English Verb Tenses Conversations

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[Music] do you ever go to fast food restaurants carl i rarely go to fast food just once a month what do you normally eat i try to eat everything natural and organic i have oatmeal in the morning with skim milk and later i have a fruit or yogurt do you ever skip breakfast yes i do occasionally if i'm in a rush to get to work what do you usually have for lunch just a sandwich or a salad sometimes eat chicken and rice or potatoes and what about dinner is it usually heavy or light i try to avoid heavy meals i usually have fish or pasta do you ever work out at the gym yes i do i go to the gym twice a week my wife also comes to the gym with me she does working out together is a great idea it's so nice that you have a shared interest and get the chance to be together indeed i'm very happy about that we are lucky to have each other you seem to have a balanced lifestyle good for you thanks paul i do my best [Music] hello hi alex how are you i'm great sis and you couldn't be better what are you doing right now i'm sitting at a cafe table i'm waiting for eric to come we are supposed to meet here in the meantime i'm having a cup of tea how about you what are you doing i hope i'm not disturbing you am i of course not sis i'm always happy when you call i'm just sitting on the sofa i'm watching the news where is mary mary is cooking in the kitchen she's making pancakes how about the kids they're in the backyard they're playing soccer with their friends are they having fun yes they are they are laughing and enjoying the time with their friends [Music] have you traveled much so far sarah yes i have as a matter of fact have you ever been to asia yes i have many times i've been to thailand more times than i can count i've lived in bangkok twice i've run tours through the country i've also been to japan and it was so great interesting have you been to china [Music] no i haven't been there yet but i hope to go there soon have you yes i have and i plan to visit again next year what about europe what countries have you visited there so far i have visited spain italy and france wow that's so cool have you ever eaten italian food yes i have i've eaten lasagna spaghetti and risotto they're fantastic have you tried truffles no i haven't but i've heard they're delicious what country has impressed you the most so far japan has impressed me the most there's no place quite like it and i'm hoping to return soon [Music] [Applause] you look tired simon what have you been doing i've been practicing the guitar since nine o'clock this morning you have been practicing for three hours wow no wonder you're so tired when did you take up playing the guitar i haven't been doing it for very long this is my third week i see has anyone been helping you with this no i've been teaching myself how to play the guitar and have been learning how to read music on my own have you been using tutorials or anything yes i've been watching lots of online tutorials i've been practicing for a few hours every day i've really been enjoying it and i'm learning pretty fast cool [Music] what did you do yesterday afternoon jessica i went shopping at the mall really did you buy anything i bought a beautiful dress and some shoes for a party i went to last night were they expensive no they weren't they were on sale it was a really good deal tell me about the party did you enjoy it yes it was terrific it was my cousin's birthday did you take vivian with you no she couldn't come because she was ill so i went alone that's too bad what did you enjoy most about the party i loved the music i couldn't stop dancing the snacks and drinks were delicious too [Music] it seems you had a great time i did [Music] hi paul what happened why are the police here there was an accident here and i witnessed it when did it happen and what were you doing it happened 15 minutes ago while i was walking down the street a car was pulling out from the car park when a van came towards it the van driver was driving dangerously at full speed they collided with each other it seems that the van driver was texting while driving and didn't notice the car that's what the police officers were saying when i overheard them he wasn't paying attention at all was he hurt no he wasn't he seemed fine but the car driver was hurt he was bleeding the ambulance took him to hospital [Music] it's reckless and irresponsible to text while driving i couldn't agree more [Music] hi olivia what a surprise hi amanda it's so good to see you are you doing shopping too yes i've just bought a dress it's for my sister it's for her birthday no i had borrowed her dress to go on a date and something happened to it by the time i left the restaurant it had gotten dirty [Music] i think i had accidentally spilled some juice on it i had tried everything to get this stain out before i finally gave up the dress was ruined [Music] had you asked your sister's permission before you borrowed it unfortunately no she had already left for her night shift when i needed to borrow the dress how did she react when she found out she was very upset because she had just bought it a few days ago that's why i came here to buy her a new dress so does this dress look exactly the same way yes i was very lucky i've learned my lesson i'll never borrow things without permission from now on [Music] how was your weekend jonathan not as i had expected it to be unfortunately how's that what happened well my wife and i were supposed to have a romantic weekend trip we had been planning it for ages i'd really been looking forward to it so did something come up the morning we were going to leave my parents-in-law showed up at our house uninvited they had traveled a long distance to spend the weekend with us we had been organizing things for the trip all morning so we had to cancel our trip at the last minute oh that's such a shame i had been working so hard all last week so i needed this trip yeah i can imagine i've been waiting for our getaway for weeks don't worry i'm sure there will be another chance for you to go on that trip i surely hope so listen grace i'm going to have a party this saturday would you like to come sure count me in where are you going to hold the party i'm going to hold it in the backyard i hope the weather will be fine i hope so too are cynthia and matthew coming to the party yes of course they are going to help out with the cooking hey i'll help too would you that would be great thanks i appreciate it i'll make turkey meatballs and crispy chicken wings that sounds delicious i'm sure everybody will love them how many people are going to be there about 20. i see what time will the party start at 8 o'clock in the evening okay i'll be there is there a dress code no it's just a casual get-together great i'll see you on saturday okay see you then [Music] next summer we will have worked in the same boring job with the same company for seven years can you believe that do you think you'll still be working here ten years from now no way i'm pretty optimistic about the future i think i'll have quit by then i'll be running my own company and will become my own boss i'll be working very hard to grow my business that seems like a pretty lofty goal will you still be living here yes of course i love living here how about you well in 10 years i'll have paid off all my debts i think i'll still be here but with any luck i'll have found a better job i hope i'll have seen more of the world by then yeah me too i hope i will have accomplished a lot of things by the time i'm 40. [Music] thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos like this [Music]
Channel: Easy English
Views: 293,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: htYbnd9Pnos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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