At the Airport

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[Music] hello may i see your passport please here you go thank you and where are you flying with us today i'm going to london i'll be studying there for a year how fun that sounds like a great trip i see your information right here are you checking any bags today yes just one perfect if you could place it on the scale for me that would be great here you go thank you it appears your bag is just a bit too heavy it is over our weight requirement perhaps you could take something out of your bag and put it in your carry-on bag yes i'll take this big book out of the bag no problem great now your bag is ready to be checked and i see you've chosen a window seat is that still okay for you i think so i've never flown before so i thought it would be nice to look out at the clouds do you think it will be a good seat for me this is your first flight well that's fantastic you're going to love it and yes i think the window seat is an excellent choice for you then let me print your boarding pass and you'll be ready to go okay here it is you're all set thanks you're going to depart from terminal c gate 54. when do i need to be there you should get to your gate about one hour before departure and how do i get to the gate you will turn left at the coffee shop security will be directly in front of you [Music] once you're finished clearing security follow the signs to gate 54. it will be on your right thank you so much for your help you're very welcome enjoy your flight passport and boarding pass please here you go thank you you can go on through sir you need to remove your coat and your belt my coat and my belt yes and your shoes my shoes too yes please you can place them in this bin you need to empty your pockets and put those items in the bin as well [Music] do you have any liquids in your bag i do i have a water bottle and some hand lotion you'll need to take those out the water bottle is too big you can either drink it right now or throw it away i'll just throw it out the hand lotion is fine because it is in a small container you need to put it in a plastic bag though do you have a bag that i could use i have never flown before and i didn't bring one sure we have extra bags right here thank you do you have a laptop in your bag i do i'll need you to remove it as well and place it in a bin [Music] please put your bag on the conveyor belt now please step through the scanner what's wrong please step to the side stretch out your arms i'm going to scan your body are you wearing any jewelry oh yeah i think my necklace triggered the alarm sorry about that [Music] all right you're all clear you can pick up your items from the scanner and you can head to your gate have a great flight thanks [Music] united airlines flight 803 to london is now boarding please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding excuse me miss yes my window shade is broken and i cannot open it to see out the window would it be possible to switch seats so i can have a window with a view this is my first flight and i want to be able to see everything of course let's move you to row 38 seat b you'll be able to see out from that window [Music] thank you could you tell me how long this flight will take we should be in the air for about six hours okay thank you you're very welcome [Music] would you like something to drink what do you have we serve coffee tea and soda i'll have coffee with cream please here you go and would you like something to eat that would be great what do you have we have a turkey sandwich a chicken salad or a vegetarian pasta hmm i think i'll have the turkey sandwich thank you [Music] excuse me can you please tell me where i pick up my bag i checked one bag on my flight here yes what was your flight number i was on flight 803 i see it looks like your bag will be arriving on carousel 4. and how do i get there it's right around the corner you'll see the number 4 on top and it should list your flight number as well your bag should be arriving soon great thank you you're welcome [Music] passport please here you go thank you and what is the purpose of your visit i'm going to be studying here at the local university and for how long will you be staying be here one year until may 26th of next year and where will you be staying my address will be 473 east town street apartment 3c it's in london do you have anything to declare no i don't you're all set enjoy your stay thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos like this
Channel: Easy English
Views: 405,430
Rating: 4.930676 out of 5
Id: jiBHZ_rqHB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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