Phrasal verbs connected with Sleep | Advanced English vocabulary ๐Ÿš€

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[Music] hi there guys this is harry and welcome back to my podcast as you can see i'm sitting here in a typical irish summer i've got my jacket on because it's a little bit wet and a little bit cold outside so for those of you you can listen to this on the podcast in the normal way or you can even watch it on my youtube channel whatever suits you best so what are we going to do today well i thought we'd look at some more phrasal verbs and we're going to look at phrasal verbs connected with sleep so we're getting towards the end of the week and people are a little bit tired after a hard day's work or a hard week's work so we'll talk about phrasal verbs connected with sleep later on i'll give you my contact details if you wish to contact me or indeed if there's somebody that you know that you think would enjoy these podcasts well why don't you give them the contact details and they can listen in or watch in too okay so as always i'm going to give you the individual phrasal verbs one by one and then i'll go back to them and i'll take them and give you some examples okay so here they are doze off drop off conk out crash out nod off flake out sleep in or sleep out i'll explain a little bit of a difference between those although in essence they mean the same and then finally to stay up okay so all phrasal verbs connected with sleep so let me take them one at a time so the first one to doze off with doze off it means when you go into a light sleep it's typical of that old uncle or ant that you have after the christmas dinner they're sitting down uh enjoyed the turkey and the vegetables and they sit down and within a couple of minutes they doze off they fall asleep very quickly but it's usually not a heavy sleep okay so to to doze off it just means a light sleep and they might wake up at a little push or a gentle little nudge so to doze off a quick sleep not always necessarily after the christmas dinner of course you can doze off in front of the television so you're watching a program interesting or uninteresting if you're a little bit tired at the end of the week you sit down put the feet up and you can doze off very very quickly okay so what's next to drop off well to drop off is when we are sitting there and our head is like this and then boom our head falls down and we drop off in seconds or minutes often happens when you're sitting on a bus or a train and the bus or the train are quite warm inside in the carriages and you're sitting there and you can feel your head going down and then you try to stop yourself and you wake up again and eventually you fall asleep and hopefully you don't fall asleep as i did many times on the shoulder of the person sitting beside you they are embarrassed and you're even more embarrassed so to drop off and drop off quickly conk out is the next one and conk out as a little bit more extreme you know so when you're really really tired you say oh i conked out in front of the tv last night i woke up at three in the morning i didn't know where i was so to conk out means to fall into a very deep sleep it's quite a informal almost slang word conch to you know we conk out very very quickly okay so end of the week busy friday night or in fact you might have had a couple of beers which will will help so you're sitting there and no time at all and wife or partner will be pushing you saying wake up wake up you're snoring wake up wake up you're snoring or you wake up as i said at 3 o'clock in the morning and you struggle to bed so you conk out next is to crash out so we often use this when which somebody asks us well what did you do last night oh i just went home and i crashed out it was your intention to go to sleep so in the other examples that we've used these are sort of uh unforced ways of sleeping to to drop off or to to doze off yeah or to conk out but when we crash out it's usually our intention so i've had a really busy week i've had a really busy month you know i've been training hard or working hard or traveling a lot so all i'm going to do for the weekend i'm going to go home i'm going to get something to eat and then i'm just going to crash out in front of the tv and to crash out you might not necessarily sleep but you're going to just relax but totally relax so you could even be spread out on the sofa throw a blanket over yourself or whatever you want to do but you're gonna crash out and then when somebody asks you on the monday well how was your weekend oh it was great i crashed out in front of the tv on friday night or saturday night and just i really needed to recharge my battery so to crash out next is to nod off it's a little bit like drop off so nod when your head goes up and down like this you know up and down not left to right but up and down that's to nod your head so if somebody asks you you know did you enjoy the meal you'd nod your head to say yes so nod off means when your head goes up and down and then you fall asleep and somebody will say oh look now harry's nodded off for a few minutes so should be quiet tiptoe around him because you might wake him up so he is nodded off yeah so to not off means to fall asleep gently yeah okay when we have young children and we're trying to get them to sleep we'll always tell somebody who comes into the room shh be quiet the baby's just going to sleep he's just nodded off so we don't want to wake him up okay so to nod off to fall asleep gently yeah nice soothing relaxing sleep flake out well flake out suggests that you're completely tired and uh a bit like crash out and somebody again asks you about your your weekend oh i flaked out i just had enough i i was going to play tennis with my friend but i phoned him to say i just didn't have the energy to do it so i just went home and i flaked out i didn't even have time to cook something i ordered in a pizza sat there and just uh binged on the the pizza and then i just completely flaked out okay so to flake out again is that a picture of somebody really tired end of the week you know doesn't have the energy to to play the the friday night game of tennis that he usually plays or she usually plays and just flakes out in front of the tv listening to music or whatever the best way to to relax to flake out now next is to sleep in or to sleep out it's a unusual because we're using in and out which appear to be opposites of which the of course you're in the room or you're out of the room you can't be both but when we sleep in or sleep out they actually mean the same so what happened to michael today oh i think he slept in and he said he'd he'll be in about 10 o'clock so when michael comes into the office the boss says tom what happened to you said oh i don't know i just didn't hear the alarm i i slept out or i slept it out is how we would use it so to sleep it out means that you missed the alarm you didn't get up in time and by the time you you realized it it was a little too late so you rang your your mates and said look uh tell the boss i'll be there in 20 minutes or an hour so i slept it out okay so to sleep in means to stay in the bed and sleep it out means you just didn't hear the alarm so as i said in essence they mean the same where there is an element of difference between them is to sleep in usually is intentional okay so you work hard during the week and on a saturday you tend to sleep in a little bit longer that means that monday to friday you get up at 6 00 a.m or 6 30 or 7 30 get everything ready and then off you go to work but on a saturday you deliberately stay in bed you know eight o'clock or nine o'clock so you sleep in a little longer or if you have a day off or it's a holiday and somebody asks you what you're going to do you say i think tomorrow morning i'll just sleep in for a little while so it's a very deliberate act to sleep it out is accidental you don't go to to bed on the the monday or tuesday wednesday night expecting that you're going to get up late so it's not an intentional act but often because you're you don't hear that alarm or indeed if you forget to put the alarm on well then you do sleep it out and then you wake up a little bit later so you wake up in a start with you know 8 30. oh my god i've missed the alarm so you have to send that message or ring the boss and make that awkward call to say sorry i slept it out again so some people you know they make a habit of it because they just can't wake up without an alarm other people can wake up without any difficulty so sleep it in or sleep in or sleep it out very similar but there are specific differences one sleep in which is more a predetermined decision and to sleep it out where it's a little bit accidental okay and then the last one which isn't really to do with sleep at all but to stay up okay so you can stay up late stay up all night stay up waiting for something so to stay up means not to go to sleep so your normal time to go to bed is 11 11 30 but you stay up for some particular reason maybe it's to wait for your partner to come home from the airport if they're traveling and yet you don't want to go to bed without saying hello to them okay so you stay up and wait or as we do as we get a little older we stay up because the kids are out and they promise to come home with the car and just worrying what time they're going to get home at they said they'd be home at midnight but of course they never do so you stay up waiting you might be sitting in the bed you might be reading a book but you're waiting to go asleep until you hear the key in the door okay so you stay up or i stayed up late last night watching the movie there was that friday night movie they're really really good so i always like to stay up late on on a friday because no work on the saturday so i can sleep in on the saturday if i wish if i'd stayed up late the night before okay so there your phrasal verbs connected with sleep let me give them to you one more time doze off drop off conk out crash out nod off flake out sleep in or sleep it out and then finally stay up okay so all phrasal verbs connecting with sleep so if you want to contact me well of course you can and as i said at the beginning if there's anybody that you know you think will enjoy these well pass them on the details and they can listen to them on the podcast or they can watch them on the the youtube channel and if somebody wants lessons on a face-to-face basis it's not always going to be me i have another number of teachers who are working with me really really good they can teach adults they can teach children just as well and they do it in a very friendly but professional way okay well thanks for listening and join me again soon
Channel: Learn English with Harry
Views: 2,452
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Keywords: phrasal verbs connected with sleep, english with harry, phrasal verbs to describe sleep, sleep phrasal verbs, study advanced english, english expressions about sleep, sleep vocabulary and expressions, speak better english with harry, study english advanced level, phrasal verbs sleep, conk out meaning, nod off meaning, difference between sleep in and sleep out, crash out meaning
Id: 0ja1X-iSX_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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