities verify that as the M is using either of them the world ipv4 and ipv6 template or the lam based routing template the new template will be used after reboot click verify the template with show as the M preferred follow these steps to assign the develop in for an ipv6 template as the default as the M prefer to configure terminal and set as the M preferred while ipv4 and ipv6 default and and we load once the switch is reloaded the switch will support ipv6 in my guys I'm using this switch on pocket racer because from packet riser switch 3650 supports ipv6 on a real Cisco 2960 switch can support ipv6 but use this template will appear before an ipv6 or lambda is routing also verify as the template on this one and configure is necessary in my guys both switches support ipv6 configure are one access PCI to configure are one entered disable dns lookup enable configure terminal no IP domain lookup router name are one hostname are one the my name CCNA lab calm I peed my name CCNA - love love that calm encrypted privilege exit password Cisco and pass naval secret Cisco m+ console access password Cisco compass control 0 and line console 0 password Cisco bus login to enable the password set the minimum length for passwords 10 characters and global config exit security passwords mean - left tank characters great an administrative user in the local database username admin password admin want us use secret password admin set the logging on bitwise to use local database access vty lines line vty 0 to 15 log in local to use local database submit white lines to accept SSH connections only transport even put SSH encrypt clear text passwords exit from line vty service password - encryption configure message of the day banner banner message of the day 1 now to rise enable ipv6 routing ipv6 unicast routing configure interface gigabit 0 0 1 and interfaces set description ipv4 ipv6 link local fe80 column column 1 ipv6 address and activate the interface with not shutdown comment so use the others in table this table configure this soup interfaces firts this soup interface interface your bit 0 0 1 remember is this interface you can be 0 0 1 but create sub interface that to enter set the encapsulation and corruption - that's one cube if the suite of waste is to maybe belongs to villain to bikes so to under set a description for example bike speed on set the ipv4 and ipv6 IP address saying lighting a 126 is 182 ipv6 address 2 0 0 1 DB 8 acad 8 column column guan perfect 64 and fe80 ok remember this link log on FB 8 0 column column 1 8 0 column column 1 link Locker ok at the end I will enable the physical interface with no shutdown comment now configure this sub-interface 3-3 encapsulation belongs to 3 belong this belong three Fricks trikes and set the IP before sixth 8.65 subnet mask 27 that is 234 ipv6 be : column one perfect 64 use the same link local address and continue with next sub interface for encapsulation four and four for management belong for belong for management so description can be management IP before six addresses hey Dad lady 729 is 248 ipv6 see column column one same link local and continue with this interface six six encapsulation six and six belong six is native so specify here native encapsulation dot1q six the tip the description can be naughty any description and no idea for ipv6 that is enough go to the physical interface the physical interface you have it 0 0 1 and not shut up bed configure zero description ipv4 ipv6 and link local address I have a zero column column this the face look back zero and the change state WAP already activated IP others to UM nine 165 to of 1.1 27 to 34 ipv6 address to of nine column column Guang 64 use the same link local address you can add a description this look bug interface here is simulating internet so you can apply a description like internet or cloud or any other and that is enough general right cryptokey 1024 bits exit on global configuration mode crypto key generate our say multi lose 1024 hey this command can be applied a real device and will work with Tom pocket riser is not supported so just this crypto key generate our side modulus 1024 very good now configure s1 and s2 first I will configure as well so cannot PCB consult to s1 consult go to PCB close these open again okay enter enable configure terminal disable the elastic up now I look at switch name as one of nine one two my name CCN I love calm 18 - 9 - 9 CCNA - lab comm encrypted privileged access password Cisco and pass enable secret Cisco and pass control access password Cisco can pass line console 0 password Cisco compas log in to activate create an administrative user in the local database username and password go to global configuration mode with exit command and username me secret password admin Wampus said logging on the twilights to use local database access between dines line y 0 to 15 logging local to use the local database set bit whitelist to accept SSH connections only transport the input SSH encrypt clear text passwords on global configuration mode exit command and service password encryption banner message of the day banner message of the day we now went out to rise exhibit generate our site crypto key crypto key generate our say motive use 1024 the tracer does not support this commands only supported or really buys real switch on purgatory surely use this crypto key generate our site 1024 configure my an interface SBI ipv4 ipv6 link log doll-like ipv6 address go to a dressing-table and use this as one belong for so configure on belong for interface below for ipv4 others IP address 1019 898 29 is 248 ipv6 ipv6 address 2 0 0 1 DB 8 acad c column column 98 prefix 64 link local here fe80 90 i I feel 8 0 column column 98 link ignore shutdown activate the interface if you want other description below for is management maybe you can use manage interface and not shut down to activate the interface and very good and don't forget to configure the default gateway by igniting a 97 this is the forget way but exit from interface IP to get away saying nineteen eight 97 okay there is now ipv6 the foul getaway configuration because it's configured automatically okay ipv6 uses automatic configuration for the default gateway okay do same configurations for us to test to console the specific laws these open this terminal okay enter enable configure terminal now IP domain look up close name s2 here down here s2 EP the my name CCNA - dot-com enable secret Cisco and pass nine control serum password Cisco comm-pass login to enable exit username admin secret password admin wampas 9 bt y 0 to 15 logging local transport input ssh exit therapist password encryption and their message of the day okay cryptokey generate RSA multi with 1024 packet tracer is not support this commands only supported on real switch use this our site enter 1024 go to a dressing-table and configure ipv4 and ipv6 addresses and the fall gateway on i beautiful so use this s to belong for the face belong for management belong ipv4 address saying 9899 29:48 ipv6 address to 0 0 1 d BL IC ad C column column 99 perfect 64 enter the link local fe80 column column 99 link the scripture manage management interface then Russia and don't forget to configure the IP before the phone that way exeed IP the filed away 319 897 very good configure VLAN trunking other channel on as one create belongs change these two as one result close this open terminal game create all these balloons or global configuration mode build up to Mike's building 3 name trikes belong for and the writer named management belong 5 9 parking bill and 6 name native remember 6 is the native right arrow to that one cue trucks that use the native alone 6 interfaces 1 2 & 5 ok 1 2 & 5 in my case and Giga be 1 0 1 1 0 2 & 5 1 0 5 first of all five in my case is exit interface gigabit 1:05 in my case this interface is connected to beat 1:05 or as well connected to our one enter okay three three to four front and cups relation that thank you this command is only necessary on this switch 3650 or switch 5560 it's not necessary or switches like 2960 switches this is only necessary in this switch okay in the US were to implement on any switch is the following switch port wall track okay and switch port switch port trunk the tip peel and six okay whicker's gray trunks that using a tabular six switch port mode trunk and switch port Ranma tipple and six that is enough I already configure it for five now configure for one and two I will just arrange to configure these interfaces interface range it'll be 1 0 1 0 1 and 1 0 2 okay I recommend to shut down this this range of interfaces because later you will cover your other channel and I recommend to shut down now shut down okay now use the same commands like like five interface switch port Roenick halation that one cube okay remember this is only necessary on 35 6650 switches not necessary in 2960 is it chests switchboard motrin switch port on a table and six remember this interfaces one and two shut down okay one and two shut down create a layer to other channel port group that uses interfaces wrong and to use the NACP protocol for negotiation okay on this on the same range group for example Group one mode active to activate LACP okay enter and now is created for channel one access port under one interface for Chandler one we configure the same comments to configure the trunk switch port wrong consolation that one kill remember only necessarily on 3560 and 56:15 switches not necessary entering the high 60s witch's switch for motrin switch port trial at Ibelin 6 very good remember be wrong and to shut down 20 your horse access port for villain to interface 6 this interface 6 belongs to belong to Bill onto bikes ok access to play gigabit 1:06 switchboard mode access switchboard access bill and to port security or not sports 3 MAC addresses ok on the same interface switch port or security to activate the security and sub maximum 3 MAC addresses by the foul is configured with matadors a sticky and violation shutdown secure or dousset interfaces ok set the range of interfaces the 1 and 2 in use 5 & 6 & use so interface range 1 and to induce give me 1 0 3 & 4 well and we use five and six in use so select three and four aside to belong five parking belong said to access mode description and national switchboard mode access access to parking belong access p95 description not the use shut down enter okay one in chewing and use five and six induce so you can set the range from seven to twenty four switch for more dogs belong five description shut down very good and also this which has more interfaces gigabit one one one two one one for gigabit one one one two one one for access billion five description shut up very good now come us too I changed the console from PCB to s2 and close this open again enter password Cisco comm-pass enabled Cisco and pass configure turbulent create the violence we done to name bikes built on three named trikes belong for my management ballon five named parking villain six named 'native exit a great a or two that one q trunks juice Natividad six only on faceted one facet on a tooth in my case only on gigabit 1 0 1 and gigabit 1 0 2 ok interface range give it 1 0 1 1 0 1 and 1 0 2 I recommend to shut down this range of interfaces shut down ok shut down because later you will configure other channel and configure trunks and use native VLAN 6 switch port trying encapsulation dot1q remember this command only necessary on 3560 switches as a sorry of 3656 just not necessarily on 2960 switches switchport more drunk switchboard track tip wheel and 610 a typical ready create a layer to other channel on the same range of interfaces one and two LACP protocol remember one is the number on the another side multi to use LACP enter now pour channel one is created access to interface for channel one and use the same configurations for a trunk switch port run encapsulation dot1q switch port neutral nebula franklin tibula and six ready remember gigabit was here one and you can with 1:02 honest to shut down and you go to be 1 0 1 and 1 0 to 1 s 1 shut down remember that configure host access port for villain 3 interface 18 ok this interface 18 for villain 3 in the physical world 0:18 switchboard mode access switch port access pillar 3 billon three is trikes poor security or Nancy sports the same port 80 switchboard port security and maximum three MAC addresses not like c3 secure all using interfaces okay one and to induce and eighteen induce so you can set the range in the bridge branch you have it one zero three 270 assigned to villain five access mode description shutdown switchboard access switch for access be done five parking belong description use shutdown also all set if atheism induce set my team to 24 access below five description shut down and this which also has more interfaces gigabit 1 1 1 1 2 which will be 1 1 1 4 mod axis below 5 description shut down okay very good now it's time to enable interfaces as well and a suit for the other channel chikipede once you know one and you go with 1:02 as well and that's to access s2 interface ways you can be 1 0 1 and 1 0 2 no shutdown they change the console to as one from PC we close these open again interface range give it 1 0 1 & 2 not shut down now and wait a moment for green colors let's should be green configure default routing create the four routes for a bill for a 96 that direct traffic to interface loop at zero on r1 configure r1 to PCI enter Cisco comm-pass neighbor Cisco pass configure terminal IP route data followed for ipv4 the quad zero interface loopback 0 little bugs here don't worry about this message and also for ipv6 ipv6 wrote the ipv6 route is this use look back 0 ok but study roads to reach internet don't figure IP dhcp for villain to radiancy people for villain - consisting of the last time addresses in the subnet only ok go to belong to villain - is Bikes Belong and soup interface this is the fill type e assign add to the default gateway ok but the network address for below 2 bikes the network address is this 26 the range of addresses is right from 1 for 26 the last 62 but people should be graded with the last thing addresses so you need to exclude from 1 to 50 to exclude from 1 to 52 and the AC people will be created from 53 to 60 to the last 10 others so exclude this IP dhcp excluded address 1088 1 to 10 18 8 52 and now great the DHCP pool IP dhcp pool for example belong to bikes under network this is the network 8 0 26 tank lighting 8 0 26 is this said that the fog that way is this the fill type be the fault rather say 1981 the my name CCNA - a dotnet good mine the main touch name CCNA - a tablet under specified and for that way very good already configured default that way ready now configurable for DHCP for billon 3 create the HCP pool for will and 3 consisting of the last tank others in the subnet only go to VLAN three trikes trikes the sub interface is this so this is the this is the first IP assign it to the default gateway to the router build on three trikes this is the first IP so the subnet is 64 and the range will be lighting aid from 65 to 1098 to 94 ok so you need to exclude the from 65 to 84 and the DHCP pool will be created from 85 to 90 for the last thing addresses exclude this okay taxi IP dhcp excluded others from 65 to 80 for create the DHCP pool for example belong three strikes the network is this 64 subnet mask 27:27 is 224 the farm router is 65 the fill type II this the default gateway 65 that my name CCNA - PDF net CC and I - build up very good exit configure host computers PCA and PC we use DHCP for ipv4 okay go to PC a close this IP configuration DHCP for ipv4 very good IP subnet mask default gateway no DNS no problem PC we close this terminal command here IP configuration DHCP a very good IP subnet mask gateway and a static assigned the ipv6 and link-local addresses ok PCI of the config the HP Auto config very good ipv6 in clock tower gateway PCB Auto config very good ipv6 prefix link local gateway for example use IP config on rial pc to fill this table PCI IP subnet mask default gateway ipv6 very good I think also you can command prompt ipconfig /all physical address ipv6 very good test and verify and connectivity from PCA come abroad our one gigabit zero zero one dot two ipv4 and ipv6 I before success maybe six success now this success to be one success now this another 97 success see Colin Colin wall like sorry one success switch belong for maybe a success ribbit success ipv6 see naívi a they repeat okay if this ping is not working that means that as one as well is not getting the ipv6 default gateway so long as one ipv6 is not configured with the default gateway on ipv6 because because should be automatically configure it so maybe as one it's not getting the ipv6 default gateway I think on a real lab will work very well but access the console of us one from PC build terminal and use the following command show IP v6 route and verify that that there is now default gateway so you can configure a default gateway configure terminal ipv6 Road default study route the nuts table is the addressing table for management you can do this or the global unicast IP DBA AC ad C column column 1 enter and try from pca okay as well as well I believe or time ITA 98 success now ipv6 for s1 belong for maybe a success has to belong for a beautiful nyeeehhh night success repeat success try for ipv6 99 and will fail okay so we change the console to s2 and from PCB close this open again and this core comp ass enabled Cisco and pass configure terminal ipv6 route at the foul route the default gateway deviate acad see column column one enter now from pca try again and the success success in PCB ipv4 address verify the 85 PCB a defied okay ipv6 use this static IP others okay configure this static IP others from PCB static 2 0 0 1 DB a lazy V B column : 54 fig 64 default gateway fe80 column column 1 keep very good and try be 50 success I won't look back things to of 9 165 201 1 success ipv6 - of my column column what success now from PCB come on prom pink look back on our one Internet 209 165 201 1 success ipv6 pre-2001 DB 8 acad column column 2 of my column column 1 success this interface this sub-interface trying 1981 success ipv6 a column column one very good this another sub-interface 365 very good ipv6 v1 very good sub-interface 497 ipv6 c1 very good switch one belong for 98 success repeat all success ipv6 e90 a success access to belong for maybe night success with it success ipv6 99 success but from PCB PHP CA and configure PCA so verify the IP others on PC Allen is this okay the ipv4 others time lighting 850 353 success the ipv6 down here just Auto config or a static configuration statically assign the ipv6 global unicast address okay so you can change this to a static on PCI 2 0 0 1 DB 8 acad and can be a column column 50 perfect 64 gateway fe80 column column 1 pink a 50 success very good thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 30,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, skills assessment, sa, vlans, subinterfaces, intervlan routing, trunking, etherchannel, port security, ipv6, dhcp, static routes
Id: aSWEpjtv1cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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