English Listening Practice to improve your conversation skills

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A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go. A: Hello. B: Hello. A: How are you? B: I am well, and you? A: I am very well, thank you. B: What is you name? A: My name is Sarah. What is your name? B: My name is David. A: It is nice to meet you David. B: It is nice to meet you too, Sarah. A: I hope you have a nice day. B: Thanks. You too. A: So, David, what is your job? B: I am an accountant. A: That's interesting. B: Yes it is. I like helping people. A: I don't have an accountant. B: Well, maybe I could help you. A: That would be great. Thanks. B: What is your job? A: I am a painter. B: Wow. That's is amazing. A: Thanks. I love what I do. B: Me too. A: Do you have any hobbies? B: Yes, I do. A: What are they? B: I like to ride horses and go fishing. A: Cool. Those things are fun. B: Yes they are. Do you have hobbies? A: Yes, I do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like cooking and baking. B: What do you cook? A: I love making cakes. B: I love eating cake! A: What do you think the weather will be like? B: When? A: This weekend. B: I hope it will be sunny. A: Me too. Did you see the weather report. B: No. Did you? A: Yes, but you never know. B: What did it say? A: It said it would rain on Saturday. B: Oh no. A: But the report is not always correct. B: That is true. A: How old are you? B: I am 35 years old. A: Really? You look younger. B: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am 40 years old. B: You also look younger. A: Thank you. Do you have any children? B: Yes, I have 3 sons. A: Wow. That's amazing. B: Do you have any children? A: Yes. I have one daughter. B: You're very lucky. A: What ages are your children? B: Daniel is 3, Jeremy is 6 and Thomas is 12. A: What do they like doing? B: They all love playing outside. A: Do they play video games. B: Jeremy and Thomas do. Daniel is too young. A: My daughter loves video games. B: What is her name? A: My daughter's name is Veronica. B: How old is she? A: She's 7 years old. B: Our kids could play together some day. A: Where are you from? B: I'm from the midwest. A: Really? What state are you from? B: I'm from Iowa. A: What is Iowa like? B: It is very quiet and beautiful. A: It sounds lovely. B: Where are you from? A: I'm from the west coast. B: California? A: That's right. I'm from Los Angeles. B: I bet it's very beautiful there. A: What is you favorite food? B: Pizza! A: I love Pizza too. B: What is your favorite food? A: Sushi. B: Oh, I don't like sushi. A: Why not? B: I don't like fish. A: Oh, well I love it. B: But the fish in sushi isn't cooked. A: Yes, it is delicious. B: Let's agree to disagree. A: Are you going on vacation? B: Yes, I am. A: Where? B: To a beach in Mexico. A: Wow. Is in it the Caribbean? B: Yes it is. Are you going on vacation? A: Yes. I'm going skiing. B: Nice. Where? A: In Colorado. B: I've never been skiing. A: You should! It's so much fun. B: Hopefully I will. A: Are you coming to my party? B: I didn't know you were having a party. A: I am. On Saturday. B: Why are you having a party? A: Because my birthday is on Friday. B: I would love to go. A: Great. You should come with your girlfriend. B: I will. Should I bring anything? A: If you want to bring a drink, that would be great. B: I will. A: Alright, see you Saturday. B: See you! A: Hello, how are you? B: I'm very well. You? A: I'm fine. Thanks. B: What did you do this morning? A: I had coffee and read the newspaper. You? B: I went running with my dog. A: Your dog goes running with you? B: Yes. He loves running. A: That's so cute. What is you dog's name? B: His name in Bengie. A: What kind of dog is he. B: I don't know. He's a mix I think. A: How have you been lately B: I'm fine but a little bit sad. A: Why are you sad? B: Because my girlfriend leave for a trip for 2 months. A: Wow. 2 months is a long time. B: I know. I'm going to miss her. A: I can imagine. Where is she going? B: She's going to India with a friend. A: India! So cool! B: I know. I am also very happy for her. A: Do you like going shopping? B: Depends. Shopping for what? A: Clothes. Do you like going to the mall. B: Well, I like shopping for clothes, but not at the mall. A: Then where do you shop for clothes? B: Usually online. A: Really? I've never shopped online for clothes. B: It's great. You get to shop without going to a busy store. A: But how do you know if the clothes fit? B: You have to measure yourself and pick the right size. A: And the clothes fit? B: Always! A: Oh, no! B: What happened? A: I just found out I have to go to my son's school. B: Why? A: Because he is sick. B: Oh, no. A: I'm sure he'll be fine. I just have to go pick him up. B: Alright. I hope he feels better. A: Thanks, I'll see you later. B: Okay. Should we have coffee sometime? A: Sure! How about Wednesday? B: That works for me. A: Hey do you know who I saw? B: No, who? A: Yesterday I saw David from high school B: Oh, really? How is he doing? A: Really good. He said he just got back from mountain climbing. B: He climbs mountains? That's cool. A: It really is. He says he wants to climb Mount Everest some day. B: I didn't think he liked sports. A: He didn't in high school. He started climbing when he was in college. B: It sounds like a cool sport. A: I know. I would like to try. B: Me too. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes, I love it. A: What kind of movies do you like to watch? B: I like all sorts of movies, but mostly horror films. A: Oh, I don't like horror films. They scare me too much. B: I love getting scared! A: Why. B: It's so much fun. And my girlfriend likes them too. A: Doesn't she get scared? B: Sometimes, but then she holds onto me. A: Ah, I see! It's romantic! B: Haha, yes I guess so! A: Hey, you weren't at Kevin's birthday party. B: Yeah. I didn't really feel like going. A: Why not? It was so much. B: Well, my ex-girlfriend was there. A: Oh, you don't like seeing her? B: Not really. And my new girlfriend gets jealous sometimes. A: I understand. B: Thanks. Was the party fun? A: So much fun. We played games. B: Really? What kind of games? A: Card games, like poker. B: That does sound like fun. A: I'm so worried about the test on Friday. B: What? We have a test? A: Yes, didn't you know? B: No! What is it about? A: It's a geography test. B: Oh, what should I study. A: You have to know all the rivers and mountains in Africa. B: Wow. That's a lot. I should start studying now. A: I need to study too. B: Should we study together? A: That's a great idea. B: Yes. Let's start now. A: Hey, do you think I could borrow 25 dollars? B: Um, sure. But what's it for? A: Well I'm a little bit embarrassed. B: Why? A: I got a parking ticket and I don't get paid until next week. B: When do you have to pay the ticket? A: Today. B: Why didn't you pay it before? A: I forgot about it. And today is the last day I can pay. B: Okay. But I'll need that money back as soon as you can. A: Alright. Thank you so much. B: You're welcome. A: Do you have any plants at your house? B: Yes, I do. What about you? A: Yes. I have many plants. B: What kinds of plants to you have? A: I have flowers and vegetable plants. B: What kinds of vegetables do you grow? A: Mostly tomatoes and lettuce. B: That's great. I grow vegetables too. A: Really? What kinds? B: I grow cabbages and carrots. A: That's amazing. We should share gardening tips. B: Absolutely. A: Hi, how's it going? B: Pretty good, how about you? A: I'm fine. A bit tired though. B: Oh, really? Why? A: Well, I got up at 5:30 am! B: Wow, that's early! Why did you get up so early? A: I had to go pick my mother up from the airport. B: Oh, that's great. Your mom has come to visit? A: Yeah. She's here for about a week. B: That sounds so nice. A: I'm thinking about getting a pet. B: Really? What kind of pet. A: I don't know yet. There are so many options. B: Well, I have a dog, a cat, and a hamster! A: Wow! That's a lot of animals! B: Yeah, I love them all. They're so funny. A: Is the dog a lot of work? B: Yes, I do have to make sure to walk him enough. A: And what about the cat? B: The cat is more independent, but is great at cuddling. A: Maybe I'll get a cat and a dog! B: Great idea. They can keep each other company! A: So, what are you thinking about doing this weekend? B: Well, I'm not sure. A: I heard there's a free music festival, my boyfriend and I are going. B: Really, where? A: In the park? B: Oh, cool. What kind of music will there be? A: Mostly rock, I think. B: Maybe I'll ask my girlfriend if she wants to go. A: Great idea,we can all go together. B: Yeah, it'll be so much fun. A: Absolutely! B: Okay, see you this weekend! A: I'm going to cook dinner for my boyfriend tonight. B: That's a very nice thing to do. A: Yeah, but I don't know what to cook! B: Ha ha, well what do you know how to cook? A: Spaghetti, that's it! B: Well, I'm sure he'd love spaghetti, everybody does! A: Yeah that's true. What do you know how to cook? B: I like to make lasagna. A: Oh, that sounds delicious! B: It is. Would you like me to pass you the recipe? A: That would be amazing. Thank you so much. B: Sure. No problem. A: I'm going to go to the gym tonight. B: Really? I hate going to the gym. A: Oh, yeah? What do you do for exercise? B: I like to go running. A: Really? Where do you go running? B: Mostly at the park, but sometimes around my neighborhood. A: Do you listen to music while you run? B: Oh, of course. It keeps me going. A: I love listening to music at the gym. B: What kinds of things do you do at the gym? A: I love taking Zumba classes. B: Wow. That sounds like fun. A: I have to tell you something. B: What? A: I have a new coworker at work. He's so annoying! B: Ha ha. Oh, no. That's terrible. Why is he annoying? A: He comes over to my desk and eats my snacks. B: What? That's crazy. Have you asked him to stop? A: Yeah, but he just laughs and eats more! B: That's so annoying. A: Tell me about it! B: There's an annoying person at my work too. A: I guess there's one at every workplace. B: That is so true! A: Did you see the new Game of Thrones episode? B: No! And no spoilers! A: I can't believe you haven't seen it yet! B: I haven't had a chance. A: But it's been out for 4 days already. B: I know! And it's all anyone talks about online. A: Have you managed to avoid reading spoilers? B: Yes! I just don't go online until I've seen the episode. A: That seems hard. Why haven't you seen it? B: I've been so busy at work, I've had to work at home too. A: That sounds awful. B: No kidding! A: I'm reading a great book right now. B: Oh really, I don't like reading. A: How can you say that? B: I just find it boring. I'd rather play video games. A: I love reading. I love all sorts of books, especially books about traveling. B: I love video games because you get to play different characters. A: That's the same way I feel about books! B: Interesting. A: Yeah, in books you get to be all sorts of different people. B: Wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. A: Well, maybe I should check out some video games. B: And maybe I should check out some books! A: What do you think about buying art? B: What do you mean? Like posters? A: No, like original pieces of art. B: I don't know, how much does that sort of thing cost. A: Well, anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions. B: Wow, well I guess you'd have to be pretty sure you like it. A: Yeah. There's actually this piece I really love that I'm thinking about buying. B: What is it a picture of? A: It's an abstract painting, so it's not really of anything. B: Weird. So, why do you like it? A: I just do. It's hard to explain. B: Then you should get it! A: I think I'm going to take my niece to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds fun. But aren't zoos a little sad? A: Why do you say that? B: Well, the animals are all locked up. A: Oh, yeah that's true sometimes, but I know of one where they pretty much roam free. B: Oh, well in that case, I think it sounds great. A: Yeah. Animals are so interesting and kids love them. B: I'm sure it's a great way to learn about all sorts of animals. A: It really is. My niece already has a favorite animal and she's only 2. B: Wow. What animal does she like? A: Monkeys. She's obsessed. B: That's really cute. A: Hi, how are you? B: I'm doing great, you? A: I'm really good. B: I'm glad to hear that. A: So, how was your summer? B: Well, it was pretty wonderful. A: Oh, yeah? What did you do? B: I went on vacation with my family. A: Really? Where did you go? B: We went on a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. A: Oh, wow, I've always wanted to go there. B: You should. It's amazing. There is so much history there. A: You have to try this restaurant I went to! B: Oh, really? What kind of food do they serve? A: Thai food! I went there with my boyfriend. B: Thai food? Wow, that sounds delicious. A: Oh, it is. B: What did you have? A: I had pad thai. B: What's that? A: It's a noodle dish with peanuts. I love it. B: Cool! I'll have to try it. Where is the restaurant? A: It's downtown, right on Main St. next to the movie theater. B: Great. Maybe I'll take my girlfriend there and then go see a movie! A: Man, I would love to get out of the city. B: Oh, me too. Do you ever go camping? A: Yes! I love camping. It's such a good escape from everyday life. B: Absolutely! I love camping and cooking over an open fire. A: Me too! I love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sounds. B: Oh yes, but you have to watch out for bears! A: I know, but if you make sure you don't leave food out, it's okay. B: Do you know of any good campsites? A: Yes! There is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B: Cool! You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure. You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes. B: Sounds amazing. Thanks! A: Do you like going to the theater? B: Do you mean the movie theater? A: No, I mean to a play in a theater. B: Oh, yes, in fact I do. I love going to the theater. A: Really? What kind of plays do you like? B: Well, I love Shakespeare! A: Wow, me too. What is your favorite Shakespeare play? B: It's Hamlet. It's such an amazing play. So tragic. A: Yeah, Hamlet's great. I love Romeo and Juliet. B: Me too! We should go to the theater soon. A: I would love that. How about this Saturday? B: That works for me! A: Do you like sports? B: Yeah, I really like football. A: Do you mean football or soccer? B: Oh, I guess I mean soccer. Everywhere else calls it football. A: Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. B: I really hope that I get to go to the World Cup. A: You're going? That's amazing. I'd love to go! B: I'm saving up my vacation time at work so I can go. A: Wow that's so cool. Who do think will win? B: Well, it's hard to say, but I want Argentina to win! A: Why's that? B: Because they have Messi, the best player in the world! A: Hey, I think I'm going to have a party tonight! B: Wow, that sounds like fun! A: Yeah, it's a surprise party for me boyfriend. You should come! B: I'd love to. I've never been to a surprise party before. A: Really? It's going to be so much fun. B: What's the plan? A: I'm going to take my boyfriend to dinner... B: Ah, and that's when we all go in your house? A: Exactly! And when we get in, everyone should jump out and yell, “Surprise!” B: Oh, wow. It's going to be so much fun! A: Yes! B: See you later! A: Did you hear about Sarah? B: No, what happened. A: Oh, she broke her leg! B: No! That's terrible! How? A: I know. She broke it in a skiing accident. B: Oh man, that's bad news. Is she okay? A: Yeah, I think so. But she can't go out. B: Well, we should go visit her and cheer her up! A: Yes, we should. When do you want to go? B: Let's see, I can't tonight, how about tomorrow? A: Works for me. Let's bring her some magazines. B: Great idea! A: Do you think we should go sailing this weekend? B: That sounds like a great idea. A: Right? But I'm a little worried about the weather? B: Really? What is it supposed to be like? A: I saw on the weather report that it will be sunny. B: That sound perfect! A: But it also said that there's a chance of rain. B: Well, maybe we shouldn't risk it. A: Yeah, I'm not sure I want to get stuck in the rain. B: Me neither. A: Let's go see a movie instead. B: Great idea. A: Did I tell you, I'm getting married? B: No, you didn't. Congratulations. A: Thanks. I'm really happy. B: I bet. When did you get engaged? A: Last week! Look at my ring. B: Oh, wow, it's beautiful. A: Thanks. My fiance picked it out. B: So when are you getting married? A: We don't know yet, hopefully in summer. B: Will it be a big wedding. A: Yeah! We both have huge families. B: I'm sure it will be beautiful. A: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? B: Wow, that's a really good question! A: Yeah, so where would you go? B: I don't know. I need to think. A: I know where I would go! B: Really, where? A: To Paris! B: Paris is lovely, but I would go somewhere with a beach. A: Good idea. Where? B: Hmm, somewhere in the South Pacific. A: Wow! That sounds incredible. B: I know. I've always wanted to go.
Channel: Sleep Learning
Views: 1,995,330
Rating: 4.863625 out of 5
Keywords: English listening practice, Learn English, Improve your English conversation, Learn conversation skills, practice English, English conversation while sleeping, Immersive English, listen to English conversation
Id: Eo9MoLxOD8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 306min 5sec (18365 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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