Enhancing Our Characters With Dialogue in Our Indie Game | Devlog #5

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Teddy the butcher sure is adorable, but there’s  not much use for NPCs if you can’t interact with   them, so this week I implemented a dialogue  system that will allow NPCs to talk to you,   and you can also respond back to them. Howdy, and welcome to Game Endeavor.   Where I post weekly devlogs for my  game Zoe and the Cursed Dreamer.  I’m making a game where the NPCs that  you encounter play a major role in the   development of the game. You’ll be interacting  with them regularly and getting to know them on   a personal level. And if you want, helping  them solve their problems as they try to   figure out what they want for themselves. In order for me to create this kind of   interaction with the NPCs, I needed to create  an interface that allows you (the player) to   interact with them. Which means I need a dialogue  system where the NPCs can talk to the player,   and the player can respond back. But there  are so many things to consider with such a   dialogue system. How flexible do I want it to be? Do I want to allow for branching paths? How will I   handle tasks such as Teddy the Butcher giving  the player a handful of cookies, or removing   items and coins from the player’s inventory to  pay for a special service? I’m going to need a   rather powerful system if I want to make this game  how I envision it. Without a solid dialogue system   then my game would feel bland and leave the player  without much of a way to interact with the game.  So I got to work putting together the  foundation for my dialogue system.   Now if you’ve been watching these devlogs  so far, then you may have noticed that there   are some text boxes in my previous videos.  These were just a ruse, they were never real.   I mean, they exist, but they’re just a shell of  the actual system. In fact, I was manually passing   in the dialogue for each of these clips, recording  the video, and then moving on to the next one.  I need a more flexible way of handling the  dialogue. Something that doesn’t require most   of my NPC code to consist of NPC greetings.  I want to separate the dialogue script into   its own file and let the NPC tell the game which  file it should use to perform the dialogue scene.   For this I decided to go with json files.  Godot is able to read in a json file and   automatically import it as a dictionary, which  allows me to easily access and read the data.  I can use this to store what the NPC says  to the player, but also extra information   for each section such as who is speaking,  their expression when they’re saying it,   and what should happen in the game when they say  it. I have defined all of these variables myself   and assigned their function through the code. The speaker’s id lets me set a couple things about   the NPC that is currently speaking, this being  their name and their portrait, which informs the   player about who is speaking. This information is  stored in a database that is global to the game,   so interestingly enough I could change the  values here and it would be permanent, so long   as I reapplied the data when loading the game. For example, in the livestream when we drew these   portraits, we established that the butcher’s  name is Theodore, but everyone calls him Teddy.   This is just an example, but I could set his  name as Theodore when he is first introduced, and   then change it to Teddy after he explains this. The portraits are also stored here as well into   a dictionary, which allows me to label each one to  easily find later. In the json file I can assign   a specific portrait to play at the start of the  text, which will display the NPCs current mood.   This game will have a relationship system where  your actions and what you say to the NPCs will   affect their disposition towards you. With this I  could make it so that they greet you differently   depending on their mood by showing a different  portrait. Teddy will always greet you eagerly   though, because he is the embodiment of everything  sweet and innocent. He could never be mad at you.  I had a little bit of a meltdown over  the text reveal though. Long long ago,   probably long than I have a project for, I created  the text reveal that I have been using up until   now. It’s not pretty, and honestly it didn’t  even work all of the time, and worst of all   it could only be used on a regular label, but  it was mine, I made it, and I was proud of it.  However I knew it was bad, and that it  needed replacing, so I decided to watch   some other Godot YouTubers to see if they  had gotten around to implementing this yet.   So the first one I watch is Emilio, and he  just suckerpunches me right in the back of   the head with this `percent_visible` variable. Like, what is this?! How long has it been here?   And why am I just now finding out about it?  It’s literally the first and second variable   in the inspector, and it’s as simple as dragging  a slider to the right. I mean, yeah I can’t expect   the player to drag a slider in the game to reveal  the text, but it’s a step in the right direction.  So armed with this newfound sacred knowledge, I  set out to recreate my text reveal logic in a way   that actually works properly. And it’s really just  as simple as creating a tween that interpolates   this value between 0 and 1. The only thing to  consider here is the timing, because if I have a   piece of text that’s 5 words long and another one  that’s a whole paragraph, and I set them both to   reveal in the same duration, then the shorter  sentence is going to feel noticeably slower.  To get a consistent time, all I needed to do  was divide the number of text characters by   the number of characters that I want to reveal  per second. I can get the number of characters   by saying text.length() because text is the  plain text without any BBCode tags. I’m using   45 characters per second at the moment, but I  haven’t set out to start tweaking this value yet.  The best part about this new text reveal  system is that I can now use this with   RichTextLabels without any issues, which  opens up the possibilities for me to use   BBCode to spice up my text. By default, Godot  provides several BBCode effects out of the box   like shaking and colorful text. But even better,  they give you the option to create your own BBCode   effects which I look forward to doing. Not only can the NPCs talk to the player,   but the player will have the option to respond  back to them in certain situations. For this   I’ve created a special dialogue box that allows  the NPC to state their question or statement. And   once the text has revealed, the player can then  choose different options to advance the dialogue.  Within these answers, I can create special actions  such as which dialogue node we should progress   to next, or even actions we should take when this  response is selected. For example, say the player   is trying to haggle for a quest reward. They  could choose a lower price that is guaranteed   to succeed, or they can try for a more difficult  option that requires a certain skill level. Both   options advance to the same dialogue node, but  they have different actions resulting from them.  These command sentences are what power the  dialogues interaction with the world. This   can be used to advance the progress for a quest,  give the player items or coins, or even adjust the   disposition of the character you’re talking to. These commands hook into a CommandHandler that   I’ve created for this. Currently I just  have some very basic commands implemented,   but there’s also an interesting one  that lets me set variables via commands.   These aren’t proper variables that get added to  the engine, but they get stored as values in a   dictionary that I can reference in the game.  For example, once the player has talked to   an NPC for the first time, I can set a variable  that remembers that the NPC has been talked to.  This is one of the more interesting features  in this dialogue system that opens up a lot   of potential for the game. If you’re talking  to an NPC in the game and you say a particular   thing to them. I can create a variable to  remember that response and reference it   later on to create an effect that is caused by  that response. Maybe you mention to the witch   that you like cookies and milk, and later on  one day when you’re sleeping she breaks into   your house and places a few of them in your socks  and a jug of milk in your bed beside you. There’s   a lot of fun that could be had with this. In this week’s livestream, we made some   portraits with the community so that I would  have some visual eye candy for this devlog.   I still have a lot of practice to do when it comes  to portraits, but I’m getting there. Previously   I had drawn all of two pixel art portraits in my  life, and they’re both recent ones of the witch.   As you can see, with a bit of perseverance and  determination, you can make something at least   half decent in the end. I’m still not happy  with this one of the witch. She doesn’t look   like how I imagine her, but I’m getting better  and that’s the important bit that I’m after.  I’m pretty happy with how Teddy the Butcher came  out though. There are still some tweaks that need   to be made, but for the most part he looks about  how I want him to. The community was a massive   help while creating these portraits. They made  many suggestions which helped me figure out how   I wanted to draw the characters. Without them  these wouldn’t have turned out nearly as good.  As soon as I finished the stream, I was  greeted with an amazing piece of fanart   from someone that also drew portraits of the  characters along with me. They even drew ears   on both characters and I don’t even want to  know what kind of black magic was involved   in this task. They also went through the effort  of creating various expressions and animations   for the characters. Like the witch when one of  her spells backfires and blows up in her face.  I stream here on YouTube every Tuesday, so if  you want to join the community in helping us   design and make this game, then be sure to join  the sub-club and ding-a-ling that bell to get   notifications. I spent much of this week working  on the story for this game, which means pretty   soon we will be designing the first dungeon and  its boss, so I look forward to seeing you there.
Channel: Game Endeavor
Views: 41,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Endeavor, GameEndeavor, Godot, Godot Engine, Godot Game Engine, 2D Game, Game Creation, gamedev, Indie, Indie Development, Programming, Scripting, dream game, developing a game, devlog, development log, indie dev, pixel art, rpg, action rpg, adventure rpg, godot game engine, godot engine, godot, indie game devlog, indie devlog, game devlog, game development, 2d rpg devlog, rpg games, indie games, 2d game devlog, game dev log godot, devlog godot
Id: Qh3U2cbH8DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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